2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-166
Nurma Khusna Khanifa ◽  
Imam Ariono ◽  
Handoyo Handoyo

Maraknya kasus di masyarakat tetang label halal pertama, hasil survey menunjukkan masih banyak produk yang mencantumkan label halal tapi belum memiliki sertifikat halal artinya inisiatif produsen. Kedua, Ditemukan pula ada perusahaan yang telah mencantumkan label halal pada kesemua produknya, padahal mereka baru mendapatkan sertifikat halal hanya untuk satu produk. Kasus tersebut ditemukan ada pada pengusaha kecil yang mayoritas adalah pengusaha lokal dan sering dijuluki pengusaha golongan ekonomi lemah (PEGEL), dengan kata lain, bargaining position golongan ini selalu paling lemah dalam mata rantai industri dan perdagangan. Memang sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal tidak terdapat baik di dalam Al-Qur’an maupun Sunnah, namun dapat dijadikan sebagai al-maṣlaḥah al-mursalah, karena mengandung kemaslahatan (al- maṣlaḥah), agar konsumen dapat langsung membuktikan kehalalan produk secara visible. Islam meletakkan nilai-nilai dasar dalam aspek-aspek ketuhanan dan kemanusiaan melalui syariat, guna menemukan berbagai solusi dari beragam permasalahan yang berkembang di masyarakat, karena itu pula Islam mengakomodasi berbagai kebutuhan manusia berdasarkan ketentuan syara‘, serta tidak memberikan kesulitan bagi ummatnya dengan menciptakan kemaslahatan. Disinilah MUI diuji sebagai otoritas penjamin serta pengawas yang membantu pemerintah dalam memberikan proteksi konsumen dalam mengurangi keresahan dikalangan konsumen

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 336-346
Dhamon Oridilla B

Candi Village in Bandungan District is one of the Chili Supply Sub-district for Semarang Regency and surrounding area has agro-climate suitable for the development of various agricultural commodities supported by wide market opportunity, so it is suitable for agricultural business development. The purpose of this research is to identify the distribution pattern of red pepper, to know each value of commodity chains and distribution, to design alternative distribution pattern of red pepper.Population in this research is 88 respondents from 735 of member of chilli farmer in Desa Candi with total area of 150,3 hectare consisting of rice field, moor and yard. Methods of data analyst using quantitative approach is done by using Margin Marketing Analysis. The results include: (1) The pattern of distribution of existing farming business grows naturally in accordance with the developments and needs of the perpetrators, the actors in this pattern are farmers, wholesalers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, consumers. (2) The value of the red chili commodity chain in this naturally grown pattern often makes pricing more dominant by traders, so farmers receive prices slightly lower than market prices. (3) Some obstacles faced in distributing red peppers are the difficulty of changing the mindset of the community about advanced farming, this is best utilized by market participants (chain of distribution) who are more informed and always keep abreast of market dynamics. Conventional marketing pattern by farmer cause price level accepted by farmer in general relatively smaller compared to price received by trader. Suggestions shorten the chain of distribution patterns, increase the added value of products and improve the bargaining position of farmers and for the government always guide / accompany farmers in getting accurate market information, which can be used as farmers in bargaining, Increased market transparency can act as a trigger for the functioning of a market, improved competition and increased adaptation to meet the needs of supply and opportunity to compete with market prices. Desa Candi di Kabupaten Bandungan adalah salah satu Kecamatan Penyedia Cabai untuk Kabupaten Semarang dan sekitarnya memiliki agroklimat yang cocok untuk pengembangan berbagai komoditas pertanian yang didukung oleh peluang pasar yang luas, sehingga sangat cocok untuk pengembangan bisnis pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola distribusi cabai merah, untuk mengetahui masing-masing nilai rantai komoditas dan distribusi, untuk merancang alternatif pola distribusi cabai merah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 88 responden dari 735 anggota petani cabai di Desa Candi dengan total luas 150,3 hektar yang terdiri dari sawah, tegalan dan pekarangan. Metode analis data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Analisis Pemasaran Margin. Hasil meliputi: (1) Pola distribusi usaha pertanian yang ada tumbuh secara alami sesuai dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan pelaku, pelaku dalam pola ini adalah petani, pedagang besar, pengumpul, pedagang besar, pedagang besar, pengecer, konsumen. (2) Nilai rantai komoditas cabai merah dalam pola yang dikembangkan secara alami ini sering membuat penetapan harga lebih dominan oleh para pedagang, sehingga petani menerima harga yang sedikit lebih rendah daripada harga pasar. (3) Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mendistribusikan paprika merah adalah sulitnya mengubah pola pikir masyarakat tentang pertanian maju, hal ini paling baik digunakan oleh pelaku pasar (rantai distribusi) yang lebih banyak informasi dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan dinamika pasar. Pola pemasaran konvensional oleh petani menyebabkan tingkat harga yang diterima petani pada umumnya relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan harga yang diterima pedagang. Saran mempersingkat rantai pola distribusi, meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan meningkatkan posisi tawar petani dan bagi pemerintah selalu membimbing / menemani petani dalam mendapatkan informasi pasar yang akurat, yang dapat digunakan sebagai petani dalam tawar-menawar, Peningkatan transparansi pasar dapat bertindak sebagai pemicu berfungsinya pasar, meningkatnya kompetisi dan peningkatan adaptasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan dan peluang untuk bersaing dengan harga pasar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (06) ◽  
pp. 20792-20799
I Ketut Sunada ◽  
I Ketut Sandi

Bumdes is a village business unit whose capital comes from village-owned funds . The goal is to float the village potential into an independent village. Thus it takes effort and strategic and appropriate tips to achieve that goal. The first tip is to establish a forum for the development of economic networks in this case is the establishment of BUMDES. Some of the things that can be done are: (i) development of human resources capability so as to provide added value in the management of village economic assets, (ii) integrating rural economic products so as to have good bargaining position in market network, (iii) (iv) strengthening village economic institutions, (v) developing supporting elements such as micro-credit, market information, technological and management support, economic infrastructure and communication networks as well as support for guidance and regulation.

Elements ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Tim Mooney

Federalism has played an important role in the explosion of legalized gambling in the United States in the last two decades. Indian gaming, in particular, has challenged state and national governments to come to terms with the place of American Indian tribes within the federalist system and organize a meaningful framework for the expansion of gaming on tribal lands. Now largely controlled by a federal statutory framework, Indian gaming has left states in a subordinate position in negotiating the establisment of major casino enterprises within their own borders. Confusion in states' rights during negotiations has further weakened their bargaining position, leading to extensive tribal casino development. The cooperation between states and tribes and states and casino corporations have facilitated casino proliferation throughout the United States, a trend that appears destined to contiue until the market is fully saturated.

1996 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 839-859 ◽  
Corinna-Barbara Francis

The literature on the political and economic transition from Communism, developed largely in the context of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, has been dominated by the idea that horizontal forms of social and political association displace the vertically structured, segmented forms of social control and organization which are characteristic of traditional Communist systems. Social forces, by linking together in broadly based, horizontally structured associations such as industry-wide labour unions and associations of private entrepreneurs, are able to break out of the vertical structures of control and strengthen their collective bargaining position vis-a-vis the state. New associations of entrepreneurs, workers, religious organizations and eventually political parties emerge and coalesce and further strengthen the power of civil society against the state. Economic liberalization is seen as a particular catalyst to this process. Market reforms weaken the state's centralized control and enable social forces to mobilize autonomously.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Fuad Hasan ◽  
Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto

Tobacco  has  an important  role  in the  socio-economic  life of  the community, such  as  the  State  in  the  form  of  tax  revenue  and  foreign  exchange  earnings,employment,  the  income  of farmers,  laborers,  and  merchants,  as well as  revenue.  But on  the other hand,  under the pretext of  health,  development  and  trading  of tobacco began  to  get  legalized  opposition  through  regulations.  This  has  an  impact  on  the survival  of tobacco  farming, which in turn  have an impact  on the welfare of  farmers. This  paper  aims  to  discuss  the  prospects  and  challenges  facing  tobacco  farmers  inMadura.  In addition,  tobacco farmers face problems: marketing  systems, productivity, and bargaining position. Alternative solutions are 1) reduction in acreage planted; 2) replacement  of  plants;  3)  low  nicotine  tobacco  cultivation;  4)  diversification  of derivative products; 5) optimization of the institutional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (21) ◽  
pp. 109-121
Péter Balázs

The General Public Health Law (Hauptsanitätsnormativ) as a codified summary of preceding two decades legislation of the 18th century was enacted by Maria Theresa in the Habsburg imperial capital Vienna January 2, 1770. Since in the Hungarian Kingdom all imperial legislation became effective only by the concerning decree of the Royal Governor’s Council, there started a long procedure of application between Vienna and Pozsony (Presburg) the then 109capital of Hungary. Documents of this procedure are available among the scriptures of Royal Governor’s Council in the Central Institute of National Archives of Hungary. The Latin (than official language) version of General Public Health Law titled as Generale Normativum in Re Sanitatis differed necessarily from the original context as a result of specialities of the Hungarian state and local administration. Regarding medical services, because there was no operating medical faculty in the single domestic university, the Hungarian part had a week bargaining position thus the imperial health policy advisors neglected easily all its propositions. Nevertheless, the Governor’s Council tried to analyse critically the rules for medical professionals’ (physicians, surgeons and midwives) services. The present study concerns the one year period of Hungarian legal application based on official letters, commission’s minutes and professional opinions by critical pondering of the dedicated scriptures.

Bukhari Bukhari

The existence of a man and woman who have no kinship so that it is lawful to marry her, in a lonely place without being ac companied by a mahram of the male or female side. This khalwat is a crime that is not subject to hudud punishment and kafarah punishment. This form of khalwat crime is included in the category of ta'zir finger whose number of punishment is not limited. In the Qur'an and Sunnah this khalwat act is highly reproached, but not clearly regulated in the Qur'an and Sunnah. So this act can be entered into the ta'zir group. All deeds that should (need) be forbidden to fulfill the common good (community). This prohibition must necessarily be made on the basis of community agreement / consensus in ways that are considered eligible. In North Aceh, the khalwat actors who are close to the power are hard to touch with the law, it is not surprising to all of us to remember that the law in this country is not yet the commander but the law is merely a bargaining position in everyday life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Andrew B Whitford ◽  
Holona L Ochs

Traditional arguments against women as leaders suggest that women would not be extended the trust necessary for leadership and/or that women undermine their own bargaining position by extending too much trust to others. We examine data from a laboratory test in which pairs of subjects are given the task of negotiating a wage-labor agreement.  We first derive the optimal contract offer for principals and response by agents. We find that men and women do not reach different bargaining outcomes. We also find that women in authority are perceived as more trustworthy than men with authority, and women are no more or less trusting than men of their superiors or subordinates. The perceived trust is not rooted in differential wage terms but is based on the negotiation setting. Thus, women are likely to be extended the trust necessary to lead and are not likely to produce outcomes that are significantly different from men.

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