2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-192
Dyen Laras Shinta

The main indicatorof health in a country is mortality of mother rate. About 20-30%of pregnancy have the risk for baby and mother. It shows less degradation, so the service ofchild and mother health have to be improved. Antenatal care (ANC) have to be improvedbecause it represent the midwife first step to detect early complication. The standard of ANCconsist of 6 standard in applying of 14T’s operational. The one of factors is influencingpregnant mother to do ANC are responsiveness, reability, asurance, emphaty and tangible.The purpose of this research to know the relation of midwife services quality with ANC’s visitregularity of TM III pregnant mother on Puskesmas Penurunan work area in Bengkulu city at2013. This research type is descriptive-analitic with cross sectional approached. The samplewhich used in this research are all TM III pregnant mother at January-April, there are 44people. This research is execute on 2013th 30 May-30 June, use quesioner as primary data.This research result there are most responder said the services quality are less and mostrespondent didn’t do ANC visit regulary and there is indicate relation have meaning bitweeenthe midwife service’s quality with the regularity of ANC’ s visit of TM III pregnant mother(p=0,008) on Puskesmas Penurunan work area on Bengkulu city at 2013. The expected of thisresearch could be used as input to the health’s officer which related to regularity ANC’s visitof TM III pregnant mothers and the midwife quality’s service on Puskesmas Penurunan workarea on Bengkulu city at 2013.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Berhanu Abebaw Mekonnen ◽  
Yadeta Dessie ◽  
Negga Baraki ◽  
Abdu Oumer ◽  
Mehari Gebru

<p>Iron and folic acid supplementation is the key approach for anemia prevention and control during pregnancy. In Ethiopia only &lt;1% of pregnant mothers ingest the ideal number of tablets. Although, adherence is the most important challenge, literature is dearth and the predictors are undoubtedly recognized. Institution based quantitative cross sectional study design triangulated with qualitative methods was employed among 395 systematically selected pregnant mothers attending antenatal care in Debre Markos town, Ethiopia. Data were collected using interviewer administered structured questionnaire. Data were entered into Epi data and exported to SPSS software. Bivariate and multivariable Logistic regression with the 95% confidence interval was computed. P-value &lt; 0.05 was declared as statistically significant. Eight in-depth interviews were conducted. The data were entered and analyzed using open code software. Adherence rate was 55.5% (95%CI, 50.5%-60.4%). Pregnant mothers who had; history of anemia during current pregnancy [AOR:7.9, 95%CI (4.44-14.01)], primary education (AOR:4.0, 95%CI (1.88-8.54)], secondary education and above (AOR:3.6, 95%CI (1.20-6.94)], good knowledge of iron and folic acid supplementation [AOR:2.1, 95%CI (1.24-3.56)], and early registration for antenatal care (AOR:1.8, 95%CI (1.06-3.11)] were predictors of iron and folic acid supplementation adherence. The rate of adherence was low. Getting medical advice and fear of illness if missed were the primary reasons that enforce mothers to take the tablets. Hence, improving mothers’ knowledge regarding overall aspects of the tablet through better advice, community teaching and the mass media at large, would improve adherence.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ani Sukarsih Ani Sukarsih ◽  
Pulung Siswantara Pulung Siswantara

Assistance for pregnant mother is one out of many government’s programs to reduce MaternalMortality Rate (or MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR). This program is being particularly focusedon high-risk group of pregnant mothers, is a kind of fi eld activity to improve the welfare of the mother.Assistance itself in the implementation can not be separated from social capital. Assistance providedto pregnant mothers by health cadres itself is a manifestation of active roles in the community in whichthe cadres play continuous role in interaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze social capitalin ‘assistance for pregnant mother’ program. The study applied cross-sectional study design with aquantitative approach on as many as 35 pregnant mothers who were included in “assistance for pregnantmother” in Surabaya. Sampling was carried out using cluster random sampling. The independentvariables were the confi dence, norms and network while the dependent one was assistance for pregnantmother. Data analysis was performed using Spearman correlation test. The results showed that as manyas 21 respondents (or 60.0%) had high levels of social capital, 20 respondents (57.1%) had a moderatelevel of trust towards the cadres as a mentor, 29 respondents (82.9%) thought to have owned norms thatwere supporting assistance for pregnant mother and 14 respondents (40.0%) thought that their networkswere supporting the assistance. Spearman test indicated that no relationship was existed between socialcapital and assistance for pregnant mother, elements in social capital that had a relationship with theassistance for pregnant mother were the trust and norms.Keywords: Social capital, Assistance program, pregnant mother

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 521
Ahsani Maulidina ◽  
Syukur Ghazali ◽  
Nurchasanah Nurchasanah

<div align="center"><table width="645" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="439"><p class="Abstract"><strong>Abstract:</strong> The development of a child’s sentences is influenced by the development of his age. The development of a child’s sentences is seen based on the suitability of the word selection with the meaning between predicate and argumen (s-select) and suitability of the categorial selection with the sentence element function between predicate and argumen (c-select). This study aims to describe the development of s-select and c-select in sentences of children 4-9 years old. This research uses qualitative approach. This research type is cross-sectional. Data in this research are children’s sentences containings-select and c-select from children utterances 4-9 years old. There are 3 research result from s-select sentences (1) children aged 4-8 years mastering 11 theta roles and children aged 9 years 13 theta roles, (2) there are 4 kinds of s-select sentences based on the number of the theta roles present, and (3) there are 3 theta roles that can occupy in external arguments, 3 theta roles in internal arguments, 6 theta roles in complement, and 6 theta roles in adjunct. There are 2 research result from c-select sentences (1) child sentences are developed with lexical core V, N, Adj, Num. and Prep and (2) External and internal arguments with categories FN, FN with adjunct, FN coordination, complement with categories FN, FN with adjunct, FN coordination, FA, FV, FNum, and FPrep, and adjunct categorized as FN, FA, and FPrep in sentences with FV predicate, while the other four sentences with FN and FPrep as adjunct.</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong>: </strong>Perkembangan kalimat anak dipengaruhi perkembangan usianya. Perkembangan kalimat anak dilihat dari kesesuaian pemilihan kata dengan makna antara predikat dengan argumennya (<em>s-select</em>) dan kesesuaian pemilihan komponen kategori frasa dengan fungsi unsur kalimat antara predikat dengan argumennya (<em>c-select</em>). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan <em>s-select</em> dan <em>c-select </em>dalam kalimat anak usia 4-9 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah <em>cross-sectional research</em> (lintas-seksi). Data penelitian ini adalah kalimat anak yang mengandung <em>s-select </em>dan <em>c-select</em> yang bersumber dari tuturan anak usia 4-9 tahun. Hasil penelitian perkembangan kalimat secara <em>s-select </em>ada tiga, yaitu (1) anak usia 4-8 tahun menguasai 11 peran theta dan anak usia 9 tahun 13 peran theta, (2) ada empat macam <em>s-select</em> kalimat berdasarkan jumlah peran theta yang hadir, dan (3) ada tiga peran theta yang dapat menduduki argumen luar, tiga peran theta pada argumen dalam, enam peran theta pada komplemen, dan enam peran theta pada keterangan tambahan. Hasil penelitian perkembangan kalimat secara <em>c-select </em>ada dua, yaitu (1) kalimat anak dikembangkan dengan inti leksikal V, N, Adj, Num, dan Prep dan (2) argumen luar dan dalam dengan kategori FN, FN berpenjelas dan FN koordinasi, komplemen dengan kategori FN, FN berpenjelas, FN koordinasi, FV, FA, FNum, dan FPrep, dan keterangan tambahan berkategori FN, FA, dan FPrep pada kalimat berpredikat FV, sedangkan keempat kalimat berpredikat yang lain berkategori FN dan FPrep pada keterangan tambahannya.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

2019 ◽  
Asmamaw Demis ◽  
Getnet Gedefaw

Abstract Objective: this study aimed to assess the magnitude of knowledge on anemia and benefit of iron-folic-acid supplementation among pregnant mothers who gave birth at public health facilities in Woldia town, 2018. An institution based cross-sectional study design was conducted, on 414 pregnant mothers attending antenatal care which was selected by using systematic random samplings. The data was entered into Epi-data version 4.2 and analyzed using SPSS version 24. Bivariable and multivariable analysis was done to see the association between the dependent variable and independent variables. Results: this study revealed that 54.1% and 57.7% of pregnant women had good knowledge on anemia and benefit of IFAS respectively. Maternal education status (AOR=2.19, 95%CI: 1.32-3.64), good knowledge of IFAS (AOR=5.85, 95%CI: 3.60-9.50) and residence (AOR=5.43, 95%CI: 2.36-12.51) was statistically associated with pregnant mothers knowledge on anemia. Obtained counseling IFAS (AOR=2.04, 95%CI: 1.11-3.75), having four or more antenatal care visit (AOR=3.12, 95%CI: 1.38-7.07) and good knowledge of anemia (AOR=5.88, 95%CI: 3.63-9.50) was statistically associated with pregnant mothers knowledge on the benefit of IFAS. Keywords: Knowledge, anemia, pregnant mother, Woldia town

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Alfi Syahar Yakub ◽  
Iwan Sain ◽  
Sukma Saeni

Preeclampsia is the onset of hypertension with proteinuria due to pregnancy, after 20 weeks' gestation or immediately after delivery. These symptoms can occur before 20 weeks if trophoblastic disease occurs. This study aims to determine the relationship between age and maternal parity with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women in the work area of the Puskesmas Mangasa, Makassar City. The research design used in this study was descriptive analytic research with a cross sectional study design. Conducted from July to October 2018, with a sample of 70 respondents. In this study showed that there was no relationship between the age of pregnant women and the incidence of preeclampsia with a value of p (1.00)> 0.05 and there was no relationship between parity and the incidence of preeclampsia with a value of p (1.00)> 0.05. It is recommended for health workers to be intensive in detecting the presence of preeclampsia in pregnant women and counseling about the importance of routine antenatal care to as early as possible be aware of the risk of the occurrence of preeclampsia-eclampsia in pregnancy and for further researchers, further research is needed to find factors related to the incidence of preeclampsia so that the results are in accordance with the theory, such as parity, hypertension history and Antenatal Care examination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Rika Aprilia ◽  
Novita Aulia Effendy ◽  
Feni Choirun Nisa ◽  
Ratna Dwi Wulandari

Background: A preliminary study at Mother and Child Hospital of Nyai Ageng Pinatih, Gresik, showed a gap between the number of pregnant women conducting antenatal examinations and the number of deliveries at the hospital in 2011. The number of pregnant women visits for antenatal care was relatively high. It is known that the average number of pregnant mothers giving birth at Mother and Child Hospital of Nyai Ageng Pinatih in 2011 was only 53.85%.  Aims: This study aimed to analyse the effect of maternal behaviour on the pre-purchasing stage during pregnancy in choosing a birth location.Methods: This research was an analytical study with a cross sectional design. The population of this study was 235 mothers who completed the antenatal care at Mother and Child Hospital of Nyai Ageng Pinatih and were predicted to give birth around March to May 2012. The sample size was 75 people determined by using a cluster sampling method. Each independent variable was tested by identifying the influence on the choice of birth location by using univariate logistic regression with α value of <0.05.  Results: The results of this study indicated that maternal behaviour in the pre-purchasing stage of delivery services consists of 3 stages (identification of needs, information seeking, and evaluation of alternatives) that influence the choice of birth place by pregnant mothers. It showed that the pre- purchasing stage has an impact on the choice of delivery place.Conclusions: The mother's behavior at the pre-purchasing stage during pregnancy influences the choice of delivery place inside and outside Mother and Child Hospital of Nyai Ageng Pinatih. Providing information about maternity care and delivery services can promote services provided at the hospital. The hospital should provide brochures about available services, post posters about health service options available, and promote delivery services conducted by obstetricians or midwives as an alternative delivery service. Keywords: Mother’s behaviour, Pre-purchasing stage, Selection of delivery location.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Kliwon Kliwon ◽  
Ari Sarwanto

Background: Many studies have shown how important psychological roles are when enhancing an athlete's ability to deal with match situations. Psychological changes when comparing namely the increase in the ability of athletes to accept stress (pressure), keep concentrating, have a mental toughness (mental toughness) so as to overcome heavier opposition (Hastria Effendi, 2016: 23). Disability sports problems are closely related to psychological problems and symptoms of their athletes. Maximum achievement can be achieved by an athlete who is truly ready to compete with all his abilities. The readiness in question is the physical and psychological aspects of the athlete concerned.The research purpose was determined the effect of emotional regulation activation on the disability athletes’ performance in NPC of Surakarta City. Methods: The research type is quantitative research with analytic observational design through a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted at NPC of Surakarta City. The research population was the Athletes of NPC of Surakarta City. The number of NPC athletes in the Surakarta city which became the researech population amounted to 160 athletes. The sampling technique was used random sampling. Collecting data techniques were used questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Result:  The hypothesis testing was used Product Moment Correlation techniques. Conclusion: The research result was showed that there was a close influence between the emotions regulation on the performance of the NPC Surakarta athletes ( tcount > ttable ( (8.685> 1.571 ) )

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yohannes Moges ◽  
Solomon Adanew Worku ◽  
Abrhaley Niguse ◽  
Bayew Kelkay

Background. Unplanned pregnancy is a fundamental concept that is used to recognize the fertility of populations and the unmet need for contraception and family planning. Unplanned pregnancy happened mainly due to the results of not using contraception or inconsistent or incorrect use of effective methods. Reducing the number of unplanned pregnancy endorses reproductive health mainly by reducing the number of times a woman is exposed to the risk of pregnancy and childbearing. Objective. This study is aimed at assessing the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and associated factors among pregnant mothers attending antenatal care at Suhul General Hospital, Northern Ethiopia. Methods. A facility-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among pregnant mothers visiting antenatal care follow-up from February to April 2018 at Suhul General Hospital, Shire, and Northern Ethiopia. The study participants were selected using a systematic sampling method, and the data was collected using a pretested structured questionnaire through face-to-face interviews. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done to determine the association of each independent variable with the dependent variable. Result. The magnitude of unplanned pregnancy among 379 pregnant mothers was 20.6%. Unmarried women [AOR: 4.73, 95% CI: (1.56, 14.33)], age above forty [AOR: 4.17, 95% CI: (1.18, 14.6)], had no history of unplanned pregnancy [AOR: 3.26 95% CI: (1.65, 6.44)], and unemployed [AOR: 6.79; 95% CI: (2.05, 22.46)] were the variables significantly associated with the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy. Conclusion and Recommendation. The findings of this study showed that the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy was high and age, marital status, occupation, and history of unplanned pregnancy were statistically associated with an unplanned pregnancy. There is seeming necessity to plan strategies of communication within couples or individuals on reproductive especially on fertility and promote family planning methods.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Bizuayehu Bogale ◽  
Ayalew Astatkie ◽  
Negash Wakgari

Background. Pregnant mothers’ forum is the innovative intervention strategy being implemented in Ethiopia to facilitate birth preparedness and complication readiness practice. However, its effect on birth preparedness and complication readiness has not been investigated. Objective. This study assessed the association of participation in pregnant mothers’ forum with birth preparedness and complication readiness plan among pregnant women in Dale District. Methods. A community-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among 604 pregnant women (302 who were forum members [exposed] and 302 who were forum nonmembers [unexposed]). Multistage sampling technique was used to select respondents. Data were collected door to door using a pretested and structured questionnaire through face-to-face interview. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version-20. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify the effect of pregnant mothers’ forum membership on birth preparedness and complication readiness adjusting for other variables. Results. About 22.5% of pregnant women were well prepared for birth. A quarter (25.8%) of the women was prepared for the anticipated complications of whom 20.7% were the forum members. Being pregnant mother’s forum member (AOR=2.86, 95% CI=1.50,5.44), having focused counseling (AOR=3.73, 95% CI=1.17,11.83), monthly income (AOR=2.55, 95% CI=1.44,4.51), having antenatal care (AOR=3.73,95% CI=1.05,13.21), and institutional delivery during last birth (AOR=2.41, 95% CI=1.38,4.22) were significantly associated with birth preparedness. Similarly, being forum members (AOR=3.55, 95%CI=2.18, 5.78) and having antenatal care attendance before or at four months of gestational age (AOR=3.16, 95%CI=2.04, 4.91) were found to be predictors of complication readiness. Conclusion. In this study, birth preparedness and complication readiness is found to be low. However, it was significantly higher among forum members compared to forum nonmembers. Hence, efforts should be targeted to strengthen the pregnant mothers’ forum and enroll the pregnant women to antenatal care service at early stage of the pregnancy.

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