scholarly journals Hubungan Kemasyarakatan Muslim dengan Non-Muslim Mengikut Perspektif Maqasid Syariah di Malaysia

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Nur Mohammad Hadi Zahalan ◽  
Meryem Abous ◽  
Ahmad Syukran Bharuddin

This article discusses the views of the Quran and the As-Sunnah in celebrating the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in framework of the Maqasid Shariah in Malaysia. The diversity of races and religions in Malaysia is unique and it is also an endless blessing. The tolerance inherit in Islam cause the relationship of community can be built well, it also allows us to respect each other and also one of the proof or sign of the Allah’s greatness and supremacy that has created humans in all kinds, shapes and cultures. Thus, by understanding the objectives of Islam in social relations, it will establish unity between one nation to another, where they complement each other for the purpose of peace and prosperity in a country. The differences in religion are not the cause of a country’s decline because Islam has never prevented them from practicing what they believe and they obey. It is based on Allah’s word “For your religion and for me is my religion” ( Al-Kafirun:6).The purpose of this study  was to look the extent of community relations of Muslim and non-Muslims in Malaysia. This research will use the library research method and great scripture (kitab) as a reference. The result of the study will be suggested to the appropriate authorities to create a policy or base that can maintain the unity of society. ABSTRAK Artikal ini membincangkan mengenai pandangan Al-Quran dan As-sunnah dalam meraikan hubungan antara muslim dengan non-muslim dalam kerangka Maqasid Syariah Di Malaysia. Kepelbagaian bangsa dan agama di Malaysia merupakan satu keunikan dan ia juga satu nikmat yang tidak terhingga. Toleransi yang terdapat dalam Agama Islam  menyebabkan hubungan kemasyarakatan dapat dibina dengan baik, ia membolehkan kita saling hormat menghormati antara satu sama yang lain serta ia juga salah satu bukti kehebatan dan keagungan Allah yang menciptakan manusia dari pelbagai jenis rupa, bentuk dan budaya. Maka dengan memahami objektif Islam dalam hubungan kemasyarakatan, ia bakal mewujudkan kesatuan antara satu bangsa dengan bangsa yang lain, yang mana ia saling melengkapkan diantara mereka bagi tujuan keamanan dan kesejahteraan dalam sesebuah negara. Perbezaan agama bukanlah menjadi penyebab akan kemunduran sesebuah negara, malahan Islam tidak pernah menghalang untuk mereka mempraktikan apa yang mereka yakini dan anuti. Ia berdasarkan Firman Allah "Bagi kamu ugama kamu, dan bagiku ugamaku"(Al-Kafirun: 6). Tujuan kajian ini dibuat adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana hubungan kemasyarakatan muslim dengan non-muslim di Malaysia. Kajian ini juga akan menggunakan metod perpustakaan dan menjadikan kitab-kitab yang mu’tabar sebagai rujukan. Hasil dapatan kajian akan dicadangkan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan agar dibuat satu dasar yang boleh menjaga pepaduan kemasyarakatan.

Zikrullah Nuzuli ◽  
Azman Ismail

The method of dialog (conversational Method) is one method of teaching foreign languages ​​such as Arabic, English, or other languages ​​by directly inviting students to dialogue / speak with the foreign language being taught. Playing drama is one way to make it easier for students to remember Arabic vocab. The conversational method intended here is a way of teaching by dramatizing behavior in the form of social relations. As for the problems that researchers get at the modern Babun Najah boarding school, some students at the Modern Pesantren Babun Najah are less able to understand the language when dialoguing with Arabic with their friends well and it is also difficult to pronounce the Arabic language. From these problems the researcher wants to discuss research entitled "Muhadatsah learning through the dramatization method to improve students' ability to engage in dialogue using Arabic."  The research method used by researchers in writing this thesis is an quasi experiment, this method which launches the design of a study, which aims to examine the relationship of cause and effect to the cause of the phenomenon. The mujtama 'in this study were students of class 1 Aliyah Modern Islamic Boarding School Babun Najah Ulee Kareng where students numbered 151 people, and the sample was class 1 MIA 4 students, amounting to 32 people, viewed from the learning aspects and the results of research has been done on that class is increasing. The Muhadatsah learning through the method of dramatization can improve students' ability in dialogue by using Arabic language because it can be seen through the value of to and it is clear that the value of 22.03% is higher than the percentage value of 5% = 2.04 and 1% 2.75. While the motivation of students in dialogue by using drama achieves excellent value categories.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Afdal Afdal ◽  
Putri Fakhrina Sari ◽  
Miftahul Fikri ◽  
Ifdil Ifdil ◽  
Zadrian Ardi

The purpose of this study was to find out how the dynamics of forgiveness of domestic violence victims. Anything that is the reason for the victim chooses to provide forgiveness and maintain the relationship of his household. The method used in this article is the library research method. The results of this study indicate that victims of domestic violence choose to provide forgiveness because it is influenced by certain factors. This factor becomes a force of the victim to maintain his household relationship. As for some of these factors, such as the presence of children, feeling ashamed to report the treatment of their husbands, not having a job so that they depend on living fully with their husbands and considering the length of marriage that has been fostered together.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 391-404
Nur Khasanah ◽  
Achmad Irwan Hamzani

AbstractThis study discusses the relation between religion and democracy; critical examination of the existence of Islamic parties in Indonesia. This study is a qualitative study based on library (library research). The approach used is descriptive qualitative which aims to illustrate or describe the reality that exists or what is happening or the actual reality of the object under study. Then interpreted in the form of a report. The approach used is the cultural anthropology approach. The results of this study indicate that Muslims interpret the relationship of religion and democracy to occur in three models, namely the negative, neutral and positive models. In the context of Islamic political parties in Indonesia, the basic problem is the inability of parties to package democratic issues, starting from the emergence of religious sentiment, politicization of religion, political pragmatism in PKS parties. Furthermore, the PPP party has problems with party regeneration, leadership dualism, and political attitudes. Whereas the UN party is seen in the absence of a leader figure and political culture.Keywords: Religion, Democracy, Islamic Party AbstrakStudi ini membahas tentang relasi agama dan demokrasi; telaah kritis eksistensi Partai-Partai Islam di Indonesia. Kajian ini merupakan studi kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan (library research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran atau mendeskripsikan kenyataan yang ada atau apa yang terjadi atau kenyataan sebenarnya pada obyek yang diteliti. Kemudian diinterprestasikan dalam bentuk laporan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan antropologi budaya. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa kaum muslim memaknai bahwa relasi agama dan demokrasi terjadi dalam tiga model, yakni model negatif, netral, dan positif. Dalam konteks partai-partai politik Islam di Indonesia, problem mendasar adalah ketidakmampuan partai dalam mengemas isu-isu demokrasi, mulai dari muncul sentimen keagamaan, politisasi agama, pragmatisme politik pada partai PKS. Selanjutnya pada partai PPP terdapat masalah pada kaderisasi partai, dualisme kepemimpinan, dan sikap politik. Sedangkan pada partai PBB terlihat pada ketiadaan figur pemimpin  dan kultur politik.Kata Kunci: Agama, Demokrasi, Partai Islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-272
Venelin Terziev ◽  
Preslava Dimitrova

The social policy of a country is a set of specific activities aimed at regulating the social relations between different in their social status subjects. This approach to clarifying social policy is also called functional and essentially addresses social policy as an activity to regulate the relationship of equality or inequality in society. It provides an opportunity to look for inequalities in the economic positions of individuals in relation to ownership, labor and working conditions, distribution of income and consumption, social security and health, to look for the sources of these inequalities and their social justification or undue application.The modern state takes on social functions that seek to regulate imbalances, to protect weak social positions and prevent the disintegration of the social system. It regulates the processes in society by harmonizing interests and opposing marginalization. Every modern country develops social activities that reflect the specifics of a particular society, correspond to its economic, political and cultural status. They are the result of political decisions aimed at directing and regulating the process of adaptation of the national society to the transformations of the market environment. Social policy is at the heart of the development and governance of each country. Despite the fact that too many factors and problems affect it, it largely determines the physical and mental state of the population as well as the relationships and interrelationships between people. On the other hand, social policy allows for a more global study and solving of vital social problems of civil society. On the basis of the programs and actions of political parties and state bodies, the guidelines for the development of society are outlined. Social policy should be seen as an activity to regulate the relationship of equality or inequality between different individuals and social groups in society. Its importance is determined by the possibility of establishing on the basis of the complex approach: the economic positions of the different social groups and individuals, by determining the differences between them in terms of income, consumption, working conditions, health, etc .; to explain the causes of inequality; to look for concrete and specific measures to overcome the emerging social disparities.

Clemens Felix Setiyawan ◽  
Dyah Murwaningrum

Nowadays, music creation, collaboration, and publication are easier because of technology. Most young generations have sent music data, made, sold, bought music files on the internet. This changed music processes certainly resulted in different outcomes. Listening and creating music by new means, can change music itself. Technology has simplified tools, and the internet has simplified the distance. But new problems and questions have been found. How were the internet and technology influenced the quality of music, music creator, music appreciator and the form of music. The aims of this research to determine the relationship between music, technology, and the internet, through behavior of the young generation. This study was qualitative research that used observations and unstructured interviews. In subsequent observations, participant-observer was chosen as an advanced research method to better understand existing phenomena. The result of observations and interviews were interpreted, then presented descriptively. This research used theory by Don Ihde that technology has three characteristics (1) material (2) used (3)relationship of human and tools. The result of this research is internet influenced music quality and human appreciation. Technology changed the way humans create music.

Isra Shengul Chebi ◽  
Dilshat Karimova

Defined both in an individual and in a social or cultural context, identity is a historical phenomenon; a consistent, complete sense of identity develops in the historical process. Social relations created by historical conditions shape Turkish identity, just like other collective identities. Revealed as one of the oldest nations in history, Turkish identity has also been shaped by the amalgamation of the effects created by the rule of law in the collective consciousness. Despite the fact that the length of the historical process makes it difficult to clearly identify the stages of the adventure, when studying Turkish identity it is necessary to look at the Ottoman Empire, which is a prerequisite for the modern Turkish state, and the self-identification of the society that feels belonging to the above state. Indeed, it is not very wrong to associate the phenomenon of identity as a topic of discussion with the relationship of the Ottoman state with the modern nation states of the West. In this context, it would be appropriate to touch upon the perception of identity in the Ottoman Empire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (316) ◽  
pp. 441
Welder Lancieri Marchini ◽  
Renan Silva Carletti

O presente artigo discute a noçao de corpo a partir do filósofo contemporâneo Byung-Chul Han e como ela pode oferecer caminhos para pensar a constituição do sujeito na atualidade. Partiremos da exposição dos conceitos de positividade e negatividade descritos em A Sociedade do Cansaco e em outras obras do autor. Em seguida, abordaremos a relação do corpo com a liberdade e pornografia. Por último, mostraremos como a inserção e o reconhecimento do sujeito em suas relações sociais pode sugerir um caminho possível para ultrapassar o excesso de positividade característico de nossa época. Abstract: This article discusses the notion of body from the contemporary philosopher Byung-Chul Han and how it can offer ways to think about the subject’s constitution today. We will start from the exposition of the concepts of positivity and negativity described in The Burnout Socieity and other works by the author. Next, we will address the relationship of the body to freedom and pornography. Finally, we will show how the subject’s insertion and recognition in his social relations can suggest a possible way to overcome the excess of positivity characteristic of our time.Keywords: Freedom; Pornography; Subject; Transparency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Julianto Julianto ◽  
Izma Daud ◽  
Sari Milyati

Abstrak  Latar Belakang :Access block adalah situasi dimana pasien yang mengalami lama rawat di IGD 6 karena kurangnya akses ke ruang rawat inap dan kepadatan jumlah pasien yang tidak terkendali, dampaknya ditemukan bahwa semakin lama access block  semakin tinggi pula perburukan pasien dalam 24 jam.Tujuan : ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan access block dengan perburukan kondisi pasien di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.Metode :Penelitian menggunakan desain analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel yang diambil berjumlah 40 orang dengan teknik pengambilan accidental sampling. Analisis data melalui uji spearman rank.Hasil : Hasil uji dipapatkan nilai p hitung 0,000 (0,05) ada hubungan antara access block dengan perburukan kondisi pasien di instalasi gawat darurat RSUD Ulin Banjarmasi.Simpulan: Berdasarka hasil penelitian Ada hubungan antara access block dengan perburukan kondisi pasien di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin dengan nilai P= 0,000 nilai α = 0,05 dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,588 Kata kunci: Access Block, Perburukan Pasien. Abstract Background :Access block is a situation where patients who experience length of stay in the ED 6 due to lack of access to the inpatient room and uncontrolled density of patients, it is found that the longer the access block the higher the deterioration of patients in 24 hours.Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship of access block with deteriorating condition of patients in Emergency Installation Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin.Method : The research method uses an analytical design with a cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken is 40 people using the accidental sampling technique. Data analysis through spearman rank test.Result: The test results obtained p value calculated 0,000 (0.05) there is a relationship between the access block and deterioration of the patient's condition at the Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital emergency department.Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, there is a relationship between the access block and the worsening of the patient's condition at the Emergency Department of RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin with a value of P = 0.000 value α = 0.05 with a correlation coefficient value of 0.588. Keywords: Access Block, Patient worsening 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 129

This study aims to find out the Angkola ethnic kinship system, to know Angkolagondang shape and to interpret the relationship of gondang and the ethnickinship system of Angkola. This research is based on a theoretical explainingthe understanding of gondang and the Angkola ethnic kinship system by usingthe theory of deconstruction, semiotics and ethnomusicology. This researchwas conducted from September 2017 to October 2017 in Kecamatan Arse,Simangambat Street, KM. 11, Arse Nauli. The research method used isdescriptive qualitative. The population in the study was non-existent and theresearch sample consisted of five indigenous figures and Angkola artists. Theresearch result explores that gondang and relatives of ethnic Angkola areneeded in showing their identity as ancestral cultural heritage which deservesto be appreciated by society. The relationship between gondang and the ethnickinship system of Angkola states that gondang is a representation of the kinshipsystem by looking at the relationship between each instrument in Angkolagondang ensemble which is a manifestation of na tolu transition in traditionalceremony.

Heri Herdiawanto ◽  
Valina Singka Subekti

This study examines Hamka's political thinking about Islam and the State in the Basic State debate that took place in the Constituent Assembly 1956-1959. Hamka belongs to the basic group of defenders of the Islamic state with Mohammad Natsir in the Masyumi faction, fighting for Islamic law before other factions namely the Nationalists, Communists, Socialists, Catholics-Protestants and members of the Constituent Assembly who are not fractured. Specifically examines the issue of why Islam is fought for as a state basis by Hamka. and how Hamka thought about the relationship between Islam and the state. The research method used is a type of library research with literature studies or documents consisting of primary and secondary data and reinforced by interviews. The theory used in this study is the theory of religious relations (Islam) and the state. This study found the first, according to Hamka, the Islamic struggle as the basis of the state was as a continuation of the historical ideals of the Indonesian national movement. The second was found that the constituent debate was the repetition of Islamic and nationalist ideological debates in the formulation of the Jakarta Charter. Third, this study also found Hamka's view that the One and Only God Almighty means Tauhid or the concept of the Essence of Allah SWT. The implication of this research theory is to strengthen Islamic thinking legally formally, that is thinking that requires Islam formally plays a major role in state life. The conclusion is that Indonesian society is a heterogeneous society in terms of religion. This means that constitutionally the state recognizes the diversity of religions embraced by the Indonesian people and guarantees the freedom of every individual to embrace religion and realize the teachings he believes in all aspects of life. Hamka in the Constituent Assembly stated that the struggle to establish a state based on Islam rather than a secular state for Islamic groups was a continuation of the ideals of historical will.

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