Socio-psychological specificity of modeling of inter-social communication in the societical industry professions

Igor Zhigarenko

The presented research direction is focused on modeling of interpersonal communication in professions of socio-economic type. The relevance of studying the problem of psycholinguistic peculiarities of modeling interpersonal communication in professions of the socio-economic type is conditioned by the increasing role of professionalism in the information society; the emergence of new communicative professions of the socio-economic type; changing socially approved norms of the role behavior of professionals of the socio-economic profession, especially those related to interpersonal interaction; increasing the share of creative work related to interpersonal relationships; the increasing role of each professional and the need for coordination of actions and understanding of each other by experts from different fields and different social groups; awareness of communication as an important part of effective work in socio-economic professions; formation of new requirements for professionalism, including - communicative competence, as an indicator of the skill of a specialist. As a result of the research, invariant linguistic formulas have been singled out, which help to increase the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in professional socio-economic activity and its correction by influencing the linguistic consciousness of specialists of the socio-economic profile. The empirical data obtained suggest that the structural-semantic features of linguistic dialogue, as mono-rhetorical expression, depend both on the level of linguistic culture and on the personal characteristics of specialists of the socio-economic profile. The area of recognition of professional deformation has been expanded through the study of linguistic formulas, which, on the one hand, preserves the resources of the specialist, avoids the syndrome of professional burnout, on the other - prevents failure in the intercultural communication of specialists socio-economic profile.

2013 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
Toon Taris ◽  
Irene Houtman ◽  
Wilmar Schaufeli

Burnout: the state of the art Burnout: the state of the art This manuscript presents an overview of the state-of-the-art in burnout research. Burnout is a work-related syndrome of extreme fatigue (exhaustion), distancing from work (cynicism), and low levels of professional efficacy, that is rooted in either the characteristics of one’s job or on individual’s way of coping with these characteristics. Being a work-related phenomenon, burnout can be distinguished from other, more general mental illness such as depression. Further, burnout and engagement can be distinguished as well.Burnout can be assessed by asking workers about their personal and subjective experience of their health. Objective ways of measuring burnout (e.g., using psychophysiological measures) have as yet not been useful. The emphasis on burnout as a work-related phenomenon is also evident from current theoretical perspectives. On the one hand, these perspectives highlight the role of work-related factors, whereas on the other hand these perspectives focus on the role of personality characteristics such as neuroticism and (over-)commitment. Burnout affects the organization as well as individual workers; it is related to elevated levels of sickness absence, a higher risk of work disability, and a lower level of work performance. Both person-directed and organization-directed interventions may affect burnout positively.

2019 ◽  
Dorota Reis ◽  
Elisabeth Prestele

Psychological detachment has been proposed to be a mediator of the relations between an individual’s responses to stressful work-related experiences and mid- and long-term health. However, the number of studies that have specifically examined the role that personal characteristics play in these associations is considerably small. One personal characteristic that might specifically interfere with psychological detachment is perfectionism, which has been considered an important vulnerability factor for the development of psychological disorders. Hence, the goal of this registered report was to extend research on psychological detachment by introducing trait and state perfectionism as moderators of the aforementioned relations. We conducted an experience sampling study with three measurement occasions per day over the course of 3 working weeks (N = 158 employees; M = 41.6; 67% women). Multilevel path models showed that perfectionistic concerns consistently determined strain responses at between- and within-levels of analyses even after the effects of job demands (i.e., unfinished tasks and role ambiguity) and detachment were accounted for. However, we found no evidence for the proposed moderation effects. The theoretical implications for the understanding of the processes proposed in the stressor-detachment model are discussed.

Lytvynenko A.O.

Purpose is to substantiate the peculiarities of adaptation to the role of the mother among women with children of different ages in modern conditions.Methods. The article presents guidelines for studying the psychology of motherhood and training in this field. Motherhood is studied in psychology in various aspects, psychological schools and areas. There are many scientific and popular science publications on this issue. Various aspects of maternal behavior are affected in the psychology of personality, in child psychology, pedagogical psychology. The importance of maternal behavior for child development, its complex structure and path of development, the multiplicity of cultural and individual options as well as a huge number of modern studies in this area allow us to speak about the special relevance of studying motherhood as a psychological phenomenon. Results. Differences in the emotional experiences of women associated with the first and second pregnancies are revealed. Both pregnancies caused joyful experiences in most of the women who participated in our study. The news of the first pregnancy was more a source of anxiety and fear. However, later there was a more harmonious attitude of women to the first pregnancy, during the second pregnancy women felt less positive emotions associated with expecting a child, more often experienced anxiety and doubts.Conclusions. It is hypothesized that children of different ages cause different emotional experiences in women. In relation to the first child, mothers more often than to the second, on the one hand, feel delight, pride, and on the other – anxiety and fear. The second child, in comparison with the first, more often causes joy, surprise. Mothers’ perceptions of the personal characteristics of children of different ages have certain features. Mothers perceive the older child as more self-confident, disciplined and independent; mostly treat her as an individual. Women evaluate the youngest child as more extroverted, sociable, open. There are a number of relationships between the characteristics of a woman’s personality and the peculiarities of her attitude to the older and younger child. A woman’s harmonious relationship with her parents has a positive effect on her perception of her own children. Such personality traits as anxiety, self-doubt, low stress resistance, inability to establish interpersonal relationships negatively affect the ability of a woman to harmoniously fulfil the role of mother, her adaptation to the upbringing children of different ages.Key words: psychology of experiences, motherhood, psychology of motherhood, features of adaptation. Мета –обґрунтувати особливості адаптації до ролі матері серед жінок з дітьми різного віку в сучасних умовах. Методи. У статті представлено методичні рекомендації щодо вивчення психології материнства і підготовки фахівців у цій сфері. Материнство вивчається в психології в різних аспектах, психологічних школах і напрямах. Є чимало наукових і науково-популярних видань, присвячених цій проблемі. Різні аспекти материнської поведінки зачіпаються в психології особистості, в дитячій психології, педагогічній психології. Важливість материнської поведінки для розвитку дитини, її складна структура і шлях розвитку, множинність культурних та індивідуальних варіантів, а також величезна кількість сучасних досліджень у цій сфері дозволяють говорити про особливу актуальність вивчення материнства як психологічного феномена. Результати. Виявлено відмінності в емоційних переживаннях жінок, пов’язаних з першою і другою вагітністю. Обидві вагітності у більшості жінок, які взяли участь у нашому дослідженні, викликали радісні переживання. Звістка про першу вагітність більшою мірою була джерелом тривоги, страху. Однак пізніше спостерігалося більш гармонійне ставлення жінок до першої вагітності, під час другої вагітності жінки відчували менше позитивних емоцій, пов’язаних з очікуванням дитини, частіше переживали тривогу, сумніви.Висновки. Запропоновано гіпотезу, що діти різного віку викликають у жінок різні емоційні пережи-вання. Щодо першої дитини матері частіше, ніж до другої, з одного боку, відчувають захват, гордість, а з іншого – тривогу і страх. Друга дитина в порівнянні з першою частіше викликає радість, здивування. Сприйняття матерями особистісних характеристик дітей різного віку має певні особливості. Матері сприймають старшу дитину як більш впевнену в собі, дисципліновану, самостійну, більшою мірою ставляться до неї як до окремої особистості. Молодшу дитину жінки оцінюють як більш екстравертовану, товариську, відкриту. Існує ряд взаємозв’язків між властивостями особистості жінки і особливостями її ставлення до старшої і молодшої дитини. Гармонійні взаємини жінки зі своїми батьками позитивно впливають на її сприйняття власних дітей. Такі особистісні риси, як тривожність, невпевненість у собі, низька стресостійкість, невміння встановлювати міжособистісні відносини негативно впливають на можливості гармонійного здійснення жінкою ролі матері, на її адаптацію до виховання дітей різного віку.Ключові слова: психологія переживань, материнство, психологія материнства, особливості адаптації.


The article discusses the role of the Internet as an innovative form of interpersonal communication. We assumed that Internet usage in rural areas may not only result in better access to knowledge and information, but also contribute to stronger social cohesion and prevent exclusion of the elderly. We analysed information about individual Internet users in Poland and the EU, including changes related to age, education and domicile. The data enabled us to identify expected change tendencies in rural areas. We highlighted the process of ageing of European farmers with its related social and economic consequences. Against this background, we show the dual role played by the Internet in strengthening social capital in rural areas. On the one hand, it is educational in that it educates and activates young farmers. On the other, it is social, i.e. it helps the elderly stay in touch and participate in social life. We also raised the problem of potential digital exclusion of the elderly.

Sunyoung Park ◽  
Shinhee Jeong

The purpose of this chapter is to identify the antecedents of mature workers' turnover intention and to review the role of organizational culture in their intention. By reviewing 20 empirical studies on mature workers' turnover intention published between 2006 and 2017, the authors identified 44 antecedents of mature workers' turnover intention at the individual, group/organizational, and intersectional levels. This literature review reveals that the antecedents of mature workers' turnover intention are diverse, including personal characteristics, work-related behavior, leadership, HR practices, job characteristics, organizational culture, and work-life balance. They also discuss the role of organizational culture in mature workers' turnover intention based on the findings. Finally, they present implications for HR practitioners and recommendations for future research.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 305
Drina Intyaswati ◽  
Ratu Laura MBP

The existence of blogger as a writer would be better with its membership in a virtual community because many more people can access his writing. This paper looks at the role of virtual communities in the existence of bloggers and how far bloggers can improve their presence through their writing. It will also show the communication patterns used to create an environment to bring out better creativity from the bloggers. This study involves a content analysis of the postings at website, and interviews with bloggers from Kumpulan Emak Blogger (KEB). The results show that of the quality of blogging and the blog traffic had increased through their web links to KEB. Communication contained in community KEB is group communication, the one in which a few people interacted in the same destination (on the blog) and information dissemination occurred with simultaneous distribution patterns. Other members of KEB also communicated intensively through interpersonal communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-101 ◽  
Olaf Hoffjann

This article focuses on the issue of how players in strategic communication situations deal with apparently hopeless situations. The theory is that players in such situations sometimes engage in strategic communication play. Essentially, what strategic communication plays do, is help to continue communication. This article develops a theoretical concept of strategic communication. It is shown that strategic communication plays are found both in direct interpersonal communication and in communication via the mass media. Pursuant to the communication sociological approach, the theoretical basis is a differentiated and paradoxical definition of play, following Bateson, embedded in Goffman’s frame analysis. On this basis, two functions of strategic communication play are identified. These are as follows: on the one hand, expanding the sphere of possibilities and, on the other, by means of self-reference, the likelihood of increasing attributions of likability and trustworthiness.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 576-581 ◽  
Teresa Chan ◽  
Kameron Sabir ◽  
Sarila Sanhan ◽  
Jonathan Sherbino

Abstract Background Communicating with colleagues is a key physician competency. Yet few studies have sought to uncover the complex nature of relationships between referring and consulting physicians, which may be affected by the inherent relationships between the participants. Objective Our study examines themes identified from discussions about communications and the role of relationships during the referral-consultation process. Methods From March to September 2010, 30 residents (10 emergency medicine, 10 general surgery, 10 internal medicine) were interviewed using a semistructured focus group protocol. Two investigators independently reviewed the transcripts using inductive methods and grounded theory to generate themes (using codes for ease of analysis) until saturation was reached. Disagreements were resolved by consensus, yielding an inventory of themes and subthemes. Measures for ensuring trustworthiness of the analysis included generating an audit trail and external auditing of the material by investigators not involved with the initial analysis. Results Two main relationship-related themes affected the referral-consultation process: familiarity and trust. Various subthemes were further delineated and studied in the context of pertinent literature. Conclusions Relationships between physicians have a powerful influence on the emergency department referral-consultation dynamic. The emergency department referral-consultation may be significantly altered by the familiarity and perceived trustworthiness of the referring and consulting physicians. Our proposed framework may further inform and improve instructional methods for teaching interpersonal communication. Most importantly, it may help junior learners understand inherent difficulties they may encounter during the referral process between emergency and consulting physicians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Dina Alamianti ◽  
Rannie Dyah K Rachaju

Abstract Excessive use of gadgets can lead to phone snubbing behaviour, in this case, teenagers become indifferent to their environment and more focus on playing with their gadgets. The reality of phone snubbing (phubbing) can cause communication barriers such as distortion of messages and cause interpersonal relationships to become disrupted. This research aimed to (1) find out the role of communication actors in phone snubbing reality specifically in adolescent relationships’ framework, (2) verbal and nonverbal messages in the reality of phone snubbing, and (3) the meaning of phone snubbing for adolescents. The method used in this research is qualitative, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. Informants of this research are Bandung’s high school students who actively use their gadget. This research concluded that there was a title role in the interaction process of phone snubbing reality, individuals became the committers of communication known as phubber, that is an affected person phubbing, and phubbed as phubbing actors. Verbal messages occur in concurrence with nonverbal messages in the interaction of high school teenager’s communication in the form of school chats, gossip, and funny stories accompanied by nonverbal indicated from the closeness of their friendships, there is a ritual touching base message, such as patting the friends’ shoulders and the friendship affectionate display. Phubbing behaviour is felt more obvious when they engaged in family’s interaction. Phubbing is defined as unlikable behaviour and can interfere with friendships.Keywords: Gadget; Interpersonal Communication; Phone Snubbing; TeenagerAbstrak Penggunaan gawai yang berlebihan pada remaja dapat menimbulkan perilaku phone snubbing, yaitu kondisi dimana remaja menjadi acuh terhadap lingkungannya dan lebih berfokus bermain dengan gawainya. Realitas phone snubbing (phubbing) dapat menimbulkan hambatan komunikasi seperti distorsi pesan dan mngakibatkan hubungan interpersonal menjadi terganggu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pelaku komunikasi dalam realitas phone snubbing pada pergaulan remaja, pesan verbal dan nonverbal dalam realitas phone snubbing, serta makna phone snubbing bagi remaja. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang aktif menggunakan gawainya di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pengambilan peran pada proses interaksi dalam realitas phone snubbing dimana individu menjadi pelaku phubber yaitu seorang terdampak phubbing dan phubbed sebagai pelaku phubbing. Pesan verbal terjadi bersamaan dengan pesan nonverbal pada interaksi komunikasi remaja SMA berupa obrolan sekolah, gosip, dan cerita lucu. Pesan non verbal ditunjukkan dengan hubungan pertemanan yang akrab misalnya penyampaian pesan sentuhan ritual yaitu menepuk pundak teman serta adanya affect display. Perilaku phubbing lebih dirasakan dalam konteks interaksi komunikasi pada keluarga. Phubbing dimaknai sebagai perilaku yang tidak disukai dan dapat mengganggu hubungan pertemanan.Kata Kunci: Gawai; Komunikasi Interpersonal; Phone Snubbing; Remaja

Marуna Rіabinina

The article highlights the problem of manipulative manifestations in interpersonal relationships of students of general secondary education. Different points of scientists' view on the admissibility of manipulation in interpersonal communication of school students have been considered. Today researchers do not pay enough attention to the detecting of manipulative manifestations in the interaction of students of general secondary education, as well as socio-pedagogical diagnosis of personal characteristics of adolescents prone to manipulation. Scientists consider the use of manipulative techniques as an unacceptable means of socio-pedagogical and psychological influence because manipulation encourages others to perform actions which are contrary to the people's interests. In addition, it is necessary to establish the socio-pedagogical consequences of the threat of negative manifestations of manipulation in the educational sphere. The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the problems of manipulation in interpersonal communication between students of general secondary education, as well as to identify the personal authorities of students, school to manipulation, or, conversely, unable to resist it. To date, researchers have not proposed a holistic and systematic model of diagnosis and prevention of manipulation in the interaction of adolescent students. A small number of empirical studies would show not only the result but also nature of the impact of manipulation on the relationship between participants in the educational process. The question of the use of manipulation in the socio-pedagogical aspect is insufficiently studied. Observation of students' behaviour during the experiment shows that manipulations are widely used in adolescence. It is established that the issue of manipulative influence and manifestations of manipulation in interpersonal relations of students by the humanities, especially social pedagogy and social psychology, remains open and not fully explored. The prospect for further research is the development and implementation of a training program for the prevention of manipulative manifestations in interpersonal relationships of school students, as well as providing methodological assistance to professionals who face this problem.

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