2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Sri Yunanto ◽  
Angel Damayanti

Many scholars believe that every religion has its peaceful interpretation as well as violent practices. Yet, this article elaborates more on the Islamic radical movements in Indonesia, particularly on the questions of what factors have triggered them to conduct such violence, how they linked each other and what action should be taken by the Indonesian government to counter-terrorism. To answer the question, the paper will focus on the ideology part and organization network of Darul Islam (DI) and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), which shared similar ideology, network and methods of recruitment. Authors argue that ideology and organization become vital elements for DI and JI, in which the government, coupled with all stakeholders, should pay more attention if they want to eradicate violence in the name of religion. Although there is “no prescription fits all” in eradicating terrorism, the ability to understand the root causes and organization network of terrorism in Indonesia will help the government and all stakeholders to establish a proper strategy.   Key words: Counter-terrorism, salafi jihadism, Darul Islam, Jemaah Islamiyah     Abstrak   Banyak pengamat percaya bahwa setiap agama mengandung interpretasi damai sekaligus juga tindak kekerasan. Namun, artikel ini akan mengulas lebih banyak tentang gerakan radikal Islam di Indonesia, terutama yang terkait dengan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendorong mereka melakukan aksi kekerasan, bagaimana kelompok-kelompok tersebut saling memiliki keterkaitan dan tindakan apa yang perlu diambil oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam melakukan kontra-terorisme. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, paper ini akan menjelaskan ideologi dan jaringan organisasi dari Darul Islam (DI) dan Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), di mana keduanya memiliki kemiripan termasuk juga dalam metode rekrutmen. Penulis berpendapat bahwa ideologi dan organisasi merupakan elemen penting bagi DI dan JI. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah dan seluruh elemen masyarakat harus memperhatikan hal ini jika ingin memberantas kekerasan atas nama agama. Walaupun tidak ada “resep ampuh” yang dapat mengatasi terorisme, kemampuan untuk memahami akar permasalahan dan jaringan organisasi kelompok terorisme di Indonesia akan membantu pemerintah dan seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk menyusun strategi yang tepat.   Kata Kunci: Counter-terrorism, salafi jihadisme, Darul Islam, Jemaah Islamiyah

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Kunawi Basyir

A few years after the reformation era, Indonesia was faced with complex problems, especially the social and religious life that was less conducive. It’s at least marked by a lot of social conflicts arising as a result of turmoil and political interest. The turmoil and political interests are in the form of religious ideological movements opposing the attitude of radicalism. Such a condition or situation certainly adds up to the number of conflicts, and the escalation of conflict is prolonged. As a result, the religious movements don’t suit with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, or undermine the Indonesian government must be banned.  Observing this phenomenon, the author tries to examine the Radical Islamic movements in Indonesia. In this study, the author used participant observation methods to obtain data and clear factual images in line with the phenomenon being studied. So, the author can provide appropriate and beneficial solutions for the Indonesian government in coping with the radical Islamic movements. The results of this study indicated that to minimize the presence of radical Islamic movements, the government must return these radical Islamic movements back to the local culture being packaged in the concept of religious moderation, referring to the concept of Wassatiyah Islam, or more popularly known as Islam Nusantara.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Nadirsyah Hosen

AbstractThe paper examines the tension amongst the Indonesian government and Islamic organisations in dealing with the plurality of interpretation within Islamic tradition and at the same time maintaining the unity and harmony of the Muslim ummah. I provide two case studies here: first, the issue of determining the first and the end of Ramadan and also 10 Zul Hijjah (for Idu al-Adha). Second, who has the authority to issue halal certificate? Due to different methods of hisab (astronomical calculation) and ru'yah (sighting a new crescent), Islamic organisations (Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama and Majelis Ulama Indonesia) have produced different fatwas. At the same time, the Government has to make announcement on which dates to begin or to end fasting. With regard to the second issue, there is currently a tension between the Government and the MUI as the first thinks it falls into its authority whereas the latter insists that halal certificate is a written fatwa which belongs to its ‘jurisdiction’.The questions are: how does the government decide which fatwa to choose, and what are the reactions of Islamic organisations when their views differ with the position of the government? There is also tension in society in celebrating Idul Fitri and Idul Adha on different dates. How far should the government go to accommodate such different views, to maintain harmony in the community?

فتحي بن جمعة أحمد

ملخص البحث تعدّ هذه المحاولة في دراسة مجالات التفسير الموضوعي ومنهجية البحث فيه  مفتاحا لبعض القضايا المتعلقة بالموضوع، ومدخلا لدراسة التفسير الموضوعي يسهل على طلاب العلم والباحثين فهم كلام الله، وتدبر معانيه، والاهتداء به، والقيام ببحوث تطبيقية في مجالات التفسير الموضوعي. فقد بينت أن مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي أربعة وهي البحث في المصطلح، والموضوع، والمحاور، والوحدة الموضوعيّة في السورة القرآنيّة. وقد أكدت أن البحث في محاور القرآن الكريم من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي التي لم تحظَ باهتمام الباحثين، ثم توسعت في سوق الأدلة والبراهين الدالة على أن الوحدة الموضوعية للسورة القرآنيّة مجال أساس من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي الذي لا ينبغي إغفاله، وإهمال شأنه. ثم بحثت في موضوع منهجيّة البحث في التفسير الموضوعي، ونظراً للخلط أوالاضطراب الذي بدا لدى بعض الباحثين في هذا الصدد، وضحت المقدمات المنهجيّة العامة الضرورية للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ثم حاولت رسم الإطار التصوري والمنهجي العام والضوابط الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبعها الباحث إذا أراد الكتابة في التفسير الموضوعي. ثم بيّنت الخطوات الأساسيّة للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ومنها حرية الباحث في اختيار موضوع بحثه والاطلاع على أكبر عدد ممكن من التفاسير بمختلف أنواعها مع الاستفادة من التراث البشري في حقول المعرفة المتنوعة على أن تكون الهيمنة للقرآن أولا وأخيرا على الكتب الأخرى والنظريات البشرية. الكلمات الرئيسة: القرآن، تفسير، موضوعي، مجالات، منهج. Abstract This article is an attempt to address the issue of the scopes and research methodology in the thematic commentary of the Holy Qur’Én. It could be considered as an introductory work for students and researchers who are interested in this field of research which will help them develop a good understanding of the meanings and teachings of the Qur’Én and its application to the real life. It may also help them undertake case studies and research in the field of thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. It has been explained in the article that the scope of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én includes four areas; i.e. the concept, the topic, the central themes and the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter. The article gives a special emphasis on the study of the Qur’Énic central themes as it was overlooked by some researchers. It also provides a systematic investigation on the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter and considers it a significant area of research in the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. The article also addresses the issue of the research methodology in the field of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. In this regard, the author highlights the principles, conditions and framework for undertaking research projects in this field of study and explains the major steps that should be followed in the execution of the research. These steps include freedom of choosing the research topic, freedom of benefitting from different types of tafsÊr (interpretation of the Qur’Én) works and schools and benefitting from the human heritage in different fields of knowledge, provided that the Qur’Én should have controlling power on other books and human theories.   Key Words: The Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Thematic, Scopes, Methodology. Abstrak Artikel ini ialah satu percubaan menangani isu  skop dan metodologi penyelidikan dalam tafsiran Al-Qur’Én Holy mengikut tema. Ia boleh dianggap sebagai satu kajian permulaan untuk pelajar-pelajar dan sarjana-sarjana yang meminati bidang ini penyelidikan yang akan membantu mereka merangka satu pemahaman yang baik tentang makna-makna dan ajaran-ajaran Qur’Én dan perlaksanaannya dalam kehidupan sebenar. Ia mungkin juga  dapat membantu mereka menjalankan kajian kes dalam bidang penyelidikan tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan  skop tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema ini merangkumi empat bidang:  konsep tafsiran mengikut tema, topiknya, tema-tema kecil dan tema umum Surah Al-Qur’Én. Artikel ini memberi satu penekanan khas pada kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema kerana ia agak kurang mendapat perhatian beberapa penyelidik. Ia juga menampilkan satu kajian sistematik pada pemahaman tema Surah dalam Al-Qur’Én dan menganggapnya satu bidang penyelidikan penting dalam kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel juga memberikan perhatian kepada bidang metodologi penyelidikan terhadap usaha tafsiran Al-Qur’Én secara bertema. Dalam hal ini, pengkaji akan menonjolkan prinsip-prinsip, syarat-syarat dan rangka kerja untuk projek-projek projek penyelidikan dalam lapangan ini dan menerangkan langkah-langkah utama yang harus diikuti dalam pelaksanaan penyelidikan yang berkenaan. Lang-langkah ini termasuk kebebasan memilih tajuk penyelidikan, kebebasan dalam mengambil  manfaat daripada jenis-jenis tafsiran Qur’Én yang berbeza serta sekolah-sekolah pemikiran yang berbeza dalam aliran tafsir serta rangka bagaimana memanfaatkan warisan tamadun manusia berlandaskan ajaran Al-Qur’Én. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Tema, Bidang-bidang, Metodologi.

Б. Ниясалиева ◽  
Н. Алтыкеева

Аннотация. Ч.Айтматов “Кылым карытар бир күн” романында ачыктап бере албаган бийлик маселеси кийинки демократиянын учурунда романдын уландысы катары берилген “Чынгызхандын ак булуту “ аттуу чыгармасында таама көрсөтүлдү. Аталган чыгарма сталиндик бийликти сынга алуу менен бийликтин курмандыктары болгон күнөөсүз адамдардын оор тагдырын чагылдырат. Сталиндин образын ачуу максатында элдик легендага кайрылып, Чынгызхандын образы аркылуу Сталиндин образын чагылдырган. Чыгармадагы Тансыкбаевдин образы мансапка манчыркап, адам тагдыры менен ойногон наадан адамдардын образын ачууда колдонулган. Абуталип, Эрдене, Догуланг – булар бийликтин курмандыктары. Алар алдыда өлүм күтүп турса да, өз көз караштарынан тайышпады, өлүмгө тике кароо менен жеңиш дайыма алар тарапта экендигин аныктай алышты. Ырас, Тансыкбаев да өз максатына жете алган жок, Чынгызхан болсо батышты багынтам деген тилегине жетпеди, ал эбегейсиз күчүн жоготту, мындан ары анын жолу болбоду. Түйүндүү сөздөр: образ, демократия, каарман, легенда, идея, көркөм ой жүгүртүү. Аннотация. Проблема правительства, которую Ч.Айтматов не смог раскрыть в романе “И дольше века длится день, ярко показаны в произведении “Белое облако Чингизхана” созданное во время демократии как продолжение названного произведения. В данном произведений критикуется и отражается тяжелая судьба безвинного народа, которые стали жертвами сталинского режима. Писатель обратился к народной легенде для раскрытия образа Сталина, через образ Чингизхана. В произведений образ Тансыкбаева применятся для раскрытия образов людей, которые ради собственного нажива использовали судьбы народа. Абуталип, Эрдене, Догуланг – они жертвы правительства. Несмотря ни на что, они не отреклись от своих убеждений, стояли на смерть ради справедливости. В статье говорится о не достижении своей цели Тансыкбаева, о не покорении Чингизханом Запада, о том, что Чингизхан потерял всю свою силу и удача его покидает. Ключевые слова: власть, образ, демократия, герой, легенда, идея, художественное размышление.. Annotation. The problem of the government, which Ch. Aitmatov could not reveal in the novel “And the day lasts more than a century”is clearly shown in the works “White cloud of Genghis Khan” created during the democracy as a continuation of the title work. In this work criticized and reflected the heavy fate of innocent people who were the victims of the Stalinist regime. The writer appealed to the folk legend to reveal the image of Genghis Khan the writer conveys the image of Stalin. In the work (composition) the image of Tansykbaev will be used to reveal the images of people who used the people’s destinies for their own profit . Abutalip, Erdene, Doulan-they are the victims of government. No matter what, they didn’t renounce their beliefs, stood to death for justice . The article says about not achieving the goal of Tansykbaeva, about not conguering the West by Genghis Khan and that Genghis Khan lost all his strength and good luck leaves him. Key words: power, image, democracy, hero, legend, idea, artistic reflection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dhina Setyo Oktaria ◽  
Agustinus Prasetyo Edi Wibowo

Land acquisition for public purposes, including for the construction of railroad infrastructure, is a matter that is proposed by all countries in the world. The Indonesian government or the Malaysian royal government needs land for railroad infrastructure development. To realize this, a regulation was made that became the legal umbrella for the government or royal government. The people must agree to regulations that require it. Land acquisition for public use in Malaysia can be completed quickly in Indonesia. The influencing factor is the different perceptions of the understanding of what are in the public interest, history and legal systems of the two countries as well as the people's reaction from the two countries

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 446-454
Mochamad Muslih ◽  

The organizational structure of the Indonesian Government is currently not efficient and not effective. Its structure is impressed too wide and long so that it raises unexpected costs and time delays and decreases governance. The purpose of this research is to study the organizational structure suitable for the Indonesian Government. This research uses qualitative research method with survey approach. The main reference in this research is Designing Effective Organization: Structures in Fives by Henry Mintzberg. The sample is academics and practitioners in governmental organizations. The results showed that a good organizational structure for the Government of Indonesia is functional organization form, the slim and short structure, so as to facilitate and speed up the communication process, the process of accountability, and accountability process in the implementation of government tasks, and finally increase government governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Maria Dhiu ◽  
Ardli Johan Kusuma

ABSTRACTThe Existance of Indonesian Workers in the Middle East, is very beneficial in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Despite the high rate of remittances generated, the Indonesian government must also implement a moratorium on migrant workers sending policies to the Middle East in 2015, which is feared that this could cause a reduction in the amount of remittances, secifically for the Middle East region. Here, the writer will discuss in dept why the government should carry out the moratorium policy of migrant workers to the Middle East in 2015, while the gorvernment  also know that the existance of the overseas migrant workers woud benefit economically. The writer see that, as the main actor, the state is obliged to provide protection for all its citizens whwrever they are.Keywords: Indonesia Workers, Moratorium, National Interest, Protecting Citizens. ABSTRAKKeberadaan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Timur Tengah, sangatlah menguntungkan dalam hal pendapatan devisa. Dibalik tingginya angka remitansi yang dihasilkan, namun pemerintah Indonesia juga harus menerapkan kebijakan moratorium pengiriman TKI ke Timur Tengah Tahun 2015, yang mana kebijakan tersebut dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan penurunan jumlah remitansi, secara khusus untuk kawasan Timur Tengah. Di sini, penulis akan membahas secara mendalam mengapa pemerintah harus melakukan kebijakan moratorius TKI ke Timur tengah Tahun 2015, sedangkan pemerintah juga tahu bahwa keberadaan TKI luar negeri tentu memberi keuntungan secara ekonomi. Penulis menggunakan sudut pandang realisme, dengan memakai teori kepentingan nasional, sehingga akan dibahas secara  mendalam terkait permasalahan yang ada. Dalam penelitian tersebut, penulis melihat bahwa, sebagai aktor utama, negara wajib memberikan perlindungan bagi seluruh warga negaranya di mana pun berada.Kata Kunci: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Moratorium, Kepentingan Nasional, Melindungi Warga Negara.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 73
Ahmad Torabi

The Iranian legislator has sought to protect public property and public ownership in the Iranian Constitution in accordance with Islamic principles, terms and procedures. There are a number of principles that have been directly applied to this purpose; however, one principle has had a very significant impact on government domination of the economy of Iran: principle 44. This principle does not directly describe public property; rather, it aims to determine the areas that are under public ownership and are administered by the government. However, the principle has some contradictions and legal challenges in itself. In addition, the supplementary law that has been enacted to provide the areas for the enforcement of principle 44 fails to secure the aims of the legislator. Therefore, this paper analyses legal challenges of the principle, as well as its supplementary law, and gives suggestions to solve the challenges.This paper is divided into four sections. The first section provides an analysis of the principle itself, and its relationship and consistency with other principles of the constitution. In the second section, the Law of Implementation of Principle 44 and the legal challenges that arise from it will be discussed. The third section focuses on the negative economic impacts of this law, as well as case studies of it. Lastly, the paper provides a summary of suggestions to amend this law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Diah Trismi Harjanti

The unequal distribution of the population in Indonesia is caused by the concentration of the population of Java, which led the government to create a population movement program called transmigration. The types of transmigration carried out by the Indonesian government are general transmigration and self-employment transmigration. West Borneo, which is the destination for transmigration, is Rasau Jaya District, Kubu Raya Regency. Of the six villages in the Rasau Jaya sub-district, there are only four villages that are the placement areas for transmigrants, namely Rasau Jaya Satu Village, Rasau Jaya Dua Village, Rasau Jaya Tiga Village and Bintang Mas Village. Rasau Jaya Tiga Village in 1975-1977 became the most transmigration destination area because it had the largest land area among other villages. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach and the object under study is the transmigrant who came from West Java.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 468
Yohana Damayanti Br Kaban ◽  
Beniharmoni Harefa

Abstract During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights reviewed the policy through Permenkumham No 10 in 2020 regarding the release of assimilation and the executive order making the child the perpetrator of this crime many were released. This makes bapas must improve the implementation of the development of the freed child. The problem in this study is how to optimize BAPAS in the implementation of child development as the perpetrator of crimes that are released because of Covid-19 and the obstacles faced by bapas in the implementation of the construction. The purpose of this study is to know how to optimize BAPAS in the development of children as perpetrators of crimes that are released because of Covid-19 and know the obstacles faced by bapas in the implementation of the construction of children as perpetrators of the crime struck. The research method used is normative juridical using secondary data obtained through literature studies such as scientific books, journals, laws. Key words : Correctional Center; Child; Covid-19 Abstrak Dimasa pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Hukum dan HAM mengeluarkan kebijakan melalui Permenkumham No. 10 tahun 2020 terkait pembebasan dan asimilasi membuat anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana ini banyak yang dibebaskan. Hal tersebut membuat pihak Balai Pemasyarakatan harus meningkatkan pelaksanaan pembinaan terhadap anak yang dibebaskan tersebut. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana optimalisasi Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana yang dibebaskan karena Covid-19 dan kendala yang dihadapi pihak Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana optimalisasi Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam pelaksaan pembinaan anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana yang dibebaskan karena Covid-19 dan mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pihak Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan terhadap anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana yang dibebaskan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan seperti buku-buku ilmiah, jurnal, undang-undang. Kata kunci: Balai Pemasyarakatan; Anak; Covid-19

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