scholarly journals Exploring the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Emotions of Weibo Users in Wuhan Waterfront Based on Gender Differences Using Social Media Texts

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 465
Yue Ma ◽  
Changlong Ling ◽  
Jing Wu

The benefits of the natural environment in urban space have been explored in numerous studies. However, only a few statistics and studies have been conducted on the correlation between emotion and urban waterfront space, especially considering gender differences. Taking Wuhan city as an example, this study puts forward a new approach and perspective. Text emotion analysis is combined with the spatial analysis technique based on big data of social media. Based on the emotions of the public of different genders in urban space, suggestions are provided for urban planning and development from the perspective of POI (Point of Interest). The main steps are: (1) Analyzing the emotional score of Weibo texts published by citizens in the waterfront area of 21 lakes in Wuhan City; (2) exploring the public emotion characteristics of different genders in the urban waterfront; (3) classifying the waterfront according to the emotional response (score) of the public of different genders; (4) exploring the relationship between different POI types and waterfront types and proposing planning suggestions. The results of this study provide evidence for gender differences and spatial distribution of public emotions in the Wuhan waterfront area. It can help decision-makers to judge the prior protection and development direction of waterfront space, thus demonstrating the feasibility of this approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-300
Ali Kusno

The purpose of this study is to formulate a redefinition of vocabulary related to language wars. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model consisting of three analysis components: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The activities of the three components are carried out in an interactive form with the data collection process. The rise of legal cases related to language is in line with the increasingly massive use of social media in society. These cases are part of the language war. Society, in general, is still common and even misunderstands related speech that is categorized as language war and has the potential to be caught in the law. Language war is the use of the language of a speaker/writer intentionally as a tool/weapon for self or group interests. Language wars are carried out directly or indirectly that attack the ideas, thoughts, behaviour, honour, or physical condition of a person or group of speech partners. Language wars include suggestions, criticism, ridicule, incitement, defamation, insults, and slander. More detailed definitions and socialization efforts to the public regarding various language criteria are preventive measures for various legal cases related to language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nabilah Mahdiyyah Destriana ◽  
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Sigit Pranawa

 This research studies the foodstagramming phenomena that happened on most young people in Surakarta which has been the new lifestyle that causes hyperreality in social media. The purpose of this study was to know the motives behind the activities of foodstagramming done by Instagram users and their effects on the people’s consumptive interest that impacted the hyperreality phenomenon on social media. The actions of foodstagramming are now widely popular since more cafés and restaurants are built-in Surakarta. The technology advancement has changed the eating culture, which in the past, it see as a necessity fulfilment. Still, now it becomes the ‘mark’ of what to expose to the public through simulation in social media that eventually forms fake realities, as mentioned by Jean Baudrillard as hyperreality. This study used the qualitative approach and phenomenology method to dig out the motives behind the Surakarta people’s activities foodstagramming. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation from Instagram, news websites, and survey results about consumptive patterns and social media usage. The informant’s criteria were Instagram users, such as cafés and restaurant consumers, entrepreneurs, and the café or restaurant workers. The data analysis technique was an interactive model data analysis by Miles and Huberman. The result showed that ‘Makan Cantik’ and Foodstagramming were simulations that intentionally create to form a particular image to represent the social status and gain prestige. ‘Makan Cantik’ and Foodstagramming were called hyperreality in social media where fake realities were exposed to be more real than the truth itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-153
Doli Witro ◽  
Nurul Alamin

The purpose of the study is to introduce and understand the paradigm of Islamic moderation to the public through social media in terms of separating from Islamophobia. The research method is qualitative by using library research. The data analysis technique used is Critical Discourse Analysis. Misunderstanding Islam will have the potential to cause Islamophobia. Social media can be used to provide an understanding of Islamic moderation to public. Given the enormous epidemic of hoaxes on social media, media literacy education and culture of clarification must be encouraged along with grounding Islamic moderation.                                            Keywords: Islamic moderation; Islamophobia; Social Media; Literacy.

Rizqa Leony Putri ◽  
Ninuk Purnaningsih

Produk pangan yang dihasilkan dari agroindustri berkembang pesat setiap tahunnya. Besarnya permintaan akan makanan dan minuman tersebut membuat pelaku usaha memasarkan produk pangan olahan yang saat ini banyak digemari masyarakat. Industri produk pangan olahan baik dalam skala kecil maupun besar bersaing dalam menciptakan promosi yang dapat meningkatkan minat masyarakat. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, pelaku usaha mulai mengembangkan penjualannya ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia bahkan mancanegara dengan melakukan pemasaran melalui media sosial, khususnya instagram. Media sosial instagram dapat memberikan kesempatan bagi pelaku usaha untuk berkomunikasi kepada calon konsumen potensial secara langsung karena kegiatan promosi dilakukan tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan uji korelasi dengan pemilihan responden melalui teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara karakteristik pengguna instagram dengan keterdedahan media sosial. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keterdedahan media sosial memiliki hubungan dengan efektivitas media promosi.Kata Kunci : Komunikasi pemasaran, promosi, produk pangan olahan======ABSTRACTFood products produced from agro-industries develop rapidly each year. The large demand for food and beverages has made businesses market processed food products that are currently much loved by the public. The processed food product industry both in small and large scale competes in creating promotions that can increase public interest. Along with technological developments, businesses have begun to expand their sales to all regions of Indonesia and even abroad by marketing through social media, especially Instagram. Instagram social media can provide opportunities for business people to communicate with potential customers directly because promotional activities are carried out without space and time restrictions. The data analysis technique used in this study is a correlation test with the selection of respondents through the accidental sampling technique. The results showed that there was no relationship between the characteristics of Instagram users and social media exposure. The results also showed that social media expertise has a relationship with the effectiveness of promotional media.Keywords: marketing communication, promotion, processed food product

2017 ◽  
Azuar Juliandi

Internet-based social media has become a part of life of the public society in this era. Many people use Facebook, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Blogs and other social media to interact to each other. With social media, people exchange information and share experiences in cyberspace. Furthermore, at the present, social media is already becoming a part of the organizational culture in work place. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the culture of social media and knowledge transfer, the culture of social media and work performance, also of the knowledge transfer and work performance. The research samples consisted of 300 employees in the city of Medan and the data research collection used questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used partial least square. The result of the study indicates that there are significant and positive relationship between the culture of social media and knowledge transfer, the culture of social media and work performance, and the knowledge transfer and work performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Nur Taqwa Utami

compete in terms of promotion with several other regions. The tourism policy carried out by the local government has not been able to make tourism the main asset of the City of Baubau. This study examines the role of community social media in the tourism promotion of Baubau City, particularly on Instagram social media accounts. The research is focused on Instagram accounts that have tourism content and searches for hashtags that have the most posts about tourist objects. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Next, to check the validity of the data, what the researchers did was to make previous observations on various relevant Instagram accounts randomly. Then the data that has been obtained is confirmed, described, categorized which is the same view, which is different, and which one is specific from the data sources. Finally, the data were analyzed by researchers to produce conclusions. The analysis technique used by these researchers is the source and content triangulation analysis technique. The results showed that community accounts on Instagram were very helpful in providing promotion for tourism in Baubau City, besides that the popular hashtags used made it easy for the public to get information about content, location, and access to several tourism objects in Baubau City.

Chia-Lee Yang ◽  
Chi-Yo Huang ◽  
Yi-Hao Hsiao

With growing scientific evidence showing the harmful impact of air pollution on the environment and individuals’ health in modern societies, public concern about air pollution has become a central focus of the development of air pollution prevention policy. Past research has shown that social media is a useful tool for collecting data about public opinion and conducting analysis of air pollution. In contrast to statistical sampling based on survey approaches, data retrieved from social media can provide direct information about behavior and capture long-term data being generated by the public. However, there is a lack of studies on how to mine social media to gain valuable insights into the public’s pro-environmental behavior. Therefore, research is needed to integrate information retrieved from social media sites into an established theoretical framework on environmental behaviors. Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a theoretical model by integrating social media mining into a value-belief-norm model of public concerns about air pollution. We propose a hybrid method that integrates text mining, topic modeling, hierarchical cluster analysis, and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). We retrieved data regarding public concerns about air pollution from social media sites. We classified the topics using hierarchical cluster analysis and interpreted the results in terms of the value-belief-norm theoretical framework, which encompasses egoistic concerns, altruistic concerns, biospheric concerns, and adaptation strategies regarding air pollution. Then, we used PLS-SEM to confirm the causal relationships and the effects of mediation. An empirical study based on the concerns of Taiwanese social media users about air pollution was used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework in general and to examine gender differences in particular. Based on the results of the empirical studies, we confirmed the robust effects of egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric concerns of public impact on adaptation strategies. Additionally, we found that gender differences can moderate the causal relationship between egoistic concerns, altruistic concerns, and adaptation strategies. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of enhancing perceptions of air pollution and environmental sustainability by the public. The results of the analysis can serve as a basis for environmental policy and environmental education strategies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147447402110036
Nora Schuurman

Mounted police units around the world have entered social media, with the aim of bringing the police closer to the public. In this paper, I analyze the Facebook page of the mounted police in the city of Helsinki, the capital of Finland. I ask how equine agency, animal work, interspecies care, and the relational networks of memory are interpreted, communicated, and performed on social media, contributing to the co-production of urban imaginaries. I approach the material as performances of animality and human–animal relations, concentrating on shared interpretations and representations of the horses and their agency. To be able to analyze human–animal encounters and interaction in urban space as they are experienced, imagined, remembered, and collectively shared, I suggest a novel concept of multispecies urban imaginary. Developing the concept widens the focus of understanding the multispecies nature of urban environments and includes animals in the experiences and perceptions of city space – where they belong.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Marcy Adiningsih Djamilay ◽  
Sulih Indra Dewi

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to find out and study the Instagram social media role in the publication of photography results of X-Flash student activity unit and photo publication on Instagram supporting the creativity of members. Technology advance nowadays make it easier for people to find out the needed information easily just by using the internet and what's new in the internet world is social media. One of the most popular social media today is Instagram with its advantages that it can beautify photos with various existing features, distribute photos and to market products or sell online. The existence of Instagram is used by those who have a hobby of photography to show their works. Therefore, this study aims to examine the role of Instagram social media on the publication of the X-Flash photography results. The data analysis technique used were data reduction, data presentation and verification. Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that the role of Instagram social media were as a media for publication and promotion to increase popularity, increase the existence of X-Flash, give or receive online invitation from off-campus photography communities and introduce the work of X-Flash to the public. There were ways to increase the creativity of members, namely by sharing, hunting together, holding exhibition and re-uploading members' work.Keywords: Social Media Instagram, Instagram, Photography, UKM X-FlashAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari peran media sosial instagram terhadap publikasi hasil fotografi UKM X-Flash serta publikasi foto di instagram yang mendukung kreativitas anggota. Kemajuan teknologi saat ini memudahkan masyarakat untuk mengetahui informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah hanya dengan menggunakan internet dan yang baru di dunia insternet adalah media sosial. Salah satu media sosial yang terpopuler saat ini adalah instagram dengan kelebihannya yang bisa memperindah foto dengan berbagai fitur yang ada, menyebarkan foto dan untuk memasarkan produk atau berjualan online. Adanya instagram ini dimanfaatkan oleh mereka yang memiliki hobi dalam dunia fotografi untuk memperlihatkan hasil karyanya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini ingin meneliti peran media sosial instagram terhadap publikasi hasil fotografi UKM X-Flash. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh peran media sosial instagram yaitu sebagai media publikasi dan promosi untuk meningkatkan popularitas, meningkatkan eksistensi UKM X-Flash, memberikan atau menerima undangan online dari komunitas fotografi luar kampus dan mengenalkan hasil karya UKM X-Flash kepada khalayak. Adapun cara untuk meningkatkan kreativitas anggota yaitu dengan melakukan sharing, hunting bersama, mengadakan pameran dan mengunggah kembali karya anggota.Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, Instagram, Fotografi, UKM X-Flash

Xuehua Han ◽  
Juanle Wang ◽  
Min Zhang ◽  
Xiaojie Wang

The outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a grave global public health emergency. Nowadays, social media has become the main channel through which the public can obtain information and express their opinions and feelings. This study explored public opinion in the early stages of COVID-19 in China by analyzing Sina-Weibo (a Twitter-like microblogging system in China) texts in terms of space, time, and content. Temporal changes within one-hour intervals and the spatial distribution of COVID-19-related Weibo texts were analyzed. Based on the latent Dirichlet allocation model and the random forest algorithm, a topic extraction and classification model was developed to hierarchically identify seven COVID-19-relevant topics and 13 sub-topics from Weibo texts. The results indicate that the number of Weibo texts varied over time for different topics and sub-topics corresponding with the different developmental stages of the event. The spatial distribution of COVID-19-relevant Weibo was mainly concentrated in Wuhan, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. There is a synchronization between frequent daily discussions on Weibo and the trend of the COVID-19 outbreak in the real world. Public response is very sensitive to the epidemic and significant social events, especially in urban agglomerations with convenient transportation and a large population. The timely dissemination and updating of epidemic-related information and the popularization of such information by the government can contribute to stabilizing public sentiments. However, the surge of public demand and the hysteresis of social support demonstrated that the allocation of medical resources was under enormous pressure in the early stage of the epidemic. It is suggested that the government should strengthen the response in terms of public opinion and epidemic prevention and exert control in key epidemic areas, urban agglomerations, and transboundary areas at the province level. In controlling the crisis, accurate response countermeasures should be formulated following public help demands. The findings can help government and emergency agencies to better understand the public opinion and sentiments towards COVID-19, to accelerate emergency responses, and to support post-disaster management.

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