The main trends in the development of agriculture in Russia in the context of economic sanctions

Julia Nikolaevna Romantseva

The aim of the study is to examine the main trends in the development of agriculture in Russia in the light of trade and economic sanctions, which had a significant impact on the development of the industry. The analysis showed that despite the decrease in the growth rate of value added in the agricultural sector, the production volumes of certain types of products increased significantly. This made it possible not only to ensure food security within the framework of the import substitution policy, but also to plan a significant increase in the export potential of the agricultural sector. The traced processes of concentration and centralization lead to a reduction in the number of enterprises of various categories of farms with an increase in the profitability of the remaining ones, with a significant level of state support. In general, the industry is developing at a much higher pace than the country’s economy, which gives reason to make favorable forecasts.

The main objective of the study is an objective economic assessment of the mechanisms of state support for producers of energy capacities for Russian agriculture. According to the results of the study, the article presents an in-depth analysis of the security of Russian agriculture with modern technology, the development of agricultural engineering, an assessment of the effectiveness of state support measures, and suggests key areas for stimulating the development of agricultural engineering in the context of the implementation of import substitution and food security. The following conclusions are formulated and justified: the formation of food security at the state level can be realized only under the condition of resource independence of the agricultural sector; the technological breakthrough observed in agriculture in recent years has become possible only under the condition of technical and technological modernization; dependence on imports of machinery and other productive resources does not allow the formation of a food security system, even if the state provides itself with food in bulk parameters

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-53
S. A. Varvus

The subject of research is the consequences of the impact of sanctions on a regional economy through the agricultural sector because the imposition of sanctions and the import substitution policy in agriculture have influenced all stages of the reproduction process, being an extra stimulus to the development of the sector. The paper examines the agricultural sector in the light of the import substitution policy and the effects of the first and second orders of sanctions. The purpose of research was to analyze the economic relationships of the largest agro-industrial holdings that are built along the value-added chain and influence the development of the region. The paper concludes that despite the sanctions, the industry is on the rise. However, due to second-order factors (high loan interest, long payback periods, etc.), the dynamic development trend may exhaust itself. Therefore, the state should continue to support the agriculture that has an indirect effect on the socio-economic level of regional development.

Aigul Aldungarovna Aitpaeva

The article focuses on the importance of digitization of agriculture for rising the competitiveness of the domestic agro-industrial complex (AIC). In order to obtain an objective picture of APC nowadays, there have been analyzed the supplies of the staples in the Russian Federation and revealed the problems with producing milk, beef, fruit and vegetables of sheltered ground. It is stated that today Russia is actively implementing import substitution strategies in the sectors of the national economy including the agricultural sector. The main purpose of functioning of the national AIC has been determined as ensuring the parameters of food security for the population of Russia. There are considered the burning issues on achieving food self-sufficiency, the solution of which lies in increasing the competitiveness of the national AIC. The emphasis is placed on the need to transfer agricultural production to the ecological and economic principles of management and the rational distribution of using all types of resources. It has been recommended to assess the soil-climatic and economic potential of the territory in order to identify the priorities of food self-sufficiency for basic types of food in all regions of the country. Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for creating competitive advantages of AIC helps to develop agricultural production on the innovative basis and to ensure the long-lasting food security at the federal level. The factors increasing AIC competitiveness are: economic soil fertility, usable agricultural areas, optimization of the structure of sown areas, system development of fodder production and animal husbandry, digitization of agriculture, etc. There have been analyzed the problems of insufficient digital prevalence in agriculture; the role of digitalization in achieving the parameters of food security is substantiated. The study results can be used to improve the mechanism of ensuring food security for the population of Russia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 12749-12750

The main objective of the study was to assess the market of energy capacities for the development of crop production in Russia. As a result of the study, the dynamics of updating the fleet of agricultural machinery is assessed. Based on a detailed analysis of the intensity of production of energy carriers for crop production in Russia, as well as mechanisms of state support for agricultural engineering, recommendations are given on the formation of import substitution conditions in the markets of self-propelled vehicles in the country. We concluded that the production of crop production, due to its technological specificity, is energy-intensive, from the point of view of the need to provide energy capacities. Self-propelled machinery (self-propelled harvesting equipment - combines, tractors of various draft classes, and other self-propelled machinery for technological operations) form energy capacities in crop production. Based on the analysis, the article shows the availability of energy capacities of agricultural producers, the share of imported equipment as an element affecting food security, offers on the development of the agricultural machinery market in the context of the implementation of the import substitution policy

Anna Lytvynchuk

At present, the state of the economy of the agricultural sector in many countries of the world, including in the countries of the European Union (EU), inherent in developed industry, has led to the transition to a new environmentally oriented agricultural policy. An important role is assigned to state support of agricultural producers, through subsidies, preferential credit policy, and in some countries, the complete abolition of taxation of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas, which confirms the relevance and national economic significance of the article. In domestic agroeconomic science and practice, there is no scientific concept of state participation in the process of bringing the agricultural sector out of the crisis. Research objectives – consider the development policy of the agricultural sector of the EU countries; study the level of state support for agricultural producers. The purpose of the work is to consider the degree of development of the agricultural policy of the EU countries in the context of ensuring food security. The methods and methodology of the research were general scientific, particular methods of cognition, including the historical and logical, the method of observation and comparison. Shows the main approaches to state regulation of the development of the agro-industrial sector at the level of the European Union as a whole and in the context of member countries; characteristic features and principles that determine the success and integrity of a unified agricultural policy; factors contributing to the productivity of agricultural land; agro-ecological requirements restricting the import of genetically modified products; the main tasks in the development of a new policy of the agrarian sector of the economy; priority directions of regulation of measures to support agricultural producers, integrated development of rural areas, increasing the competitiveness of the EU agricultural sector. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that this study will allow the state bodies of Belarus to better understand how it is necessary to form an agricultural policy in the context of ensuring food security.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 392
Elvira Ildarovna Bulatova ◽  
Elmira Faylovna Amirova

This article examines the financial elements of agricultural production digital architecture in Russia during the transition to the fourth technological stage in order to compete and import substitution in the agro-industrial market of the country. The pandemic and its consequences have had a negative impact on the Russian economy, in the context of the country's insufficient food security and the inevitable increase in prices for imported goods, due to rising prices for hydrocarbons and the predominance of low-value-added food products in exports. Due to the weakening of the ruble against the falling oil prices, the economy may face the need for a new wave of import substitution. This study identifies the problems of the agricultural sector and the reasons for Russia’s high dependence on imports justify the need to develop high-tech technologies. Authors determined the development directions of agricultural production digitalization in Russia through innovative agricultural technologies based on the Internet of things, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence technologies. Increasing the level of the agro-industrial complex development, bringing it to a new independent stage, is vital. However, it is impossible without state support and the digitalization of technological processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 57-64

The article discusses the essence of assortment diversification of agri-food exports. It is noted that export diversification is inextricably linked with the diversification of the national economy. Attention is drawn to the fact that the import substitution policy largely contributes to the diversification of exports. It is concluded that due to the fact that Russia mainly exports low-value-added products, it is necessary to develop a strategy for managing assortment diversification of exports in order to increase its profitability.

Dzhumabek Dzhailov ◽  
Mardalieva Leila

The analysis of the development of the agrarian sector, dynamics and structure of exports and imports of food and the state of the food market in Kyrgyzstan is carried out. The assessment of the level of competitiveness of the industry and food security is presented. Factors and risks of increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector under conditions of integration are revealed. The factors of unjustified growth of import-privatizability of the domestic food market and a reduction in the volume of exports of agri-food products were revealed. It is determined that the primary development of small-peasant forms of entrepreneurial activity negatively affects the effective use of the economic potential, the dynamics and growth rates of production and, in general, the competitiveness of the industry. The directions of development of import substitution of food have been developed. Prospects and economic mechanisms for supporting and stimulating the development of the production of competitive products of the industry and developing the country's agro-export potential under conditions of integration are grounded. Measures are proposed for the development of agricultural cooperation and the formation of competitive forms of management that will facilitate the effective transformation of the country's agricultural sector within the framework of the Unified Energy System.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00045
Igor Pigorev ◽  
Danil Zyukin

The problem of updating the fleet of agricultural machinery and introducing technologies into agricultural production is acute. In the current foreign policy and economic conditions, the issue of ensuring food security has become extremely important, in connection with which there is an urgent need to increase the efficiency of agricultural production in a short time. In such a situation, the most effective way is to intensify production, and in this process, machinery and equipment play a primary role. The study found that in the Russian Federation in the period 2015-2020. There was a reduction in the fleet of agricultural machinery, which caused an increase in the load on the existing fleet of tractors and combine harvesters. The rates of renewal of agricultural machinery concerning tractors and combine harvesters have decreased, which, together with other conditions, negatively characterizes the situation with the renewal of the fleet of machinery in agricultural production. In the context of ensuring the implementation of the policy of import substitution and ensuring food security, the state should provide greater support to agricultural producers when updating the fleet of equipment, since in the context of the weakening of the ruble, the deterioration of the national economic system, the falling purchasing power of the population and other factors, agricultural producers will not be able to independently master additional the financial burden, and the renewal of the material and technical base, especially when it comes to the supply of imported equipment, is an expensive issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00095
Tatyana Yashkova ◽  
Sergey Kiselev ◽  
Alexey Opokin ◽  
Mikhail Rodionov

The article is devoted to the problem of ensuring the food security of the Russian Federation and the issue of import substitution in the context of increasing geopolitical confrontation, the adoption of sanctions and retaliatory measures, and the deterioration of the economic situation due to the pandemic. The article examines the dynamics of the processes of ensuring the country's food security in the last three decades. The expediency of using the import substitution policy as a tool for ensuring food security is justified. Recommendations are formulated to optimize the processes of import substitution and increase the level of food security. The authors propose comprehensive measures based on current global trends in macroeconomic development and the state of food security in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the expediency of carrying out large-scale work on scientific justification, strategic goal setting and planning, the development of multi-variant scenarios for the development of the situation in the field of food security under the influence of changing factors, with the involvement of a large number of experts and the use of advanced approaches and modern methods.

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