2020 ◽  
pp. 113-115
Ася Байсубанова

Аннотация: В статье медиакомпетентность рассматривается как способ создания толерантной среды. Данная статья показывает значение и роль медиаобразования в системе образования. Автор рассматривает медиаобразование как инструмент становления культуры общения, коммуникативной способности и толерантного сознания. В статье дается попытка детализации отношений медиапространства на становление адекватного видения различных жанров медиатекста, способствующее формированию культуры толерантности личности. В работе рассматривается процесс овладения медиакультурой, что даст возможность выработке навыкам психологической культуры. В работе указано, выработка умения общения с медиаинформацией с целью влияния на формирования прежде, толерантного видения реальности, определяющая совершенный уровень культуры межличностного отношения, способствует развитию медиакомпетентности, что является приоритетным качеством в профессиональной деятельности педагога. Автор указывает на то, что толерантное отношение личности к информациям различных жанров, выступает как качественно своеобразная установка на воспитание толерантного поведения молодежи. Ключевые слова: современное медиаобучение, медиакомпетентность, медиапространство, медиатекст, медиакультура, культура толерантности. Аннотациясы: Макалада медиакомпетенттүүлүк толеранттык чөйрөнү түзүү ыкмасы катары каралат. Бул иште медиабилим берүүнүн азыркы орду жана талабы көрсөтүлгөн. Автор баарлашуу жөндөмүнүн маданиятын калыптануусунда заманбап медиабилим берүүнү илимий аспап катары эсептейт. Медиамейкиндигиндеги медиатексттердин ар кандай жанрларын адекваттуу кабыл алууга жана түшүнүүгө аракет жасоо мамилелери жана ошону менен инсандын маданий толеранттуулугун калыптандыруусундагы анализи каралган. Түйүндүү сөздөр: медиакомпетенттүүлүк, медиамейкиндик, заманбап медиабилим берүү, маданий толеранттуулук, медиатекст. Abstract: The article considers media competence as a way to create a tolerant environment. This article shows the importance and role of media education in the modern education system. The author considers media educations as a tool for the formation of a culture of communication, tolerant consciousness. The article gives an attempt to detail the relationship of the media space to the psychological culture of a person, to the formation of an adeguate vision of various genres of media text, contributing to the formation of a culture of personal tolerantse. Key words: a tolerant environment, media education, a culture of communication, tolerant consciousness, media space, the psychological culture of a person, personal tolerants, media text.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-245 ◽  
G.S. Kozhukhar

We provide an overview of modern Western literature devoted to the problem of psychological violence and its various manifestations in the education system, particularly at school. We briefly characterize the approaches to the problem of violence, describe the results of several studies demonstrating the relationship of the psychological climate at school and academic performance, the probability of applying for support to teachers and peers, give the specific facts of influence of sex, age and other socio- psychological characteristics, extending and specifying the notion of phenomenology of psychological violence. We show the role of cultural values and school microclimat as fundamental factors of violence prevention. Our recommendations are aimed at the prevention and reduction of violence in the modern education system (in particular, bullying and cyberbullying).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 504-510
A. Khokhrina ◽  
D. Ivanov

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of eating disorders in adolescence among students. The main idea of the article is to consider the characteristics of self-attitude, self-esteem and the level of aspirations of boys and girls as a factor that determines the perception of their own appearance. In turn, the peculiarities of the perception of one’s own appearance, the peculiarities of building the image of one’s body, mediated by the influence of self-attitude, self-esteem and aspirations of students, can cause the appearance of eating disorders. The article analyzes the literature on the problem of psychological characteristics of attitudes towards oneself and one’s body, students’ perception of their own appearance, and gives the psychological characteristics of eating disorders in adolescence. The role of the media, relationships between others and family, character traits such as self-doubt, timidity, introversion, desire for order, keen perception of criticism, inadequacy of perception of one’s failures, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their own weight in the formation of eating disorders are shown. The description of the empirical research carried out is given. The analysis of the results of the peculiarities of self-perception in boys and girls with eating disorders, analysis of the relationship of eating disorders in boys and girls with peculiarities of self-perception, self-esteem and the level of aspirations is presented. It has been found that high levels of ambition and high self-esteem contribute to bulimia, or the desire for thinness.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1104-1119
Mohammad Ayub Khan

This chapter analyzes the relationship between the modern education system and business performance in a theoretical manner. Business organizations who invest in the modern education system in order to educate (knowledge development) and train (skilling and re-skilling) their workforce should know that there is a positive relationship between the modern education system and business performance. It is encouraging news for the business organizations who invest enough efforts on human capital development programs. For the readers to understand the term of positive relationship between the modern education system and business performance, it simply refers to the recognition that an increase in investment on the modern education system by a company will improve its (the company's) business performance. Therefore, institutions of higher education including business schools should invest more in technology-based education systems in order to provide education and training programs to their corporate clients.

R. V. Kamenev ◽  
V. V. Krasheninnikov ◽  
A. I. Trotskaya

The subject of the research is media education as a factor that has caused changes in the system of education in general and in professional training of teachers in particular. The object of the research is teachers’ professional training. The aim of the work is to consider the transformed meanings of the concept “media education” and to show the role and goals of media education for the modern education system, as well as changes in quality requirements for training teachers who work in the field of media education. It is shown how media teaching-learning model has transformed, with the example of media libraries which has been developing modern educational media space. There is an updated assessment of the quality of information that children use not only within the school information space, but also from mass media, the Internet, etc., which makes skills for analyzing media texts a crucial condition for keeping safe the national human capital and culture and educating highly marketable specialists. There is analysis of differences in understanding the term “media literacy”, which entail further misunderstand-ing of the concept “media competence”. There is a dispute on the necessity to define the media competences for mere users and for educators. The authors conclude that the results of reviewing requirements for teachers’ professional training, caused by changes in educational environment through incorporating media in teaching-learning, make it necessary to refresh the process of training, to strengthen its technological component, to intensify language and communicative aspects regardless of specialization.

Musharaf Zahoor ◽  
Najma Sadiq

Being newsworthy, conflicts attract much of the media attention. The interaction between the media (print or electronic) and the armed conflicts has taken multiple forms in history, and different journalists or news organizations have approached different armed conflicts differently. In the backdrop of the constant debate over morality and objectivity in journalism, this study investigates the evolving academic debate around the relationship of media and armed conflicts, especially with the advent of new communication platforms. The digital platforms that allow the sharing of multimedia content, including social networking and microblogging websites, facilitate disseminating the news content and serve as essential tools for newsgathering. The instantaneous nature of these platforms and unlimited outreach make them attractive tools to be used by traditional news organizations. They gain even more importance in the conflict zones — where it is difficult for them to have their correspondents on the ground. Therefore, the present paper outlines new technologies by the traditional news organizations that have reshaped the relationship between conflict and media. It also discusses the role of news media in shaping public opinion and policy.

Mohammad Ayub Khan

This chapter analyzes the relationship between the modern education system and business performance in a theoretical manner. Business organizations who invest in the modern education system in order to educate (knowledge development) and train (skilling and re-skilling) their workforce should know that there is a positive relationship between the modern education system and business performance. It is encouraging news for the business organizations who invest enough efforts on human capital development programs. For the readers to understand the term of positive relationship between the modern education system and business performance, it simply refers to the recognition that an increase in investment on the modern education system by a company will improve its (the company's) business performance. Therefore, institutions of higher education including business schools should invest more in technology-based education systems in order to provide education and training programs to their corporate clients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Mariya A. Abramova ◽  
Valeriy V. Krasheninnikov

The purpose of the work is to show the basis of the analysis of media education history, and the transformation of understanding of its role in the learning process, its versatility in the modern education system, the opportunities it provides for solving the problems of the development of critical thinking of the individual, and the preservation of its security and personal space. The transformation of the concept of “media education” from learning technologies using media to technologies that form critical and analytical thinking for the adaptation of man to the conditions of life in the modern media space is shown. Modern media education is designed not to protect young people from the influence of the media, and to lead them to the best examples, but allows students to make informed decisions about their own protection, as well as intelligently present themselves in the media space, creating their own media product.

Res Publica ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-81
Hans Daalder

A discussion of the political role of monarchs in contemporary Western Europe is complicated by three uncritical preconceptions : the traditionalist-monarchist view of Kings as transcendent sovereigns, the democratic-emancipatory view which assumes that Kings are by definition nothing but constitutional nonentities, and the media-view of members of a royal family as at one and the same time both superhuman and very human actors.A realistic analysis of the role of monarchs and monarchy focuses on at least five issues : whether countries remained monarchies in the wake of democratisation because of, or notwithstanding being monarchies ; the relationship of monarchs to major social cleavages; the very real importance of Kings within the actions of the nominal Crown notwithstanding the importance of the principle of ministerial responsibility ; the inevitably personal role of Kings in the making, the crisis and the fall of cabinets ; and the unavoidable conflict between the personal rights and actions of monarchs and the limitations which constitutional monarchy implies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-151
Hanna Marchuk ◽  
Galyna Prystai ◽  
Solomiia Khorob ◽  
Nataliya Marchuk ◽  
Nataliia Shoturma

Media criticism is an area of modern journalism that provides critical cognition and assessment of socially significant, relevant aspects of information production in the media. Media criticism studies and evaluates the mobile complex of the diverse relationships of the print and electronic press with the media audience and society as a whole, contributes to the introduction of social and professional adjustments to the activities of the print and electronic press. Modern media criticism covers not only aspects of the functioning of the print and electronic press related to journalism, the activities of journalistic groups and editorial policies, but also invades a wide range of problems, the formulation of which involves the study and evaluation of media content, the relationship of the media and their audience, the media and society as a whole. Today in the space of the Internet the most effective mass criticism of the media. Authors of media criticism blogs set as their main task the recording and analysis of materials that do not meet accepted journalistic standards and have poor quality and ethically dubious content. Media criticism blogs in new media are becoming a platform for discussion, where the problems of the influence of the media on society and the role of the media in this society are discussed.

И.Ю. Стрельникова

Статья посвящена анализу феномена медиаобразования в современном мире. Исходя из работ отечественных и зарубежных исследователей, автор полагает, что современная ситуация в мире делает медиаобразование необходимым атрибутом каждого человека, который использует интернет. Постулируется всепроникающий характер средств массовой коммуникации (СМК) в жизни современного человека и общества. Любая сфера человеческой деятельности (от труда до развлечения) в той или иной мере связана с медиапространством, будь то интернет или телевидение. Обучение потенциальных реципиентов грамотному взаимодействию с медиасредой — насущная педагогическая задача. В настоящее время особенно остро стоит проблема дифференциации реципиентом предлагаемого СМК контента на заслуживающий доверия или внимания и так называемый «информационный шум». В этом вопросе может помочь только целенаправленно воспитываемая медиаграмотность. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of media education in the modern world. Based on the work of domestic and foreign researchers, the author believes that the modern situation in the world makes media education a necessary attribute of every person who uses the Internet. The work proves the pervasive nature of the mass communication media (SMK) in the life of modern man and society. Any sphere of human activity (from labor to entertainment) is in one way or another connected with the media space, whether it is the Internet or television. Therefore, training potential recipients in competent interaction with the media medium is an urgent pedagogical task. Currently, the problem of the recipient differentiating the content offered by the QMS into trustworthy or noteworthy and the so-called «information noise» is especially acute. Only purposefully nurtured media literacy can help in this matter.

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