Maria Septiana Maria Septiana

Komplikasi yang menjadi penyebab kematian bayi baru lahir yang terbanyak yaitu asfiksia. penyebab terjadinya asfiksia ada 3 yaitu, faktor ibu (preeklamsi dan eklamsia, perdarahan abnormal yang disebabkan karena plasenta previa atau solusio plasenta, partus lama, demam selama persalinan, infeksi berat, kehamilan post matur, usia ibu kurang dari 20 tahun atau lebih dari 35 tahun), faktor bayi (bayi prematur, persalinan sulit, kelainan konginetal, air ketuban bercampur mekonium), faktor tali pusat (lilitan tali pusat, tali pusat pendek, simpul tali pusat dan prolapsus tali pusat) Metode penelitian : Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Hasil Penelitian : Faktor penyebab kejadian asfiksia pada bayi baru lahir berdasarkan faktor ibu yaitu mayoritas terjadi pada usia ibu 20-35 tahun sebanyak 16 (51,6%), , paritas10 (32,3%), umur kehamilan 18 (58,1%) dan berdasarkan faktor dari bayi yaitu mayoritas terjadi pada berat lahir bayi >2500 gram sebanyak 12 (38,7%), dan jenis persalinan yang mengalami asfiksia pada persalinan normal sebanyak 10 (32,3%). Kesimpulan : Faktor penyebab kejadian asfiksia pada bayi baru lahir di RS Fadhilah Kota Prabumulih yaitu dari faktor ibu yaitu mayoritas terjadi pada usia ibu 20-35 tahun, paritas multipara, umur kehamilan 37-42 minggu dan dari faktor bayi yaitu bayi dengan berat lahir >2500 gram dan jenis persalinan normal.     ABSTRACT Asphyxia is one of the complications that become the largest cause of death. Therevare three cause of asphyxia, namely, maternal factors (preeclampsia and eclampsia, abnormal bleeding caused by placenta previa or placental abruption, prolonged labor, fever during labor, severe infections, pregnancy post mature, maternal age less than 20 years old or over 35 years ), factor infants (premature babies, difficult delivery, konginetal disorders, meconium-stained amniotic fluid mixes), factor umbilical cord (umbilical cord loops, short umbilical cord, knot the cord and umbilical cord prolapse). Athere are 31 cose of asphyxia in Fadhilah Hospital. Objective : Knowing the factors that cause asphyxia in newborns at RS Fadhilah Prabumulih City. Methods : Collecting data in this study using secondary data with retrospective approach Result: Factors that cause asphyxia in newborns by maternal factors that occur in the majority of maternal age 20-35 years as many as 16 (51.6%), parity 10 (32.3%), gestational age 18 (58.1%) and by factors of which the majority occur in infants birth weight> 2500 g were 12 (38.7%), and the type of delivery that asphyxiated the normal labor as much as 10 (32.3%). Conclusion : Factors that cause asphyxia in newborns at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul 2016 ie from the maternal factors that occur in the majority of maternal age 20-35 years, multiparas parity, gestational age of 37-42 weeks and infant factors that infants with birth weight> 2500 gram and type of normal deliveries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1A) ◽  
pp. 166-170
Adhie Nur Radityo ◽  
Arsita Eka Rini ◽  
Moh Syarofil Anam ◽  
Gatot Irawan Sarosa

Latar belakang Kejadian kasus COVID-19 pada bayi belum banyak dilaporkan dan mekanisme penularan terhadap bayi baru lahir masih belum jelas. Tujuan Melaporkan perbedaan karakteristik bayi baru lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19 di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang Metode Penelitian retrospektif dengan data sekunder catatan medik bayi baru lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19 di RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang pada periode April-Mei 2020 dengan kelompok pembanding bayi baru lahir dari ibu tidak terkait COVID-19. Kriteria inklusi semua bayi lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19 dirawat di rumah sakit dan dilakukan pemeriksaan PCR dengan spesimen swab nasofaring. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah usia kehamilan, jenis kelamin, berat lahir, cara persalinan, usia ibu dan jenis minum yang diberikan pada bayi. Dilakukan uji beda menggunakan uji chi square dan shapiro wilk. Analisis data menggunakan program komputer SPSS. Hasil Dari 46 sampel penelitian terdiri dari 23 bayi lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19 dan 23 bayi lahir dari ibu tidak terkait COVID-19 dilakukan analisis dengan hasil tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari usia kehamilan, berat lahir, cara persalinan dan usia ibu. Pada kelompok bayi lahir terkait COVID-19 mayoritas lahir dengan jenis kelamin perempuan (74%) dan jenis minum yang diberikan sekitar 86% dengan susu formula. Tidak ada bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif pada bayi yang lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19. Semua bayi yang lahir dari ibu terkait COVID-19 didapatkan hasil swab nasofaring negatif dan tidak menunjukkan gejala apapun sampai dengan pulang. Simpulan Tidak didapatkan perbedaan karakteristik usia kehamilan, berat lahir, cara persalinan dan usia ibu. Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik jenis kelamin dan jenis minum yang diberikan pada kedua kelompok penelitian. Keyword: bayi baru lahir, COVID-19   Background The incidence of COVID-19 cases in newborn has not been widely reported and the mechanism of transmission to the newborn is unclear. Objective To report the characteristics of newborns from mothers related to COVID-19 at Kariadi Hospital Semarang. Method Retrospective study with secondary data on medical records of newborns from mothers related to COVID-19 at Kariadi Hospital in the April-May 2020 period with a comparison group of newborns from mothers not related to COVID-19. Criteria for inclusion of all infants born to mothers associated with COVID-19 were hospitalized and PCR examination carried out with nasopharyngeal swab specimens. Data collected were gestational age, sex, birth weight, mode of delivery, maternal age and type of dietary given to the baby. Analysis tests were performed using chi square test and Shapiro Wilk. Data analysis using SPSS computer programs Result Of the 46 study samples consisting of 23 babies born to mothers related to COVID-19 and 23 babies born to mothers not related to COVID-19 were analyzed with the results that there were no significant differences in gestational age, birth weight, mode of delivery and maternal age. In the group of babies born with COVID-19 the majority were born with a female sex (74%) and the type of dietary given was around 86% with formula milk. No baby gets exclusive breastfeeding for babies born to mothers related to COVID-19. All babies born to mothers related to COVID-19 obtained negative nasopharyngeal swab results and did not show any symptoms until discharge. Conclusion There were no differences in the characteristics of gestational age, birth weight, mode of delivery and maternal age. There were differences in the characteristics of the sexes and types of dietary given in the two study groups. Keyword: newborn, COVID-19

2013 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-124
RO Oluwafemi ◽  
OF Njokanma ◽  
EA Disu ◽  
TA Ogunlesi

Background: Babies are classified according to the relationship between birth weight and gestational age, the latter being the strongest determinant of birth weight. Small-for-gestational age (SGA) babies have birth weights less than the 10th percentile for age and sex or more than two standard deviations below the mean for age and sex.Objective: The study was carried out to investigate the maternal factorsassociated with the delivery of term small-for-gestational age babiesin a Nigerian Hospital.Methods: In the cross-sectional survey, the anthropometric parametersof term singleton infants were related to maternal age, parity, socio-economic class, anthropometry and medical disorders in pregnancy.Results: A total of 825 babies were surveyed within the first 24 hoursof life. The mean birth weight of babies was 3233 ± 539g. The males had significantly longer mean crown-heel length and mean occipitofrontal circumference compared to females p = 0.048 and p < 0.000 respectively). The prevalence of infants with small-for-gestational age was 7.2% (5.7% and 8.8% among males and females respectively). The proportion of mothers who did not encounter significant illness in pregnancy was lowestamong those who had SGA babies, followed by mothers of LGA babiesand those of AGA babies in that order. With respect to maternal age,weight, height and body mass index (except inter-pregnancy interval),mothers of SGA babies had significantly lower values compared tomothers of the AGA and LGA babies (p < 0.03).Conclusion: This study identified age, parity, anthropometry and  hypertension-related disorders as major maternal factors associated withthe birth of SGA babies in Nigeria.Keywords: Anthropometry, Intrauterine growth restriction, maternal illness, Nigeria.

Elizabeth B. Ausbeck ◽  
Phillip Hunter Allman ◽  
Jeff M. Szychowski ◽  
Akila Subramaniam ◽  
Anup Katheria

Objective The aim of the study is to describe the rates of neonatal death and severe neonatal morbidity in a contemporary cohort, as well as to evaluate the predictive value of birth gestational age (GA) and birth weight, independently and combined, for neonatal mortality and morbidity in the same contemporary cohort. Study Design We performed a secondary analysis of an international, multicenter randomized controlled trial of delayed umbilical cord clamping versus umbilical cord milking in preterm infants born at 23 0/7 to 31 6/7 weeks of gestation. The current analysis was restricted to infants delivered <28 weeks. The primary outcomes of this analysis were neonatal death and a composite of severe neonatal morbidity. Incidence of outcomes was compared by weeks of GA, with planned subanalysis comparing small for gestational age (SGA) versus non-SGA neonates. Multivariable logistic regression was then used to model these outcomes based on birth GA, birth weight, or a combination of both as primary independent predictors to determine which had superior ability to predict outcomes. Results Of 474 neonates in the original trial, 180 (38%) were included in this analysis. Overall, death occurred in 27 (15%) and severe morbidity in 139 (77%) neonates. Rates of mortality and morbidity declined with increasing GA (mortality 54% at 23 vs. 9% at 27 weeks). SGA infants (n = 25) had significantly higher mortality compared with non-SGA infants across all GAs (p < 0.01). There was no difference in the predictive value for neonatal death or severe morbidity between the three prediction options (GA, birth weight, or GA and birth weight). Conclusion Death and severe neonatal morbidity declined with advancing GA, with higher rates of death in SGA infants. Birth GA and birth weight were both good predictors of outcomes; however, combining the two was not more predictive, even in SGA infants. Key Points

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Wira Meiriza ◽  
Aladin Aladin ◽  
Edison Edison

Infant Mortality Rate in West Sumatra still increased from 96 cases in 2015 becomes 111 cases in 2016. One of the contributors to this was the case of Low Birth Weight Babies (LBWB), wich is birth weight < 2500 grams. Causative factors of LBWB are derived from maternal factors because it is related to fetal growth, starting from the moment of conception until the baby is born. Maternal health is very influential towards the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, Antenatal Care is also require to monitor maternal health. Antenatal service care quality can detect the occurrence of risk in pregnancy. This study aims to determine the relationship of maternal factors based on maternal age, parity, distance of pregnancy, complications of pregnancy, economic status, nutritional status, anemia status, antenatal care implementation and the quality of antenatal care services with LBWB incidence on health facilities level 1 in Padang City.This study used a comparative cross-sectional design totalling 72 respondents consisting of a group of mothers who gave birth to babies with birth weight < 2500 grams and ≥ 2500 grams using consecutive sampling technique. Then conducted interviews and observations by using questionnaires as well as data processing were carried out using SPSS. The results showed there was a correlation between pregnancy complications (p = 0.033), anemia status (p = 0.016) and the implementation of antenatal care (p = 0.000) with the incidence of LBWB, while the unrelated were maternal age (p = 0.405), parity (p = 1,000), pregnancy distance (p = 1,000), economic status (p = 0.637), nutritional status (p = 0.326), and quality of antenatal care services (p = 0.812).The conclusion of this study is that there is no correlation between the quality of antenatal care services and the incidence of LBWB, and the implementation of antenatal care is the dominant factor related with the incidence of LBWB in Padang City.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Oumar Mahamat ◽  
Kidio Gisele Ndum ◽  
Sumo Laurentine ◽  
Ntonifor Ngum Helen

Background. It is unknown whether the presence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites in umbilical cord blood denotes activation of complement and oxidative stress to affect the duration of pregnancy and birth weight. Methods. In a cross-sectional study conducted from January to April 2019 in Bamenda, Cameroon, cord blood samples were collected from 300 women at delivery. Parasitaemia was determined microscopically. Babies’ weight and age of gestation were recorded. Plasma levels of complement and oxidative stress were measured by specific tests. Results. Cord blood malaria prevalence was 21.33%. Babies with an infected cord showed a low birth weight and gestation age than those with uninfected cords. More babies with infected cords had LBW (6.25%) compared to the counterparts (5.50%). The levels of parasitaemia and the babies’ weight showed a weak positive correlation. The prevalence of preterm and postterm birth was 4.33% and 24.33% respectively, with a weak negative correlation between the age of gestation and the umbilical cord parasitaemia. There was correlation between cord parasitaemia and levels of complement haemolytic activity titter (CH50) and specific classical pathway activity (CPA) in cord blood. CH50 and CPA levels, however, were significantly higher in infected cord blood samples, compared with uninfected cord blood samples. CH50 showed a negative correlation with the birth weight and gestational age in infected cord blood samples. The levels of total oxidative stress (TOS) and total antioxidant defense were significantly lower in infected cord blood than uninfected. TOS displayed a positive correlation with the density of parasitaemia and a weak negative correlation with the birth weight and gestational age in infected cord blood. Conclusion. Cord blood infection lowers the complement haemolytic titter, oxygen radicals and total antioxidant defense in neonates. This lowering of complement haemolytic titter and oxygen radical compounds in umbilical cord malaria are associated with low birth weight and preterm birth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-62 ◽  
Rima Irwinda ◽  
Budi Iman Santoso ◽  
Raymond Surya ◽  
Lidia Firmiaty Nembo

BACKGROUND Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) causes high maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. This study aims to assess the impact of PIH on fetal growth according to gestational age in preterm deliveries.METHODS A prospective cohort study using secondary data was undertaken in Ende District, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia from September 2014 to August 2015. The t-test was performed to compare mean birth weight based on gestational week between normotensive and PIH women, continued by linear regression. The chi-square or Fisher exact test was also conducted to determine the probability of birthing small for the gestational age (SGA) and large for gestational age (LGA) babies between normotensive and PIH women.RESULTS A total of 1,673 deliveries were recorded in Ende Hospital over the 1-year study period, among which 182 cases involved preterm births. The PIH group had lower birth weight than normotensive women at each gestational age starting from 32–35 weeks (p=0.004; 95% CI 150.84–771.36). Normotensive women at gestational ages of 32 (p=0.05; 95% CI 0.01–0.83), 34 (p=0.37; 95% CI 0.01–4.12), and 36 (p=0.31; 95% CI 0.02–2.95) weeks had a lower risk of birthing SGA babies than PIH women; LGA babies were recorded at gestational ages of 33 (p=1.00; 95% CI 0.07–37.73) and 35 (p=0.31; 95% CI 0.34–63.07) weeks.CONCLUSIONS Poor perfusion of the uteroplacental is one of the reasons behind intrauterine growth restriction, which results in SGA babies born to PIH women.

BMJ Open ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. e017139 ◽  
Rebecca Garcia ◽  
Nasreen Ali ◽  
Andy Guppy ◽  
Malcolm Griffiths ◽  
Gurch Randhawa

ObjectiveTo compare mean birth weights and gestational age at delivery of infants born to Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and white British mothers in Luton, UK.DesignRetrospective analysis using routinely recorded secondary data in Ciconia Maternity information System, between 2008 and 2013.SettingLuton, UK.ParticipantsMothers whose ethnicity was recorded as white British, Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Indian and living in Luton, aged over 16, who had a live singleton birth over 24 weeks of gestation were included in the analysis (n=14 871).Outcome measuresPrimary outcome measures were mean birth weight and gestational age at delivery.ResultsAfter controlling for maternal age, smoking, diabetes, gestation age, parity and maternal height and body mass index at booking, a significant difference in infants’ mean birth weight was found between white British and Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi infants, F(3, 12 287)=300.32, p<0.0001. The partial Eta-squared for maternal ethnicity was η2=0.067. The adjusted mean birth weight for white British infants was found to be 3377.89 g (95% CI 3365.34 to 3390.44); Indian infants, 3033.09 g (95% CI 3038.63 to 3103.55); Pakistani infants, 3129.49 g (95% CI 3114.5 to 3144.48); and Bangladeshi infants, 3064.21 g (95% CI 3041.36 to 3087.06). There was a significant association in preterm delivery found in primipara Indian mothers, compared with Indian mothers (Wald=8.192, df 1, p<0.005).ConclusionsResults show important differences in adjusted mean birth weight between Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and white British women. Moreover, an association was found between primipara Indian mothers and preterm delivery, when compared with Pakistani, Bangladeshi and white British women.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 105
Yulisa Haslinda ◽  
Budi Prasetyo

Objectives: to determine the frequency distribution of perinatal mortality and maternal characteristic features in terms of age, parity, gestational age and pregnancy complications in Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya in 2015. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study conducted by collecting data on patients who experienced perinatal mortality of infants born from January to December 2015 in Dr. Soetomo, Hospital Surabaya. Samples were collected using total sampling. The samples must meet the following criteria: mothers of infants with perinatal mortality in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, from January to December 2015.Results: There were 206 perinatal deaths out of 1018 births in Dr. Soetomo during 2015, of which 58% was live birth and 42% was stillbirth. Most of perinatal mortality found in the preterm gestational age as much as 78%, and gestational age 28-<37 weeks (58%). Most of perinatal mortality occured in infants with less than 1500 grams birth weight, which was as much as 53% of all perinatal deaths and infant whose birth weight from1500 to 2500 grams was about 29%. Most perinatal mortality found in multigravida (54%) and in infants whose mothers experienced preeclampsia in pregnancy complications (35%), followed by infant mortality in women with non-obstetric complications (23%).Conclusion: Perinatal mortality in Dr. Soetomo Hospital was mostly found in multigravida mothers, 16-35 years old maternal age, 28-37 weeks gestational age and those with complications of preeclampsia.

Anshika Kashyap ◽  
Pushpinder Kaur ◽  
Puneet Srivastava ◽  
Veena Singh

 Background: Birth weight is the single largest determinant of the neonatal survival and wellbeing. Maternal anaemia is the commonest medical disorder in pregnancy and is associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality. The effect of haemoglobin levels of the mother on the foetus however remains unclear. This study aims at evaluating the effect of maternal anaemia on neonatal birth weight. It also evaluates the effect of parity, gestational age and maternal age on the new-born birth weight.Methods: A retrospective study was carried out on patients who had delivered in Al Falah hospital, a newly setup medical college in rural Haryana. The population was studied for maternal age, gestational period, and parity and haemoglobin levels. These parameters were correlated with neonatal birth weight. The study was carried out on deliveries which occurred over a period of six months from November 2018 to April 2019.Results: The low birth weight new-borns were 10.5%. Maternal anaemia was present in 79.74 % of women in the study group. Amongst all parameters studied, only higher parity and greater period of gestation had a positive correlation with neonatal birth weight. Haemoglobin levels or maternal age didn’t show a significant impact on the neonatal birth weight. Anaemic mothers didn’t have a higher incidence of low birth weight babies.Conclusion: The most significant contributor to improved neonatal weight is the gestational age of the foetus. All efforts to ensure better neonatal outcome must primarily concentrate on prevention of preterm births. Maternal haemoglobin levels do not directly impact the neonatal birth weight. However, as anaemia is a risk factor for preterm delivery, anaemia indirectly impacts on the neonatal birth weight and outcome.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Wayterlis Apriani ◽  
Awal Isgiyanto ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana

Asphyxia can lead to complications in babies born including death in newborns. This study aimed to determine the relationship between maternal age and gestational age with the incidence of Neonatal Asphyxia in Kaur Hospital. This type of research was Analytical Survey with Case Control design. The population in this study were all mothers and babies born in 2016 as many as 270 people and who experienced asphyxia as many as 68 people. Data collection in this study used secondary data. Data analysis used Chi-Square, Contingency Coefficient and OR analysis. The results showed that there were 68 people (50%) asphyxia with 79 people (58.1%) aged 20-35 years, (3) 84 people (61.8%) mature, there was a significant relationship between the age of mothers with asphyxia in Kaur Hospital was in a close relationship category, and there was a significant relationship between the gestational age of asphyxial mothers in  Kaur  Hospital with the moderate relationship category. It was expected that health workers, especially midwives, can approach every pregnant woman and provide counseling about the importance of regulating maternal age and gestational age before                  the process of pregnancy and childbirth so as to reduce the risk of asphyxia. Keywords: asphyxia, maternal age, gestational age

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