2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 345
Andri Ardianto

The Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) is a state institution that was born from the 1945 NRI Amendment process. The formation of the DPD RI was meant not only to reform the parliamentary structure into two chambers, the formation of the DPD RI was a constitutional effort intended to better accommodate regional votes by giving channels, as well as roles for the regions. In that perspective, the DPD RI must play a more important role in bridging local regional aspirations with national development policies. Thus, regional interests and aspirations can be integrated and aligned with national policies. If the DPR brings political aspirations of the people, then the DPD should carry regional aspirations that are not only political in nature but have social and cultural values in accordance with the variety of regions it represents. In essence, the role of the DPD is more emphasized on the importance of accommodating and aggregating the aspirations and interests of the regions to balance the hegemony of the DPR which carries the aspirations of the people which are only political. This research will focus on the extent to which the DPD RI has carried out its role as mandated and the ideals of its formation as regional representatives. Whether the presence of the DPD has accommodated and aggregated regional interests and has also been able to avoid legislative power being only concentrated in one institution (check and balance).

2020 ◽  
pp. 84-91
Malik Gabdullin

The main direction of the educational process is to develop the education system in accordance with the strategic directions of social and economic development of the republic, integrating it into the world educational space, preserving its national essence through the use of national customs and traditions, as well as cultural values, creating conditions for the formation of a personality in the national spirit, development of a high level of outlook and creative potential of the personality, cognitive competences. The implementation of these tasks requires a review of the content of the educational process in the country's schools from a new methodological standpoint, based on the use of elements of national customs and traditions. Such a new methodological system shows the need for radical changes in the traditional educational process, the development of a creative approach to teaching, and the updating of the content of education on a national basis.In the modern period of the development of society in the educational process of educational institutions the principle of education is implemented, taking into account the comprehensive development of students, such a system of education and upbringing provides an opportunity for the formation of cultural and ethnic identity, it is aimed at an in-depth study of the spiritual culture of the people and the ability to connect it with modern values. This system of education and training is based on the link between national customs and traditions (customs and traditions related to children's upbringing, household customs and traditions, social customs and traditions) and the educational process.

Amirov Zafar Aktamovich ◽  

This article analyzes the data provided by local law educational institutions and the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign experience. Analysis showed critical lack of legal personnel in comparison with the people of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the lack of legal training a couple of times population. Concluding the research, proposals and recommendations to increase the number of lawyers in the country were given.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Rina Rohayu H

Land given to and owned by people with rights provided by the UUPA is to be used and utilized. The granting and possession of land with these rights will not be meaningful if its use is limited to land as the surface of the earth. The land also has a significant role in the dynamics of development. According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia NRI,  "earth and water are natural resources contained therein controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people." This research uses a normative juridical approach that is research based on the rules / according to the law because this research focused on the use of document studies and literature or secondary data. The research specification used is descriptive-analytic, which describes the law of the land in the era of globalization based on local wisdom. The results of the study illustrate that the role of the land ruling state, which used for the prosperity of the people, is regulated under Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles (UUPA).On the other hand, the globalization of law is nothing more than a legal intervention from developed countries towards developing countries in order to adjust their laws globally. One way to address the problem of globalization of land law is to reaffirm local wisdom. In other words, they are upholding the customary provisions related to land. Example: provisions of customary land. Customary land is communal land that is jointly owned and thus does not need to be certified.Keywords: globalization, land law, local wisdomABSTRAKTanah diberikan kepada dan dipunyai oleh orang dengan hak-hak yang disediakan oleh UUPA, adalah untuk digunakan dan dimanfaatkan. Diberikannya dan dipunyainya tanah dengan hak-hak tersebut tidak akan bermakna, jika penggunaannya terbatas hanya pada tanah sebagai permukaan bumi saja. Tanah juga mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam dinamika pembangunan. Undang-undang Dasar 1945 menjelaskan bahwa “Bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung didalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat.” Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan kepada kaidah-kaidah/menurut hukum, oleh karena penelitian ini dititik-beratkan pada penggunaan studi dokumen dan bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis yang menggambarkan tentang hukum tanah di era globalisasi berdasarkan kearifan lokal. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa peran negara penguasa tanah yang digunakan untuk kemakmuran masyarakat diatur berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 5 tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria (UUPA). Disisi lain, globalisasi hukum tak lebih sebagai intervensi hukum dari negara maju terhadap negara berkembang agar menyesuaikan hukumnya secara global. Salah satu cara menyikapi persoalan globalisasi hukum tanah ini adalah dengan menegaskan kembali kearifan lokal. Dengan kata lain, menegakkan kembali ketentuan-ketentuan adat terkait dengan tanah. Misalnya ketentuan tanah ulayat. Tanah ulayat merupakan tanah komunal milik bersama, dengan demikian tidak perlu disertifikatkan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 364
Yanzah Bagas Nugraha ◽  
Dwi Andayani Budisetyowati

The establishment of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia so called Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD-RI) at least has two objectives. The first is to enhance justice for the people in the region. Secondly, to expanding and increasing the participation of local communities in national life. The process to form this state institution is done by amending the 3rd amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic Indonesia. However, in doing that  amendment there was an internal conflict within the body of DPD-RI involving the old and the new leaders of this institution last year. The length of leadership tenure which was initially made 5 years was amended to became 2.5 years. The different length of leadership tenure was then canceled by the Supreme Court and it was decided to be the same as other institution such as The People’s Consultative Assembly and The House of Representative in that the leadership tenure should be in accordance with the electoral cycle of 5 years. However, although the regulation of DPD-RI has been canceled, the Supreme Court keeps sending its representative to guide the oath of position of the new DPD-RI leadership. The only regulation that has been introduced by the state was regulation toward conflict between state institutions and this conflict can merely be resolved by the Constitutional Court. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the state to seek solution to solve this problem to prevent the same thing happened to other state institution in the future.


The impact of globalization has penetrated throughout the civilization of the nations of the world, running so fast. Especially very influential on changes in various lines of life. Related to this is the issue of increasing narcotics abuse and narcotics illicit trafficking which has created conditions that have hindered the development process and weakened civilization. Eradication of narcotics distribution is a national problem, because it has a negative impact that can damage and threaten the lives of the people, nation and state and can hamper the national development process. The rise of narcotics abuse does not only occur in big cities, but has reached small cities in all ten regions of the Republic of Indonesia, including East Aceh Regency. The increasingly diverse lifestyle of the people due to the influence of globalization also contributes to the increasing circulation of narcotics in East Aceh District. This certainly must receive serious attention, because if we look at what is happening in East Aceh District and several other regions in Indonesia, the crime of narcotics distribution from time to time always increases which in the end is increasingly unsettling the community, so before these things increase In East Aceh District, an effective solution must be found to eradicate it. Factors that cause a person to commit a narcotics crime in East Aceh Regency are due to economic factors where a person needs money to live and the difficulty of getting work, family environmental factors, social environmental factors and availability / lack of supervision factors. Efforts in tackling narcotics circulation in East Aceh district involve many parties, including: firstly, pre-emptive efforts by providing counseling in the community and schools about narcotics carried out by the police in tackling narcotics crime in East Aceh District. Second, preventive measures (prevention) by conducting raids and patrols routinely, providing oversight of the association and positive activities carried out by the police, prosecutors, religious leaders, community leaders and youth organizations. The third repressive effort (action) which aims to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrators of drug trafficking crimes involving all law enforcement officials ranging from the Police, Attorney and District Courts and Detention Houses.Keywords: Crimonology, Narcotics Circulation. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rasji Rasji

Village government is the lowest level of government in the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Its existence is very strategic for the implementation of programs of the central government, local government, and the wishes of the village community, so that the village government can help create a balance between the goals desired by the state and those desired by the people, namely the welfare of the people. For this reason, the role of village government officials is important to achieve the success of implementing village government tasks. In fact, there are still many village government officials who have not been able to carry out their duties and authorities properly and correctly. How are efforts to strengthen the role of village government officials so that they are able to carry out their duties and authority properly and correctly? One effort that can be done is to provide technical guidance to village government officials regarding village governance, the duties and authorities of village government officials, as well as the preparation of village regulations. Through this activity, it is hoped that the role of the village government apparatus in carrying out their duties and authorities will be strong, so that their duties and authorities can be carried out properly and correctlyABSTRAK;Pemerintahan desa adalah tingkat pemerintahan terendah di dalam Pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia. Keberadaannya sangat strategis bagi penerapan program pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan keinginan masyarakat desa, sehingga pemerintah desa dapat membantu terciptanya keseimbangan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh negara dan yang diinginkan oleh rakyat yaitu kesejahteraan rakyat. Untuk itu peran aparatur pemerintahan desa menjadi penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas pemerintahan desa. Pada kenyataannya masih banyak aparatur pemerintahan desa yang belum dapat melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya dengan baik dan benar. Bagaimana upaya menguatkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa, agar mampu menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya secara baik dan benar? Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan bimbingan teknis kepada aparatur pemerintahan desa mengenai pemerintahan desa, tugas dan wewenang aparatur pemerintah desa, maupun penyusunan peraturan desa. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya menjadi kuat, sehingga tugas dan wewenangnya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar.

Veritas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-115
Damrah Mamang

The dynamics in the system and structure of the Indonesian constitution began in the reform era so quickly developed. All can run properly and correctly because it was initiated by reforming the constitution through an amendment or constitutional amendment mechanism (the 1945 Constitution) in four stages of change (1999 - 2002). One of the essence of the amendment, gave birth to the Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) as a state institution with its constitutionality can be found explicitly in Chapter VIIA Article 22 C Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 4 and Article 22 D Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 4. And UUNO. 17 of 2014 Jo UUNo.2 of 2018 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPD, DPRD. As a new post-amendment state institution, the DPD is designed as a strong bicameral second chamber of our parliament which was originally only unicameral, namely the DPR RI as a state institution and a representative institution of the people. But one of the characteristics of bicameral is if both parliamentary chambers carry out the legislative function as they should. However, if examined carefully until now based on the substitution of article 22 C and Article 22D of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 the authority and authority of the DPD is still very limited. So that as an organic law does not give much space for the implementation of authority to the DPD in carrying out its main duties and functions, especially the legislative function like the DPR. For this reason, in order to strengthen and empower the future, the DPD's consistency and authority need to get priority place in the context of the subsequent amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the Holder of strategic and fundamental national political decision authority. Everything is inseparable from the problems in the DPD now is a matter of the authority granted by the constitution to him, especially in the context of the legislative function to make laws. Its existence is expected to bridge the relationship between the center and the regions, in a two-chamber parliamentary frame which has strong bicameralism authority.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-178
Girdhari Dahal

The people of Nepal have witnessed different political movements in the political history of Nepal. The political movements are influenced by different philosophies. Gita philosophy as well has marked distinct impact in the politics of Nepal. The people of Nepal had to bear a lot of injustice, oppression and exploitation during Rana rule. Although the governments prior to Rana rule were also not so much democratic, to some extent they were directed to public welfare. At the time of Rana rule there had taken place many reformations in global politics, but Nepali people were denied off very common citizen rights. So, there was a need for a democratic movement in Nepal. In the campaigns for democratic movements then, there was a very significant impact of Gita philosophy. It is found from this study that four martyrs of 1997BS and founder leaders of Nepali Congress and Nepal Communist Party were influenced by the ideas of Gita philosophy and the general public has a great faith on the Gita philosophy. Gita philosophy has formed the foundations for the democratic movement in Nepal. And even after the establishment of democracy in Nepal, there were series of political changes in Nepal. And in the revolutions or campaigns for restoration of democracy or for the republic, there has been a role of different political leaders and as many of the first-generation leaders are still in active politics, we can find direct or indirect influence of Gita philosophy in Nepalese politics. Though the later generations of leadership seem to have less knowledge about Gita, their activities and the political interests matched with the principles of Gita philosophy.

Lyudmila Vasyukovich

The Objective is to identify the role of the textbook as a representant of culture, to determine the main directions of linguistic and cultural approach based on the published educational texts. The research subject is the Belarusian language textbooks for the third stage (10-11 forms) of general secondary education in the Republic of Belarus that reflect the current level of the Belarusian people linguistic and cultural development. Methods: linguocultural analysis of linguistic material, synthesis and interpretation of linguo- methodological theory and pedagogical experience. At the present stage, the tutorial not only introduces basic linguistic notions to students (terms, definitions, rules, literary standards, etc.), but also acts as a means of presenting and teaching native and other cultures. In the context of the study, the tutorial is considered to be a representant of culture, a field of cross- cultural and educational environment. Linguocultural approach to language teaching is treated as a set of ways and means to transmit cultural values inscribed in the linguistic units (words with the national- cultural component, proper names, idioms, proverbs, aphorisms, symbols of national culture, precedent texts) through a system of educational texts.

Т.А. Бороноева

Автор рассматривает роль государственных музеев и центров современного искусства в развитии изобразительного искусства Бурятии. В частности, показано, как решаются проблемы, порожденные географической удаленностью республики от культурных столиц России и сложившимся в русле академизма стереотипом «национального своеобразия». В настоящее время в Республике Бурятия достаточно заметны признаки активного развития современного искусства, поддерживаются молодые таланты. При этом автор отмечает, что ведущую роль в сохранении, продвижении произведений изобразительного искусства и художников играют именно государственные музеи. Именно там работы художников становятся музейными предметами — культурными ценностями, имеющими значение для истории и культуры государства и обладающими особыми признаками, которые делают необходимыми для общества их сохранение, изучение и публичное представление. The author examines the role of state museums and centers of contemporary art in the development of the fine arts of Buryatia. In this development process, it is important to solve the problems generated by the geographic remoteness of the republic from the cultural capitals of Russia and the stereotype of “national identity” that has developed in line with academism. At present, signs of active development of contemporary art are quite noticeable in the republic, young talents are supported. At the same time, the author notes that it is the state museums that play the leading role in the preservation and promotion of works of fine art and artists. It is in museums that the works of artists become museum objects — cultural values ​​that are significant for the history and culture of the state and possess special characteristics that make it necessary for society to preserve, study and publicize them.

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