scholarly journals Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang kesehatan gigi anak dengan tingkat keparahan karies anak TK di Kota Tahuna

e-GIGI ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Christian Rompis ◽  
Damajanty Pangemanan ◽  
Paulina Gunawan

Abstract: Mother's knowledge about children dental health is very important. It could be observed from some aspects such as knowledge of the causes of dental health problems, children dental care, dietary, and time schedule to the dentist. Def-t index is a measurement of the severity of dental caries in children. This study aimed to determine the relationship of mother's knowledge about the dental health and dental caries severity of kindergarten children in the town of Tahuna. This was an analytical study with a cross-sectional design. There were 65 kindergarten children as samples. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and the def-t examination sheet. The results showed as follows: the mother's knowledge about the dental health of children of good category 93.8% and poor category 6.1%. The examination of the severity of dental caries resulted in 4.61% low severity category, 26.1% moderate severity category, 60% high severity category, and very high severity category 9.23%. The contingency coefficient correlation test showed a significance of 0.270 (> p = 0.05); therefore, the relationship was weak. Conclusion: There was no relationship between mother's knowledge about dental health of the children and caries severity of kindergarten children in the city of Tahuna.Keywords: def- t, severity of caries, knowledge of motherAbstrak: Pengetahuan ibu tentang kesehatan gigi anak menjadi salah satu hal yang penting di era sekarang ini. Pengetahuan ibu mengenai kesehatan gigi anak dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek yaitu pengetahuan tentang penyebab masalah kesehatan gigi, akibat masalah kesehatan gigi, perawatan gigi anak, pengaturan makanan serta waktu memeriksakan gigi anak ke dokter gigi. Tingkat keparahan karies merupakan pengukuran seberapa parah karies gigi pada anak dengan menggunakan indeks def-t. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu tentang kesehatan gigi terhadap tingkat keparahan karies anak TK di kota Tahuna. Jenis penelitan ini analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang diambil dari beberapa TK di Kota Tahuna sebanyak 65 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan kuesioner dan lembar pemeriksaan def-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan ibu tentang kesehatan gigi anak di Kota Tahuna kategori baik 93,8% sedangkan kategori buruk 6,1 %. Pemeriksaan tingkat keparahan karies gigi mendapatkan kategori keparahan rendah 4,61%, kategori keparahan sedang 26,1%, kategori keparahan tinggi 60%, dan kategori keparahan sangat tinggi 9,23%. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji korelasi koefisien kontingensi mendapatkan hasil signifikansi 0,270 (> p = 0,05), yang menunjukkan hubungan yang terjadi lemah. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang kesehatan gigi anak dengan tingkat keparahan karies anak TK di Kota Tahuna.Kata kunci : def- t, tingkat keparahan karies, pengetahuan ibu

Shintia Yunita Arini ◽  
Endang Dwiyanti

ABSTRACTFatigue is one of the problems experienced often by workers. Feeling of fatigue is subjective because every person is influenced by several factors deserve and need special attention as a follow-up in order to avoid problems in the health of workers. Toll collector is one of the employees at toll road developer that has an important task in the operation of toll roads. The objective of this research to determine the relationship of several independent variables included age, gender, exercise habits, monotonous circumstances and workload, work climate and noise toward to the dependent variable, fatigue. This research was analytic observational methods of data collection and cross sectional design.. The sample in this study was a toll collector at one of toll road developer taken from the population using simple random sampling. Variable testing performed using spearman correlation analysis and contingency coefficient. Variables studied had a relationship with fatigue if p < 0.05. There are 34 workers (50.7%) had mild fatigue. Statistical analysis showed weak correlation to the variables gender (p = 0.004), exercise habits (p = 0.033), state of monotony (p = 0.008), work climate perception (p = 0.011) , and the noise perception (p = 0.033) of the relationship with the occurrence of fatigue. So fatigue was influenced by several factors such as individual factors, job factors, and work environmental factors.Keywords: fatigue, toll collector, subjective

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-230
Zufrizal ◽  
Ida Yustina ◽  

Maternity Waiting Homes is a regional government program that aims to reduce maternal mortality. But in reality, there are still many people who do not utilize this facility. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of maternal health conditions on the utilization of maternity waiting homes for maternity motherhood. This research is an explanatory survey research with cross sectional design. The study was conducted in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The results showed that there was a relationship between maternal health conditions and the utilization of the maternity waiting house for maternity motherhood in Langkat Regency (p = 0.027).

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Mervin Manginte ◽  
Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Maximillian Ch. Oley

Abstract: Increase of interleukin 6 (IL-6) level occurs in the brain after traumatic brain injury (TBI), however, studies about IL-6 as a prodictor based on CT-scan is still limited. This study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between serum IL-6 level and CT Marshall classification in patients with severe TBI. This was an observational study with a cross sectional design. There were 20 patients with severe TBI admitted at the Emergency Surgery Installation of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado in this study. CT-scan was performed on them to determine the CT Marshall classification and to categorize the hemorrhage location (extra-axial, intra-axial, both), hemisphere (midline/diffuse, dextral, sinistral), and area (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, multiple). Venous blood sample used for IL-6 examination was drawn less than 24 hours after trauma. The results showed that mean IL-6 level was 22.0060 pg/mL (SD 4.64494 pg/mL). Patients were distributed relatively uniform in 4 detected categories (diffuse injury II, III, V, and VI) of CT Marshall classification. Final regression model consisted of IL-6, age, and temporal injury as predictors. The Spearman coefficient correlation showed rs = -0.005 (P=0.491). Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between serum Il-6 level and CT Marshall classification, albeit, both of them increased consistantly following the severity of TBI and could be potential predictors to determine the prognosis of severe TBI patients.Keywords: IL-6, CT Marshall, severe TBIAbstrak: Pada cedera otak berat akibat trauma (COBT) terjadi peningkatan ekspresi IL-6 di otak namun penelitian mengenai kemampuannya untuk memrediksi hasil berdasarkan klasifikasi CT scan masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara kadar IL-6 serum dan klasifikasi CT Marshall pada pasien dengan COBT. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 20 pasien yang dirawat dengan COBT di IRDB RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. CT-scan segera digunakan untuk menentukan klasifikasi CT Marshall dan untuk mengategorikan lokasi (ekstra-aksial, intra-aksial, keduanya), belahan (garis tengah/difus, dekstra, sisnitra), dan area otak yang terlibat dalam cedera. Sampel darah vena untuk IL-6 diambil kurang dari 24 jam setelah trauma. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan rerata kadar IL-6 22,0060 pg/mL (SD 4,64494 pg/mL). Pasien didistribusikan relatif seragam dalam empat kategori yang terdeteksi (difus cedera II, III, V, dan VI) dari klasifikasi CT Marshall. Model regresi akhir terdiri dari IL-6, usia, dan cedera pada area temporal sebagai prediktor. Korelasi antara kadar IL-6 serum dan klasifikasi CT Marshall dianalisis dengan koefisien korelasi Spearman dan mendapatkan rs = -0,005 (P=0,491). Simpulan: Walaupun secara statistik tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar Il-6 serum dan CT Marshall namun keduanya secara konsisten meningkat mengikuti COBT dan dapat menjadi prediktor potensial untuk menentukan prognosis pada pasien dengan COBT.Kata kunci: IL-6, CT Marshall, COBT

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Mei Ahyanti

<p>Environmental-based diseases (PBL) are a health problem and occur in almost all geographical regions in the world. Every year, environment-based diseases are always found and reported to spread evenly at every Puskesmas in Bandar Lampung City. Settlement sanitation is an important aspect directly related to health and society. "Waterborne Disease" disease is still high, proving that there are still sanitation problems in settlements. The study aims to determine the relationship of settlement sanitation with environmental-based diseases in the city of Bandar Lampung. The study used a cross-sectional design, the population is all households in Bandar Lampung City. The sample was 384 respondents, taken randomly using multistage sampling. The results found 14,3% of respondents had a physical component of an unhealthy house, 45,3% of respondents had an unhealthy sanitation facility, 40,1% of the occupants of the house behaved in an unhealthy manner. The test results statistically concluded that there was a significant relationship between settlement sanitation and the incidence of environmental-based diseases.</p>

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Jacky Ch. Lintang ◽  
Henry Palandeng ◽  
Michael A. Leman

Abstract: The disease of teeth and mouth that most suffered by Indonesian society is caries. Caries is disease in hard tissue of teeth that occurred beginning with process of demineralization of dental hard tissue, followed by tooth decay organic matter. The Indonesian population prevalence of caries is 53.2%. School period is most susceptible to dental caries. Children who have a good knowledge in general, has good behavior to maintain their oral health. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship knowledge of dental health maintenance and severity of dental health. This type of research is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. The population of this study is all children in 5th grade of Tumaluntung Primary School in North Minahasa, with total sample 45 students. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaire and examination of dental caries index. The results showed that there was no strong relationship between the level of knowledge of dental health maintenance with severity of dental caries (r=0.372).Keywords: knowledge; dental health maintenance; dental caries severityAbstrak: Penyakit gigi dan mulut yang paling banyak diderita masyarakat Indonesia adalah karies. Karies merupakan suatu penyakit pada jaringan keras gigi yang terjadi diawali dengan proses demineralisasi jaringan keras gigi diikuti dengan kerusakan bahan organik gigi. Di Indonesia prevalensi penduduk yang mengalami karies sebanyak 53,2%. Masa sekolah merupakan waktu yang paling rentan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya karies. Anak-anak yang memiliki pengetahuan baik pada umumnya memiliki perilaku yang baik untuk mejaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut mereka.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dengan tingkat keparahan karies gigi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelas V SDN Tumaluntung Minahasa Utara, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan indeks karies.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang kuat antara tingkat pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dengan tingkat keparahan karies gigi (r=0,372).Kata kunci: pengetahuan; pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi; keparahan karies gigi

e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Vini Maleke ◽  
Adrian Umboh ◽  
Vivekenanda Pateda

Abstract: Nutrition is needed for growth and development, energy, thinking, and physical well-being. Selection of proper nutrition will optimize growth and brain development. This study aimed to determine the relationship of nutritional status and academic achievement of elementary school students in Modoinding. This was a descriptive analytical study with a cross sectional design. The nutritional status was based on BMI value meanwhile the academic achievement was based on school reports. Samples were 114 students. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate analyses as well as ANOVA F test. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between nutritional status and academic achievement with a p value = 0.792. Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between nutritional status and academic achievement among the elementary students in Modoinding.Keywords: nutritional status, achievementAbstrak: Gizi dibutuhkan anak sekolah untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, energi, berpikir, serta daya tahan tubuh. Gizi yang berkualitas akan mengoptimalisasikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan prestasi belajar siswa Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Modoinding. Penelitian ini bersifat dekriptif analitik dengan desain potong litang. Status gizi dan prestasi dilihat berdasarkan nilai IMT dan hasil rapor. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 114 siswa. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji anova F. Hasil analisis data memperlihatkan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar siswa dengan nilai p = 0,792. Simpulan: Pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Modoinding tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar.Kata kunci: status gizi, prestasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Puput Dwi Cahya Ambar Wati ◽  
Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo

Background: The Surabaya City Health Office report showed, the coverage of hygienic and healthy lifestyle in 2016 was 75.07%. In Rangkah Village, a total of 2,770 (11.84%) out of 23,390 families were monitored, and as many as 1,552 of them (56.03%) had applied hygienic and healthy lifestyle. Objective: This study identified the relationship between knowledge and attitude with the implementation of clean and healthy lifestyle in Rangkah Village. Method: This study deployed quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. As many as 249 people became the sample selected by using the cluster random sampling. The independent variables were knowledge of and attitudes towards hygienic and healthy lifestyle, while the dependent variable was hygiene and healthy lifestyle. The data were then processed with SPSS to identify whether there is a relationship among the variables observed. Results: Knowledge variable obtained P value of 0.014<α (0.05), meaning there is a relationship of knowledge with hygienic and healthy lifestyle. While attitude variable had P value of 0.082>α (0.05), suggesting that there is no relationship of attitudes with hygienic and healthy lifestyle. Conclusion: One of the factors which greatly influences hygienic and healthy lifestyle in the familiesis knowledge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Desy Desy Amanda ◽  
Santi Martini

ABSTRAKSeseorang dengan kelebihan berat badan dan hiperkolesterol memiliki risiko mengalami penyakit hipertensi lebih besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik dan status obesitas sentral dengan kejadian hipertensi di Puskesmas Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik dengan rancang bangun penelitian cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 50 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara convenience atau accidental sampling. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini yaitu karakteristik responden dan status obesitas sentral. Variabel dependen yaitu hipertensi. Karakteristik umur responden penderita hipertensi terdiri dari dua kategori yaitu umur >59 tahun dan <59 tahun. Jenis kelamin responden terdiri dari dua kategori yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita hipertensi dengan obesitas sentral memiliki risiko lebih tinggi mengalami hipertensi dibandingkan penderita yang normal dan kelompok umur >59 tahun jenis kelamin laki-laki merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dalam penelitian ini. Ada hubungan antara umur dengan kejadian hipertensi (p = 0,000), jenis kelamin dengan kejadian hipertensi (p = 0,044) dan status obesitas sentral dengan kejadian hipertensi (p = 0,001). Kesimpulan penelitian, terdapat hubungan antara umur, jenis kelamin, dan status obesitas sentral dengan kejadian hipertensi. Saran penelitian, bagi penderita hipertensi sebaiknya melakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah secara rutin. Kata Kunci: hipertensi, karakteristik, obesitas sentral ABSTRACTA person with overweight and hiperkolesterol have high risk of hypertension. The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between the characteristic and status of central obesity with the prevalence of hypertension in Sidoarjo. This type of research use analytic observational with cross sectional design. A sample sizes is 50 people. The technique of sampling uses convenience or accidental sampling. Independent variables are characteristics of the respondents and the status of central obesity. The dependent variable is hypertension. The characteristics of the aged respondents divided into two categories there are aged >59 years and <59 years. The gender of respondents were into two categories, namely men and women. Analyzing data using chi square test. Results of research indicates that sufferers of hypertension with Central obesity have a higher risk of experiencing hypertension sufferers than normal and >59 year age group gender the most dominant males in this study. There is a relationship between the age with the prevalence of hypertension (p = 0.000), sex with the genesis of hypertension (p = 0.044) and statuf of central obesity with the prevalence of hypertension (p = 0.001). The conclusions of the research, there is a relationship between age, gender, status of central obesity with the prevalence of hypertension. Suggestion, for patients with hypertension should check a blood pressure regularly. Keywords: hypertension, characteristics, central obesity

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-11
Ngatemi Ngatemi ◽  
Nur Afni

Child's Dental and Oral Health in Indonesia is still very alarming so it needs serious attention from health workers. The main problem that occurs in the oral cavity is dental caries. PDGI (Indonesian Dentist Association) states that at least 89% of caries sufferers are children. Based on the results of the characteristics of the health survey, the prevalence of dental caries in 3-5 year olds is 81.7%. This study aims to determine the relationship between the characteristics and knowledge of mothers about dental hygiene procedures with the incidence of tooth holes in infants in Posyandu Jeruk, Pondok Labu Village, South Jakarta in 2018. This study was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. The research sample used total sampling totaling 47 mothers of children aged 4-5 years who came to the Posyandu Jeruk. Data collection through questionnaires and observation of tooth holes by officers. Data analysis was conducted in univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. The results of univariate analysis showed that the incidence of tooth decay was mostly in the high category (57.4%), mother age <32 years (66.6%), high maternal education (66.0%), and knowledge was mostly high (63.8 %). The results of the bivariate analysis, the variables that were significantly related to the incidence of tooth holes were education (p = 0.007 and OR = 9,692), and knowledge (p = 0.004 and OR = 11,250). Whereas the non-mean is age (p = 0.667). The results of multivariate analysis, the dominant variable associated with the incidence of tooth holes in infants is maternal knowledge (OR = 9,068).

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 133
Bambang Edi Prasetyo ◽  
Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono ◽  
Rahyaningsih Rahyaningsih

Background: Parents’ attention is needed in the growth and development of children. Nowadays, there are families consisted more than 3 children with short birth interval. It causes parents’ love, attention, and daily needs (especially food) become less.Objectives: The study was conducted to know the relationship between birth interval and number of children in a family and nutritional status of kindergarten children.Methods: The study was observational with cross sectional design. The samples were kindergarten children in Wates District who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were children allowed by their parents to become samples and had at least one sister/brother; whereas the exclusion criteria were children that were sick. The sample size was 193, determined using single sample hypothesis formula. Chi square was used to analyze data.Results: The study showed that birth interval influenced mothering way indirectly (p=0.003), but mothering way did not influence food intake statistically (p=0.73). Food intake influenced nutrition status directly (p=0.001). Number of children did not influence mothering way statistically (p=0.49).Conclusions: Birth interval influences the nutrition status indirectly. There was no relationship between number of children and nutrition status of kindergarten children.

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