Jacqualine G. Wenas ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Jenny Morasa

The purpose of this research examine the opportunistic behavior of the Manado City Government over changes in the General Allocation Fund (DAU) developed by Maryono (2013) and to obtain empirical evidence regarding the development of changes in the DAU allocation received from the Central Government and the opportunistic behavior of the Manado City Government over changes in the DAU throughout the 2014- Fiscal Year 2018. The approach used is a Qualitative Approach. Determination of key informants using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques carried out by: Unstructured Interviews, Passive Participation Observation, and Documentation. Data analysis is performed through Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion / Verification Activity. The results showed that the opportunistic behavior of the Manado City Government in responding to changes in the DAU: (1) Budgeting regional expenditure exceeds PAD as a source of regional income. Very high dependency behavior on DAU around 70 percent compared to PAD; (2) Non-proactive behavior towards developing the potential of resources to generate greater PAD contribution that exceeds or is balanced with regional expenditure expenditure, even though PAD can only finance 30 percent and is not fixed in nature; (3) Lack of developing a realistic attitude in formulating savings criteria in regional budgeting, especially savings in operational expenditure budgets to prioritize the use of the budget for the provision of community services; (4) Government's customary attitude to accept the fact that Manado City can only rely on the Service Sector due to the lack of natural resource potentialKeywords: Opportunistic Behavior, Local Government, General Allocation Funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 012-022
Sri Ernawati Zunaidin

The development paradigm in many countries is currently more oriented towards the service sector and industry, including the tourism industry. In the tourism system, the marketing strategy carried out on tourist objects is an important element in supporting the desire of tourists to visit. This study aims to determine and analyze whether expanded marketing affects the visiting decision Lawata Beach. This study uses a mix method quantitative and a qualitative. The population in this study are tourists who have visited lawata beach tourist destinations in Bima City. Sampling with purposive sampling technique, where the determination of the sample based on certain criteria that are tailored to the needs of the study. The sample in this study amounted to 100 people with the research instrument using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis used simple linear regression, partial test with t test. To test the effect between variables using SPSS (Statistical Service Product Solutions) version 20.00 and SWOT analysis. The results of the study stated that expanded marketing had a positive and significant effect on the Visiting Decision Lawata Beach Bima City and from the results of the SWOT analysis, the Bima City government had to always develop attractive tourist attractions, making Lawata Beach an economic creative area and adding supporting facilities on the Lawata beach, facilities and infrastructure can add attractiveness and increase competitiveness with tourist objects in other areas.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Elvira Mulya Nalien

Abstract The decision of the central government is unanimous, namely the Bureaucratic Trimming policy and must be immediately implemented by ministries / agencies as well as local governments. Although several K/Ls have completed implementing the simplification, it is not necessarily the case for local governments, including the Bukittinggi City Government. The dualism of directives and regulations from the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reforms and the Ministry of Home Affairs hampered the implementation of this policy. So the purpose of this paper is to find out the inhibiting factors of the implementation of the Bureaucratic Trimming policy, especially in the Bukittinggi City Government. This is a qualitative research with data collection methods by means of in-depth interviews, non-participatory observation and review of related internal and external data sources. Determination of informants by means of purposive sampling. The findings where in the Communication Dimension, there are differences in the direction of the Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reforms and the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the completion of the equalization of positions. The Resource Dimension, not all structural positions can be transferred to functional positions and the availability of several suitable functional positions. Furthermore, the loss of career patterns such as employee transfers and the fact that the simplification of the bureaucracy actually burdens the Bukittinggi City Budget. The dimensions of the Bureaucratic Structure, the finding of procedural confusion in terms of the focus of Bureaucratic Trimming, between prioritizing equalization of positions to functional or prioritizing simplifying structure. Finally, the Disposition Dimension, the Bukittinggi City Government fully complies with the central government's instructions by submitting a proposal for equalization of positions to functional in April 2021 to the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, with the issuance of Permenpan No. 17 of 2021, the city government of Bukittinggi is still waiting for further directions considering the guidance and supervision of the implementation of regional government is under the Ministry of Home Affairs.   Keywords: Bureaucratic Trimming, Inhibiting Factors, Policy Implementation   Abstrak           Keputusan pemerintah pusat telah bulat yaitu kebijakan Penyederhanaan Birokrasi (Bureaucratic Trimming) dan harus segera dilaksanakan oleh kementerian/lembaga maupun pemerintah daerah. Meskipun beberapa K/L sudah rampung melaksanakan penyederhanaan dimaksud namun belum tentu bagi pemerintah daerah termasuk salah satunya Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi. Adanya dualisme arahan maupun regulasi dari Kemenpan dan Kemendagri membuat implementasi kebijakan ini terhambat. Maka tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat daripada implementasi kebijakan Bureaucratic Trimming khususnya di Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi non partisipatif dan penelaahan sumber data internal maupun eksternal yang terkait. Penentuan informan dengan cara Purposive Sampling. Hasil temuan dimana pada Dimensi Komunikasi, terdapatnya perbedaan arahan Menpan RB dan Mendagri terkait penyelesaian penyetaraan jabatan Dimensi Sumber Daya, tidak semua jabatan struktural dapat dialihkan ke jabatan fungsional serta belum tersedianya beberapa jabatan fungsional yang cocok. Selanjutnya hilangnya pola karier seperti mutasi pegawai dan fakta bahwa penyederhanaan birokrasi justru membebankan APBD Kota Bukittinggi. Dimensi Struktur Birokrasi, ditemukannya kerancuan prosedur dalam hal fokus Bureaucratic Trimming, antara mengutamakan melakukan penyetaraan jabatan ke fungsional atau mendahulukan melaksanakan penyerderhanaan struktur. Terakhir Dimensi Disposisi, Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi sepenuhnya mematuhi instruksi pemerintah pusat dengan telah menyampaikan pengusulan penyetaraan jabatan ke fungsional pada Bulan April 2021 ke Kemendagri. Namun dengan terbitnya Permenpan No. 17 Tahun 2021, pemkot Bukittinggi masih menunggu arahan lebih lanjut mengingat pembinaan dan pengawasan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah adalah dibawah Kemendagri.   Kata Kunci: Bureaucratic Trimming, Faktor Penghambat, Implementasi Kebijakan

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Sri Suartini

APBD is a plan for the implementation of all Regional Revenues and all Regional Expenditures in the framework of the implementation of Decentralization within a given fiscal year. Collection of all Regional revenues aims to meet the targets set in the APBD. Likewise, all regional expenditures and bonds that burden the regions in the context of the implementation of decentralization are carried out in accordance with the amounts and targets set in the APBD. Because the APBD is the basis for regional financial management, the APBD also forms the basis for regional financial control, inspection and supervision activities Basically, the performance budget is a system for preparing and managing regional budgets which are oriented towards achieving results or performance. The performance must reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, which means it must be oriented to the public interest. This has become the need of regional communities to carry out broad, real and responsible autonomy and regional autonomy must be understood as the right or authority of local communities to manage and manage their own affairs. The aspect or role of the regional government is no longer a mere tool of the interests of the central government but rather a tool to fight for regional aspirations and interests. The method used, the process of collecting data moves from the empirical field in an effort to build theory from the data, the purpose of this study is to find out, understand and analyze how the Reporting and Presentation of 2016-2017 Urban Budget Special Realization (AKK) in Adiarsa Barat District, Karawang Barat District Karawang and analyze how the financial analysis of 2016-2017 Urban Budget Special Realization (AKK) in Adiarsa Barat Village Karawang Barat District Karawang District. By paying attention to these objectives, the research method used is a Quantitative Description Adiarsa Barat Kelurahan shopping performance from T 2016 to T.A 2017 showed good performance. Based on the analysis of the results of the 2016/2017 T.A shopping growth shows there is a growth in spending. Expenditures which most affected the increase in growth in total expenditure were capital and operational expenditure

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Umaimah - Wahid ◽  
Nurzahara Amalia

Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah kota yang menerapkan program smart city pada tahap awal dari 200 wilayah kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia dengan “Gerakan menuju 100 Smart City” yang didasarkan pada integrasi teknologi dalam tata kelola kota berkat keberadaan internet of things (IoT). Integrasi teknologi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, membagikan informasi pada publik, memperoleh respon cepat, dan memperbaiki pelayanan masyarat untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menjelaskan bagaimana humas pemerintah Kota Tangerang Selatan melakukan sosialisasi program smart city kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori difusi dan inovasi, konsep hubungan masyarakat, dan smart city. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus; wawancara dan observasi digunakan untuk memperoleh data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa humas pemerintah Tangerang Selatan melakukan berbagai bentuk sosialisasi mengenai program smart city berdasarkan berbagai inovasi teknologi komunikasi dan informasi. Namun, upaya tersebut belumlah maksimal, karena belum ada pemerataan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang konsep smart city di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Hal ini disebabkan sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh humas, termasuk lewat media social, masih belum menjangkau masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Indikasinya terlihat dari kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang konsep kota pintar di Kota Tangerang Selatan sehingga pemanfatan inovasi teknologi program smart city belum bisa meningkatkan pelayanan publik secara maksimal.Kata kunci: Inovasi, hubungan masyarakat, Tangerang Selatan, smart city ABSTRACTSouth Tangerang is a city that implemented smart city programs from 200 districts/cities in the early stages of the “Movement towards 100 Smart Cities” program by the Indonesian central government based on the integration of technology in city governance due to the presence of the internet in various ways (LoT). The integration of these technologies is intended to improve efficiency, share information with the public, get a quick response and improve services to improve the quality and welfare of the people in the city. The purpose of this research is to find out and explain how the public relations of the South Tangerang city government spread smart city programs through various forms of innovation to the public. This study uses the Theory of Diffusion and Innovation, the concept of Public Relations (PR) and Smart City. The research approach uses qualitative with the case study method. The researcher obtained the data through interviews and observations, and to validate the data, the researcher used the triangulation of sources. The results showed that the public relations government of the City of South Tangerang conducted various forms of socialization of smart city programs by conducting technological innovations that were applied to community services at local government offices. But the results have not been maximal. This is shown by the uneven public knowledge about the concept of smart cities in South Tangerang. Therefore, the awareness to support smart city programs is also limited. The indication can be viewed from the lack of public knowledge about the concept of smart cities in South Tangerang. Thus, the utilization of smart city program technology innovation has not been able to improve public services maximally.Keywords: Innovation, public relations, South Tangerang, smart city

Arsitektura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 317
Fauzan Ali Ikhsan ◽  
Anita Dianingrum ◽  
Kusumaningdyah Nurul Handayani ◽  
Pratiwi Anjar Sari ◽  
Mohamad Muqoffa ◽  

<p class="Keywords">Sub Communal RISHA is a pilot project from the central government in collaboration with the Surakarta City Government as a solution for structuring slum settlements in Surakarta. The RISHA method facilitates the construction and installation process due to the use of a modular precast system which is also more flexible and efficient both in terms of construction time and the use of construction materials. The purpose of this research is to identify the space adaptation of Sub Communal RISHA based on the behavior of residents. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method. The research location is in the area of RW 06 Rusunawa Semanggi Surakarta and the time of data collection was carried out in the period May-August 2021. Primary data was taken with several techniques, observation and Forum Group Discussion (FGD) method. The analysis was carried out using data triangulation techniques. The use of this analysis technique aims to combine all data to produce accurate and comprehensive conclusions. The results showed that there are two adaptations carried out by the residents of Sub Communal RISHA, namely adaptation by adjustment and adaptation by reactions.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Juli Juli Juli

This study examined differences in the local government's financial performance before and after the transition from central tax BPHTB be local taxes? In general, this study aims to determine the contribution BPHTB to the PAD as a source of funding for the survival of each region in order to achieve local autonomy system. The samples used in this study is the district/city that has existed since autonomy BPHTB not be treated as 114 cities/districts. The realization of the study observation period is the period before the transition budget BPHTB (Year 2010) and after the transition BPHTB (Year 2011). The research data were statistically tested with a different test of two paired samples. The results show that the performance of local government in Java have differences before and after the transition BPHTB from the central government to local governments. This research can provide empirical evidence of the differences in the financial performance of the post-transition region from the center to the regions BPHTB especially Java. The results of this study can also be used as a reference in future studies with similar themes to consider several things. First, the use of samples that are not confined to the local government but the entire Indonesian island of Java. Second, adding the growth rate ie performance measurement. Third, review the compatibility ratio because in addition to operational expenditure and capital expenditure is no longer heading in the budget expenditure is financing and transfer.     Keywords: Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan, Financial Performance, Autonomous Region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Sabungan Sibarani

The efforts of Mayor of Medan in creating a clean government in Medan City Government isto promote the rules and policies that have made the central government and implementedby the city government of Medan conditions include (a) the fact Integrity, (b) e-purchasing,(c) e-government, (d) reward (reward) and punishment (punishment), (e) unqualified (WTP)and the Procurement Services Unit (ULP). The role of the Mayor of Medan to prevent andtake action against perpetrators of corruption in the city government of Medan are (a) facingthe principle of transparency in carrying out the functions and duties of office to preventcorrupt practices, (b) make an early warning program of prevention of corruption, (c) andnine steps to eradicate corruption. That support wider community both from the communityorganizations, businesses, and students are needed. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i2.4952

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1638
Lorenzo Marco ◽  
Gunawan Djajaputra

The BOT (Build Operate Transfer) Agreement between Bogor Municipal Government and PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia is an agreement to optimize Baranangsiang terminal assets as stated in the agreement Number: 601 / Perj.418-BPKAD / 2012 / Number: 005 / PGI / DIR / VI / 2012 . Until now, the agreement of both parties has not been able to be considered because of the change of authority of the terminal which formerly the authority of the City Government of Bogor to switch to the Central Government, resulting problems Whether the Government / Mayor Bogor can cancel the unilateral agreement BOT in the construction of Terminal Baranangsiang viewed from the point Civil Code? The research method used is normative legal research method supported by interview and field data. Based on the analysis that the BOT agreement between Bogor City Government and PT Pancakarya Grahatama is a valid and binding agreement between both parties and can not be canceled unilaterally by Bogor City Government, although there are new regulations that change the authority of terminal A Baranangsiang become the authority of Central Government . The Agreement may be canceled if it violates Article 1320 of the Criminal Code or violates the subjective and objective terms of the validity of the agreement. When the agreement is mutually agreed upon by both parties, the agreement must continue and act as a binding law as regulated in Article 1338 of the Criminal Code. Bogor City Government should immediately provide certainty to the PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia for Baranangsiang terminal revitalization project can be immediately realized and need a revision (adedendum) agreement between the Government of Bogor City with PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia related to changes in authority of terminal A Baranangsiang between PT. PGI with the Central Government.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Rina Widyanti

Analysis of Expense Standards (ASB) is a guideline used to analyze the reasonableness of workload or cost of each activity undertaken by the Unit (SKPD) in one fiscal year. The purpose of this research is to develop ASB especially for activity provision of stationery (ATK). The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the DPA-SKPD Sungai Penuh City government. The primary data of interviews with leaders and some of the staff as well as the relevant officials. Data analysis method used is a simple regression. Simple regression analysis is a method of forecasting which will predict the cost standards for ATK activities. This activity is affected by the triggering factors (cost drivers) is the amount of activity. The results of this study in the form of equations where the standard shopping ASB ATK influenced by the activity of providing fixed expenditure and expenditure variables. Shopping variable for this activity is influenced by the amount of activity. To create a model for the analysis of expenditure standard ATK activity is grouped into nine (9) functions of government services consisting of the economic service./unction, the function of health care, educational services, protective services, public services, tourism services and security, public services and housing facilities, service districts, and village services. Verify the reasonableness of calculations based on the formulation of the model ASB shopping on 9 functions of government services shows that the value of expenditure contained in each DPA SKPD can be approved based on the criteria of fairness shopping. However, there are obstacles in the processing of data in the form of data on some SKPDs DPA form the basis of ASB which included incomplete and the allocation of its budget is too high thus affecting the results of the formulation ASB. It is hoped that this study provides an overview to the team of local government budgets to increase performance budgeting in the future.

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