scholarly journals Health Education Program for Children in Godog Village-Garut As A Preventive Effort to the COVID-19 Virus

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Nopi Rantika ◽  
Shilpa Fitria ◽  
Kharisma Putri N ◽  
Deska Syiami ◽  
Dina Mulyani

An epidemic of an acute respiratory disease called COVID-19 occurred at the end of 2019 in Wuhan (China) which spread throughout the world. COVID -19 can affect everyone from adults, the elderly, and children. So there needs to be education that is easy to carry out about Covid-19 and how to prevent it. This is the basis of the problem in encouraging community service activities so that they can be active in efforts to prevent COVID-19. The purpose of this educational activity is to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which is increasingly happening in Indonesia, so it is hoped that adults and children can take Covid-19 prevention. The method used during this activity is in the form of offline and online education to the surrounding community, where the material presented is in the form of proper handwashing and how to make hand sanitizers. As a result of the educational activities that have been carried out, there has been a significant change in the habits of the surrounding community where children can wash their hands properly and correctly, and for adults, especially local mothers can make hand sanitizers with the right natural ingredients to be used as emergency hand sanitizers. in daily activities.

Novita Sari ◽  
M. Saputra ◽  
Aswin Aswin ◽  
Avitha P ◽  
Mega C

Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernapasan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus corona jenis baru. Penyakit ini pertama kali merebak di Wuhan, Cina lalu menyebar hampir ke seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan pandemi global. Penyakit ini menyerang semua golongan, dewasa, lansia, maupun anak-anak. Semua lapisan masyarakat dari mulai dewasa hingga anak-anak perlu mendapatkan edukasi yang mudah dipahami mengenai Covid19 dan cara-cara pencegahannya. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar dilaksanakannya praktek kerja pengabdian masyarakat IIB Darmajaya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk ikut aktif dalam upaya pencegahan virus Covid-19 dengan memberikan sosialisasi tentang Covid-19 dan upaya pencegahannya melalui pembagian APD dan juga pembagian tempat cuci tangan kepada masyarakat Kelurahan Pinang Jaya, Kecamatan Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bermitra dengan masyarakat Kelurahan Pinang Jaya . metode yang dipergunakan adalah dengan cara penyuluhan dan sosialisasi tentang pencegahan Covid-19, pengadaan  sarana prasarana pencegahan Covid 19. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat dapat memahami lebih jauh mengenai virus Covid 19 ini sehingga masyarakat dapat turut serta melakukan upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dimulai dari diri mereka masing-masing. Kata Kunci: Pengabdian, Covid-19, Pandemik, Sosialisasi, Edukasi ABSTRACT Covid-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by a new type of corona virus. This disease first broke out in Wuhan, China then spread almost throughout the world and caused a global pandemic. This disease attacks all groups, adults, the elderly, and children. All levels of society from adults to children need to get education that is easy to understand about Covid19 and ways to prevent it. This is the basis for implementing IIB Darmajaya community service work practices. The purpose of this activity is to actively participate in efforts to prevent the Covid-19 virus by providing socialization about Covid-19 and prevention efforts through the distribution of PPE and also the distribution of hand washing facilities to the people of Pinang Jaya Village, Kemiling District, Bandar Lampung City. This activity is carried out in partnership with the people of Pinang Jaya Village. The method used is by means of counseling and socialization about the prevention of Covid-19, the provision of infrastructure for preventing Covid-19. of themselves. Keywords: Community Service, Covid-19, Pandemic, Socialization, Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Ratih Sakti Prastiwi ◽  
Meyliya Qudriani ◽  
Istiqomah Dwi Andari

Abstrak: Stunting masih menjadi masalah besar di dunia, meskipun dalam satu decade sudah mengalami penurunan namun prevalensinya masih cukup besar. Stunting yang tidak tertangani memiliki dampak panjang pada kehidupan anak. Adanya pandemic COVID-19 menambah beban dalam pelaksanaan penanganan stunting. Oleh karena itu ibu menjadi sasaran yang tepat untuk membantu mencegah terjadinya stunting pada anak. Ibu sebagai pengasuh utama anak harus memiliki informasi yang cukup untuk melakukan deteksi dini dan pencegahan stunting. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya peningkatan pengetahuan ibu terkait pencegahan stunting. Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan melalui pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dan praktek pembuatan MPASI. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 13 November 2020 melibatkan 35 ibu yang memiliki balita. Peserta mendapatkan materi terkait stunting dan pencegahannya. Ibu juga diajarkan mengenai deteksi dini stunting melalui cara membaca KMS. Tim juga melakukan demonstrasi memasak makanan untuk anak dimulai dari teknik pengolahan bahan makanan serta teknik memasak yang benar sehingga nutrisi makanan tetap terjaga. Teknik ceramah didukung dengan demonstrasi sangat membantu peserta dalam memahami informasi yang diberikan. Agar tercapai tujuan penurunan angka stunting maka perlu dilakukan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan lebih sering agar informasi yang didapatkan oleh ibu lebih banyak. Dengan pengetahuan yang tepat dan benar maka secara langsung dapat merubah sikap dan perilaku ibu menjadi lebih sehat.Abstract: Stunting is still a significant problem in the world. Although in a decade it had decreased, its prevalence was still quite large. Untreated stunting has a lasting impact on a child's life. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic adds to the burden in the implementation of handling stunting. Therefore, mothers are the right person to help prevent stunting in children. Mothers, as the primary caregivers of children, must have sufficient information to detect and prevent stunting. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of mothers related to stunting prevention. Community service was carried out through providing health education and practice of making complementary foods. The activity was held on November 13, 2020, involving 35 mothers who have toddlers. Participants received material related to stunting and its prevention. Participants also taught about early detection of stunting by reading Health Card. The team also conducted a cooking demonstration starting with food processing techniques and proper cooking techniques to maintain food nutrition. The lecture technique supported by demonstrations helped the participants understand the information provided. Health education to reduce the stunting rate needs to be done more frequently so that mothers can obtain more information. The proper and correct knowledge can directly change the mother's attitude and behavior to become healthier.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Sari Yuningsih

Batik has been known as a cultural heritage as an oral and non-artistic culture typical of Indonesia. The recognition of batik as one of the cultural heritage faces a challenge that is how the effort of preservation and regeneration of batik in the future. Batik preservation is not just applying batik in daily activities, but it needs conservation in the context of science and skills. In order to preserve Vocational High School (SMK) is the right tool in regenerating batik as insight, knowledge and skill. For that need special attention to continue to foster vocational school in order to continue to exist in the competition. This study contains descriptive description of vocational school of textile craft that holds batik subjects as a form of batik preservation in the world of formal education. Writing method in this study using literature study, observation, interview and documentation at one school in Bandung. With this exposure is expected to provide an overview of the implementation of batik subjects and can be used as a reference in the study of batik development in vocational school.

Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla ◽  
Luis E. Anido-Rifón

In the world, many older adults are living alone for most of the day. This work propose the use of the television set, a medium well known by seniors, to improve the way that seniors and their caregivers can track daily activities such as medication intakes reminders. Two evaluations were held, a heuristic usability assessment early on the design process and an evaluation of the technology adoption. Both evaluations generated initial evidence that the system supported elders in achieving a better quality of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Lalu Ahmad Didik ◽  
Farizal Wahyudi

[Bahasa]: Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, khususnya di Pulau Lombok mengakibatkan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram dalam bentuk Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif (KKP) dilaksanakan di lingkungan rumah mahasiswa masing-masing. Program ini selanjutnya disebut dengan Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR). Tema yang menjadi fokus dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi pencegahan penularan covid-19 dengan menekankan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) yang sekaligus merupakan tuntunan agama Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di beberapa desa di Pulau Lombok yang merupakan desa asal mahasiswa. Program ini terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan seperti pemasangan pamflet dan penyebaran brosur, sosialisasi kampung sehat, seminar Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), pelatihan mencuci tangan, pembiasaan physical distancing, senam bersama, pemberian bantuan masker, pemberian bantuan hand sanitizer, dan bersih lingkungan masjid. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan manfaat program, ketepatan sasaran dan ketepatan metode yang diberikan kepada 10 orang kepala desa tempat mahasiswa melaksanakan KKP-DR. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan sangat setuju dimana 100% responden menyatakan kegiatan ini bermanfaat, 80% tepat sasaran dan 90% menyatakan kegiatan ini menggunakan metode yang tepat. Kegiatan ini dapat membantu masyarakat mengetahui informasi seputar Covid-19 dan mampu memberikan bekal pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dengan menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Kata Kunci: kuliah kerja partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR), sosialisasi, pencegahan Covid 19 [English]: The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world, especially on the island of Lombok, makes students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram carry out Participatory Community Service (KKP) program in their surroundings. This program is called  home-based community program (KKP-DR). The focus of the program is the socialization on the transmission of COVID-19 prevention by emphasizing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS), which is also an Islamic religious guidance. The method used was outreach to the community in several villages on the island of Lombok, where the students come from. The program was held in several activities such as the installation of pamphlets and distribution of brochures, socialization of healthy villages, seminars on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), hand washing training, physical distancing habituation, joint exercise, providing masks, providing hand sanitizer, and cleaning the mosques. The evaluation was carried out by 10 village heads considering the benefits of the program, the accuracy of the targets and the accuracy of the methods. The results of the implementation of this program are: 100% of respondents do agree that the program is useful; 80% of the respondents state that the program is effective; and 90% agree that the program apply the right method. In conclusion, KKP-DR can help the public find out information about Covid-19 and be able to provide provisions for preventing the transmission of Covid-19 by implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle. Keywords: KKP-DR, socialization, prevention of Covid-19 transmission

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-141
Norbert G. Pikuła

The 21st century is becoming a time of undertaking activities for the benefit of an aging society, activation of elder people, engaging them in various forms of social, civic and other activities. Pedagogy and social policy are part of this trend of emerging tasks, because their practical solutions determine the successful involvement of the oldest members of society in its development and change. The article highlights the value of social and educational activity of the elderly for their development and functioning in the world of dynamic changes. Attention is paid to the low activity of seniors in the areas of functioning mentioned above. This contributed to the formulation of tasks for education and social policy for preparing the youngest generations in preparation to a good and dignified old age care from an early age,.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
N Sunardi ◽  
Chindera Setia Dewi Insani ◽  
Eris Martini ◽  
Evin Davinci Sagala ◽  
Maman Surahman ◽  

Banyak dari masyarakat dan yayasan islam nurul amal yang belum memahami secara utuh tentang strategi dan kemandirian dalam berwirausaha. Perkembangan zaman membuat dunia usaha semakin berkembang dan membuat pelaku usaha harus lebih siap dalam persaingan dan kompetisi dan bisnis. Inovasi-inovasi bisnis menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terdapap kemandirian dan keberlansungan dari suatu usaha, hal ini sangat terlihat dan terbuka dimasa saat ini yaitu masa dimana ekonomi dan dunia usahan turun akibat pandemi, hal ini membuat pelaku usaha harus berpikir kembali dan mengembangkan diri serta tenang menjadi sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19. Sekarang waktu yang tepat untuk menguji staregi yang sudah di bangun untuk memulai usaha dan akan terlihat kemandirian dari usaha tersebut. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana dari sisi bidang kewirausahaan di sektor pendidikan dan yayasan sebagai penopang untuk meneruskan kegiatan yang sebelumnya belum dilakukan atau sudah dilakukan namun belum maksimal ke arah yang lebih baik lagi untuk menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan perekonomian di lingkungan yayasan maupun masyarakat sekitar. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pertemuan yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat bagaimana bidang kewirausahaan dalam dunia pendidikan dan ilmu dan pengalaman untuk dapat membuat suatu usaha yang maksimal dengan sistem manajemen bisnis yang baim dab tepat dan membentuk calon pelaku usaha yang memiliki mental dan sikap yang baik untuk melakukan atau memulai suatu usaha agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan mampu menopang perekonomian mikro yang ada di lingkungan sekitar yayasan islam nurul amal.Kata Kunci: Strategi, Kemandirian, Kewirausahaan, Yayasan Islam Nurul AmalMany of the people and Islamic foundations of Nurul Amal do not fully understand the strategy and independence in entrepreneurship. The times have made the business world more developed and made business actors have to be better prepared in competition and business. Business innovations are factors that influence the independence and sustainability of a business, this is very visible and open at this time, namely the time when the economy and the business world are down due to the pandemic, this makes business actors have to think again and develop themselves and calm down to be indispensable in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now is the right time to test the strategies that have been built to start a business and you will see independence from the business. The purpose of this community service is to find out how from the aspect of entrepreneurship in the education sector and foundations as a support to continue activities that have not been carried out previously or have been carried out but have not been maximized in a better direction to support economic growth and development within the foundation and community. local communities. The results obtained from meetings held in community service are how the field of entrepreneurship in the world of education and knowledge and experience can make a maximum business with a good and appropriate business management system and form prospective business actors who have the mental and good attitude to do business. or starting a business so that it can run well and be able to support the micro-economy in the environment around the Nurul Amal Islamic FoundationKeywords: Strategy, Independence, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Foundation Nurul Amal

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Tina Yuli Fatmawati

Hypertension is one of the main problems in public health in Indonesia and the world. It is estimated that around 80% of cases of hypertension occur mainly in developing countries in the year 2025 from a total of 639 million cases in 2000. Problems faced by partners at this time include people in the village of Prevention rarely conducted health counseling by the Puskesmas especially about Hypertension, none Posyandu for the elderly and the community rarely exercise regularly. This community service activity was carried out in the village of Enforcement which is one of the villages located in Pelawan sub-district, Sarolangun District, Jambi. Time of implementation in February 2018. The target is the elderly.The methods used were survey, lecture, discussion, demonstration / simulation approaches. The results of this program is prevention for parents where they are able to understand of  the management and prevention of hypertension. It is recommended for Health Officers, especially in Puskesmas, to activate posyandu for the elderly so that the elderly can get health services regularly and get more information about health problems.

At-Taqaddum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Abdul Choliq

<p><em>Hajj is the perfect worship of the pillars of Islam that became the goal of all Muslims in the world. So many hajj pilgrims who register to go to the Holy Land every year. Hajj implementation annually put aside various problems. One of them is not the optimal of the hajj manasik given by </em><em>Ministry of Religion </em><em> and the long departure time of hajj, while the candidate is dominated by the elderly (elderly). The ministry has a great desire to form an independent hajj, so becomes an important issue to be observed. Writing scientific paper aims to provide a good view to the Ministry of Religious Affairs or the guidance of pilgrimage to provide hajj man</em><em>a</em><em>sik not just a manasik in general, but really oriented to empowering prospective pilgrims to form an independent hajj. Some of things that must be done is first to use the right methods such as Affirmation and Repetition and PAIKEM, both utilizing long waiting times with useful activities.Such as training in making signs of haj pilgrimage (such as marking ribbons, masks, or slendang neck), training planting of live pharmacies, and making some goods to prepare for the departure of pilgrimage (eg small bags for storage of goods and others)</em><em>. </em><em>Third is to grow independent congregations in a way more opportunities to meet with other congregations in order to grow optimism in prospective pilgrims. </em></p><p>==================================================</p><p>Haji merupakan ibadah penyempurna rukun Islam yang menjadi tujuan seluruh muslim di dunia. Sehingga setiap tahun banyak jama’ah haji yang mendaftarkan diri untuk berangkat ke Tanah Suci. Pelaksanaan Haji setiap tahunnya menyisihkan problematika bermacam-macam, salah satunya ialah belum optimalnya manasik haji yang diberikan oleh Kemenag dan waktu tunggu keberangkatan haji yang lama, sedangkan calon jamaah di dominasi oleh lansia (orang lanjut usia). Kementrian sendiri memiliki keinginan besar untuk membentuk haji mandiri, maka demikian itu menjadi permsalahan yang penting untuk di teliti. Penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan baik kepada Kemenag atau bimbel haji agar memberikan mansik haji tidak hanya sekedar manasik pada umumnya, tetapi betul-betul berorientasi pada pemberdayaan calon jamaah agar membentuk haji mandiri. Beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan ialah pertama menggunakan metode yang tepat seperti Affirmation and repetition dan PAIKEM, kedua memanfaatkan waktu tunggu yang begitu lama dengan kegiatan-kegiatan bermanfaat seperti Bersama-sama dalam pembuatan tanda-tanda perbekalan haji, seperti pembuatan tanda pita, masker, atau slendang leher, melatih penanaman tanaman apotik hidup, dan pembuatan beberapa barang untuk memepersiapkan keberangkatan haji, misalnya tas-tas kecil untuk penyimpanan barang dan lainnya. Ketiga ialah dengan menumbuhkan jamaah mandiri dengan cara lebih banyak memberikan peluang temu dengan jamaah lain agar tumbuh optimisme dalam diri calon jamaah.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 177-186
Ali Hashemi

Unexpected Covid-19 global outbreak in the world, has had a broad effect on people’s life and their daily activities. Globally, education at all levels as an important part of people’s lives has been influenced due to the pandemic of Covid-19. Teachers and students, as the key role players of education, have felt the impacts of online education both negatively and positively. Hence, this article aimed to collect and analyze perception of EFL and ESL learners and teachers toward online education during Covid-19 pandemic and put effort into finding some solutions for the negative effects of online learning. The selected previous studies about this topic were chosen from different published articles in multiple countries in EFL and ESL context. As a result, the article found that online education had a negative impact on the majority of the learners and teachers, although there were some positive impacts too. 

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