Diah Fazrina ◽  
Ahmad Muradi

This study reveals the Arabic learning curriculum at Al-Falah Islamic Boarding school. As a Salafi boarding school, the curriculum used by al-Falah in learning Arabic is a number of plans and materials used by the teacher for students in learning Arabic is a boarding school environment. The learning experience in Arabic is more dominant given in the form of Islamic studies through reading yellow books or Arabic texts without lines. The experience is in accordance with the vision and mission of the cottage that is providing religious knowledge with both fardhu ain and fardhu kifayah, also knowledge and technology and independent. But in addition, this lodge also applies the curriculum of the year 2013 from the Ministry of Religion for students. The material referred to here is a list of subjects. Related to Arabic, the material provided into various subjects such as nahwu, sharf, balaghah, tafsir, tajwid, and others. The method used by the most dominant teachers is Qawaid and Tarjamah or Structure and Translation and other methods according to the material being taught. The evaluation used is a written test and an oral test. Keywords: Salafi Islamic Boarding School, Curriculum and Arabic Language

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Misluhah Misluhah

The low quality of Indonesian education was also shown Data Research and Development (2003) in Panjaitan (2014) that of 146 052 elementary schools in Indonesia was only 8 schools who gained worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Program (PYP). Of the 20,918 junior high schools in Indonesia, there are only 8 schools that received world recognition in the category of The Middle Years Program (MYP), and from 8,036 SMA, only 7 schools received world recognition under The Diploma Program (DP). The purpose of this research is to describe the role of Principals in the Integration Development of Culture and Moral character-based Noble Boarding School in Fresh Qulub MTs Miftahul Gondang Mojokerto, Based on the discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) The model of character education in adolescents aims to develop personality traits. Character education is done by acting speech directive (advice, orders, suggestions, etc.). Character education models in adolescents are integrated into various learning activities, school rules, and extracurricular activities or media posters attached to school walls. 2) The implementation of character education in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto maximum run boarding school because the curriculum is integrated with the school curriculum, in which the achievement of values ​​in schools is a prerequisite for the achievement of values ​​in schools. In addition, students in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto are students in boarding Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto, so the location is in one place, then facilitate monitoring and evaluation. 3) Implementation of character education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Miftahul Qulub Tawar Gondang Mojokerto can be grouped into three domains namely: (l) affective. character education planting resulted in a change of attitude, through habituation on an ongoing basis both in schools and at schools to make students have certain characters such as steadfastness, good morals, self, and others; (2) cognitive linking character education into subjects give students an understanding of the values ​​of character and the importance of character in everyday life, so as to stimulate awareness of the students to practice the values ​​of characters in everyday life; And (3) psychomotor: through the learning experiences that students receive both in the pesantren and at school, they have the most embodied abilities into behavioral forms in everyday life. This practice is a continuation of the affective and cognitive spheres in the form of behavioral trends. Behavior is influenced by his learning experience through habituation that form the character inherent in him

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-62
Miftahul Munir

The study is intended to examine the curriculum and teaching learning in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor-Ponorogo. A process of structuring and management of education institutions like Pesantren involving human and non-human in achieving the goal of Pesantren is the central theme of the study. This research is expected to contribute to society, both theoretically and practically. This study is descriptive qualitative.  The curriculum at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor integrates religious knowledge and the kawniyah science, and thus they cannot be separated from the basis  and religious values. On the contrary, the teaching of religious knowledge should be in line with general scientific developments.  Key words: Management, boarding school, curriculum, learning

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Jepri Nugrawati

Curriculum is closely related with learning activities. The curriculum changes are designed to catch up with changing times. In Indonesia, the curriculum had undergone change since independence year (1945)to the latest curriculum 2013. The attention of this curriculum is paid more to the Arabic language because it must be taught at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah grade 1. Therefore, the implementation of Arabic learning for students of MI grade 1 in the curriculum 2013 is interesting to discuss. The researcher focuses on materials organization, learning method, and evaluation technique. The findings indicated that: (1) organization of learning materials of Arabic learning in the curriculum 2013 uses logical structures that works continuously, sequence, and complementary, (2) the methods has not used not a scientific method but combined with learning methods. (3) the teachers of MI grade 1 use some evaluation techniques, such as assignments, oral test, written test to assess their knowledge. Meanwhile to assess teacher attitude, observation is used and to assess the teacher skills are project and performance, portfolio as well

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Tholib Hariono ◽  
Hilyah Ashoumi

The Islamic boarding school is a place for students to gain religious knowledge. The Santri period is the first time for most students to fully finance independently without parental supervision. Many students are unable to help financially so that they are increasingly irrational in buying their needs, the money charts in a short time after being sent money by their parents. One of the negative impacts of uncontrolled impact is the tendency of students to inform money when they know money. This research implements RFID as a payment instrument for students in the Islamic boarding school environment, through this payment system all santri financial data can manage the good expenses owned by these students. RFID is used for several processes or needs, namely checking balances, changing pins and processing payments. The results of RFID testing show a fast time in each process, namely the balance check process which takes an average of 1.55 seconds, the process of changing pin numbers on an average of 10.05 seconds, the payment process takes an average of 4.675 seconds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-300
Muhamad Bisri Ihwan ◽  
Ro’fat Hizmatul Himmah ◽  
Abdul Wahab Rasyidi ◽  
Muhamad Fai Al Fatih

This study aims to find out how the application of intensive Arabic learning at the Islamic Boarding School for Girls Minhajut Thullab Muncar Banyuwangi. This intensive learning is expected by students to be able to understand four skills in Arabic. Also to identify strengths and weaknesses in intensive Arabic learning. To obtain data, researchers used a qualitative research approach using types of fields, the source of research data was purposive sampling to students at the Islamic Boarding School. While the data collection methods used in this study were observation in the Islamic Boarding School Environment, interviews with Caregivers, the Arabic language teachers in the Islamic Boarding School and documentation during intensive learning took place, for the validity of this study using data triangulation. data sources and theories. The results of this study that 1) implementation of intensive Arabic learning to gain some skills at Islamic Boarding School for Girls Minhajut Thullab Muncar Banyuwangi can improve language skills, 2) strengths and weaknesses in the application of intensive learning. The learning system has the advantage of being able to further enhance some skills, ranging from proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in Arabic for students, but also has many drawbacks similar to that some Arabic lessons are less able students with good control and the teacher cannot monitor the full implementation of Arabic students in speaking every day.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 347-367
Salman Alfarisi

A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims whose function is not only for worship but also as a place to learn religious knowledge. And it lasted from the time of the Prophet to the Caliphate of the Saljuk Bani. At that time science developed rapidly, there were many book translation activities, halaqoh activities or recitation activities of the masyaikhs and students increased in number. Students or students who take part in learning in the mosque, because the mosque as a learning center can no longer accommodate student learning activities, a madrasah is established as a special place to study Islam. Realizing the importance of the existence of madrasah diniyah in the boarding school environment, the researcher wants to reveal the madrasah curriculum model and curriculum development, so that graduates have competencies in accordance with the expectations of all parties. This type of research uses qualitative research, descriptive, library research, which aims to describe a situation or phenomenon as it is by taking data sources from various documents that support this research with documentation study.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-273
Uus Uswatusolihah

Abstract: This study was aimed at knowing the transformation of identity amongstudents joining Pesantrenisasi Program in State College on Islamic Studies ofPurwokerto in the academic year 2013-2014. This study explored their own perceptionof being a student of the college and a santri. This is a qualitative research withinterviews as the main method of collecting data. A number of students wereinterviewed to get the answers of research questions. This research found thatpesantrenisasi program is successful in making closed relationship betweenstudent and pesantren (Islamic boarding school). The life in pesantren has madesome students transform their identity. The transformation happens gradually andslowly through unspontaneous self-dialogue. This transformation also gives them anew self-image, a new self-language, and new relationships with others as well asnew bounds with social norms. Before living in a pesantren, they imagine pesantrenas a dirty, massy, strict, and fully scheduled place of living. This image graduallychanges after they experience themselves living in pesantren. A new image comesto them that pesantren is an ideal place to study religious knowledge, to train aperson to be mature and having good character, and to perform more worship toGod. Some of the transformations include the quantity and quality of their worship aswell as their attitude and behavior to be more discipline, independent, and humble.Keywords: identity transformation, students, pesantren. Abstrak: Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa program pesantrenisasi telahberhasil mendekatkan mahasiswa dengan kehidupan pesantren dan menyebabkanterjadinya perubahan atau transformasi identitas diri sebagian mahasiswa.Transformasi itu sendiri pada umumnya berjalan secara perlahan dan melaluiproses-proses perenungan dan dialog diri yang tidak spontan. Transformasi jugamembuat mereka memperoleh citra diri yang baru, bahasa diri yang baru,hubungan-hubungan yang baru dengan orang-orang lain dan ikatan-ikatan yangbaru dengan tatanan sosial. Sebelum tinggal di pondok pesantren, mereka mendefinisikandunia pesantren adalah tempat yang kumuh, tidak rapi, memiliki banyakperaturan yang mengekang. Definisi ini berubah selama mereka berada di pesantren: Pondok pesantren adalah tempat yang ideal untuk menuntut berbagaiilmu agama, melatih diri menjadi lebih dewasa dan berkarakter yang baik sertamemperbanyak ibadah seraya mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Beberapaperubahan terjadi dalam kuantitas dan kualitas ibadah, perubahan dalam sikapdan perilaku yang lebih disiplin, mandiri dan sederhana, serta peningkatanpengetahuan berbagai ilmu agama Islam.Keywords: perubahan identitas, mahasiswa, pesantren.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Misluhah Misluhah

The low quality of Indonesian education was also shown Data Research and Development (2003) in Panjaitan (2014) that of 146 052 elementary schools in Indonesia was only 8 schools who gained worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Program (PYP). Of the 20,918 junior high schools in Indonesia, there are only 8 schools that received world recognition in the category of The Middle Years Program (MYP), and from 8,036 SMA, only 7 schools received world recognition under The Diploma Program (DP). The purpose of this research is to describe the role of Principals in the Integration Development of Culture and Moral character-based Noble Boarding School in Fresh Qulub MTs Miftahul Gondang Mojokerto, Based on the discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) The model of character education in adolescents aims to develop personality traits. Character education is done by acting speech directive (advice, orders, suggestions, etc.). Character education models in adolescents are integrated into various learning activities, school rules, and extracurricular activities or media posters attached to school walls. 2) The implementation of character education in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto maximum run boarding school because the curriculum is integrated with the school curriculum, in which the achievement of values ​​in schools is a prerequisite for the achievement of values ​​in schools. In addition, students in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto are students in boarding Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto, so the location is in one place, then facilitate monitoring and evaluation. 3) Implementation of character education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Miftahul Qulub Tawar Gondang Mojokerto can be grouped into three domains namely: (l) affective. character education planting resulted in a change of attitude, through habituation on an ongoing basis both in schools and at schools to make students have certain characters such as steadfastness, good morals, self, and others; (2) cognitive linking character education into subjects give students an understanding of the values ​​of character and the importance of character in everyday life, so as to stimulate awareness of the students to practice the values ​​of characters in everyday life; And (3) psychomotor: through the learning experiences that students receive both in the pesantren and at school, they have the most embodied abilities into behavioral forms in everyday life. This practice is a continuation of the affective and cognitive spheres in the form of behavioral trends. Behavior is influenced by his learning experience through habituation that form the character inherent in him

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-135
Syamsul Hidayat ◽  
Amien Ashiddiqi

This study aims to obtain related information about (1) Exploring and knowing Arabic learning models for non-Arabs, (2) Knowing the differences between the i'rāb al-Qur'an (IQ) method and the conventional method (MK) for non-Arab speakers, (3) Knowing and describing the level of effectiveness of Arabic learning for non-Arabs using the i'rāb al-Qur'an (IQ) method and the conventional method (MK) in Islamic boarding schools. This research includes qualitative research at Al Madinah Islamic Boarding School Class XI MA Nogosari Boyolali Year 2017. The research subjects are the principal, teachers and students. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique carried out in this study is to analyze interactive model data by interacting between data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Research results: (1) Arabic Language Learning Model of Madrasah Aliyah Al Madinah Boyolali 2017/2018. The basic method used by the cleric is the bandongan method, which is a collective method (halaqoh) which is conveyed by the translation model in which the cleric reads the Arabic-language book, then translates and explains the rules and wisdom contained in it, while the students listen to the study delivered by the cleric. Learning uses the method of translation rules, delivery with lecturer, question-answer and talaqqi (sorogan). (2) The difference between the IQ method and the conventional method that the IQ method is applied in the boarding school environment in naḥwu-ṣaraf, balāgah learning, and some in muṭāla‘ah lessons. The IQ method is more inviting students to interact directly with the al-Qur'an and Hadith. The IQ method is broader in discussion, while conventional methods are limited to the curriculum. (3) The level of effectiveness of learning Arabic for non-Arabs with the IQ method and conventional methods in Islamic boarding schools that conventional methods are less satisfying for balāgah and muṭāla‘ah lessons, if there is no combination of strategies.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait tentang (1) Mengeksplorasi dan mengetahui model pembelajaran bahasa Arab bagi non-Arab, (2) Mengetahui perbedaan antara metode i‘rāb al-Qur’an (IQ) dengan metode konvensional (MK) bagi penutur non-Arab, (3) Mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan tingkat efektifitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk non-Arab dengan metode IQ dan MK di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif di Pondok Pesantren Al Madinah Kelas XI MA Nogosari Boyolali Tahun 2017. Subjek penelitian dari kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis data model interaktif dengan menginteraksikan antara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian: (1) Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah Al Madinah Boyolali Tahun 2017/2018. Metode yang digunakan para ustadz adalah metode talaqqi (sorogan-bandongan) yaitu metode kolektif (halaqoh) penyampaiannya dengan model kaidah-terjemah yang mana ustadz membaca kitab berbahasa Arab, lalu menerjemahkan dan menjelaskan kaidah-kaidah dan hikmah yang terkandung di dalamnya, sementara para santri menyimak kajian yang disampaikan ustadz. Pembelajaran menggunakan metode kaidah-terjemah, penyampaian dengan lecturer (ceramah), dan tanya-jawab. (2) Perbedaan antara metode i‛rāb al-Qur’an dengan metode konvensional bahwa metode IQ diterapkan di lingkungan pondok pesantren dalam pembelajaran naḥwu-ṣaraf, balāgah, dan beberapa di pelajaran muṭāla‘ah. Metode IQ lebih mengajak siswa berinteraksi secara langsung kepada al-Qur’an maupun Hadits. Metode IQ lebih mudah diingat siswa dan lebih luas pembahasannya, adapun MK terbatas dengan kitab kurikulum pegangan. (3) Tingkat efektifitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk non-Arab dengan metode IQ dan MK di lingkungan pondok pesantren bahwa metode konvensional kurang memuaskan untuk pelajaran balāgah dan muṭāla‘ah, jika tidak ada kombinasi strategi.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 76-105
Shekarma Abdullah ◽  
Che Radiah Mezah ◽  
Ab. Halim Mohamad ◽  
Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh

Proficient phrase mastery in a language is very important to further strengthen the mastery of the language. This is because, various aspects need to be considered before a phrase can be mastered either in writing or speech. Various studies have reported on students' weaknesses in phrase mastery. Thus, this study focuses on mastery in one type of noun phrase only, namely the phrase al-idhāfah or also known as annexation phrase. This descriptive quantitative study was conducted on 186 final year students, majoring in Islamic studies, Faculty of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Sultan Zainal Abidin University. Study data were collected through the implementation of a set of written test questions related to the phrase al-idhāfah. The findings show that the majority of students are at a low level (weak) in the mastery of the phrase al-idhāfah as a whole, either according to the division of marks, grades, level of mastery, and also according to the construct of questions that have been built. It is hoped that this study can be a source of ideas for researchers in further developing a more innovative teaching and learning industry in the future. Keywords: phrase al-idhafah, annex, Arabic language, al-idhafah Penguasaan frasa yang mantap dalam sesuatu bahasa adalah sangat penting bagi memperkukuhkan lagi penguasaan terhadap bahasa tersebut. Ini kerana, pelbagai aspek perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum sesuatu frasa itu dapat dikuasai sama ada dalam penulisan mahupun pertuturan. Pelbagai kajian telah melaporkan tentang kelemahan para pelajar dalam penguasaan frasa. Justeru, kajian ini memberi pemfokusan kepada penguasaan dalam satu jenis frasa nama sahaja iaitu frasa al-idhāfah ataupun juga dikenali sebagai frasa aneksi. Kajian kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif ini dijalankan ke atas 186 orang pelajar tahun akhir, jurusan pengajian Islam, Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Data kajian dikumpul melalui pelaksanaan satu set soalan ujian bertulis berkaitan dengan frasa al-idhāfah. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti pelajar berada pada tahap rendah (lemah) dalam penguasaan frasa al-idhāfah secara keseluruhannya, sama ada mengikut pembahagian markah, gred, tahap penguasaan, dan juga mengikut konstruk-konstruk soalan yang telah dibina. Kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi satu pencetus idea kepada pengkaji-pengkaji dalam memajukan lagi industri pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif pada masa akan datang.   Kata kunci: frasa al-idhāfah/ frasa aneksi; bahasa Arab; al-idhāfah.

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