Dwi Wahyuning Tyas

The main food for babies aged 0-6 months according to experts is Breast milk (ASI), breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months recommended for 6 months without any additional feeding, based on a preliminary study in the working area of the health center there are 60% the mother did not succeed in giving exclusive breastfeeding to the baby for 6 months. One of the reasons for the mother not succeeding in giving exclusive breastfeeding revealed the reason that the mother felt uncertain about giving breast milk to her baby, the mother assumed that the milk provided did not adequately meet the needs of her baby, so the baby often cried and assumed that the baby was crying hungry. Confidence Self-ability to what extent a person can complete a task is known as self-efficacy. The design of this study was descriptive, respondents used mothers of infants aged 7-10 months at community health center in Bangkalan. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, most respondents had less self-efficacy of 55.6%, almost half were <20 years old as many as 37.1%, most of them were multiparas, as many as 64.8%, almost half took secondary education as many as 42, 6%, most have breastfeeding experience which is as much as 74.1%, most of the respondents did not succeed in giving exclusive breastfeeding which is as much as 72.2%. Efforts are needed to provide information about exclusive breastfeeding both through health education and sharing experiences about success and failure in giving exclusive breastfeeding to improve one's self-efficacy

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-208
Balqis Dwiyanti Haedar ◽  
Rauly Ramadhani ◽  
Andi Sitti Rahma

Exclusive breastfeeding is a condition in which infants are only given breast milk without the addition of other fluids and foods. until the baby reaches 6 months old. Breast milk strengthen the immune system in infants so they can avoid various diseases including diarrhea. This study aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center. This research is an analytical survey research with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Sudiang Health Center, Makassar City in the period November 1st to December 31st, 2019. The total respondents were 89 mothers with babies aged 0-6 months. The results showed that most of the respondents were mothers with male babies (61%), most of the mothers' education was high school graduates (46%), housewives (75%) with low economic background (56%). Exclusive breastfeeding related to the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.001). In addition, no significant relationship on maternal nipple hygiene to diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months p <0.05 (p = 0.075). In conclusion, this study showed there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center. There is a relationship between hand hygiene and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center, Makassar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Nuratma Afini ◽  
Syajaratuddur Faiqah

Menurut data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi NTB tahun 2017 menunjukkan bahwa cakupan pemberian ASI Eksklusif pada bayi rata-rata di sebesar 77,66%, cakupan ini turun jika tahun 2016 sebesar 86,63%. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Mataram tahun 2018 cakupan ASI Eksklusif (AE5) yaitu sebesar 50,66% diseluruh puskesmas Kota Mataram dan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karang Pule persentasi cakupan ASI yaitu sebesar 27,69%.Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode demonstrasi mengenai posisi dan perlekatan terhadap kecukupan ASI pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan di kelurahan Karang Pule Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karang Pule tahun 2019. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi Eksperiment. Dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Total sampling dimana semua populasi bayi usia 0-6 bulan dijadikan sampel berjumlah 38 orang. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan Mann Whitney U-test. Pada kelompok intervensi nilai minimal-maksimal keterampilan sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan untuk  kelompok intervensi didapatkan hasil (8-16), pada posttest didapatkan hasil (13-19). Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol dengan nilai minimal-maksimal didapatkan hasil nilai pretest (8-11) dan pada posttest didapatkan hasil (18-18). Uji analisis keterampilan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon pada kelompok intervensi didapatkan hasil p value = 0.000 dan kelompok kontrol hasil p value = 0.000. hasil uji Mann Whitney untuk kecukupan ASI didapatkan hasil nilai p value = 0.039. terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode demonstrasi terhadap kecukupan ASI pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan. Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode demonstrasi mengeani posisi dan perlekatan terhadap kecukupan ASI ada bayi usia 0-6 bulan di Kelurahan Karang Pule Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karang Pule Tahun 2019. According to data obtained from the NTB Provincial Health Office in 2017 shows that the coverage of Exclusive Breastfeeding for infants is at an average of 77.66%, this coverage decreases if 2016 is 86.63%. Based on data from the City of Mataram Health Office in 2018 Exclusive breastfeeding coverage (AE5) is 50.66% in all Mataram City health centers and in the Karang Pule Community Health Center Working Area, the percentage of ASI coverage is 27.69%.Objectives to find out whether there is an effect of health education through demonstration methods regarding the position and attachment to the adequacy of breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 months in Karang Pule Village, Karang Pule Health Center Working Area in 2019.The design of this study used the Quasi Experiment design. With the sampling technique that is Total sampling where all populations of infants aged 0-6 years were sampled as many as 38 people. Test the hypothesis using the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Whitney the intervention group the minimum score of skills before being given health education for the intervention group was obtained (8-16), in the posttest the results were obtained (13-19). Whereas in the control group with the minimum-maximum value obtained the results of the pretest (8-11) and the posttest results (18-18). Test the skills analysis using the Wilcoxon test in the intervention group obtained results p value = 0,000 and the control group results p value = 0,000. The results of the Mann Whitney test for the adequacy of ASI were obtained by the value of p value = 0.039. there is a significant effect of health education through the demonstration method on the adequacy of breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 months.There is the influence of health education through demonstration methods to treat the position and attachment to the adequacy of breast milk there are infants aged 0-6 months in Karang Pule Village Karang Pule Health Center Working Area in 2019

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Feryani . ◽  
Nursaidah .

Breast milk (ASI) is the best source of nutrition for babies because it contains various nutrients needed in the growth and development of babies. Giving breast milk is highly recommended until the baby is 6 months old (Utami, 2005). Data on Exclusive Breastfeeding at Poasia Health Center in 2015 amounted to 77.07% and based on the results of surveys in several Posyandu in the Poasia Community Health Center working area, most of the visiting babies were given formula milk and complementary food for breast milk. This shows that the practice of exclusive breastfeeding is still low which can affect the growth and development of infants so that it will affect the quality of human resources. Research Objectives: To find out the factors related to exclusive breastfeeding at Posyandu in the working area of Poasia Health Center, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2016. Research methods: The research conducted was analytical research with aapproach cross sectional. The study sample was mothers who had babies aged 7 to 24 months in the working area of Poasia Health Center with a total of 77 people. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The results of the study: the results of this study were the education of mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding 80.8% of secondary education (SMA) mothers and those who did not provide exclusive breastfeeding 100% of mothers with higher education. Employment of mothers who provide exclusive breastfeeding 54.8% of working mothers and those who do not provide exclusive breastfeeding 100% of working mothers. The parity of mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding was 67.7% in mothers with no risk (parity 2-3) and those who did not give exclusive breastfeeding 58.7% in mothers at risk parity (parity 1 and≥4), and there was a relationship between education, employment and maternal parity with exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of Kendari City Poasia Health Center with a value of ρvalue<0.05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-264
Faradila ◽  
Risma Riendera

Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk given to babies aged 0-6 months. This breast milk contains immune substances that can protect babies from various infections, bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. However, not many breastfeeding mothers provide exclusive breastfeeding. One of the factors of the mother not giving exclusive breastfeeding is because the mother works. Working mothers, especially factory workers, have limited time constraints due to work schedules, shift systems at work, rest time, and physically working mothers will be tired after work, so there is no motivation to provide lots of breast milk stock. To describe the experience of working mothers in exclusive breastfeeding at the Pringapus Public Health Center, Semarang Regency.  This study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Mothers who are the samples in this study are mothers who work active in the factory located in the work area of the Pringapus Community Health Center Semarang district as many as 5 people. The data source used 12 informants consists of 5 main informants and 7 triangulation informants. Collection technique the data were conducted in-depth interviews. Data analysis using analysis qualitative descriptive.  All informants they have given statements. Where all have good knowledge related to exclusive breastfeeding for children. All informants have good knowledge regarding exclusive breastfeeding. Where they have been able to explain or answer questions given by researchers about knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, experiences of mothers and experiences of expressing breast milk, efforts to increase milk production, support, obstacles and then hopes. Even though some of their answers were missing, none of their answers were wrong. It is hoped that it can provide knowledge and information to the public regarding exclusive breastfeeding (not giving babies other food or drinks, including plain water, apart from breastfeeding, except for drugs and vitamin or mineral drops, and expressing milk is also allowed) ABSTRAK ASI Eksklusif merupakan ASI yang diberikan pada bayi usia 1-6 bulan. Ibu yang bekerja di sektor pabrik memiliki perbedaan dalam melakukan manajemen laktasi dibandingkan dengan ibu yang bekerja di sektor informal. Ibu pekerja khususnya pekerja pabrik memiliki hambatan keterbatasan waktu disebabkan jadwal bekerja, sistem shift pada pekerjaan, waktu istirahat, serta secara fisik ibu bekerja akan lelah setelah bekerja. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan Pengalaman Ibu Pekerja Dalam Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Pringapus Kabupaten semarang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Ibu yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang bekerja aktif di pabrik yang berada di lokasi wilayah kerja puskesmas pringapus kabupaten semarang sebanyak 5 orang. Sumber data menggunakan 12 informan terdiri dari 5 informan utama dan 7 informan triagulasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil wawancara dari semua informan sudah memberikan pernyataan mempunyai pengetahuan yang sudah baik terkait dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada anak, namun sebagian besar informan menyatakan tetap memberikan susu formula. Pengalaman ibu dalam memompa ASI ekslusif sudah baik, namun persediaan ASI perah tidak dapat dilakukan maksimal akibat hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu ibu bekerja, ibu bekerja memiliki keterbatasan waktu yang menghambat pemberian ASI ekslusif dengan tidak dapat menyediakan ASI perah yang sedikit. Harapan ibu tetap besar untuk memberikan ASI ekslusif meski demikian ibu tetap menyediakan susu formula untuk memenuhi kekurangan ASI Perah. Upaya meningkatkan produksi ASI, dukungan, hambatan kemudian harapan. Walaupun dari jawaban mereka masih ada yang kurang namun semua jawaban mereka tidak ada yang salah. Diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai ASI eksklusif (tidak memberi bayi makanan atau minuman lain, termasuk air putih, selain menyusui, kecuali obat-obatan dan vitamin atau mineral tetes, dan ASI perah juga di perbolehkan).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 794-797
Stang Stang ◽  
Tahir Abdullah ◽  
Sumarni Marwang

BACKGROUND: Considering the importance of giving exclusive breast milk (ASI) for the growth and development of children, collaborative support between health workers and husbands is very important. Support from husbands allows mothers to carry out breastfeeding process easier, so that the mothers’ mental condition will be stable and not stressful, and they will not feel exhausted. As a result, the mothers can provide the best breast milk. AIM: The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of a collaborative model on the role of husbands and health workers to improve mother’s behavior in giving exclusive breastfeeding. METHODS: This research used a quasi-experimental design. The intervention group consisted of husbands of third-trimester pregnant women who came from the working area of the Mangkoso Community Health Center, while the control consisted of husband from the Padongko Community Health Center, each group consisted of 30 people. In the intervention group, the collaborative model between the roles of husbands and health workers was applied, while in the control group, the husbands only received Maternal and Child Handbook (KIA). RESULT: The results showed that there were differences in knowledge about the role of husbands in supporting the exclusive breastfeeding between the intervention group and the control group with a value of p = 0.000. Knowledge of the husband’s role in supporting exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group was very good, but it was bad in the control group. In the other hand, there was no differences in behavior of giving exclusive breast milk (ASI) between the intervention group and the control group with a value of p = 0.422. CONCLUSION: However, if we compared the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding before and after the application of the model in the intervention group, the increase was found to be very significant, which was 57.5%, from 12.5% to 70%. While in the control group the increase was only 20.9%, from 35.8% to 56.7%.

Wenas Wenas ◽  
Muhammad Dezarino

Background : Exclusive breastfeeding is the best food for babies, but in its implementation there are many obstacles, one of which is the mother working so that she has to leave the baby at home. Working mothers can still do exclusive breastfeeding by expressing milk in the workplace, and providing four clean and closed ones for expressing. The target for achieving exclusive breastfeeding set by the Ministry of Health is 80%, while in Indonesia in 2015 the target was 71.62%. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of working mothers on how to store breast milk. Method : The research method used was descriptive, carried out at the Matahari Posyandu, the working area of the Botania Community Health Center, the study was conducted for 6 months, the population in this study were all working mothers who had babies 0-12, the sample was 43 people with the sampling technique using total sampling, instrument. research using a questionnaire. Result : The results showed that most of the respondents had good knowledge, namely 35 people (81.4%), while 8 people (18.6%) had poor knowledge. Conclusion : The conclusion that can be taken is that most working mothers who have babies have knowledge. good about how to store breast milk. It is recommended that the mother of the baby is always looking for information about breast milk so that she can continue to give her breast milk

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 549-558
Eka Trismiyana ◽  
Mei Kurnia Pitaloka

THE EFFECT OF GIVING KELOR LEAVES TOWARDS MILK (ASI) WATER QUANTITY IN 0-6 MONTHS OF BABY BREAST MILK IN WORKING AREAS OF HEALTH CENTER OF BATU BANDAR LAMPUNG CITY IN 2019 Introduction: Bandar Lampung City Health Office data shows that there are 3 Puskesmas with the lowest ASI coverage, namely Sumur Batu Health Center, with a total of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding coverage 142, as many as 102 infants (28.17%) did not receive exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months of age, and 40 ASI received exclusive breastfeeding, Way Kandis Health Center, with a total of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding coverage in 919, 621 infants (32.93%) did not receive exclusive breastfeeding aged 6 months, and 298 ASIs received exclusive breastfeeding, Kemiling Health Center, with total breastfeeding coverage exclusive 6 months 98, 62 babies (36.73%) did not get exclusive breastfeeding at the age of 6 months, and 36 ASIs received exclusive breastfeeding (Data from Bandar Lampung City Health Office, 2018). Objective: To determine the effect of administration of Moringa leaves on the quantity of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers of infants 0-6 months in the Work Area of Sumur Batu Health Center, Bandar Lampung City in 2019.Method: This type of research is quantitative. The design of the Quasi Experimental method is one group pretest-posttest one group pretest-posttest approach. Population and sample of 30 people. Data analysis uses univariate and bivariate with t-test.Results: The average quantity of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers of infants 0-6 months before being given moringa leaf steeping in the Sumur Batu Health Center Working Area, with a mean of 72.50 standard deviation 25.317 standard error 4.622, after being given steeping leaves of moringa mean 97.17 standard deviation of 17.601 standard error 3.214. P-value 0,000 (<0.05) t-test test results.Conclusion: means that there is an effect of steeping Moringa leaves on the quantity of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers of infants 0-6 months in the Sumur Batu Community Health Center Working Area in Bandar Lampung City in 2019. Suggestions for respondents are expected to be used as input for clients in order to know how to increase the smoothness of breast milk during breastfeeding. Keywords: Moringa Leaf Steeping, Breast Milk, Breastfeeding Mother  INTISARI: PENGARUH PEMBERIAN SEDUHAN DAUN KELOR TERHADAP KUANTITAS AIR SUSU IBU (ASI) PADA IBU MENYUSUI BAYI 0-6 BULAN DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SUMUR BATU KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2019 Pendahuluan: Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandar Lampung menunjukan  bahwa terdapat 3 Puskesmas dengan cakupan pemberian ASI terendah yaitu, Puskesmas Sumur Batu, dengan total keseluruhan cakupan ASI eksklusif 6 bulan 142, sebanyak 102 bayi (28.17%) tidak mendapat ASI eksklusif usia 6 bulan, dan 40 ASI mendapat ASI eksklusif, Puskesmas Way Kandis, dengan total keseluruhan cakupan ASI eksklusif 6 bulan 919, sebanyak 621 bayi (32.93%) tidak mendapat ASI eksklusif usia 6 bulan, dan 298 ASI mendapat ASI eksklusif, Puskesmas Kemiling, dengan total keseluruhan cakupan ASI eksklusif 6 bulan 98, sebanyak 62 bayi (36.73%) tidak mendapat ASI eksklusif usia 6 bulan, dan 36 ASI mendapat ASI eksklusif (Data Dinkes Kota Bandar Lampung, 2018).Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian seduhan daun kelor terhadap kuantitas air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui bayi 0-6 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumur Batu Kota Bandar Lampung tahun 2019.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kuantitatif. Desain penelitian metode Quasi Eksperimental pendekatan one group pretes-postes one group pretes-postes. Populasi dan sampel 30 orang. Analisa data mengguanakan univariat dan bivariate dengan t-tes.Hasil : Rata-rata kuantitas air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui bayi 0-6 bulan sebelum diberi seduhan daun kelor di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumur Batu, dengan mean 72,50 standar deviasi 25,317  standar eror 4,622, setelah diberi seduhan daun kelor mean 97,17 standar deviasi 17,601  standar eror 3,214. Hasil uji t-tes p-value 0.000 (<0.05).Kesimpulan : artinya terdapat pengaruh pemberian seduhan daun kelor terhadap kuantitas air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui bayi 0-6 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumur Batu Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2019. Saran bagi responden diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi klien agar dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara menambah kelancaran ASI pada masa menyusui. Kata Kunci             : Seduhan Daun Kelor, ASI, Ibu Menyusui 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41 ◽  
Wiwit Fetrisia ◽  
Yanti Yanti

Exclusive breastfeeding or more properly called exclusive breastfeeding. The reality in the field shows the production and ejection of breast milk is a bit of a constraint in breastfeeding. One solution to overcome the insufficiency of breast milk production is through techniques acupressure points for lactation. This study aimed to determine the effect of mother's milk production with acupressure point for lactation intervention in the work area of Muaro Paiti sub-district Kapur IX Lima Puluh Kota Regency 2018. A quasi-experimental design with control group pretest-posttest design. The study was conducted in the working area of Muaro Paiti Community Health Center in April 2018. The population was breastfeeding mother in the work area of Muaro Paiti health center which was 118 people, with purposive sampling of 16 people. Processing and data analysis is done computerized. Univariate results revealed the average production of breast milk before acupressure point for lactation intervention in breastfeeding mothers was 67,9 ml and after intervention 85.7 ml. Bivariate results have the effect of acupressure point for lactation intervention on maternal breastmilk production in the work area of Muaro Paiti District Health Center Kapur IX Lima Puluh Kota Regency  2018 (p = 0,0005). It is expected that health workers should be able to teach acupressure point for lactation techniques in breastfeeding mothers to increase milk production for mothers with breastfeeding production

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Erike Yunicha Viridula

ABSTRAKGangguan pertumbuhan bayi pada usia dini menyebabkan bayi diberikan MP-ASI terlalu dini dan ibunya tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pada awal kehidupan bayi. Dari hasil studi pendahuluan pada bayi berusia 6-11 bulan yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif hampir sepenuhnya meragukan perkembangan. Jika ini terus berlanjut, bayi tidak dapat berkembang dengan baik di usia berikutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017.Desain penelitian ini adalah studi inferensial dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu dengan bayi 6-11 bulan pada bulan Oktober di Puskesmas kecamatan kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek pada tahun 2017 berjumlah 40 responden yang diambil menggunakan metode probability sampling dari jenis sistem simple random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat bahwa distribusi frekuensi variabel independen dan dependen dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Mann-Whitney U.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 responden 95% yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif memiliki perkembangan yang sesuai, 5% memiliki perkembangan yang meragukan, 0% mengalami gangguan perkembangan. Sementara 20 responden diberi 40% menyusui non eksklusif memiliki perkembangan yang sesuai, 60% memiliki perkembangan yang meragukan, dan 0% mengalami gangguan perkembangan. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan ada perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017.Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017. Sehingga diharapkan bayi mendapat ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pertama dan dilanjutkan hingga 2 tahun dengan makanan pendamping (MP-ASI).Kata kunci : ASI eksklusif, ASI tidak eksklusif, pengembangan ABSTRACTDisorder of Infant growth in early life caused baby are given Complementary feeding (MP-ASI) too early and the mother didn’t give exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months in early life of baby. From the results of preliminary studies in infants aged 6-11 months who get non exclusive breastfeeding had almost entirely dubious developments. If this continues, the baby can’t develop properly in the next age. The purpose of this study to determine development differences in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding  and non- exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek district in 2017. The design of this study is inferential study with cross sectional approach.  Samples which taken in this study were mothers with infants 6-11 months in October in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek district in 2017 amounted to 40 respondents drawn using probability sampling method of the type system simple random sampling.  Data were analyzed by univariate analysis that the frequency distribution of independent and dependent variables and bivariate analysis using Mann-Whitney U. The results showed that of the 20 respondents 95% who get exclusive breastfeding had appropriate development, 5% had dubious developments, 0% had disorder development. While 20 respondents were given 40% non exclusive breastfeeding had appropriate development, 60% have dubious development, and 0% had disorder development. Statistical analysis showed there are differences development in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding and non-exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek in 2017. So can be concluded that there are differences development in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding and non-exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek in 2017.So expected the babies got exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued to 2 years with complementary foods (MP-ASI).Key Words : exclusive breastfeding, non exclusive breastfeding, development

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
Abdul Malik Lawira

ABSTRACTThis research aims to identify factors that can effect the behavior of mothers during exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months in Malei Community Health Center in Poso. The design of this research is observational analytic with Cross Sectional design. The sample of 82 respondents, who were the total of population, consisted of mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months. Data collection tool was questionnaires and techniques of data analysis were univariate data and bivariate data. The results showed age factors (p = 0.158), education (p = 0.360) and employment (p = 0.543), did not have a meaningful relationship on exclusive breastfeeding behavior. While the duration of breastfeeding factors (p = 0.007), family support (p = 0.005) and knowledge (p = 0.005), have a significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Malei Community Health Center, Poso. Conclusions, the duration of breastfeeding factors, family support and knowledge, have a relationship towards mother's exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Malei Community Health Center, Poso Regency. Thus, this study suggests to increase family support and duration of breastfeeding for each mother and providing knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding for antenatal activities and postnatal lactation support, both at the hospital and at the community health center up to six months after giving birth.Keywords: Duration of breastfeeding, Family support, knowledge, Exclusive breastfeeding

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