2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Lora Marlita ◽  
Putri Wulandini ◽  
Erika Siswaty Zega ◽  
Yusmaharani Y

RELATIONSHIP OF ASUH PARENT PATTERNS WITH SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT IN SMK TECNOLOGY OIL AND GAS MIGAS PEKANBARU TAHUN 2018 Lora Marlita,Yusmaharni,Putri Wulandini S, Erika Siswaty Zega Program Studi D III Keperawatan ABSTRACT Sexual behavior is something that is considered to affect the behavior of self-esteem, parent-child relationships, the tendency to seek sexual sensation, the existence of a deviant peer, and the use of pornographic media. Sexual behavior also occurs, because of the physical changes that occur because of the active sex hormones in the body of a very large influence in the cause of sexual urges. Pattern of parenting is the pattern of interaction between the child and the parents include the fulfillment of physical needs ,and socialization of prevailing norms in the community so that children can live in harmony with their environment. The general purpose of Scientific Writing is To know how the relationship of parental parenting with sexual behavior in adolescents in SMK Tecnology Oil And Gas Pekanbaru, descriptive correlation research design. The research was conducted on June, 2018, the sample in this study were the students in SMK Tecnology Oil And Gas Pekanbaru amounted to 112 people. Research technique area (cluster) sampling. Chi-Square statistical test results obtained p value = 0.204> 0.05, it can be concluded there is no relationship Parenting Parenting With Sexual Behavior In Teenagers In SMK Tecnology Oil And Gas Pekanbaru 2018. Teenagers in SMK Tecnology Oil And Gas Pekanbaru, is expected to direct the association in a positive direction so that the tendency to engage in sexual behavior can be avoided such as following extracurricular activities, religious activities, youth, etc. in accordance with the interests of student talent. Keywords       : Patterns of Custody, Sexual Behavior References      : 21 references (2007-2017)

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Yeni Aryani ◽  
Islaeni Islaeni

Birth assistance in health facilities is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality. The skilled birth attendants can provide prompt and appropriate services in case of complications for the mother and baby. For this purpose, midwives should disseminate appropriate information so that the mother can have birth in the health facility. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of husband and cultural support to the choice of birth place in the working area of  Berseri Pangkalan Kerinci Health Center of Palalawan District. This retrospective study used a quantitative approach with a total sample of 87 respondents selected with cluster sampling technique. Data were obtained through questionnaires. The data analysis used univariate and bivariate with chi-square statistic test. There was a relationship of a husband's support to the choice of birth place and with a p value of 0.000 and there was a relationship of culture to the choice of birth place with a p value of 0.028. Therefore, the health personnel should disseminate and improve P4K programs to optimize community participation in the preparation of childbirth, including a choice of birth place.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Abdullah Abdullah ◽  
Norfai Norfai

Nutritional status is one of the factors that can affect learning achievement. School-age children who are malnourished will cause children to become weak, tired and sick, so children are often absent and have difficulty following and understanding the lesson. Nutritional conditions will also affect children's ability to understand lessons in school and influence learning achievement. This research is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was all students from grade 1 to grade 4 in Banjarmasin SDN Mawar 8 in 2018 totaling 83 students. The sample size was 69 respondents with cluster sampling technique. Nutritional status data were obtained using the Body Mass Index (BMI) by age (BMI/U), ie children aged 5-18 years by performing high measurements and using microtoice and weight measurements using digital scales and recording data types and age data in full years and months. . Learning achievement data is obtained based on the value of the last report card. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate Che Square tests using computer programs with a confidence level of 95%. Statistically there is a significant relationship between nutritional status and learning prestige in Banjarmasin SDN Mawar 8 with p-value (0.014) < α (0.05). Based on the results of the study, it was suggested the need for cooperation from the school with parents of students in terms of providing a healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch, while also conducting further research studies on the most basic causes using a case control approach and multivariate testing for knowing the dominant causal factors for student achievement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Evi Hidayati Hasanah ◽  
Ragil Setiyabudi

Quantitative descriptive research using cross sectional design. The population was 96 and the sample was 74 students, taken by cluster sampling techniques. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis using chi square statistical tests.The results showed that the majority of respondents were 16 years old (45.9%). Most of the respondents were male (54.1%). Most of them were interested in the opposite sex (51.4%). There were 56.8% of respondents who had a good parents role. There were 59.5% of respondents who had good knowledge of reproductive health. There were 20.3% of respondents who got bad pre-marital sexual behavior. There is a relationship between the role of parents (p-value = 0,0001) and reproductive health knowledge (p-value = 0,0001) with pre-marital sexual behavior of students in senior high schools.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Noor Diani ◽  
Devi Rahmayanti

Abstrak Tuberkulosis (TBC) mengakibatkan penurunan asupan dan malabsorbsi nutrien serta metabolisme tubuh berubah sehingga terjadi massa otot dan lemak menurun akibat mekanisme malnutrisi dari energi protein. Malnutrisi pada TBC berpengaruh terhadap prognosis dan tingkat kematian. Peningkatan produksi IFNl- γ dan IL-6, TNF α menghambat dari aktivitas Lipo Protein Lipase (LPL) dijaringan lemak. Enzim LPL berperan dalam proses bersihan trigliserida. Peningkatan ini meningkatkan trigliserida sehingga proses sintesis lemak menurun dan proses lipolisis lemak meningkat di jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan trigliserida dan status gizi pada klien TBC. Metode penelitian ini korelasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, sampel 25 orang, dengan uji korelasi Pearson-Product Moment. Hasil penelitian status gizi dibawah normal 56%, normal 40% dan kelebihan berat badan 4%. Kadar Trigliserida normal 84%, trigliserida tinggi 16%. Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara kadar trigliserida dan status gizi yakni r hitung sebesar 0,5: r tabel = 0,396 sehingga r hitung > r tabel dengan korelasi positif.Kata Kunci : Trigliserida, Status Gizi, Tuberkulosis.AbstractTuberculosis(TB) resulting the decreasing of nutrient intake and malabsorbsi as well as changing the metabolism of the body. The wasthing are decreased protein energy. Malnutrition on TB affects the prognosis of the treatment and death rates. The increase TNF α will inhibit the enzyme activity of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) in the fat tissue. LPL enzyme plays a role in cleavage process of triglycerides. This research was to analyze the relationship of triglycerides and nutrition status on the client with tuberculosis. The design was cross-sectional approach. The respondents were gathered from 25 newly TB patients. The analyzed using Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The results showed 56% respondents undernutrition, and normal 40% and over nutrition 4%. Most triglyceride level of the respondent were normal (84). The concluded was a relationship between triglycerides and the nutritional status with a positive correlation ( P value 0,396).Keywords : Triglycerides, Nutritional Status, Tuberculosis

Wulan Citra Sari

ABSTRAK Measles Rubella (MR) merupakan jenis imunisasi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari dua penyakit sekaligus campak (Measles) dan campak jerman (Rubella) diberikan pada semua anak usia 9 bulan sampai dengan 15 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendidikan dan Sikap Ibu terhadap terhadap Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) Pada Balita di Puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih tahun 2018. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 35 responden dengan sampel seluruh populasi teknik accidental sampling, pengumpulan data melalui data di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih dan pengisian kuisoner. Dan analisis bivariat pengetahuan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella MR (p value=0,313) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan responden dengan pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), pendidikan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Ruella (MR) (p value=0,000) ada hubungan terhadap pendidikan responden terhadap pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), sikap responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) (p  value=0,093) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap responden terhadap imunisai Measles Rubella (MR). diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan khususnya yang bekerja di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih 2018 untuk lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan, kampanye tentang pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR). Kata kunci             :Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Sikap Terhadap Imunisasi MR ABSTRACK   Rubella Measles (MR) is a type of immunization that functions to protect the body from two diseases as well as measles (Measles) and German measles (Rubella) given to all children aged 9 months to 15 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, education and attitudes of mothers towards the Measles Rubella immunization (MR) in toddlers at the Cambai Prabumulih Health Center in 2018. The design of this study was descriptive survey research with a cross sectional approach. The total population is 35 respondents with a sample of the entire population accidental sampling technique, collecting data through data in the Cambai Prabumulih health center and filling out questionnaires. The bivariate analysis of the respondents' knowledge of the Measles Rubella MR immunization (p value = 0.313) there was no significant relationship between the knowledge of respondents with the provision of Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent education to the Ruella Measles immunization (MR) (p value = 0,000) towards respondent's education on giving Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent's attitude towards Measles Rubella immunization (MR) (p value = 0.093) there is no significant relationship between respondent's attitude towards Rubella Measles immunization (MR). It is expected that health workers, especially those who work in the Cambai Prabumulih health center in 2018 to further improve counseling, campaign about giving Rubella Measles immunization (MR).   Keywords      : knowledge, education, attitudes toward MR immunization

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-48
Andalia Roza ◽  
Putri Wulandini ◽  
Arrasidah Nailul Hasanah

Nutritional status is the state of the body as a result of food consumption and use of nutrients nutritional status can also be interpreted as a physical sign caused by a balance between income and expenditure through nutrition through certain variables, namely indicators. The quality of the menu is one of the main things besides service and kitchen cleanliness that must be maintained properly. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a relationship between the quality of the menu to the nutritional status of adolescents in the Pondok Ampar Syafa'aturrasul Batu Ampar, Beringin Taluk Kuantan. This type of research is correlated with cross sectional research design. The population in this study were all adolescents in Syafa'aturrasul Islamic Boarding School with a total of 800 inhabitants. The sample used was 267 students. The sampling technique is to use cluster sampling technique. The research instrument used observation sheets. The data obtained was processed by univariate and bivariate data analysis. The results obtained p value 0.27 means p value> 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between the quality of the menu on the nutritional status of adolescents in the Gyafa'aturrasul Islamic boarding school in Beruk, Taluk Kuantan. It is expected that the cottage together with parents work together to prevent and provide health education on good nutritional status for adolescence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Wahid Tri Wahyudi ◽  
Risa Herlianita ◽  
Deswiyan Pagis

Family support, adherence and understanding of a low-salt diets among patients with hypertensiveBackground: Hypertension is a disorder of the blood vessels that results in the supply of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood blocked to the tissues of the body that needs it. Based on data from the Gedong Air Health Center, it is known that from 2015 to 2018 the incidence of hypertension fluctuated, wherein 2016 it amounted to 1962 cases but in 2017 it increased to 2814 cases and in 2018 the incidence of hypertension was 3102 cases.Purposes: Knowing the relationship of family support, adherence, and understanding of a low-salt diet among patients with hypertensiveMethod: A quantitative research designed with analysis by cross-sectional approach and the population was patients with hypertensive with a sample of 139 as respondents by simple random sampling. Collecting data by questionnaires and Analysing data used Univariate and Bivariate (Chi-Square).Results: Finding that the patient has negative family support was 58.7%, the patient was noncompliant to a low-salt diet .57.2%, and few patients have an understanding of a low-salt diet. There is a relationship between the understanding of a low-salt diet (p-value = 0.000), family support (p-value = 0.032) and compliance with a low-salt diet among patients with hypertensive.Conclusion: There is a relationship of understanding of low-salt diets, family support and compliance to a low-salt diet among patients with hypertensive. Suggestions for  health workers in providing health education to families and patients with hypertensive about the importance of low salt diets in the management of hypertensionKeywords: Family support; Compliance; Understanding; Low-salt diet; Hypertensive. Pendahuluan: Hipertensi merupakan suatu gangguan pada pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan suplai oksigen dan nutrisi yang dibawa oleh darah terhambat sampai ke jaringan tubuh yang membutuhkanya. Berdasarkan data dari Puskesmas Gedong Air, diketahui bahwa dari tahun 2015 – 2018 kejadian hipertensi mengalami fluktuatif , dimana tahun 2016 sebesar 1962 kasus namun di tahun 2017 mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar 2814 kasus dan di tahun 2018 kejadian hipertensi sebesar 3102 kasus.Tujuan: Diketahui hubungan dukungan keluarga, kepatuhan dan pemahaman  pasien terhadap diet rendah garam  pada pasien dengan hipertensiMetode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan analitik dan pendekatan cross sectional, populasinya seluruh pasien dengan hipertensi dengan sampel sebanyak 139 dengan simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner data dianalisa secara univariate dan bivariate (chi square)Hasil: Diketahui dukungan keluarga kategori negatif 58,7%, responden tidak patuh 57,2%, dan sedikit yang memiliki pemahaman diet rendah garam  (p-value=0,000), ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga (p-value = 0,032), kepatuhan dan pemahaman  pasien terhadap diet rendah garam  pada pasien dengan hipertensiSimpulan: Ada hubungan dukungan keluarga, kepatuhan dan pemahaman  pasien terhadap diet rendah garam  pada pasien dengan hipertensi. Saran bagi petugas kesehatan puskesmas dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada keluarga dan pasien dengan hipertensi tentang pentingnya diet rendah garam.

Noga Riza Faisol ◽  
Gatot Sugeng Purwono ◽  
Agustin HP

Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is one of the oldest educational systems in the archipelago (Indonesia). Classical method of a Kiai (religious leader of Moslem) as a figure and the mosque as a center of education proved to contribute knowledge and education character of the nation's children. Before modern education gives its influence, the classic, written or unwritten rules become a culture of positive direction for the santri (students of Islamic Boarding School) in it. Countless warriors and heroes in their era gave a share in the journey of this nation. Pesantren Modern is one of the evolutions of pesantren in responding to the development of the time. The principle of "Al mukhafadatualaalqodimiassholeh, walakhdualjadidi al aslah" or means keeping the good old tradition and take something new and better is a foothold in the management of the boarding school. The development is adjusted with the syllabus of the education curriculum in accordance of the level of elaborating the compulsory activities or called as Intracurricular activities as well as selected activities or Extracurricular. Another important role is the culture in surrounding pesantren as a container or synergy activities in everyday life. This article is more practical try to review the relationship of variables between the influence of extracurricular activities, intracurricular activities and pesantren culture on improving student achievement in PP. Baitul Arqom Jember. This study was used a quantitative approach by collecting primary and secondary data with various methods of data analysis and validity test to determine the level of validity and reliability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 377-383
Hasnizar ◽  
Evawany Aritonang ◽  
Etti Sudaryati

Adolescents are age group that is vulnerable to the nutritional problems. Factors that influence nutritional status in adolescents include physical activity. Physical activity including physical exercise which is one of the efforts to stabilize the intake and expenditure of food substances which is a priority source of energy in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang District in 2019. The type of research used was quantitative research with cross sectional research design. The results obtained by the relationship of physical activity with the nutritional status of students p value of 0.003 or smaller than 0.05. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. Students who are doing physical activity have normal nutritional status because there is a balance between energy intake and expenditure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Siti Elfiyah ◽  
Ani Nurhaeni ◽  
Lely Nurlaili

Knowledge of nutritional intake of pregnant women is the result of knowing about the amount of nutrition that enters through daily food consumption by pregnant women. Chronic lack of energy is an occurrence where pregnant women experience a shortage of nutrients that lasts for a long time or is caused by an imbalance in nutritional intake, so that the nutrients needed by the body are not fulfilled. This study aims to determine the relationship of nutritional intake knowledge with chronic energy deficiency events in pregnant women at Kalijaga Health Center. This research method uses analytical survey, with a cross-sectional research design. The population is children of pregnant women the total sample is 24 pregnant women. The sampling technique used total sampling. The instruments used were questionnaire sheets, Upper arm circumference and observation sheets. Data analysis used Spearman rank with significance value α = 0.05. The results of univariate analysis, knowledge of good nutritional intake (70.8%), those who have sufficient knowledge (12.5%), and those who have less knowledge (16.7%), while pregnant women who experience chronic energy deficiency amounted to (16.7%) and pregnant women who do not experience chronic energy deficiency (83.3%). Bivariate analysis with the Spearman rank test shows the p-value <ᾳ (p-value = 0,000: ᾳ = 0.05) r0.808, so that H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a very strong and positive relationship between knowledge of nutrient intake with less energy events chronic in pregnant women at UPT. Kalijaga Health Center, Cirebon City.

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