2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 293-206
Laily Purnawati

ABSTRAK Devisa terbanyak bagi daerah disumbangkan oleh bidang pariwisata. Hal ini disebabkan karena Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman Potensi wisata. Salah satunya di Tulungagung terdapat Pantai yang sudah dikenal oleh wisatawan dan wisatawan sudah banyak yang berkunjung,yaitu Pantai Gemah. Destinasi tersebut dikelola oleh Kelompok Sadar Wisata “Lejar Misuwur” yang bertugas mengelola dan mengembangkan Potensi Wisata Pantai Gemah Tulungagung sehingga menjadi Destinasi Wisata yang Layak Jual. Dengan adanya Pokdarwis ini diharapkan mampu menambah minat wisatawan baik lokal maupun nasional untuk mengunjungi pantai Gemah karena objek wisata sudah dikelola dengan sangat baik oleh kelompok Pokdarwis Lejar Misuwur tersebut. Bagaimana pengembangan obyek wisata di pantai Gemah Tulungagung melalui pembentukan Pokdarwis dan 1Faktor pendukung dan 1penghambat apa saja dalam pelaksanaan pengembangan pariwisata di pantai Gemah Tulungagung merupakan 1rumusan masalah yang akan diteliti 1dalam penelitian ini.1Tujuan penelitian ini 1adalah untuk menganalisa dampak pembentukan kelompok sadar wisata bagi pengembangan pariwisata di pantai gemah beserta faktor pendorong dan penghambat di dalamnya. Untuk menganalisa hasil penelitian peneliti menggunakan  pendekatan  deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana 1pengumpulan data 1dilakukan dengan 1metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi.1Subjek penelitian 1adalah pengurus,1anggota Pokdarwis Lejar Misuwur, masyarakat Desa Keboireng dan, Pengunjung Pantai Gemah.1Pembuktian keabsahan data menggunakan 1teknik triangulasi sumber.1Analisis data yang 1digunakan adalah analisi 1kualitatif dengan 1langkah reduksi data,1display data,1dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dengan terbentuknya Pokdarwis di pantai Gemah membawa dampak yaitu wisata pantai Gemah menjadi terkenal di skala nasional. Dari sisi pengelolaan juga sudah mulai baik dan meningkatnya pengetahuan dan ketramplan masyarakat disekitar pantai Gemah. Kata Kunci : Pembentukan kelompok sadar wisata,pengembangan pariwisata,Pantai Gemah Tulungagung.   ABSTRACT Most of the foreign exchange for the region was contributed by the tourism sector. This is because Indonesia has a diversity of tourism potential. One of them in Tulungagung there is a beach that is already known by tourists and many tourists have visited, namely Gemah Beach. The destination is managed by the Tourism Awareness Group "Lejar Misuwur" which is in charge of managing and developing the Tourism Potential of Tulungagung Gemah Beach so that it becomes a Tourism Destination Worth Selling. With this Pokdarwis, it is hoped that it will increase the interest of both local and national tourists to visit Gemah beach because the tourist attraction has been managed very well by the Lejar Misuwur Pokdarwis group. How is the development of tourism objects on Gemah Tulungagung beach through the formation of Pokdarwis and what 1supporting and inhibiting 1factors in the implementation of tourism development on Gemah Tulungagung beach is 1the formulation of the 1problem that will be examined 1in this study. The purpose of 1this study was to analyze 1the impact of forming a tourism awareness group for tourism development in Panati Gemah 1along with the driving and inhibiting 1factors in it. To analyze the research results, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. Where 1data collection is done 1by interview, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were administrators, members of the Lejar Misuwur Pokdarwis, the people of Keboireng Village and, visitors to Gemah Beach. Proof of data validity using source triangulation technique.1Analysis of the data used is a 1qualitative analysis with data reduction steps, data display, and drawing conclusions. With the formation of Pokdarwis on Gemah beach, the impact is that Gemah beach tourism has become famous on a national scale. In terms of management, it has also started well and the knowledge and skills of the community around Gemah beach have increased. Keywords: Formation of tourism awareness groups, tourism development, Gemah Beach Tulungagung.

Sofyan Sofyan ◽  
Dian Kagungan ◽  
Nana Mulyana ◽  

Lampung is one of the provinces that has a considerable tourism potential in which each region has tourism potential with its own unique attraction in South Lampung regency. However, the Tsunami disaster that struck the coastal areas of Banten and South Lampung on 22 Desemeber 2018, impacted the decline in the number of tourists visiting the archipelago and abroad to tourist destinations by the end of year 2018. Based on the problems raised above, the purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the strategy conducted by the Tourism and culture Office of South Lampung Regency in the effort to develop tourism sector in South Lampung district after Tsunami disaster. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research informant is determined purpossive. Data collection techniques are conducted with observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and data triangulation. Data is presented and in a descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the research is known that the Tourism and culture Department of South Lampung district has a strategy to develop tourism potential in South Lampung regency. In determining a strategy for tourism development in South Lampung District after the Tsunami disaster pay attention to four basic factors. These four factors are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with some sectors involved in the tourism development process. The conclusion of this research is based on the SWOT anilisis which produces four strategies i.e. SO strategy, WO Strategy, Strategy ST, and WT strategy

Wahyudi Ishak ◽  
Ahmadin Ahmadin ◽  
Najamuddin Najamuddin

This study aims to determine the potential of historical attractions in Sinjai Regency, the development of historical tourism in Sinjai Regency 2008-2016, and the impact of historical tourism on the communities around the site, the government and tourists. The method used in the research and writing of this thesis is a historical research method, which includes: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview and literature study techniques. The results of this study indicate that Sinjai as a Level II Region in South Sulawesi has tourism potential that is not inferior to other regions. The Batupake Gojeng Archaeological Park, the Karampuang Indigenous Area, and the Balangnipa Fort are one of the historical tourist destinations offered by Sinjai Regency. Although the Tourism and Culture Office of Sinjai Regency was only established in 2017, activities in the tourism sector will continue to be carried out in previous years. The three historical attractions have their respective developments both in terms of facilities and infrastructure to the number of visitors. The contribution of each element in the development of the historical tourism sector in Sinjai Regency is something that needs to be improved. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the historical attractions in Sinjai Regency have an impact on the socio-cultural, educational and economic sectors for the local government and the people who live around the site.

2019 ◽  
Jelita Citrawati Jihan

The contribution of the tourism sector in the regency is based on gross regional domestic product in 2014- 2016 the average increased by 6,65 % per year. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of tourism objects with qualitative descriptive, analilyze the linkage system between tourism object to identify the derection of tourism development with scoring techniques. Data collection techniques include observation of documentation and interviews. The results showed that the attractiveness of tourism objects in the regency of Ngada varied from natural scenery, legacy of megalithic origin. Supporting facilities are only available for hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops and the 17th Alam Island Tourism Park and the Mangeruda hot spring. Accessibility of tourism objects in the form of asphalt , can be passed by 2 wheeled vehicles and 4 wheeld vehicles. Promotion of tourism objects is carried out by cultural and tourism services through instagram. Backward linkage to the availability of 2 travel agents in the city of Bajawa. Forward linkage in the form of mileage from Bajawa city to the furthest tourism object is 17 Riung island with a distance of 75 km and closest is Lekolodo Ecotourism with a distance of 6 km. The tourism management system is carried out by cuture and tourism office in collaboration with BKSDA and the village community. Directions for tourism development based on scoring analysis of tourism potential in the form of tourist routes I distance of 45 km, tourism route II distance 32 km, tourist III 57 km.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-242
Fahmi Adil Pratama ◽  
Supriyono Supriyono

Tirto Arum Baru Kendal Agro Tourism is one of those affected by Covid-19 pandemic. Due to that condition, the manager has to change the marketing strategy that has been carried out. The purpose is to analyze Tirto Arum Baru Kendal Agro-tourism marketing strategy employed in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic using the 7P marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process and Physical Evidence) and a SWOT analysis. This research used qualitative descriptive approach, analyzing managers, employee and visitors as research subjects. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique used triangulation to compare the results of data collection. The data analysis technique uses data reduction and data presentation to draw conclusions. This research used qualitative descriptive approach, analyzing managers, employee and visitors as research subjects. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique used triangulation to compare the results of data collection. The data analysis technique uses data reduction and data presentation to draw conclusions. The result of the research showed that the marketing strategy analysis carried out by the Tirto Arum Baru Kendal Agro Tourism is in accordance with the 7P marketing mix components. In addition, the implementation of health protocols carried out during the pandemic is used as an example by the Regional Government for other recreational facilities in Kendal Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (7) ◽  
Dashti Hussain Ali

This study concluded that tourism marketing is one of the main factors for the advancement of this sector. Its importance stems from the role it plays in transforming tourism into an arena for competition among all countries of the world, as each country tries to highlight its tourism components in order to acquire the largest possible share of the exporting markets for tourists, And that is by creating a positive image and implanting it in the minds of tourists, based on various marketing policies. This is what was confirmed by the findings, as we find that the tourism sector in Erbil, specifically in the  Shaqlawa district, and despite the available tourism resources and attractions for tourists, is still far from the ranks of Arab and international tourism competitiveness, and this was evident through the late ranks it occupied In the index of global competitiveness for tourism and travel for the year 2021, in addition to comparing the reality of tourism in both Iran and Turkey, and the result was the absence of a tourism development plan that reflects the tourism potential in the country, and actually adopts the application of the rules and foundations of tourism marketing. Tourism development does not depend only on the availability of tourism resources and tourist attractions, but on how to use and exploit those resources in the tourism development process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Bantors Sihombing ◽  
Erlin Kuswindayani Bawaulu

This study, entitled The Tourism Potential of Sibolo Beach, Batu Islands, South Nias Regency to Increase Tourist Visits, discusses how the potential of Sibolo beach to attract tourist visits. Qualitative descriptive research method. The informants of this research are the people of Sibolo beach, tourists, and the staff of Pinnacles North Telo who are the managers of the Sibolo beach. The results show that Sibolo beach has sufficient potential to be visited by tourists but does not have complete facilities and infrastructure such as tourist information centers, money changers, souvenir shops or local craft centers and the lack of skilled human resources in the tourism sector. Promotions that have not been carried out optimally and only use a few promotional strategies and the incessant efforts made by the manager of the object and tourist attraction of Sibolo beach in increasing tourist visits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Adhica Perkasa ◽  
Izziah Izziah ◽  
Sugiarto Sugiarto

Based on data from Disbudpar (2017), the low quality of human resources and the lack of indigenous knowledge on tourism management are the main obstacles for indigenous people in the Lhoknga beach tourism area to be directly involved in the tourism sector. Even though the data shows the behavior of tourists who damage the environment by littering, the behavior of indigenous people who live in the tourist area of Lhoknga beach, not all of them show a caring attitude towards the natural environment. Regarding the issue of infrastructure in the Lhoknga coastal tourism area such as clean water, electricity and tourism transportation in the region is still an obstacle where with the increasing number of tourists each year, improvement of infrastructure is also very important to be done to provide better services to tourists (Disbudpar Aceh Besar, 2017 ). Therefore, research is needed to describe the issues in the Lhoknga beach tourism area in the form of tourism development with a focus on the attitudes and desires of local communities towards tourism development. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of Lhoknga tourism development on Gampong Mon Ikeun. This research method plan will use qualitative methods to explain its development. The research location was conducted at Gampong Mon IKeun, Lhoknga beach tourism area. It is hoped that later this research will have a positive impact on Gampong Mon Ikeun on the development of the Lhoknga tourism area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140
Puspita Ayu Shavira

Covid-19 has become a pandemic and the government is still trying to break the chain of this virus. Changes occur in many sectors in society, one of which is the accommodation and tourism sector. Traveloka, as one of the unicorn startups included in the accommodation and tourism sector, was also affected by the impact of Covid-19. In response to this complicated situation, Traveloka has adapted creatively by creating its latest advertisement in the form of a Covid-19 campaign. Traveloka tries to highlight the anthropomorphic side. The focus of this research is how Traveloka as a startup unicorn is able to capture millions of attention through personal closeness through anthropomorphism. The purpose of this research is to find out how brand anthropomorphism is in the Traveloka digital campaign as a social movement for the prevention of Covid-19. This study used a qualitative-descriptive approach by collecting data from in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The result of this research is Traveloka uses anthropomorphism elements as an advertising attraction with anthropomorphic elements to generate sympathetic feelings from informants. This sympathetic feeling led to the informants' prosocial action to participate in fighting Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
pp. 097135572098143
Aizhan Tleuberdinova ◽  
Zhanat Shayekina ◽  
Dinara Salauatova ◽  
Stephen Pratt

Tourism development contributes to economic development. In emerging economies like Kazakhstan, tourism development needs active entrepreneurship. As the country emerges from the post-Soviet era, there has been an increase in economic development and prosperity. Entrepreneurship in the tourism sector can drive economies forward through the creation of new tourism and hospitality businesses. The macroeconomic environment can influence entrepreneurial activity. We use an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to examine the impact of macroeconomic factors on tourism entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Using data from 1996 to 2018, we find that there is a positive short-run relationship between wages in the tourism sector and entrepreneurship, suggesting that wage growth in the sector attracts entrepreneurs. In the long run, however, tourism sector wages have a negative relationship with entrepreneurship, suggesting that these higher wages represent a higher cost to entrepreneurship. There is also a strong positive relationship between national income and tourism entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Implications of macroeconomic policy changes for Kazakhstan and other emerging economies are discussed.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 323-334
Rani Wahyuningsih ◽  
Galih Wahyu Pradana

Sektor pariwisata yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati masyarakat adalah konsep pariwisata pedesaan, seperti desa wisata. Di Gresik sendiri terdapat banyak sekali wisata yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes seperti Desa Wisata Lontar Sewu di Desa Hendrosari. Berawal dari potensi desa yang apabila dikembangkan secara optimal dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar sehingga mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyakat Desa Hendrosari. Sebab itu perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Sehingga penting untuk dilakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana di Desa Hendrosari terdapat sumber daya alam yang mumpuni untuk dikelola sehingga jika dikelola lebih baik bisa untuk menambah pendapatan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian menggunakan teori Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Tim Delivery (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Karena pada awalnya dahulu desa hendrosari terkenal dengan desa penghasil minuman fermentasi sehingga konotasi dari Desa Hendrosari lebih ke arah negatif. Sehingga dengan adanya program kerja tersebut mampu mengubah image masyarakat tentang desa tersebut menjadi desa wisata. Masyarakat Desa Hendrosari mempunyai peran penting untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada seperti sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Sehingga mereka memiliki peran penting dalam tindakan pengambilan keputusan, mempengaruhi serta memberi manfaat bagi kondisi lingkungan yang ada disekitar. Pengelolaan yang baik menghasilkan tempat wisata yang dikenal dengan nama lontar sewu. Dengan adanya tempat wisata baru tersebut menghasilkan banyak pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan desa wisata lontar sewu. Kata kunci :Lontar Sewu, Desa Hendrosari, Desa Wisata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,   The tourism sector which is currently in great demand by the public is the concept of rural tourism, such as a tourist village. In Gresik itself, there are lots of tours developed by the Government through Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes such as Lontar Sewu Tourism Village in Hendrosari Village. Starting from the potential of the village which, if developed optimally, can increase the income of the surrounding community so as to improve the economy of the Hendrosari Village community. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further research on the importance of community empowerment. So it is important to do community empowerment where in Hendrosari Village there are natural resources that are qualified to be managed so that if they are managed better they can increase village income. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a research focus using the theory of community empowerment by the delivery team (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Because in the beginning, Hendrosari Village was known as a village that produced fermented drinks, so the connotation of Hendrosari Village was more negative. So that the existence of this work program is able to change the image of the community about the village into a tourist village. The Hendrosari Village community has an important role to play in preserving and developing existing potentials such as natural and human resources. So that they have an important role in decision-making actions, influence and benefit the surrounding environmental conditions. Good management produces a tourist spot known as lontar sewu. With this new tourist spot, it has resulted in a lot of community empowerment through the development of the Lontar Sewu tourism village. Keywords :Lontar Sewu, Hendrosari Village, Tourism Village, Community Empowerment

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