scholarly journals Factors related to the presence of mosquito eggs trapped in ovitraps DHF-endemic areas in Kendari City, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 159-165
Askrening Askrening ◽  
Adi Supryatno ◽  
Reni Yunus ◽  
Supiati Supiati

Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), one type of infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, is still becoming a public health problem in Indonesia. The high number of dengue cases in Indonesia, especially in Kendari City itself, is closely related to environmental conditions, especially when it is known that the city has entered the rainy season.Objective: This study aimed to identify and analyze the factors associated with the presence of mosquito eggs trapped in ovitraps DHF-endemic area in Kendari City, Indonesia.Methods: This study used an analytic observational approach with a cross-sectional design. The research sample in this study was 50 houses located in endemic areas of Kendari selected using simple random sampling. Data were collected by observation using a checklist sheet and direct observation in each room of the respondent's house based on lighting, temperature, humidity, and physical environmental conditions, as well as the presence of mosquito eggs or larvae trapped in the ovitrap. The analysis was carried out in two stages, namely univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test.Result: From 50 houses observed, 13 houses (26%) had the presence of mosquito eggs, 42 houses (84%) had bad air temperature, 19 houses (38%) had poor humidity, and 35 houses (70%) had a higher frequency. In addition, the temperature, lighting, and environmental conditions did not have a significant relationship with the presence of mosquito eggs in ovitraps in endemic areas of Kendari City, with p-values of 0.94, 0.52, and 0.39, respectively. In contrast, the humidity factor has a significant relationship with the presence of eggs with a p-value of 0.000.Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between humidity and the presence of mosquito eggs in ovitraps in endemic areas of Kendari City, Indonesia. It is recommended that residents increase Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) activities, perform selective abatization, and disseminate information about DHF through counseling or other activities conveyed through health workers with full support from community leaders and adjusted to the level of education of the local population.

Rubiyati Rubiyati

ABSTRACT Antenatal Care is the care given to pregnant woman to monitor, support maternal health and maternal detect, whether normal or troubled pregnant women. Aki in Indonesia amounted to 359 in 100.000 live births. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between age and education in the clinic Budi Mulia Medika 2014. This study used a survey method whit cross sectional analytic. This is the overall study population of women with gestational age ≥36 weeks who come to visit the clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang on February 10 to 18. The study sample was taken in non-random with the technique of “accidental smapling “ with respondents who happens to be there or variable. The obtained using univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 83,3% of respondents did according to the standard prenatal care, high risk age 40,0 %, 60,0% lower risk of age, higher education 70,0%, 30,0% low education. Bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship betwee age and pregnancy tests wit p value= 0,622, and significant relationship between education and prenatal care with p value= 0,019. From the results of this study are expected to need to increase outreach activities to the community about the importance of examination of pregnancy according to gestational age in an effort to reduse maternal mortality.   ABSTRAK Antenatal Care merupakan pelayanan  yang di berikan pada ibu hamil untuk memonitor, mendukung kesehatan ibu dan mendeteksi ibu, apakah ibu hamil normal atau bermasalah. Di Indonesia AKI berjumlah 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia dan pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di klinik budi mulia medika tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalahseluruh ibu dengan usia kehamilan ≥ 36 minggu yang dating berkunjung ke Klinik Budi Mulia Medika pada tanggal 10-18 Februari. Sampel penelitian ini di ambil secara non random dengan tekhnik ‘’ Accidental Sampling’’ dengan responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia. Data yang di peroleh menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil analisis univariat ini menunjukan bahwa 83,8% responden melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, 16,7% tidak melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, usia resiko tinggi 40,0%, usia resiko rendah 60,0%, pendidikan tinggi 70,0 %, pendidikan rendah 30,0 %. Analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara usia dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value =0,622, ada hubunngan bermakana antara pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value = 0,019. Dari hasil penelitian ini di harapkan perlu meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai dengan umur kehamilan sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Dwi Saputri Mayang Sari

Asphyxia Neonatorum is a failure to start and continue breathing spontaneously and regularly when a new baby is born or some time after birth. Babies may be born in asphyxia or may be able to breathe but then experience asphyxia some time after birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum in the pre-Sumatran city general hospital in 2019. This study uses an Analytical Survey using a Cross Sectional approach. The population of this research is the babies born in the prehumulih city general hospital in 2019 amounted to 1763 people. The number of samples in this study were 326 respondents. In the univariate analysis it was found that from 326 respondents it was found that parity of high risk mothers was 168 respondents (51.5%) while parity of low risk mothers was 158 respondents (48.5%) and mothers who were diagnosed with prolonged labor were 149 respondents (45.7 %) while mothers who were not diagnosed with prolonged labor were 177 respondents (54.3%). Bivariate analysis shows parity has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000) and old parturition has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum.

Suryanti . ◽  
Acholder Tahi Perdoman

A condom is a sheath made of latex which is caused by an erect penis or vagina that acts as a protector to prevent semen or fluid from ejaculating when the penis is in the vagina. Men's participation in joining the Family Planning program is quite low. This has also reduced men's participation in using condom contraception. The purpose of this study was to determine the Relationship between Knowledge and Perceptions of Men with Condom Use in the work area of the Rimbo Data Center. This research is quantitative research with analytic descriptive design and cross-sectional approach conducted in January 2019. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with a sample size of 80 people. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariate by computer using the chi-square statistical test. The results obtained from 80 samples, based on this univariate analysis (46.2%) had a low level of knowledge, (53.8%) had a negative perception, and most (63.8%) respondents did not use contraceptives condom. Based on bivariate analysis states there is a significant relationship between male knowledge with the use of condoms with a value of p-value = 0,000 <0.05. The perception of men with the use of condoms states that there is a significant relationship between perception with the use of condoms with the results of p-value = 0,000 <0.05. It is expected that the results of this study can increase the knowledge and perception of the community through counseling, especially regarding condom contraception. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between Knowledge and Perceptions of Men with Condom Use in the work area of Rimbo Data Center.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-181
Nurhafiza Fiza(Fiza) ◽  
Aldiga Rienarti Abidin ◽  
Arief Wahyudi

ABSTRAK Keberhasilan suatu rumah sakit dipengaruhi oleh tenaga kesehatan atau sumber daya manusia yang disiplin, yang mencerminkan kesadaran dan kesediaan mentaati semua peraturan perusahaan dan norma-norma sosial yang berlaku. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi disiplin  kerja diantaranya ketepatan waktu, pemanfaatan sarana, balas jasa, tanggung jawab dan ketaatan terhadap aturan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan disiplin kerja karyawan non medis di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain analitik Cross Sectional study.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga non medis di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC) yang berjumlah 70 orang . Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik total sampling. Analisis Univariat dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan karakter masing-masing variabel yang diteliti, sedangkan analisis Bivariat dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kedua variabel independen dan dependen. teladan pemipin P value 0.016, balas jasa P value 0.000, keadilan P value 0.000, pengawasan melekat P value 0.011, sanksi hukuman P value 0.008 dengan disiplin kerja. Ada hubungan antara teladan pemipin, balas jasa, keadilan, sanksi hukuman. Di sarankan agar Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC) dapat meningkatkan penerapan prinsip keadilan dalam lingkungan kerjanya untuk dapat meningkatkan disiplin kerja karyawan ABSTRACT The success of a hospital is influenced by health workers or human resources who are disciplined, which reflects the awareness and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms. Factors affecting work discipline include timeliness, utilization of facilities, remuneration, responsibility and adherence to rules. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the work discipline of non-medical employees at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital. This type of quantitative research is analytic cross sectional study design. The population in this study is all non-medical staff at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital, amounting to 70 people. The sampling technique used was total sampling technique. Univariate analysis was carried out to describe the character of each variable under study, while Bivariate analysis was carried out to see the relationship between the two independent and dependent variables. leadership models P value 0.016, reward P value 0.000, fairness P value 0.000, supervision attached P value 0,11, sanctions P value 0.008. There is a relationship between leadership models, reward, fairness, supervision attached, sanctions. it is recommended that Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital to increase the implementation of fairness principle in the work environment in order to improve employee’s discipline Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital  

Masker Medika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 233-239
Eichi Septiani

Latar Belakang: Infeksi saluran pernapasan adalah penyakit infeksi yang menyerang salah satu bagian dari saluran nafas yang berlangsung selama 14 hari. Berbagai macam faktor penyebab terjadinya ISPA, salah satunya adalah status gizi yang tidak baik. ISPA merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kunjungan pasien pada sarana kesehatan. Berdasarkan data yang didapat di wilayah kerja puskesmas Tanjung Agung pada periode Januari-Maret 2019 terdapat Penderita ISPA berjumlah 391 balita. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui Hubungan antara status gizi dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita di UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu tahun 2019. Metode: Populasi dalam penelitian adalah ibu yang memiliki balita di UPTD PuskesmasTanjung Agung Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu pada bulan Juli Tahun 2019 yang berjumlah 76 orang. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat dengan  menggunakan tabel distribusi dan uji statistik Chi-Square, dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dengan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dengan menggunakan check list yang berkaitan dengan kejadian ISPA dan pengamatan terhadap status gizi. Hasil penelitian: Variabel yang diteliti pada penelitian ini Status Gizi pada balita dan Kejadian ISPA. Pada analisa bivariat didapatkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara Status Gizi Balita dengan Kejadian ISPA di UPTD PuskesmasTanjung Agung Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu pada bulan Juli Tahun 2019 dengan p value 0,023. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara Status Gizi Balita dengan Kejadian ISPA     Background: Respiratory tract infection is an infectious disease that attacks one part of the respiratory tract that lasts for 14 days. Various factors cause ARI, one of which is poor nutritional status. ARI is one of the main causes of patient visits to health facilities. Based on data obtained in the working area of the Tanjung Agung puskesmas in the JanuaryMarch 2019 period, there were 391 children with ARI. Objective: To find out the relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of ARI in infants in Tanjung Agung UPTD Puskesmas Ogan Komering Ulu in 2019. Methods: The population in this study was mothers who had children under five years old at UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Agung, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in July 2019, totaling 76 people. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical tests, with a 95% confidence level. This research uses analytic method with cross sectional approach. Collecting data through direct interviews with respondents using a check list related to ARI events and observations of nutritional status. Results: In the bivariate analysis there was a significant relationship between Toddler Nutrition Status and ARI in UPTD Puskesmas Agung Tanjung Ogan Komering Ulu in July 2019 with p value 0.023. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between Toddler Nutrition Status with ARI.

Wulan Citra Sari

ABSTRAK Measles Rubella (MR) merupakan jenis imunisasi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari dua penyakit sekaligus campak (Measles) dan campak jerman (Rubella) diberikan pada semua anak usia 9 bulan sampai dengan 15 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendidikan dan Sikap Ibu terhadap terhadap Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) Pada Balita di Puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih tahun 2018. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 35 responden dengan sampel seluruh populasi teknik accidental sampling, pengumpulan data melalui data di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih dan pengisian kuisoner. Dan analisis bivariat pengetahuan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella MR (p value=0,313) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan responden dengan pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), pendidikan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Ruella (MR) (p value=0,000) ada hubungan terhadap pendidikan responden terhadap pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), sikap responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) (p  value=0,093) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap responden terhadap imunisai Measles Rubella (MR). diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan khususnya yang bekerja di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih 2018 untuk lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan, kampanye tentang pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR). Kata kunci             :Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Sikap Terhadap Imunisasi MR ABSTRACK   Rubella Measles (MR) is a type of immunization that functions to protect the body from two diseases as well as measles (Measles) and German measles (Rubella) given to all children aged 9 months to 15 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, education and attitudes of mothers towards the Measles Rubella immunization (MR) in toddlers at the Cambai Prabumulih Health Center in 2018. The design of this study was descriptive survey research with a cross sectional approach. The total population is 35 respondents with a sample of the entire population accidental sampling technique, collecting data through data in the Cambai Prabumulih health center and filling out questionnaires. The bivariate analysis of the respondents' knowledge of the Measles Rubella MR immunization (p value = 0.313) there was no significant relationship between the knowledge of respondents with the provision of Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent education to the Ruella Measles immunization (MR) (p value = 0,000) towards respondent's education on giving Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent's attitude towards Measles Rubella immunization (MR) (p value = 0.093) there is no significant relationship between respondent's attitude towards Rubella Measles immunization (MR). It is expected that health workers, especially those who work in the Cambai Prabumulih health center in 2018 to further improve counseling, campaign about giving Rubella Measles immunization (MR).   Keywords      : knowledge, education, attitudes toward MR immunization

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Pinta Alfiani Telaumbanua ◽  
Rapael Ginting

Discipline is a matter that becomes a benchmark to find out whether the overall role of the leader can be carried out properly or not. Discipline must be upheld in an organization, without the support of the discipline of health workers it is difficult to realize its goals, so discipline is the key to the success of an organization in achieving its goals. This type of research uses analytic survey method with cross sectional design, to explain the relationship between the role of leadership and work discipline at UPT Puskesmas Padang Bulan. With a total of 48 respondents, the total sampling technique is to make the entire population into the study sample. The results of bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square Test obtained p value = 0.004 (p value <0.05), meaning Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected, which means there was a significant relationship between communication with the workforce health discipline at the Padang Bulan Health Center UPT 2019. The results of bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square Test obtained p value = 0.001 (p value <0.05), meaning that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means there is a significant relationship between Direction and Guidance with the discipline of health workforce at UPT Padang Bulan Health Center in 2019. It is hoped that leaders will improve communication, direction and guidance for health workers to create a condition of good work discipline.

Rusdani . ◽  
Nopri Esmiralda

This research is motivated by very poor smoking habits in Indonesia. On the other hand, the medical problems caused by this habit are numerous. Smokers are susceptible to diseases. In a previous study in Central Jakarta, it was stated that there was a positive relationship between health status and education level of a person. In different and more specific objects, this study aims to determine the relationship of a person's education level with smoking behavior. This research was conducted with quantitative research methods, using analytical research designs with cross-sectional approach conducted in January 2019. The research sample consisted of 42 male employees. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The analysis used in this study uses univariate analysis with frequency distribution, and bivariate analysis using chi-square statistical tests. Based on these methods, the results showed that as many as 33 respondents (78.6%) had undergraduate education levels and 33 respondents (78.6%) had smoking behavior. Based on statistical tests it is known that there is a significant relationship between education level and smoking behavior in male employees with p-value = 0.018 (p <0.05). From the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the level of education with smoking behavior in male employees.

Masker Medika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Maya Sartika

Latar Belakang: ASI Eksklusif adalah pemberian ASI saja selama 6 bulan tanpa tambahan cairan apapun, setelah bayi berusia enam bulan, bayi baru diberikan MPASI dengan ASI tetap diberikan sampai usia bayi 2 tahun atau lebih. MP-ASI adalah makanan atau minuman yang mengandung zat gizi,diberikan kepada bayi atau anak usia 6-24 bulan guna memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selain dari ASI. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor budaya dan pengetahuan ibu dengan pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan di Bidan Praktik Mandiri Desi Fitriani Baturaja Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Tahun. Metode:Penelitian: ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki bayi berusia 6-12 bulan periode JuniAgustus Tahun 2019 yang berjumlah 47 orang. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi dan uji statistik Chi-Square, dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian: analisa bivariat didapatkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor budaya terhadap pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan dengan nilai p value 0,016. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan terhadap pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 6-12 bulanda nilai uji statistik dengan nilai p value 0,042.   Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is only breastfeeding for 6 months without any additional fluids, after the baby is six months old, new babies are given MPASI with breast milk still given until the baby is 2 years or older. MP-ASI is food or drink that contains nutrients, given to babies or children aged 6-24 months to meet nutritional needs other than breast milk. Research Objective: to determine the relationship between cultural factors and maternal knowledge with early breastfeeding supplementation for infants aged 6-12 months in the Independent Practice Midwife Desi Fitriani Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Tahun. Research Method: This uses an analytical method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months in the JuneAugust 2019 period, amounting to 47 people. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical tests, with a 95% confidence level. Results: bivariate analysis found that there was a significant relationship between cultural factors and the provision of early breastfeeding for infants aged 6-12 months with a p value of 0.016. There is a significant relationship between knowledge of early breastfeeding MP in infants aged 6-12 months with a statistical test value with a p value of 0.042.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-63
Gaung Eka Ramadhan

This study analyzes the relationship between pictorial health warnings on cigarette packaging and the intention to quit smoking for Pamulang University students. This research design uses quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional method complemented by qualitative respondents, namely Pamulang University students totaling 100 respondents. This research was conducted from December 2019 – January 2020. The data analysis used univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between perceptions of pictorial health messages and the intention to stop smoking, the p-value indicated this: 0.000 and the OR value 43.5; there is a significant relationship between knowledge and intention to stop smoking with a p-value: 0.000 and OR value 75.6;

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