scholarly journals Jual Beli Dua Harga dalam Satu Transaksi Jual Beli (Studi Komparatif Antara Mazhab Maliki dan Mazhab Syafi’i)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Zulfiah Sam ◽  
Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta ◽  
Mariyani Syam

This study aimed to find out and understand how to buy and sell two prices in one sale and purchase transaction (Bai'atani fi bai'ah) according to the perspective of the Maliki Sect and the Shafi'i Sect. The study was a qualitative descriptive research (non-statistical), which focuses on the study of manuscripts and texts, using a normative and philosophical approach. The results of the study found several things. First, according to the Maliki Sect, buying and selling two prices in one trade transaction (Bai'atani fi bai'ah) is permissible provided that there is certainty of an agreement to be used to pay before parting. While the Shafi'i sect considers that buying and selling is absolutely haram, this is due to the vagueness of the contract chosen by both parties. Second, the view of the Maliki Sect is skewed stronger than the view of the Shafi'i Sect, because Imam Malik considers this trade should not be unless there is clarity of agreement agreed before separation. The determination between the two agreements makes this trade permissible according to Imam Malik. As for the opinion of Imam Shafi'i is more careful, because such a trade is very vulnerable to injustice, usury practice and other damage, so at one time this opinion can also be used.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-196
Ahmad Syaripudin ◽  
Rustam Efendi ◽  
Sirajuddin Sirajuddin ◽  
Dedi Rochmad Hermawan Ali

This research aims to find out the extent of the influence of understanding Arabic on istinbāṭ law of jurispruding. This research is qualitative descriptive research focused on the study of manuscripts and texts with a philosophical approach. The results showed that: first, Arabic has a massive urgency to the sciences of Sharia; Second, arabic has a significant impression of the determination of jurisprudence which is indicated by the disagreements that occur among fuqahā' in many problems of Islamic jurisprudence due to differences in viewpoints in understanding propositions based on dilālah al-alfaż.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23

This study aimed to describe the value of cohesion and coherence contained in the translation of the Qur'an surah Al Zalzalah. This study was a qualitative descriptive research, research data collection techniques using three techniques namely, inventory, rading and understanding, and record keeping. The data analysis used the coding of data, classification data, and the determination of the data. The results showed that the cohesion markers used in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: 1) reference, 2) pronouns, ie pronouns second person, and third, the relative pronoun, the pronoun pointer, pen pronouns and pronouns owner, 3 ) conjunctions, namely temporal conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctions koorelatif, and 4) a causal ellipsis. It mean that there was a coherence in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: the addition or addition, pronouns, repetition or repetition, match words or synonyms, in whole or in part, a comparison or ratio of conclusions or results. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, sura Al Zalzalah AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kohesi dan koherensi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan Al-Qur’an surah Al Zalzalah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tiga teknik yakni, inventarisasi, baca simak, dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengodean data, pengklasifikasian data, dan penentuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemarkah kohesi yang digunakan dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: 1) referensi, 2) pronomina, yaitu kata ganti orang kedua, dan ketiga, kata ganti penghubung, kata ganti penunjuk, kata ganti penanya dan kata ganti empunya, 3) konjungsi, yaitu konjungsi temporal, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, dan konjungsi koorelatif, dan 4) elipsis kausal. Sarana koherensi yang terdapat di dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: penambahan atau adisi, pronomina, pengulangan atau repetisi, padan kata atau sinonim, keseluruhan atau bagian, komparasi atau perbandingan simpulan atau hasil.Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Koherensi, surah Al Zalzalah

Jurnal Anifa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74
Isnaini Isnaini

The pronunciation of inappropriate words to exemplify, thus rendering the child devoid of good manners and word-tours, and often against parenthood, is because her parents are unspoiled when she speaks disrespectful and also against parental sayings becomes a phenomenon often encountered in society particularly in coastal communities. Family is very important in child education. The problem formula in this study is (1) How is the behaviour of children in the family? (2) What kind of factors affects the child's crisis of morality in the family? The purpose of the study is (1) to find out how child behaviour in the family is. (2) to find out what factors affect the child's crisis of morality in the family. To answer the question the researcher used a type of qualitative descriptive research in his research. In data collection techniques, researchers use interview and observation methods. Then, data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawal

Agung Nurrahman ◽  
Gatiningsih Gatiningsih ◽  
Muhammad Tri Syaputra

This research focuses on how leadership has a major role in addressing environmental issues, especially through the garbage bank program as a form of case study. Furthermore, the problems that occur in the midst of society are often rely solely on political will or political desire to solve them. The research is to know and learn Lurah's (head of village) leadership in the management of waste banks specifically. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques through structured interviews, documentation and observations. Researchers conducted an analysis using leadership theory from Yukl, where the theory discusses leadership comprehensively. Researchers only focus on five parts of the concept that are considered relevant, namely: visionary, guidance, affiliative, democratic and communicative concepts. The results of this study based on these dimensions are good enough Lurah (head of village) leadership. But there are several things that are considered able to optimize the running of the program through the role of Lurah (Head of village) leadership, namely: first, involving active knots and community leaders such as MUI, academics to support scientific aspects, and professionals in the field of practical management. Keywords: Leadership, Head of Village, Environmental Issues, Waste Management, Waste Bank  

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 25
Hanan Ebaid

This paper focuses on resolving ambiguous jokes that were contemporaneous with 2011 revolution in Egypt. It observes that some jokes are easily understood by some and are unintelligible to others. The current study is a qualitative descriptive research that depends on collecting and analysing qualitative data. The data is classified into three groups each of which represents a group of ambiguous jokes corresponding to a degree on a proposed scale of specificity. This scale comprises linguistic and socio-pragmatic aspects that contribute to disambiguating such jokes and achieving the humorous effect. It finds that understanding a joke in general and an ambiguous one in particular depends not only on linguistic aspects. It also finds that the integration of the scale of specificity into the analysis proves crucial. The degrees on the scale help explain why a joke is understood by some and incomprehensible to others. Those degrees are relative in that what is deemed as a general degree may be regarded as a specific one to others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Damara Dinda Nirmalasari Zebua ◽  
Sony Heru Priyanto ◽  
Lasmono Tri Sunaryanto

National diversification of wheat-based food has been put into practice. Public consumption of flour-based food, such as noodles and bread, is in great demand. This study aims to determine the calculations, perceptions and attitudes of farmers towards wheat farming, considering that Indonesia is a non-wheat developing country. This qualitative descriptive research using in-depth interviews with 7 informants and observation methods was conducted in Klaten and Demak Regencies. In analyzing the data, this study used an interactive analysis model including data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results show that: 1) based on farmers' calculations, wheat farming is financially not profitable to farmers because the products harvested are not worth the expense; 2) farmers' calculations affect farmers' perceptions which shifted to negative perceptions that wheat farming is not as promising as other farming businesses. Despite the negative perceptions, wheat farming has provided a valuable experience for farmers which is shown by their pride and pleasure and 3) the majority of farmers are not interested in wheat farming, which is shown by their attitude of not being able to accept wheat farming, while other farmers behave otherwise, indicated by their willingness to recommence wheat planting testing. Further research may examine: 1) how to change the culture of rice farming into culture of wheat farming; 2) how to change subsistence rice farming into enterprise and 3) how to change rice farming as social activities to rice farming as business activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Rinaldus Tanduklangi

The Gospel of Matthew is a part of the new covenant the presents the great commission of the Jesus. The great commission is the command of the Lord Jesus to the disciples and to all believers in all ages. The great commission becomes the foundation in carrying out educational actions for the world in which Jesus has provided instructions, methods and ways of implementing them. The great commission becomes the foundation of education especially Christian religious education. This paper aims to analyze theologically the objectives of Christian religious education based on Matthew 28: 19-20. In an effort to trace the intention used qualitative-descriptive research methods. The results obtained that the purpose of PAK based on Matthew 28: 19-20's exposure is to make disciples of all nations, baptize and teach them to do all the commands of the Jesus. Injl Matius merupakan salah satu bagian kitab perjanjian baru yang menyajikan amanat agung Tuhan Yesus. Amanat agung ialah perintah Tuhan Yesus bagi para murid dan kepada semua orang percaya di segala zaman. Amanat agung menjadi landasan dalam melaksanakan tindakan pendidikan bagi dunia yang di dalamnya Yesus telah memberikan petunjuk, metode dan cara pelaksanaannya. Amanat agung menjadi landasan  pendidikan khususnya pendidikan agama Kristen (PAK). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalasis secara teologis tujuan pendidikan agama kristen (PAK) berdasarkan Matius 28:19-20. Dalam upaya menelusuri maksud tersebut digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa tujuan PAK berdasarkan paparan Matius 28:19-20 ialah memuridkan segala bangsa, membaptis dan mengajar mereka melakukan segala perintah Tuhan Yesus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Risma Niswaty ◽  
Sri Wulandari ◽  
Sirajuddin Saleh ◽  
Muh. Rizal S

This study aims to determine the public relations strategy of Makassar State University in increasing the positive image of Makassar State University in the community. To find out these objectives, the researchers used a type of qualitative descriptive research. The informants in this study were as many as five people using data collection techniques carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Data obtained from research results are processed using data analysis techniques consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that Public Relations devised a strategy so that the function could run in accordance with the objectives of Makassar State University, among others, trying to create a conducive climate between institutions and the public in order to do persuasive and educative approaches to the public, trying to create two-way communication by disseminating information from institutions to public parties. educate and provide information, in order to create mutual understanding, respect, understanding and also strive to foster harmonious relations between organizations and various groups, both in and out relations to enhance cooperation. Public Relations seeks to socialize the Makassar State University mission to be accepted or received support from the public / public.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Wiwit Puji Amalia ◽  
Sumarwati Sumarwati ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

<p><em>This research is a qualitative descriptive research aims to (1) describe and explain the structure of folklore of Purbalingga District, (2) to describe and explain the social care values contained in Purbalingga District folklore, (3) describe and explain the relevance of folklore as the character buildingand teaching material in Junior High School. Data and information are collected through informants and documents. Data collection is done through observation, recording, interview, and document analysis. Research sample is determined by purposive sampling technique. Validation of data is done by triangulation. The results of this research are:</em></p><em>(1) the structure of folklore Purbalingga District, (2) social caring values contained in Purbalingga District folklore, (3) relevance of folklore as the character building and teaching material in Junior High School.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Nuriyah Fikri Wahyuni ◽  
Siti Fatikhah Nur Aini ◽  
Umul Ulfa Mufida ◽  
Abdul Muhith

This study aims to identify and describe the role of principal leadership in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees and to find out what obstacles are the obstacles to the role of principal leadership in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees at SMP PGRI 03 Kencong, Jember Regency. Is a type of qualitative descriptive research and uses purposive sampling technique. There are five roles of the Principal and two obstacles faced by the Principal in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees. The results showed that the principal of SMP PGRI 03 Kencong, Jember Regency carried out the role of a leader by planning and deliberating; as a manager by creating collaboration between teachers and employees; as an educator by preparing a learning program plan; as an administrator by managing facilities and infrastructure as well as financial administration; motivator by providing motivation with a conducive school environment. The obstacles faced by the principal in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees are teachers and employees who are less disciplined in carrying out their duties so that it is also difficult to improve their work discipline, as well as obstacles in inadequate school facilities and infrastructure. Keywords: employees, leadership, principals, teachers, work discipline Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai dan untuk  mengetahui kendala apa saja yang menjadi penghambat peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai di SMP PGRI 03 Kencong Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Terdapat lima peran Kepala Sekolah dan dua kendala yang dihadapi oleh Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah SMP PGRI 03 Kencong Kabupaten Jember melaksanakan peran sebagai pemimpin dengan membuat perencanaan dan bermusyawarah; sebagai manajer dengan menciptakan kerjasama antara guru dan pegawai; sebagai pendidik dengan menyusun rencana program pembelajaran;sebagai administrator dengan mengelola sarana dan prasarana serta administrasi keuangan; motivator dengan memberikan motivasi  dengan lingkungan sekolah yang kondusif. Kendala yang dihadapi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai yaitu guru dan pegawai yang kurang disiplin dalam melaksanakan tugas sehingga kesulitan pula dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerjanya, serta kendala dalam sarana dan prasarana sekolah yang belum memadai. Kata Kunci: disiplin kerja, guru, kepemimpinan, kepala sekolah, pegawai

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