scholarly journals Meniti Jalan Nasionalisasi Aset Perusahaan Belanda Di Indonesia: Menguntungkan Atau Merugikan

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-113
Danan Tricahyono

Abstrak: Indonesia sebagai negara merdeka memiliki cita-cita berdikari dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Salah satunya di bidang ekonomi sebagai pilar pembangunan. Cara yang ditempuh untuk menata kehidupan ekonomi dilakukan dengan penuh liku-liku. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh diantaranya dengan menasionalisasi berbagai bangunan umum vital milik asing dengan pembayaran ganti rugi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalis jalan yang ditempuh oleh pemerintah guna melakukan nasionalisasi, pelaksanaan nasionalisasi dalam berbagai sektor perusahaan milik Belanda, dan pengaruh nasionalisasi perusahaan terhadap berbagai bidang kehidupan seperti ekonomi, politik, dan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari lima langkah: heuristik (pengumpulan sumber), kritik (verifikasi sumber), interpretasi (penafsiran), dan historiografi (penulisan sejarah). Hasil penelitian menunjukan jika cikal bakal nasionalisasi perusahaan-perusahaan dimulai sejak masa pergerakan nasional yang mengarah pada konsep Indonesianisasi, proses pelaksanaan nasionaliasi mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 86 Tahun 1958 Tentang Nasionalisasi Perusahaan-Perusahaan Milik Belanda. Mengenai teknis pelaksanaan nasionalisasi perusahaan Belanda diatur pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 3 Tahun 1959 tentang pembentukan Badan Nasionalisasi Perusahaan Belanda. Perusahaan yang dinasionalisasi bergerak dalam bidang pertanian dan perkebunan, perdagangan, industri dan tambang, perbankan, listrik dan gas, transportasi, dan konstruksi. Pengaruh dari nasionaliasi berupa keluarnya modal, goyahnya neraca keuangan, dan administrasi perusahaan. Perusahaan yang dinasionaliasi dalam perjalannya berubah menjadi BUMN.Kata kunci: nasionalisasi, perusahaan, BelandaAbstract: Indonesia as an independent country has aspirations to be independent in various fields of life. One of them is in the economic sector as a pillar of development. The method taken to organize economic life was carried out in a twisted manner. The steps taken include nationalizing various vital public buildings owned by foreigners with compensation payments. This study aims to analyze the path taken by the government to nationalize, the implementation of nationalization in various sectors of Dutch-owned companies, and the effects of company nationalization on various fields of life such as the economy, politics, and society. This research uses the historical method which consists of five steps: heuristics (source collection), criticism (source verification), interpretation (interpretation), and historiography (historical writing). The results showed that if the nationalization of companies started from the time of the national movement that led to the concept of Indonesianization, the process of implementing nationalization referred to Law Number 86 of 1958 concerning the Nationalization of Dutch Owned Companies. Regarding the technical implementation of the nationalization of Dutch companies, it is regulated in Government Regulation Number 3 of 1959 concerning the formation of the Dutch Company Nationalization Agency. The nationalized companies are engaged in agriculture and plantation, trade, industry and mining, banking, electricity and gas, transportation, and construction. The effects of nationalization are in the form of capital outflows, unstable balance sheets, and company administration. Companies that are nationalized on the way turn into BUMN.Keywords: nationalization, company, Netherlands

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Rika Inggit Asmawati

This research discusses about the social economic history of Yogyakarta during 1950s. The main problem is to analyze how the newly independent country of Indonesia dealt with unemployment after the revolutionary period. This research employs the historical method using primary and secondary sources, such as archives, newspapers, magazines, interviews, and reviews of relevant references. There are four conclusions in this research. First, although the period was called as the period of creating jobs, the unemployment number in early 1950s was increasing. Second, this unemployment problem was not primarily caused by the economic condition but also by demographic problems and the legacies from the Revolution Era. Third, people who were categorized as unemployed were not only labors, but also veterans. Fourth, for the government, solving this unemployment problem was the effort to create economic improvement for its society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 203 ◽  
Awaludin Nugraha ◽  
M. Baiquni ◽  
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra ◽  
Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo

Pada kurun 1975-2010 Pemerintah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya telah melakukan pembangunan pariwisata di Kampung Naga dengan tujuan meningkatkan kehidupan ekonomi masyarakatnya. Namun, masyarakat Kampung Naga melakukan respons negatif terhadap pembangunan tersebut. Mengapa masyarakat Kampung Naga melakukan respons negatif terhadap pembangunan pariwisata, padahal pembangunan tersebut dapat meningkatkan kehidupan ekonominya? Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk respons masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap pembangunan pariwisata dan memahami penyebab munculnya respons itu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara sejarah lisan. Teknik analisis datanya menggunakan model interaktif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bentuk respons negatif masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap pembangunan pariwisata terjadi secara bertahap dari skala lokal sampai skala nasional. Respons negatif tersebut disebabkan adanya perbedaan pemaknaan terhadap konsep pariwisata. Bagi masyarakat Kampung Naga, pariwisata bermakna silaturahmi yang bertujuan mempererat persaudaraan, sedangkan bagi pemerintah adalah aset untuk mendapatkan keuntungan finansial. In the period 1975-2010 Tasikmalaya Regency Government has made tourism development in Kampung Naga. The purpose was to improve the economic life of Kampung Naga community. However, the Kampung Naga community responded negatively to that development. Why did the Kampung Naga community respond negatively to the development of tourism, whereas that development could improve the life of its economist? The purpose of this study is to describe the response form of Kampung Naga community to the tourism development and to understand the cause of the response. The research method used is a historical method, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Collecting data are using literature studiies and oral history interviews. Interactive model is used to analyze data. The result of this study shows that the negative response form of Kampung Naga community toward tourism development happened gradually from local scale to national scale. The response was caused by the difference of the meaning to the concept of tourism. For the community of Kampung Naga, tourism means a relationship that aims to strengthen the brotherhood, while for the government assets to improve financial benefit.

Sri Sunarni ◽  
Zainal Asikin ◽  
Widodo Dwi Putro

Normative research concerning Configuring the Replacement of Regulations on the Registration of Land Rights by addressing the issue of ideology and Raison de Etre's rule of law gave the conclusion, that the Registration of Mastering Rights by the State should respect and recognize individual rights to land. From the analysis and discussion that discusses, conclusions can be drawn, that is the Right to Mastery over the Land held by the Government agrees if it has the power to connect the economic sector. More details can be found: Registration of land rights cannot be agreed with political policies on land use. In the implementation of PP 10 of 1961 the government seized people's land rights, then redistributed the people who needed it as agricultural land (in addition, this program of land redistribution was communicated to the government as an asset with public reasons; it found different political attitudes when implement PP 24 of 1997, namely: by regulating the fundamentals of a new government-finance and vice versa with the Pancasila Philosophy as a principle of Efficiency-Justice Actually it was implemented at the beginning of Repelita I by enacting Law No. 1 of 1967 (Foreign Investment) A comparable increase is needed with the people's prosperity which is relatively difficult to achieve (PP 10 of 1961) which seeks to increase government original income (PAD).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
Nieke Monika Kulsum

<p>Indonesia has become independent country since 1945, however this country still facing many internal conflicts. The power of Soeharto (the second Indonesian President) regime that lasted for 32 years, spread fears to many people which make them silenced. After the reformation in 1998 that led to the collapsed of that regime, Indonesia experienced a period of “freedom from fear”. Since then there are many new mass organizations emerged in Indonesia. Some of these mass organizations are arrogance and causes fear to Indonesian people. Therefore, in the current era of president Jokowi leadership, the government acts firmly on those mass organizations by issuing Government Regulation No.2 which was signed on July 10, 2017. Moreover, this new regulation has raised pros and contras in society. One group of people who care about this is the Women Indonesian Care Group which consists of women from various segments on a racial, religious, educational, work and age basis. The researcher is interested to raise this matter as a research because it is a new thing in Indonesia where group consisting mostly of mothers perform an action in the form of a demonstration conducted in front of Parliament Building/House of Representative on Friday, July 27, 2017. It turns out that those mothers who have been upset and disturbed by the actions done by certain mass organizations. Thus they feel the need to do the demonstration. The method of this research is qualitative, researchers will conduct interviews with the perpetrators of demos, documentation studies and literature studies. Research is still underway until now.</p><p class="Keywords"><strong>Keywords</strong>: Women Movement, Social Movement and Government Policy</p>

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Muchtar Riva’i

The law arrangement of franchise law was first explicitly regulated by the Government Regulation No. 16 of 1997 which is then updated by Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 to be created in an agreement that at least contains clauses as stipulated by Article 5 of the Government Regulation. However, franchise arrangements also associated with a variety of other laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia. This article is going to state that the importance of partnerships with small and medium enterprises as an effort to encourage the involvement of the wider economic community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Nindy Danisa Wulandari

Development of food security implemented to meet the human basic needs that provide benefits fairly and equitably based on self – reliance, and not contrary to public faith. Referring to the government regulation No 22 of 2009 concerning Food Consumption Diversification Acceleration (P2KP). However, it is not supported by the development of women farmers. The method use in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treath). The samples in this study is the purposive sample. Result of a study showed the amount of income earned from the group of women farmers in the one month is 150,000/ members. Proper development strategies used in the development strategies used in the development KWT Melati is a Growth Oriented Strategy is very profitable strategy to seize opportunities with the strength. Pembangunan ketahan pangan dilaksanakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia yang memberikan manfaat secara adil dan merata berdasarkan kemandirian, dan tidak bertentangan dengan keyakinan masyarakat. Mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah No 22 Tahun 2009 mengenai Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan (P2KP). Namun, hal ini tidak didukung dengan adanya pengembangan kelompok wanita tani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treath). Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan sampel purposive. Hasil penelitian menunjukan besaran pendapatan yang diperoleh dari adanya kelompok wanita tani dalam satu bulan adalah Rp.150.000/bulan/anggota. Strategi pengembangan yang tepat digunakan dalam pengembangan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Melati adalah Growth Oriented Strategy.

Muchimah MH

Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 related to the implementation of marriage was made to support and maximize the implementation of Law No. 1 of 1974 which had not yet proceeded properly. This paper examines Government Regulations related to the implementation of marriage from the perspective of sociology and anthropology of Islamic law. Although the rules already exist, some people still carry out marriages without being registered. This is anthropologically the same as releasing the protection provided by the government to its people for the sake of a rule. In the sociology of Islamic law, protection is a benchmark for the assessment of society in the social environment. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to find out how the implementation of marriage according to PP. No. 9 of 1975 concerning the Marriage Law in the socio-anthropological perspective of Islamic Law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ferry Fadzlul Rahman

Abortion is a social phenomenon that is increasingly alarming. The concern is not without reason, because so far the behavior of abortion many negative effects both for themselves the perpetrators and the wider community. With the passing of the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health still raises the pros and cons in the middle of the community. The approach used to address the problem that the above problems are normative juridical approach. Based on the results of the study need to decriminalize abortion in Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health which has the goal of creating the legal basis for abortion and the experts who helped him as an indication of a medical emergency or pregnancy due to rape, and factors inhibiting the decriminalization of abortion is legal factors themselves, law enforcement officials factors, factors facilities or infrastructure, community factors, and cultural factors. Suggestion that the author should the government needs to review the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health in particular Article 31 and Article 34 within the limited evidence of rape victims in just 40 days because of the time limit is not relative to the law enforcement agencies to prove it, as well as regarding the evidentiary aspects of pregnancy due to rape victims in order to avoid an impression of legitimizing the act of abortion in any form. Keywords: Abortion, , Reproductive Health

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Ferry Fadzul Rahman

Abortion is a social phenomenon that is increasingly alarming. The concern is not without reason, because so far the behavior of abortion many negative effects both for themselves the perpetrators and the wider community. With the passing of the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health still raises the pros and cons in the middle of the community. The approach used to address the problem that the above problems are normative juridical approach. Based on the results of the study need to decriminalize abortion in Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health which has the goal of creating the legal basis for abortion and the experts who helped him as an indication of a medical emergency or pregnancy due to rape, and factors inhibiting the decriminalization of abortion is legal factors themselves, law enforcement officials factors, factors facilities or infrastructure, community factors, and cultural factors. Suggestion that the author should the government needs to review the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health in particular Article 31 and Article 34 within the limited evidence of rape victims in just 40 days because of the time limit is not relative to the law enforcement agencies to prove it, as well as regarding the evidentiary aspects of pregnancy due to rape victims in order to avoid an impression of legitimizing the act of abortion in any form.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Misbahul Khoir

In order for humans could reach the so-called falah (goodness), human behavior needs to be colored with the spirit and norms of Islamic economics reflected in its values. The principles and values of Islamic economics are considerably two inseparable things. The implementation of economic principles without being colored with values or values without being based on principles could keep people far away from their purpose, namely falah. The implementation of values not based on principles will tend to bring with it the normative economics, which would cause it trapped into injustice. While the implementation of values on the Islamic economic development is based on the five universal values, namely akidah (belief), 'adl (justice), nubuwwah (prophetic), khilafah (the government), and ma'ad (results). The five principles are used as the basis for building theories of Islamic economics. But strong and adequate theories not applied into a system will make the Islamic economics just as the study of science without giving positive impact on the economic life. Therefore, based on the five universal values, the three derivative principles should be built into the characteristics and the forerunner of the Islamic economic system. The Islamic economic system makes sure that there are no economic transactions that are contrary to the Shari'a. But business performance depends on the man behind the gun. For that reason, the economic actors within this framework could be held by non-Muslims. The Islamic economics could only be developed if the mindset and behavior of Muslims are already itqan (diligent) and ihsan (professional). It "may be" one of the secrets of the Prophet's statement, saying "Truly I was sent to perfect good character". Because good character could be an indicator of knowing good or bad behavior in determining both the success and the failure of business itself.

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