scholarly journals [An Analytical Study of Mohsenat in Surat Al-Nour] Dirasat Tajliliah lil Muhsanah al-Tibaq fi Surah an-Nur

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-162
Mohamad Hussin Ali Said ◽  
ZulAzhan Abdul Halim ◽  
Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh

This research aims to identify the most prominent embellishment feature of Arabic rhetoric (al-muhassinat al-badi’iyyah) that is al-tibaq derived from several verses in surah al-Nur, with the definition of al-tibaq and the explanation of its relation to the Holy Quran. The reason of choosing this surah as it contains special characteristics as well as its strong meaning either in term of Arabic language or sharia law such as law of adultery, defamation and others. Among the greatest characteristics of this surah is that it was revealed in order to protect Ummu al-Mu’minin Sayyidatina A’ishah r.a. from a false allegation. In this study, the researcher applied an analytical descriptive approach to derive and clarify the al-tibaq feature from the verses including its relation to the Holy Quran. The result of this research shows a splendid beauty of al-tibaq through the explanation of the related verses from surah al-Nur. Keywords: analytical study, al-tibaq, surah al-Nur.   يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة أبرز المحسنات البديعية الجمالية وهي (الطباق) مستنبطا إياها من خلال تحليل آيات سورة النور مع التعريف بالطباق وبيان علاقته بالقرآن الكريم. وكان الاختيار لكتابه هذه المقالة وبخصوص هذه السورة لما تميزت به من خصائص قيّمة وما تضمنته من معان راقية سواء كانت في مجال اللغة العربية أو في الأحكام الشرعية كحكم الزنا والقذف وغيرهما من الأحكام الهامة. ومن أعظم خصائص هذه السورة أنها نزلت تبرئةً لأم المؤمنين سيدتنا عائشة رضي الله عنهما وأرضاها. وقد اعتمد الباحث في هذه الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في استنباط وتبيين محسنة الطباق في الآيات وتبيين علاقتها بالقرآن الكريم. ونتيجة البحث إبراز جمالية محسنة الطباق من خلال تبين الكلمات المطابقة في العديد من آيات سورة النور.   مفاتيح الكلمات: دراسة تحليلية، الطباق، سورة النور.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-33
Abdul Muntaqim Al Anshory

The Holy Quran was filled with the miracle of God, one of isBadi’.  Badi’ is  the sciences of rhetoric, which is the science of Arabic language, which examines the rules of the Arabic language method used in writing and conversation. Badi’ is looking at the meaning or the word in terms of decorating and refining it. Mahmoud Sheikhan said that he knew of the object of improving the speech that is appropriate and clear. The researcher looked for the science of Badi’ in Surrah Al-Fath because this surrah is Madaniyah surrah, The Victory surrah for believers on infidels. And its has characteristics by the other in terms of wonderful methods that indicate the eloquence of the Quran. The methodology of this research is qualitative descriptive approach. The result of the research is: 1. The verses that include the numerals: verses 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, and 29; Verses containing the interview: verses 24 and 25. 2. The verses that include verbal enhancements in Surat Al-Fath are as follows: The verses that include the Courage: Verse 4-5, 11-13, 16-17, 19-20, 21-22, 25-26 and The verses that include the budget: Verse 6-11, 13-15, 18-19, 24-25, 27-29. Keyword: Badi’, Al-Fathi surrah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Ahmad Dame Diop ◽  
Lateef Onireti Ibraheem

<p>تعلم السنغاليون اللغة العربية وآدابها لحبهم لها ولفهم القرآن الكريم ومبادئ الإسلام وأحكامه وقضاياه، وقد تمكن منهم أشخاص من قرض الشعر العربي الجيد، ونظم قصائد ومقطوعات بجميع أغراض الشعر غير الخمريات والمجون والزندقة والخلاعة، ولعلم البيان مكانة مرموقة في أشعارهم لما يجدون منه ملجا خصبا للتعبير عن عواطفهم وأفكارهم وخيالهم، والشاعر محمد الأمين بن الشيخ إبراهيم نياس الكولخي شاعر يخدم اللغة العربية، عمدنا إلى دراسة علم البيان في شعره ليكون نموذجا للشعر العربي السنغالي ولبيان أهمية علم البلاغة ودوره في إبراز وإخراج الدرر النفيسة من أعماق أفكار الشعراء السنغاليين. ولمحمد الأمين ديوان وقصائد متفرقة في مختلف الموضوعات، ونظرا لصعوبة استيعاب دراسة علوم البلاغة في شعره لتشعب فروعها في هذه المقالة الضيقة نطاقها، اكتفينا بدراسة علم البيان فيها. استخدمنا في البحث المنهج التحليلي والمنهج التاريخي وتوصلت المقالة إلى أن الشاعر محمد الأمين تمكن من تطبيق علم البيان بأنواعه على وجه أحسن وبليغ. وتوصي الباحثين والدارسين على دراسة الشعر العربي السنغالي لاستفادة والإفادة.</p><p> </p><p><br /><em>The Senegalese studied Arabic Language and its Literature because of their love for the language of the Holy Quran and in order to understand the principles, cultures and jurisprudence of Islam. In the course of that, some of them mastered the language to the extent of making use of it to compose beautiful poetry. They have composed poems on different themes, except the ones considered offensive to Islam and outlandish to its teachings, like describing alcohol, erotic poems for both female and male and infidelity poems. Al-bayan, which is the core of Arabic Rhetoric, was employed by Senegalese poets in their work in order to effectively convey their ideas, feelings and emotions to others. The aim of this study, therefore, is to examine their usage of al-Bayan rhetorical devices and evaluate the level of their compliance to its rules in Arabic rhetoric. However, due to the fact that this lofty aim cannot be achieved in a paper with a short scope like this, we chose the poetry of Muhammad al-Amin, the son of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyas, as a case study. To achieve this, the paper was divided in to four sections. The first one is a preamble, the second section gives biography of the poet, and the third section is the rhetorical analysis of his poem, while the fourth section is the conclusion in which the summary, the result and the recommendations were given. It was discovered that Muhammad al-Amin, to a large extent, successfully employed al-Bayan in his poetry and adequately represents the height the Senegalese have attained in composition of Arabic poetry in Senegal. We recommended, among other things, that scholars should intensify their study of Senegalese poetry in Arabic, which is hitherto receiving low patronage, in order to uncover its hidden treasure.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 1-11

This research deals with the efforts of Imam Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi al-Hindi in the Arabic language, especially his book Jamahrat al-Balaghah, which is the sign of Arabic and interpretation, one of the veterans of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries AH. Where he was born, may God have mercy on him, in the year 1280 AH in the village of Fariha - from the villages of the Directorate of the greatest hatred in India - and Ibn Khalil was the sign of the East and historian of Islam, Sheikh Shibli Al-Nu'mani - may God bless him with his mercy -. He died in the year 1349 AH, corresponding to 1930 CE. Al-Farahi called for establishing the art of rhetoric on foundations stemming from the Noble Qur’an and the words of the noble Arabs, so he wrote his book The Jamahiriya of Rhetoric in which he broke the basis on which the art of rhetoric is based in Aristoteles, which is the theory of simulation. Al-Farahi believes that the art of Arabic rhetoric was influenced by this theory. The importance of the research: In this paper, I explain the methodology of Imam al-Farahi in the community of rhetoric, then the influence of the rhetoric of the Ajam on the eloquence of the Arabs, and the concept of the rhetoric of the Arabs according to Imam al-Farahi, Aristotle and the theory of simulation, then the research leads us to an explanation of the impact of poetry and eloquent prose of Imam al-Farahi. Research objectives: The research aims to: Rapid review of the efforts made in serving the Arabic language in the countries of the Indian subcontinent through the centuries until the era of Imam Farahi. Brief introduction to some Indian scholars who have a great contribution to serving the Arabic language. The comprehensive definition of Imam Al-Farahi, and highlighting his scientific contributions in the field of Arabic language and Quranic studies, whether in Arabic or Urdu. Research methodology: The research is based on three approaches: inductive, analytical, and deductive. This, in turn, showed us the efforts of Imam Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi in the Arabic language, especially writing Jamah al-Balagha. I concluded at the end of the research that Al-Farahi, with his in-depth study of the Arabic language, its literature and its sciences, had become to have a wonderful linguistic sense and a fine Arabic taste like the play of sincerity, but with all these advantages that were embodied in his personality, another characteristic that overtook all of these advantages was the love of the Holy Quran, which was above all Something and the greatness of these two villages will not be felt except by those who are pure Arab

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-168
Aftab Ahmad ◽  
Najmul Hassan

Since Quran, being the words of Allah the almighty ,has been bestowed in Arabic Language, but his followers have different languages. Pukhtoon Society, who’s non-Arab converted to Islam and  play their part in transferring themes of the Qur’an into their mother tongue Pahsto. Partial translations of the Qur’an were made as early as the first half of the 17th century AD in Pashto. It seems unlikely that Pathan had no contact with the Qur’an before this date. Keeping in view the importance of translation in Pashto language of the Holy Quran, it has attracted the attention of various scholars and researchers. The following research paper aims at exploring the contribution of the Ulema of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in this connection .For this purpose eihgt nominated scripts have been selected to point out the importance of published Pashto translations  of the Qur’an and their brief study. Analysis includes methodology of the translator, his command over the Arabic language and his awareness of the necessary sciences compulsory for a translator of the Qur’an. 

نصر الدين إبراهيم (Nasr El-din Ibrahim Ahmed Hussein)

ملخص البحث:علم البديع فن من فنون البلاغة العربيّة ورد في القرآن الكريم كثيراً، في سوره وآياته، وخاصةً السور القصار من جزء عمّ وجزء تبارك. وإن كان لدى البلاغيين القدامى خلاف في تسميته أو وجوده. ولكن فنون البلاغة ليست شيئاً غريباً عن لغتهم، فالعرب أصحاب بيان، وفصاحة فاقت طوق الشعوب التي تماثلهم آنذاك، فلا غرو أنهم يعرفون هذا الفن. ومشكلة البحث تكمن في عدم فهم دلالات هذا الفن، أي ما وراء المعاني أو إن شئت فقل المعاني الثانية، فقد صعب استباطها لكثير من طلبة العلم، ولذا سوف نستخدم -هنا- المنهج الاستقرائي، والمنهج التحليلي. يهدف البحث إلى بيان أهمية علم البديع في القرآن الكريم، وكيفية تناول فنونه، وتحليلها تحليلاً منهجيّاً للكشف عن دلالاتها البلاغية، ومعانيها البيانيّة. خلصت الدراسة إلى ما يأتي: أن الدلالات البلاغية في القرآن الكريم كثيرة جداً، ولا يمكن فهم هذه الدلالات إلا بإتقان فنون البلاغة العربية وخاصة فن البديع، وأن  هذه الدلالات البديعية هي التي تكشف مفهوم الخطاب القرآني، وأن تحليل الدلالات يفيد أؤلئك الذين تخصصوا في البلاغة القرآنيّة، وتفسير القرآن الكريم؛ فهي تساعد طالب العلم والتخصص على فهم أساليب القرآن الكريم المختلفة.الكلمات المفتاحية: علم- البديع- البلاغة- القرآن- التحليل.Abstract:Al-Badi’ is a branch of an Arabic Rhetoric and there are many occurrences of al Badi’ in the verses of the Holy Quran especially in the chapters: ‘Amma and al-Mulk despite of classical rhetoricians disputes over its name and existence. Rhetoric is not new in the Arabic Language. The Arabs are eloquent and this attribute placed them far beyond those of their era. There is no doubt that they are well versed in this subject. The research question focuses on the misunderstanding of al Badi’s meaning i.e. what lies beyond meaning or the underlying meaning that students find it hard to understand. This research is based on analytical and inductive methodologies. It aims to explain the importance of al Badi’ in the Holy Quran and the ways it is being discussed for the purpose of unveiling its rhetorical meanings. The research concludes that: the use of rhetoric in the Holy Quran stands out; this shows that the only way to fully understand the Holy Quran is by mastering Rhetoric, specifically al Badi’. It is by understanding the later that the Quran is understood. The experts of Rhetoric and Exegesis of al Quran and the students alike would benefit from the analysis of rhetorical meanings in understanding different styles of the Holy Quran.Keywords: Knowledge- Al-Badi’- Al-Balaghah- Holy Quran- Analysis.Abstrak:Terdapat banyak ciri ilmu Badi’ yang merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu Balaghah di dalam al-Quran, khususnya surah-surah pendek daripada Juz ‘Amma dan Tabarak, walaupun terdapat banyak perselisihan pendapat tentang jenisnya di kalangan ulama balaghah. Balaghah tidak asing dalam bahasa Arab kerana bangsa Arab memiliki kefasihan mengatasi bangsa lain. Permasalahan kajian terletak pada kurangnya pemahaman tentang makna tersirat dan pelajar menghadapi kesukaran dalam merangkanya. Justeru itu, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan induktif dan analisa supaya kepentingan ilmu Badi’ dalam al-Quran dapat dinyatakan, pendekatan terbaik dalam menganalisa makna-makna tersirat dapat diketahui. Kesimpulan kajian ialah untuk memahami makna-makna tersirat yang terdapat dalam al-Quran  dengan banyak sekali, seseorang itu hendaklah memahami ilmu Balaghah dengan terperinci khususnya ilmu Badī’. Indikasi-idikasi dalam Badī’ memainkan peranan dalam mendalami konsep-konsep dalam wacana al-Quran dan analisa semantik memberikan manfaat kepada mereka yang mengkhusus dalam retorik serta pentafsiran al-Quran di mana ia membantu mereka memahami pelbagai gaya bahasa al-Quran.Kata kunci: Ilmu- Badi’– Balaghah- Al-Quran- Analisa.

Hamda Ahmed Othman

The Prophetic Hadith is a crucial and important source for grammatical and rhetorical studies in language. It was always considered a valuable source of guidance and remains to be one of the major reference points for scholars in language because the prophet May peace and blessings be upon him was one of the most linguistically talented individuals in his clarity, and grammatical use. Furthermore، he was experienced in understanding of pragmatic and syntax use of the Arabic language. All these qualities and the authenticity of the Hadiths make is second most important text after the holy Quran This study showed the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) rhetoric and linguistic knowledge were among the most prominent signs of his magnificence and grace. Also, It confirms his undeniable prophet- hood as he, (peace be upon him), possessed mastery of the spoken language, unattainable wisdom, truthful speech, straight path, and infinite miracle. Allah the Almighty said: “Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed.” And Allah the Almighty also said: “The faithful spirit has defended with it. Upon your heart that you may be of the warners. In Plain Arabic Language.” This study addressed the linguistic and terminological meaning of rhetoric and explained the reasons for the eloquence of the Hadith and the beauty if use of language without and additions or unnecessary use of words, as well as the superior ability to inspire visual responses via the use of similarity, repetition, interrogation, metaphor, dialogue, suspense and all the skills performed by the Prophet's Hadith according to the nature of the situation, and the context all whilst taking into account the case the listeners through the choice of words and phrases appropriate to their minds to elicit clear understanding and persuasion. All these points were supported by evidence from the Hadith to confirm and strengthen this study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 63
Ali Albashir Mohammed Alhaj

Omission and addition Phenomena in Quranic English Translation are two important issues that grasped the attention of many researchers in translation studies. This study aimed at investigating of omission and addition phenomena in Quranic English Translation of Nessim Joseph Dawood: with special reference to eight selected translated ayah -Surat Yusuf- Ayah-verse (18), Surat Al-Ma’arij, Verse( ayah:17), Surrat Al-Muddathir, ayah (11), Surat Maryam, Ayah (35), Surat Al-Qalam, Ayah (1), Surat Al-Baqarah, Ayah (186), Surat Al’Imran, Ayah:41), and Surrat Al-Jaathiya, Ayah:28).-Qualitative descriptive approach was adopted by the researcher to analyze the data extracted from Nessim Joseph Dawood’s English translation of the aforementioned Surahs. The study revealed losses occurring in translating some morpho-syntactic dimensions such as omitting and admission of important Quranic lexemes. contributed to semantic losses. One kind of such losses is a morph-syntactic loss, which sometimes takes place because of ideo-cultural divergences between the source language and the target language, (that is, Quranic Arabic language and the intended language, English language) This study recommended that omission and addition translation strategies should not be employed by the translators of the Holy Quran to reduce loss in the Quranic translation to maintain the intensity of the Message.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Mohammed Muhsin El Thaqefi

AbstractThis research revolves around the role of linguistic psychology in the teaching of the Arabic language The Arabic language is the key to Islamic culture, and the Muslim individual will not be able to establish a true Islamic culture unless the Arab is able to shape his consciousness and his motives and behaviors.  These studies are mainly to serve Islam and to understand the Holy Quran and the Hadith and the psychological in human. In this research, many studies were conducted on the role of language psychology in teaching Arabic to Indonesian students in general and to students of the State Institute for Islamic Studies, Bengkulu in particular. This research follows the descriptive approach as the appropriate method for the nature of research. Key word: Language psychology; Teaching Arabic;


Terdapat banyak modul sebutan berada di pasaran yang memperkenalkan teknik pembelajaran dan pengajaran sebutan al-Quran al-Karim dan bahasa Arab. Ada yang menggunakan kaedah klasik, moden dan ada juga yang menggunakan kedua-dua kaedah secara komprehensif. Namun, amat sedikit kita lihat kaedah yang dapat memperbaiki sebutan dan menumpukan secara khusus teknik kepada pelajar bukan Arab. Sering kali diperkatakan tentang masalah sebutan pelajar Sabah tanpa membuat kajian secara terperinci dan ilmiah. Justeru, kajian ini dibuat untuk melihat masalah sebenar sebutan bunyi bahasa Arab pelajar Sabah dan seterusnya mengaplikasikan teori Mahjub (1993) untuk memperbaiki masalah sebutan bahasa Arab. Kajian ini dilakukan di sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di Kota Kinabalu yang responden kajiannya ialah pelajar sekolah tingkatan empat. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti secara ilmiah permasalahan sebutan dalam kalangan pelajar Sabah dan mengaplikasi kaedah fonetik Mahjub, seterusnya melihat keberkesanan modul Mahjub sebagai instrumen terbaik memperbaiki sebutan pelajar Sabah. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan huruf-huruf konsonan yang sukar bagi pelajar asing yang dibuat oleh Mahjub (1993) yang menggunakan modul yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki sebutan Arab pelajar asing. Terdapat tiga langkah utama dalam kajian ini, iaitu rakaman ujian pertama (U1) sebagai sebutan bahasa Arab terkini pelajar Sabah, kemudian langkah kedua melaksanakan PdP berdasarkan PdP Mahjub dan langkah yang ketiga membuat rakaman ujian kedua (U2) untuk melihat keberhasilan teori Mahjub dalam memperbaiki sebutan pelajar Sabah. Hasil Kajian menunjukkan nilai yang sangat signifikan antara U1 dan U2. Daripada sembilan huruf yang diuji itu, konsonan ‘Ayn [ع] paling baik disebut oleh pelajar dan huruf Dad [ض] paling sukar disebut dalam U1. Dalam U2, huruf Ta’ [ط] paling sukar disebut dan huruf Sad [ص] paling mudah disebut. Dalam U1 Fathaṯ paling tinggi skor dengan 68.2 berbanding Sukun yang mempunyai skor paling rendah dengan 33.3. Secara puratanya, dalam U1 pelajar atau responden hanya mendapat purata sekitar 55 skor min bagi Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ. Namun, pada U2 peningkatan masing-masing Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ. mendapat skor yang hampir sama, iaitu 77.9 dan 76.9. Data menunjukkan bahawa Sukun paling bermasalah kepada responden dalam sebutan. Begitu juga terdapat perubahan yang signifikan dalam ujian kedudukan Fathaṯ, Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ dari U1 kepada U2. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa teori Mahjub ini berhasil memperbaiki masalah sebutan dalam kalangan pelajar Sabah dan memberikan satu alternatif untuk diaplikasi dalam PdP pelajar dan membuka ruang kepada penulis lain untuk memanjangkan kajian pada masa akan datang. There are many modules/methods available in the market to introduce the techniques of learning and teaching the Holy Quran and the Arabic language. There are classical and modern methods in teaching the Holy Quran, and some might combine both classical and modern to help students to learn the Holy Quran. But there are only few methods which can really help to improve the pronunciation of Arabic especially among the non-Arab students who learn Arabic as a second language. This pronunciation problem is often discussed by the Arabic teachers but there are lack of proper studies to overcome this problem. Therefore, this study aims to identify specifically the pronunciation problem and to measure if the Maḥjub Theory can be applied to help in overcoming it. This study was conducted in a secondary school in Kota Kinabalu. The respondents were all Form 4 students. This qualitative study used the Maḥjub Module (1993) to rectify consonant letters that are difficult to pronounce by the Sabahan students. This study has undergone three phrases. The first phrase is U1 where the pre-test is carried out to evaluate the current capability of the respondents. The second phrase applied the Maḥjub Method in the PdP. The third phrase is U2 where the post-test was carried out after the Maḥjub Method was applied to the respondents. This study showed significant value between U1 and U2. Nine consonant letters were tested in this study. In U1, ‘Ayn [ع]was the easiest to pronounce and Dad [ض] was the most difficult to pronounce by the respondents. In U2, Ta’ [ط] was the hardest to pronounce and Sad [ص] was the easiet. In U1, Fathaṯ was the highest with 68.2 score as compared to Sukun with 33.3 score. Overall, respondents scored a mean of 55 for Dammaṯ and Kasraṯ in U1. However, in U2, Dammaṯ and Kasraṯ showed very close score as of 77.9 and 76.9. The data also showed that Sukun is the hardest part for the respondents.This study had proved that the Maḥjub Method is enabled to enhance and improve the difficulty in pronunciation among the students in Sabah. Therefore, the Mahjub Method gives educators an alternative approach to apply in their teaching and also other researchers for ideas to carry out future research in this field.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Ulin Nuha

Nahwu was the basic science for understanding the Arabic language especially the holy Quran. There were many investigations of grammatical character. The controversy arises between the scholar interpretation because of this grammatical character. And from this grammatical character, the author want to look at huruf 'athaf and their meanings to the degree of education in surah Luqman 12-19. The author used the library research. The problems were considered ini terms of normative aspect to teach the order of huruf 'athaf in surah Luqman 12-19. He analyzed all the data in a descriptive way and he describe what was mentioned in surah Luqman 12-19. This is also inductive method. In the verses 12-19, There were waw 'athifah used for the unification, fa' 'athifah used for the arrangement and the time limit, summa 'athifah used for the arrangement, au 'athifah used for detail. This research found the teaching method and teaching material with its gradation from Luqman for developing students learning.

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