Светлана Владимировна Иванова ◽  
Екатерина Николаевна Ведякова

Статья посвящена решению проблемы деструктивного влияния профессиональной деятельности сотрудников УИС на их личность, ярким выражением которого выступают такие феномены, как профессиональная деформация и эмоциональное выгорание сотрудников. Актуальность проблемы обусловливается, во-первых, обозначившейся тенденцией ухода сотрудников УИС из правоохранительных органов в целом и ведомства в частности; во-вторых, незначительным, но снижением качества выполнения сотрудниками УИС служебных обязанностей. В основе решения проблемы авторы видят психологический подход. С этой целью в начале исследования раскрыты причины возникновения профессиональной деформации и эмоционального выгорания, среди которых интенсивное общение с криминальной средой; повышенный риск, ожидание опасности; психические и физические нагрузки; повышенная ответственность; большой объем властных полномочий в условиях малоэффективного контроля; неукомплектованность кадров; смещение ценностных аспектов; дефекты развития ценностно-ориентационной, мотивационной, эмоционально-волевой сфер. Далее на основе анализа литературы, а также по результатам эмпирического исследования авторы выдвигают гипотезу о существующей корреляционной зависимости между эмоциональным выгоранием и показателями эмоционального интеллекта. На основе выводов, к которым приходят авторы в поисках путей профилактики профессиональной деформации и эмоционального выгорания, даются рекомендации, акцентирующие внимание на учете психологических особенностей личности при поведении профессионального отбора и развитии эмоционального интеллекта как фактора избегания синдрома эмоционального выгорания сотрудников УИС. The article is devoted to the solution of the problem of destructive influence of professional activity of employees on their personality, a vivid expression of which are such phenomena as professional deformation and emotional burnout of employees. The urgency of the problem is due to: first, the marked trend of departure of employees of the penal system from law enforcement agencies in General, and agencies, in particular; secondly, a slight, but a decrease in the quality of performance by employees of the penal system of professional activity. The authors analyze the psychological approach as the basis for solving the problem. In view of this, at the beginning of the study revealed the causes of professional deformation and emotional burnout, including: intensive communication with the criminal environment; increased risk, expectation of danger; mental and physical stress; increased responsibility; a large amount of power in conditions of ineffective control; understaffing; displacement of value aspects; defects in the development of value-orientation, motivational, emotional and volitional spheres. Further, based on the analysis of the literature, as well as on the results of empirical research, the authors conclude that there is a correlation between emotional burnout and indicators of emotional intelligence. On the basis of the conclusions to which authors come in search of ways of prevention of professional deformation and emotional burnout, recommendations, focuses on the account of psychological features of the person when the behavior of professional selection and development of emotional intelligence as a factor in the avoidance of burnout of employees of UIS.

Ирина Валерьевна Сотникова ◽  
Игорь Борисович Сотников

В данной статье рассматриваются индивидуально-психологические особенности сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы, имеющих психосоматические заболевания (головную боль и кожные заболевания). Профессиональная деятельность сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы полна различных стрессогенных факторов: высокая степень ответственности, повышенный риск в деятельности, чрезмерное эмоциональное напряжение, что все вместе приводит к различным формам психической дезадаптации. Авторами систематизированы имеющиеся в психологии сведения по проблеме психогенной природы аффективных нарушений, лежащих в основе большинства психосоматических расстройств. Проведено эмпирическое исследование по выявлению индивидуально-психологических особенностей двух групп сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы с психосоматическими расстройствами (головная боль и кожные заболевания) и одной группы без психосоматических расстройств. Данное исследование позволило объективно осуществить сравнительный анализ индивидуально-психологических особенностей сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы . Применение психодиагностических методов дало возможность сказать о том, что у сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы, имеющих психосоматические расстройства (головная боль и кожные заболевания), отмечаются следующие психологические особенности: повышенная тревожность, низкая стрессоустойчивость, невротичность, эмоциональная лабильность, выражены признаки эмоционального выгорания. Результаты исследования дают возможность использования полученных данных в психологическом консультировании и сопровождении сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы, имеющих такие психосоматические расстройства, как головная боль и кожные заболевания (псориаз и кожный зуд). This article discusses the individual psychological characteristics of penal officers with psychosomatic diseases (for example, headache and skin diseases). The professional activity of penal officers is full of various stress factors: a high degree of responsibility, increased risk in activities, excessive emotional stress, all together leading to various forms of mental disadaptation. The author has systematized the information available in psychology on the problem of the psychogenic nature of affective disorders that underlie most psychosomatic disorders. An empirical study was carried out to identify the individual psychological characteristics of two groups of penal officers with psychosomatic disorders (headache and skin diseases) and one group without psychosomatic disorders. This study made it possible to objectively carry out a comparative analysis of the individual psychological characteristics of penal officers. The use of psychodiagnostic methods made it possible to say that penal officers with disorders (headache and skin diseases) have such psychological characteristics as: increased anxiety, low stress resistance, neuroticism, emotional lability, signs of emotional burnout are expressed. The results of the study make it possible to use the obtained data in psychological counseling and support of penal officers with psychosomatic disorders, headache and skin diseases (psoriasis and pruritus).

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 168-179
V.V. Vakhnina ◽  
Yu.G. Kasperovich ◽  
Y.G. Naumov

In the article, the authors consider the need for timely updating the content of training programs and improving the skills of negotiating subjects, taking into account the rapidly changing conditions of professional activity. The use of situational, system-situational approaches in training contributes to the formation of professional competences among negotiators and the development of professionally important qualities necessary for effective implementation of negotiating activities in various professionally significant situations. Collection and analysis of empirical material was carried out in several stages from 1995 to 2014, and included a survey of employees of law enforcement agencies and the conduct of a systematic analysis of the bank in 1705 problem situations. Based on the analysis of the bank of crisis situations in the negotiation process, depending on the characteristics of the negotiating situation, priority strategies and possible crisis zones are singled out, which makes it possible to effectively implement anti-crisis talks. Vocationally important negotiating situations and ways of formation of negotiating competence in the process of preparation and retraining have been determined.

2021 ◽  
Egor Bunov

The monograph contains a theoretical analysis of the social effectiveness of the internal affairs bodies as the degree of satisfaction of the population with the quality of law enforcement activities to protect their interests, rights and freedoms. The results of a multidimensional analysis of empirical studies of the influence of macro - and microsocial factors on the effectiveness of interaction between the population and law enforcement agencies are presented. The article substantiates the criteria for social assessment of the activities of the internal affairs bodies, the use of which allows for practical adjustment of the forms and methods of the management system. For a wide range of readers interested in the practice of applying legal measures of law enforcement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-209

Introduction: the paper analyzes current Russian legislation regulating the functioning of the institute of state service. Aim: to study federal legislative acts containing provisions that define the list of state bodies that are classified as law enforcement agencies, and to look into the reasons why the legislator abandons the term “law enforcement service”. Methods: general scientific and special methods, including comparative legal, comprehensive, logical methods, analysis and synthesis. Results: we reveal certain inconsistencies in the regulatory framework that make it difficult to establish common features and specifics of administrative and legal status of such bodies; these inconsistencies also impede further development of the theory of administrative law when studying the institution of state service. Conclusion: based on the analysis of the types of functional activities of state bodies, we conclude that the service in the prosecutor’s office is classified as the state service related to law enforcement activity; we note its similarity and difference in relation to the service in other state bodies that perform law enforcement functions, including institutions and bodies of the penal system. In line with the methodology of integrative legal understanding, we define the service in the prosecutor’s office as the professional activity carried out on behalf of the state by employees holding positions in authorized federal state bodies and empowered by law to apply state enforcement measures aimed at protecting law and order, human rights and freedoms, public and state interests, combating crimes and other offenses, or the professional activity related to the performance of the functions of internal administration and staffing of these bodies. We emphasize that such service is implemented in strict accordance with the rules established by administrative and legal norms, and on the basis of ethical principles and moral principles that form the orientation of employees toward achieving socially useful goals and interests of the state itself. Scientific and practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions made in it can be used in scientific, educational and law-making activities. Key words: state service; law enforcement agencies; law enforcement activities; control and supervisory activities; human rights activities; prosecutor’s office agencies; prosecutor’s office employees.

Frisa Erika ◽  
Hudiarto Hudiarto ◽  
Sevenpri Candra

The deteriorating image of law enforcement agencies in serving the needs of nowadays community is making the chiefs of XYZ’s district attorney offices to search the best way so that the law service in their offices can be better. This problem is the general reflection of how bad the public service in law’s field is in our country. For that noble purpose, the chiefs see that there is a chance to use the ability of system and information technology. That system is not only for the necessary needs in district attorney office but it is also combined in the existing process in security and court. The chief of office feels that the enhancement performance will be obtained easier if there is the same system and technology and are designed carefully. Within this paper, the researcher uses the framework of Enterprise Architecture to develop the needed system and technology so that it can be realized strategically and operationally much better and can be accounted. The result is the current time conservative service system and have the quality of office automation systems is gradually planned to change into automation for the next two or three years. Therefore, the connection and the cooperation between the attorney, the police and the court will be more harmonic, thus gradually increased the service to the community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 23-40
Małgorzata Król

Modern law enforcement agencies are constantly struggling with crimes against documents. Due to increasing quality of counterfeit documents and different physicochem­ical properties of inks, such crimes are becoming harder to detect. This situation obliges forensic laboratories for the development and implementation of testing procedures with the use of some modern techniques of chemical analysis. CE opens up numerous possibilities for various analytical applications, mainly due to its numerous advantages, the diversity of its modes and the compatibility with different detection systems. This study focuses on discussing two modes of CE: CZE and MECC and three different detection systems: DAD, LIF and MS. By using them information about substances exhibiting absorption, fluorescence and about molecular mass of analyzed compound can be received. In the Laboratory for Forensic Chemistry many different coloring matters were examined, including ballpoint, fountain pen, gel and stamp pad inks in most popular colors as well as a large group of branded and off-brand printing inks.The obtained results showed the great applicability of CE-DAD method. It has been proved that LIF and MS detections improve the discriminating possibilities of CE provid­ing additional information on samples.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 106-112
Tatiana Kolomoiets ◽  
Oleksii Makarenkov ◽  
Georgiy Samoylenko

Relevance. In terms of revising the provisions of legal regulation of relations in the field of transport with the borrowing of competitive principles of the European institutes to ensure the integration of transport into European and world transport area, with revision of models of relations between relevant public administration entities and private entities, ensuring balance of their interests , including in the context of national and supranational threats and focus on expanding the implementation of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the latter in the field of transport, strengthening of the principles of decentralization of power in the system of public authorities occurs, resulting in a significant increase in the number and diversity of regulatory and legal acts aimed at settling the above relations. Unfortunately, at the same time the processes of "growth" and a variety of forms of corruption in the activities of public servants, whose professional sphere is directly related to transport relations with the involvement of municipal transport, are also active. Analysis of law enforcement activities of anti-corruption entities in all its manifestations shows a fairly steady trend towards an increase in the number of detected acts of corruption committed by public servants directly related to the exercise of their authority over the procedure for admission to municipal passenger transportation. The specifics of the legislative regulation of the latter presupposes the presence of many "defects", which create the basis for variable manifestations, including illegal, of the activities of public servants with a subjective arbitrary interpretation of the latest provisions of the law. "Low-quality" regulation of the provisions of the activity of public servants to exercise power over the admission to municipal passenger transportation has a negative impact not only on the implementation of passenger rights (of various categories), but also provision of the public interest, and contributes to the formation of a national threat with a "corrosive" sign of power within administrative and territorial units, especially the country in general. An integrated approach to clarifying the problems of "municipal passenger transportation" with an emphasis on eliminating corruption risks in the activities of public servants at the stage of exercising their power to admit to transportation, which will contribute to the "quality" of such entities and will form an effective regulatory framework for the relevant component of transport in general, its effective existence, the realization of the public interest and its correlation with the interests of individuals. The purpose of the paper is the justification of the relationship of the "quality" of standardization of the procedure for admission of entities to municipal passenger transportation and corruption risks in the professional activities of public servants, which is related to this area, formulating proposals for their multi-balance ratio to minimize these risks and "qualitative" standardization of the relevant component of passenger transportation and transport relations in general based on the analysis of various sources. The objects of the article are public relations directly related to municipal passenger transportation. The subject of the article is the "quality" of standardization of relations in admission to municipal passenger transportation and its connection with corruption risks in activity of public servants connected with the specified sphere of relations. Methods of research. Both general legal and special methods of scientific cognition were used in research. As the basis, the dialectic method was used, which allowed to reveal problematic issues in dynamics; juridical and logical method allowed to form options for borrowing positive and avoiding negative experience of relevant rulemaking and law enforcement in foreign countries; forecasting and modeling were used for making proposals to strengthen "quality" of standardization of the procedure of admission to municipal passenger transportation in order to eliminate corruption risks in the activities of public servants. Results. Admission to municipal passenger transportation should be considered as a form of public procedure, the subjects of which are servants of local public authorities. Given the specifics of municipal transport in general, any activity associated with its use, objectively anticipates the risks of possible, including illegal, priority satisfaction of private interests of public servants and the interests of relatives during the exercise of the public authority, which causes "corrosion" of public authority. The procedure of admission to the relevant transportation, the "corruption freedom" of which depends on the "quality" of normalization of its provisions, is not an exception. The relationship between the "quality" of legislation and the "corruption risk" of professional activity of public servants, which is associated with the procedure of admission to the services mentioned, is interdependent (the lower the quality of legislation, the higher the risks of "corrosion" of professional activity of public servants and vice versa). In order to improve the "quality" of standardization of the procedure for admission to the transportation and minimize corruption risks in the professional activities of public servants associated with the above procedure, it is appropriate to strengthen the provisions of certainty of the content of relevant legislation, their systematization (including in the form of codification), streamlining the thematic definition series, meaningful consolidation of the principles of transparency, publicity, participation, public-private partnership, guarantee of all elements and admission procedures in general.

P Korchemniy ◽  
Viktoriya Vahnina ◽  
Valeriya Vasil'eva

The problem of psychological training of employees of law enforcement agencies remains relevant at the present time. The problem of professional training for extreme situations is of particular importance, as the choice of a methodological approach to the implementation of professional and psychological training of law enforcement officers. The most effective is the system-situational approach in combination with the model approach, which are based on the system approach. The authors consider the role of situational, system-situational, model approaches to the psychological training of law enforcement officers in extreme situations of professional activity. In the course of the theoretical analysis and empirical research, the conclusion is formulated about the significance and effectiveness of the system-situational approach, the use of which contributes to the formation of effective psychodiagnostic procedures. In the course of the study, the features of the psychological and managerial potential of employees of law enforcement agencies were identified. In modern conditions, a systematic approach is developing most intensively, which carries out a gradual study of the subject: from the general to the particular, taking into account the significance of the goal, its achievability. The article considers the system-situational approach as one of the most promising, especially in the aspect of empirical research of crisis and anti-crisis situations of operational and service activities. Within the framework of system-situational analysis, professionally significant activity is studied as a dynamic system.

Tamara V. Lodkina ◽  
Natalia V. Dryannykh

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the structure of the professional readiness of future lawyers to work in law enforcement agencies, as well as to substantiate the conditions for its formation in the educational environment of the university: the social and personal significance of legal education and its relevance; students' awareness of legal education as a necessary component of their professional competency; integration, unity and complementarity of state and regional interests in the content and structure of legal education; educational and methodological support of the educational process in relation to the spheres of professional activity of subjects of legal practice; monitoring, which allows diagnosing the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students, modelling and predicting the pedagogic process, making managerial decisions on its correction based on the obtained objective information. The structure of professional readiness of future lawyers is presented as a multifunctional system education, which includes motivational and value, cognitive, operational-activity, evaluative-reflexive components. Our research complements research on this issue, defines the essence of professional readiness and its structure. The study expands the range of ideas about the professional training of students at university as a whole; complements the theoretical understanding of training of future lawyers for law enforcement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-153
O. P. Zavorina ◽  
O. V. Fomin

Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are undergoing a long-term transformation from a system of punitive law enforcement agencies to European-style law enforcement agencies, which should focus on providing services to the population and respecting human rights. One of the areas of the reform was the introduction of the Detective project in the National Police of Ukraine. It should be noted that detective work in Ukraine is a new type of professional activity. However, it should be noted that legal regulation of detective work of both civil servants (law enforcement detectives) and private detectives is absent in Ukraine, although in many countries around the world private detective work is legalized and benefits society. The adoption of the Law "On Private Detective Activity" will allow to establish proper state control over this type of activity at the legislative level and will legalize private detective activity, which is actually carried out, is in demand and recognized by society. However, there is an indisputable opinion in Ukraine that law enforcement activities can be performed exclusively by state structures. And the introduction and operation of private detectives will put an end to the state monopoly in this direction. However, there are also positive points: first of all, several thousand private detective agencies and private detectives must come out of the shadow, pay taxes, report to the police about criminal offenses that are being prepared or committed, provide intelligence, etc. Based on the above, we conclude that legislative regulation of such activities is required for the full work of police and private detectives, including amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Investigative Activities", departmental orders and instructions, in particular, to the Instruction on the organization of interaction of pre-trial investigative agencies with other agencies and units of the National Police of Ukraine in preventing criminal offenses. detection and investigation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated from July 7, 2017, No. 575.

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