Ренат Зинурович Усеев

В последние десятилетия окончательно определена правовая основа служебной деятельности сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы и исправительных учреждений. Сотрудники исправительных учреждений помимо субъекта несения службы являются важным субъектом, на которого государством возложены полномочия по приведению в исполнение меры государственного принуждения - наказания (самостоятельно или в составе учреждения, органа). Субъекты, исполняющие наказания в виде лишения свободы, обладают определенными признаками. К ним относятся: внешняя обособленность, персонификация, способность вырабатывать, выражать и осуществлять персонифицированную волю, приобретение свойства субъекта права в силу юридических норм. Рассматриваемых субъектов следует классифицировать на три группы: 1) исправительные учреждения (территориальный орган ФСИН России); 2) коллективные субъекты, исполняющие наказания (администрация, персонал (работники) исправительных учреждений); 3) персональные субъекты, исполняющие наказания (начальник исправительного учреждения, сотрудник исправительного учреждения). Цель работы - показать роль и значение субъектов, исполняющих наказания в виде лишения свободы, определить их ключевые черты и установить виды (персональные, коллективные либо имеющие статус юридического лица). Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и классификация); теоретические методы (абстрагирование, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. In recent decades, the legal basis for the official activities of employees of the penitentiary system and correctional institutions has been finally determined. Employees of correctional institutions, in addition to the subject of service, are an important subject to whom the State has the authority to enforce a measure of state coercion - punishment (independently or as part of an institution, body). Subjects who execute sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty have certain characteristics. These include: external isolation, personification, the ability to develop, express and exercise a personalized will, the acquisition of the property of the subject of law by virtue of legal norms. The subjects under consideration should be classified into three groups: 1) correctional institutions (territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia); 2) collective subjects executing punishments (administration, staff (employees) of correctional institutions); 3) personal subjects executing punishments (the head of a correctional institution, a correctional institution employee). The purpose of the work is to show the role and significance of the subjects executing sentences in the form of imprisonment, to identify their key features and to establish types (personal, collective or having the status of a legal entity). The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and classification); theoretical methods (abstraction, hypothetical and deductive method), etc. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-68
Vladimir Valentinovich Kozhevnikov

This article analyzes the problem of recommendatory norms in Russian literature, both Soviet and modern, which is solved ambiguously. As for Soviet theoretical scientists, recommendation norms were the subject of study by such authors as Nikolai Grigorievich Alexandrov, Alexander Filippovich Shebanov, Peter Yemelyanovich Nedbailo, Vladimir Srgeevich Petrov, Valery Evaldovich Krasnyansky. Viktor Mikhailovich Gorshenev, Cecilia Abramovna Yampolskaya, Vladimir Matveevich Solyanik, Viktor Lavrenievich Kulapov, whose scientific works are given below. Regarding modern legal literature, unfortunately, we have to state that, basically, with rare exceptions (scientific articles by Vladimir Valentinovich Kozhevnikov, Alexander Evgenievich Kondratyev, Sadri Salikhovich Kuzakbirdiev), this problem is considered only in educational literature. When preparing a scientific article, the following methods were used: general philosophical (dialectical-materialistic), which is used in all social sciences; general scientific (analysis and synthesis, logical and historical, comparisons, abstractions, etc.), which are used not only by the theory of state and law, but also by other social sciences; special methods (philological, cybernetic, psychological, etc.), developed by special sciences and widely used for the knowledge of state and legal phenomena; private scientific (formal legal, interpretation of law, etc.), which are developed by the theory of state and law. Soviet scientists - legal theorists: supporters and opponents of the recognition of recommendatory norms of law.  From the point of view of scientists, a "recommendatory" -containing recommendation, i.e. advice, wish [1], instruction [2].

Кирилл Вячеславович Капустин

В статье проводится анализ теоретических положений правового регулирования оперативно-розыскной деятельности и современного состояния нормативного регулирования рассматриваемой деятельности в исправительных учреждениях. На основе сравнительного анализа современной научной литературы по рассматриваемому вопросу автором делается вывод, что исследователи, как правило, отождествляют понятия «правовое регулирование» и «правовая основа» и не уделяют должного внимания правовому регулированию оперативно-розыскной деятельности как процессу, а также формулируется авторское определение «правовое регулирование оперативно-розыскной деятельности». Автор предлагает разделить нормативное регулирование оперативно-розыскной деятельности в исправительных учреждениях на три уровня: конституционный, федеральный, ведомственный и межведомственный. В рамках проведенного исследования были выявлены недостатки ряда правовых норм и предложены пути по их решению. The article analyses both the theoretical provisions of the legal regulation of operational and search activities and the current state of the regulatory regulation of the activities in correctional institutions. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the current scientific literature on the subject, the author concludes that researchers generally identify the concepts of "legal regulation" and "legal basis" and do not pay due attention to the legal regulation of operational-search activities as a process, as well as the author 's definition of "legal regulation of operational-search activities." The author proposes to divide the normative regulation of operational-search activities in correctional institutions into three levels: constitutional; federal; departmental and interdepartmental. The study identified shortcomings in a number of legal norms and suggested ways to address them.

Ренат Зинурович Усеев ◽  
Александр Петрович Некрасов

Отряд осужденных исправительных учреждений остается основной организационной единицей, объединяющей массы осужденных в местах лишения свободы. Существование отрядного звена свыше 60 лет в структуре уголовно-исполнительной (исправительно-трудовой) системы МВД СССР и МВД России (Минюста России) показало, что отряд осужденных является необходимым центром по реализации в отношении них основных средств исправления и центром работы всех служб исправительных учреждений с осужденными. Цель работы - на основе исследования уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ, сложившейся практики и правоприменительной деятельности исправительных учреждений показать отдельные основные проблемные вопросы, связанные с организацией деятельности отряда осужденных в исправительных учреждениях. Предложены меры по дополнению и изменению отдельных норм уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ, повышению статуса начальника отряда и конкретизации его полномочий, необходимости определения видов актов применения права, выносимых начальником исправительного учреждения, лицом, его замещающим, а также начальником отряда. Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические методы (опрос, анкетирование, интервьюирование, обобщение, классификация); теоретические методы (идеализации, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. The unit of convicted correctional institutions remains the main organizational unit, uniting the masses of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. The existence of a detachment unit for more than 60 years in the structure of the penal correction (correctional labor system) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ministry of Justice of Russia) showed that a detachment of convicts is a necessary center for the implementation of basic means of correction against them and a center for the work of all correctional services with convicts. The purpose of the work is to show, on the basis of a study of penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation, established practice and law enforcement activities of correctional institutions, certain main problematic issues related to the organization of the activities of a detachment of convicts in correctional institutions. Measures have been proposed to supplement and amend certain norms of criminal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation, increase the status of the head of the detachment and specify his powers, the need to determine the forms of acts of application of law issued by the head of the correctional institution, the person replacing him, as well as the head of the detachment. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (survey, questionnaire, interview, synthesis, classification); theoretical methods (idealizations, hypothetical-deductive method), etc. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-61
V. V. Kozhevnikov

The subject of this article is the norms of contemporary Russian law. The purpose of the article is the author's vision of the problem concerning the structure of the norms of contemporary Russian law. The following tasks were solved to achieve this goal: 1) to show the importance of the structure of the rule of law; 2) to analyze the arguments of both supporters and opponents of the three-tier structure of the logical rule of law; 3) substantiate the two-tier structure of prescriptive norms; 4) determine the status of specialized legal norms and their types; 5) to substantiate the author's vision of specialized legal norms.The author uses a system of methods such as: general philosophical (dialectical-materialistic), general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.), special (philological, etc.), private scientific (formal-dogmatic, interpretation, etc.) methods. Conclusions. The author is not a supporter of the three-tier structure of the logical norm of law. It seems that theory and legal practice should focus on the structure of norms-prescriptions (regulatory and protective), respectively highlighting the hypothesis and disposition and the hypothesis and sanction. As for the specialized norms of law (declarative, norm-principles, definitive, operational), they include such structural components as a supposed hypothesis and a real disposition. Conflict norms as a kind of specialized norms include a real hypothesis and a real disposition.

Renat Useev

В настоящей статье рассмотрен один из предметов уголовно-исполнительного законодательства и права - «порядок деятельности учреждений и органов, исполняющих наказания» (ч. 2 ст. 2 УИК РФ). Цель работы - показать необходимость дальнейшего изучения указанного предмета в целях развития уголовно-исполнительной науки, законодательства и права. В ряде работ последних лет (в основном с 2016 г.) представлены исследования порядка деятельности учреждений и органов, исполняющих наказания: так, отдельные ученые предлагают представлять его в несколько ином формате и смысловом содержании в виде уголовно-исполнительной деятельности и порядка оказания исправительно-предупредительного воздействия на осужденных. Исследование и изучение рассматриваемого предмета уголовно-исполнительного законодательства и права позволит определиться со следующими вопросами: установить содержание правосубъектности деятельности учреждений и органов, исполняющих наказания, в значении и соотношении отдельных понятий-категорий (например, «администрация учреждений, исполняющих наказания» и «представитель администрации учреждений, исполняющих наказания»); выяснить характер правоприменительной уголовно-исполнительной деятельности учреждений и органов, исполняющих наказание, отдельными ее субъектами (администрацией, представителями администрации); соотнести элементы уголовно-исполнительного процесса: порядка исполнения наказаний, условий исполнения наказаний, порядка отбывания наказаний и условий отбывания наказаний. В связи с этим предлагаются качественные и количественные изменения (дополнения) норм материального и процессуального уголовно-исполнительного законодательства, а также норм локального характера. В научной статье применялись следующие методы исследования: универсальные (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические (обобщение, классификация); теоретические (идеализации, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целейThis article discusses one of the subjects of penal legislation and law - «The procedure for the activities of institutions and bodies executing sentences» (part 2 of article 2 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation). The purpose of the work is to show the need for further study and research of this subject in order to develop criminal executive science, legislation and law. Today, with respect to the subject under consideration, science rather sparingly actualizes attention for the sake of the content of other subject areas of penal legislation and law. In a number of studies of recent years (mainly since 2016), one way or another, emphasis is placed on the subject under study. Some scholars suggest presenting it in a slightly different format and semantic content in the form of criminal executive activity and the procedure for providing corrective and preventive influence on convicts. The study and study of the subject of criminal executive law and law under consideration will help to determine the following questions: establish the content of the legal personality of the activities of institutions and bodies that carry out sentences in the meaning and correlation of individual concepts-categories (for example, «the administration of institutions that carry out sentences» and «the representative of the administration of institutions executing punishment»); to clarify the nature of the enforcement of criminal enforcement agencies and bodies executing sentences, its individual entities (administration, representatives of the administration); correlate the elements of the criminal-executive process: the procedure for the execution of sentences, the conditions for the execution of sentences, the order of serving sentences and the conditions for serving sentences. In connection with this, qualitative and quantitative changes (additions) to the norms of material and procedural penal legislation, as well as local norms, are proposed. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (generalization, classification); theoretical methods (idealization, hypothetical-deductive method), etc. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its goals.

Ihor Oheruk

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the application of the second and third parts of Article 3692 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to officials in the context, that defines them by the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. In the course of the study, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, logical-semantic, system-structural, logical-normative. Results: in the course of research the cause of criminalization of such act as "abuse of power" is considered, the subject of the specified criminal act which has the features of "an official" in the context, that defines it by the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is analyzed and the main ways of committing criminal acts, that are provided for in this article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine are identified. Originality. The study found, that one of the key conditions for the opportunity to influence officials, that are authorized to perform government or local self-government functions, is the position held by the official and the related opportunities. Therefore, taking into account the opinion of the scientists, that the subject of crimes, that are provided for by the second and third parts of Article 3692 is special, the peculiarities of which is the cumulative feature, that denotes, that such person is not endowed with the status of an official, well-founded need to specify the criminal legislation of Ukraine in terms of the application the second and third parts of Article 3692 of the Criminal code of Ukraine concerning officials in the context, that defines them by the criminal legislation of Ukraine in the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Practical significance. The research results can be used in lawmaking in the improvement of anti-corruption legislation.

Ренат Зинурович Усеев

Раздел 8 Концепции развития уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года предусмотрел создание в структуре российской пенитенциарной системы учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа. Первое такое учреждение начнет свою работу в 2024 г. Автором на уровне гипотезы предлагается рассмотреть основные вопросы, связанные со становлением и развитием учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа. В связи с этим в настоящей статье рассмотрены три основополагающих направления развития данных учреждений: пространственное развитие, законодательство, правоприменение. Каждый из указанных аспектов проанализирован автором с точки зрения как проблем, так и предполагаемых путей их решения. Цель работы - на основе исследования географии исправительных учреждений, уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ и правоприменительной деятельности показать основные проблемы, связанные с развитием учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа, и возможные пути их решения. Среди проблем показаны проблемы территориального (пространственного) размещения учреждений объединенного типа, законодательства и правоприменения вновь создаваемых учреждений. Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические методы (обобщение, классификация); теоретические методы (идеализация, абстрагирование, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. Section 8 of the Concept for the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 provided for the creation of a unified type of penal institutions in the structure of the Penal System of Russia. The first institution such type will begin its work in 2024. The author at the hypothesis level analyses the main issues related to the formation and development of institutions of the unified penal system. In this regard, the author considers three fundamental areas of development of the institutions under consideration: spatial development, legislation, law enforcement. Each of these projects was analyzed by the author in terms of both problems and suggested ways to solve them. The purpose of the work is to show on the basis of a study of the geography of correctional institutions, penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation and law enforcement activities the main problems associated with the development of penal correction institutions of a unified type and possible ways to solve them. Among the problems are the problems of territorial (spatial) placement of institutions of a unified type, legislation and enforcement of newly created institutions. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (synthesis, classification); theoretical methods (idealization, abstraction, hypothetical-deductive method) and others. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its goals.

Yaroslav Skoromnyy ◽  

The scientific article reveals the key aspects of ensuring the fundamental human right to a fair trial as an object of protection of the institution of legal responsibility of a judge. It has been established that the basic principles of ensuring the human right to a fair trial are governed by the norms and provisions of such documents as: the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges», Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine of 15.09.2011 No. П/9991/335/11. It was found that the object of a disciplinary offense of a judge is a set of rights and duties of a judge to the legal and fair administration of justice and the fulfillment of other duties assigned to him by the judicial and procedural legislation. It was determined that today the judicial authorities in Ukraine have adopted and put into effect the Internal Labor Regulations of Courts. The functions of a judge's legal responsibility were considered and it was found that they are implemented at the general social level (they consist in achieving control over the judge's behavior in accordance with special legal norms), at the general legal level (they consist in the restoration of rights that were violated, and compensation for expenses incurred to restore rights, as a result of the commission of illegal actions by the judge; prevention of the commission of offenses by the judge; punishment of the judge and the imposition of restrictions on his rights on legal grounds as a result of the imposition of additional legal obligations on him), the level of aggregate (general) functions of legal responsibility (consists in the fact that legal responsibility judges acts as the basis of social development and is determined under the influence of the development of legal norms) and the level of special functions of bringing a judge to legal responsibility (consists in exercising influence on the regulation of legal relations between a judge and society). It has been proven that the key functions of a judge's legal responsibility are the punitive function, protective function, preventive function and the function of ensuring the activity of the judge and his behavior in accordance with special professional standards. It is proposed to conduct a comprehensive study of the problems of ensuring human rights to a fair trial, based on the peculiarities of bringing a judge to legal responsibility for unfair, illegal and unjust in violation of the standards and requirements for fulfilling official duties, with the prospects for further research.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2016 ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Wairocana ◽  
Putu Gede Arya Sumerthayasa ◽  
Jeanne Wiryandani Ratmaningrum

According to the Bali Provincial Regulation No. 8 concerning Village Credit Union (hereinafter referred to as LPD) Article 2 paragraph (1) states that: LPD is a village-owned financial union conducting business in the village and for the benefit of the villagers. This is confirmed by the presence of the Decision of the Third Big Meeting by Village Assembly (MDP) Bali No. 009 / SK-PA III / MDP Bali /Vffl /2014 Article I paragraph (1), namely, the Village Credit Union is one of the possessions of the village. This type of research used in this thesis is a normative study. Normative study is the one that examines the level of legal norms, finding the non-existence of the LPD status as a legal subject of liability rights, so there is a legal vacuum in which the status of the LPD as the subject of a liability rights is not stipulated in the legislation and these problems will be a legal discovery. LPD is the possession of the village, so LPD cannot be the legal subject of liability right because the village itself has not been the subject of law. So the security liability agreement made by LPD is invalid because it does not qualify his legitimate agreements written in Article 1320 paragraph (4) of Civil Code regarding lawful cause or legal cause.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3(72)) ◽  
pp. 53-57
A.I. Mamoshin

Background. The purpose of this scientific article is a comprehensive study of some peculiarities of the legal situation of minor parents under the family legislation of the Russian Federation. Methods of scientific research have drawn up general-theoretic methods of knowledge: analysis and synthesis, derivation and induction, as well as a method of prediction. Private-legal methods include formal-logical and legaldogmatic methods. The results of scientific knowledge are that the author analysed the peculiarities of the legal status of minor parents and identified some gaps in the current legislation concerning the implementation of the rights and obligations of minor parents Conclusions. Summing up the work, we concluded that it is necessary to make some changes to the current legislation and recognize the status of minor parents as a significant basis for recognizing minor citizens as fully capable.

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