scholarly journals Information Visualization in the Educational Process: Current Trends

Zhi-Jiang Liu ◽  
Vera Levina ◽  
Yuliya Frolova

The rapid development of computer visualization techniques as well as virtual and augmented reality has led to the possibility of perfect data visualization and the creation of a special virtual space for educating new generation. Simultaneously, the increase in the amount of data to be processed requires a proper selection and presentation of data for solving specific problems. Education sets such tasks as 1) improving the efficiency of presenting information and its assimilation by stu-dents, and 2) increasing the convenience and quality of the teachers’ work. The purpose of this study is to test an acceleration and improvement of the teacher’s response to students studying with more productive visualized learning material. Meanwhile, the created visualization system was based on minimizing the efforts and costs of its preparation and constant support. Only free cloud-based services and visualization tools were used. Students were given the opportunity to con-stantly, in real time control their learning process and create education markers with the help of perspicuous visual environment. To create a visualization system, already existing works on the implementation and verification of the system was used. The study was based on the results of applying this technology. A survey of 300 students from three universities in China, Russia and Kazakhstan was conducted. The control group consisted of 150 students from the same universi-ties who did not use visualization to master the same educational material. Ac-cording to the results of the study, students who used information visualization showed a sharp increase in the subjective assessment of the speed and quality of their learning (58.58% and 37.73%, respectively, of the total number of partici-pants gave a high rating, while in the control group – only12.25%). Further, the level of anxiety associated with an assimilation of new language material was significantly decreased (13.54% in the study group did not feel anxiety, while on-ly 7% – in the control group).

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Olga Yu. Kuznetsova ◽  
Anna V. Turusheva ◽  
Zakhar V. Lopatin ◽  
Maria O. Bogdanova ◽  
Olga I. Frolova ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of training graduates of medical universities when a trained student is included in the educational process, able to fulfill the role of a mentor. All over the world, the number of students is increasing in medical universities every year, but there is no equivalent increase in the teaching staff. One of the potential methods of overcoming the above problems is the use of trained mentors from among peer students. This method was used when students practiced practical skills in a simulation center in anticipation of primary accreditation. The purpose of the study is to optimize the preparation of students for a practical exam in a simulation environment with the help of a student mentor. Of the 468 students of the medical faculty of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, studying in the VI year, was chosen by their colleague, who was trained at the center of simulation technology. A sample of 100 graduates was randomly generated, which were randomized into two groups of 50 people each (the main group in which the training was conducted with the participation of a mentor student and a control group trained under the guidance of teachers from one of the university departments). The most difficult for students was the station simulating the provision of emergency medical care (EMF). The evaluation checklist for checking the quality of the tasks at this station includes 233 points that must be implemented when providing EMF in 13 different situations requiring this type of medical care. To improve the quality of mastering practical skills, a training scheme was developed that allows you to learn the algorithm of actions when providing EMF. A basic assessment of students knowledge and skills revealed a low level of knowledge of diagnostic techniques and emergency assistance. Using the developed training scheme with the help of a student mentor has significantly increased the level of knowledge and practical skills in the provision of EMF. The quality of training in the main group did not significantly differ in most of the assessed parameters from the control group in which classes were held with the teacher. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS 20.0 program (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).

Игорь Олегович Петрищев

Стремительное развитие современного рынка образовательных услуг обусловливает необходимость детального исследования тенденций и закономерностей обучения на основе средств цифровой педагогики. Система создания и предоставления образовательных услуг определяется потребностью реализации оценки их качества. Актуальность проблемы обосновывается тем, что качество данных услуг обусловливает уровень интеллектуального потенциала государства, становится одной из важнейших предпосылок его экономической и политической стабильности, залогом конкурентоспособности на мировом рынке образовательных услуг. В статье проведен анализ цифрового обучения, его сущности, особенностей, преимуществ и потенциала в контексте образования, реализуемого в условиях цифровой экономики и информационного общества. Создание и развитие оптимальной системы сбора и обработки информации о качестве образования является на сегодняшний день одной из самых актуальных задач образовательной сферы. Обучение, построенное на основе применения средств цифровой педагогики, определяется как фактор модернизации образования и повышения качества образовательных услуг. Обращение к методам и формам цифровой педагогики, наряду с общепедагогическими подходами к обучению, позволяет оптимизировать учебно-воспитательный процесс и повысить качество предоставляемых образовательных услуг. The rapid development of the modern market of educational services necessitates a detailed study of trends and patterns of learning based on digital pedagogy. The system of creation and provision of educational services provides for the need to implement a systematic assessment of the quality of services provided by educational institutions. The relevance of this problem is justified by the fact that the quality of services determines the level of intellectual potential of the state, becomes one of the most important prerequisites for its economic and political stability, and guarantees competitiveness in the world market of educational services. The article analyzes digital learning, its essence, features, advantages and potential in the context of education implemented in the digital economy and information society. Creating and developing an optimal system for collecting and processing information about the state of the quality of education is one of the most urgent tasks of the educational sphere today. Training based on the use of digital pedagogy is justified as a factor in modernizing education and improving the quality of educational services. Using the methods and forms of digital pedagogy, along with general pedagogical approaches to learning, allows one to optimize the educational process and improve the quality of educational services provided.

Людмила Лисогор ◽  
Олена Павлик ◽  
Тетяна Харламова

The article analyzes the problems of methodical approaches to the evaluation of the quality of the educational publications. The authors apply the theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, a generalization of scientific information, and methods of data collection in quantitative mathematical analysis for the description of the essence of the research problems. The main scientific and methodological indicators are focused on a tool for textbook assessment in the context of the formation of teacher professional competence. The article also highlights the key approaches to the assessment of the quality of the educational publication, which is used in the educational process at the first level of secondary education. One of the significant indicators of the textbook quality is an implementation of the informative lines in the educational subject matter which outline the approximate sequence of students' expected learning achievements. The content of the subject matter embraces integrated educational course and types of learning activities. The quality of a textbook is determined by means of the following interrelated indicators: optimal content, systematic, logical and consistent presentation of educational information, disclosure of the main scientific provisions of the educational subject matter, balance in the structuring of learning materials, functionally developed orientation apparatus, the scientific content of texts, the realization of competitive potential of branch and value component, coordination and systematization of learning material on the basis of interdisciplinary integration, the reflection of system-activity approaches. It is determined that a modern textbook should be designed considering certain methodological approaches and ensuring the achievement of expected learning outcomes through the acquisition of holistic ideas, the system of knowledge and methods of cognitive, research, practice-transformative, communicative and value-oriented activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Guifang Gao ◽  
Jingjing Su

With the rapid development of society and the gradual improvement of people’s living standards, patients with cardiovascular diseases have higher standards and requirements for daily health care and quality of life. The main research of this article is based on the observation of the effect of smart medical nursing intervention on the sleep quality of cardiology patients. The convenience sampling method was used to randomly select 80 cardiology patients from the electronic medical record system of the hospital, and the patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group was the control group. The routine nursing method was adopted, and a dedicated nurse paid attention to the sleep status; the other group was the control group. The research group adopts targeted nursing methods. This paper selects three kinds of sensor data as features. When collecting each scene record, it is first divided into sleeping and awake states, and then the classified time is composed of time segments, and these time segments are finally accumulated into sleep duration. Using sleep time, waking time, and sleep duration as input, the participants were divided into good sleepers and poor sleepers. Through a self-made questionnaire survey, the factors that have an adverse effect on the patient’s sleep are divided into 7 aspects. Using the method of internal continuity measurement, Cronbach’s coefficient a is 0.811, suggesting that the internal consistency is better, and the calculation reliability and validity are 86.1% and 83.4%, respectively, suggesting that the table can be used for sleep in hospitalized patients. The P values of the study group and the control group were 0.420, 0.764, 0.740, 0.881, 0.842, 0.119, and 0.342 P > 0.05 . The results show that the application of smart medical services has a certain effect on the patient's sleep quality.

Denys Svyrydenko ◽  
Valentyna Kyvliuk

The concept of the virtual university is relatively new and it is necessary to distinguish a number of contradictory points in its verification. Firstly, it is the quality of the education received. The problem of educational process content at the virtual university, organization of control and level of accomplished tasks, issues of intellectual abilities and critical thinking development, reflexivity of consciousness are the subject of heated discussions of both the supporters and opponents of the virtual university idea. Secondly, there is the question of the way of thinking. The virtual space involves a network mode of organization characterized by openness of the structure, poly variability of determination and expediency of modal logic. The phenomenon of virtual university is the result of responding to the needs of social transformation. In such model, the content of the social roles of the teacher and the student changes significantly. The competence of the modern teacher is not limited to knowledge. After all, the most experienced academician is not able to absorb all the information in a certain science, and obviously loses in the volume of assimilated information to any search engine.

A. D. Obukhov ◽  
N. A. Chebotov ◽  
N. A. Vekhteva ◽  
K. I. Patutin ◽  

In the context of the need to implement distance education and improve the quality of educational materials, an urgent problem is the development of modern means of representing knowledge and mastering the necessary competencies for students. As such means, it is possible to use virtual laboratory stands and installations that implement in three-dimensional space processes and objects corresponding to real equipment and production. This correspondence allows, using modern information technologies, to organize the educational process in a virtual space on various devices due to the cross-platform property of the Unity development environment. The paper presents the process of developing a visualization system using the example of a virtual installation for training specialists in the oil and gas industry. The structure of the system, used tools, software implementation is considered. The proposed approaches can be used to develop a wide range of virtual stands and installations.

Liubov Pavliuk

Relevance: the need to analyze the competence-oriented educational process is determined by the rapid development of educational information technologies and their introduction into the educational process. In Ukraine, as well as in foreign countries, the competence-oriented educational process is gaining broad-based development. Much debate, both internationally and at the level of different countries, has been conducted on the competence-oriented approach to forming the content of education. The important step in the formation of competence is to identify the main areas of activity in which the future specialist will reach vital competence, that is, be prepared for life. Purpose: to identify the main threats to the formation of competence-oriented educational process and substantiate the strategic positions of its construction. Methods: analysis and synthesis – to find out the state and level of development of the studied problem; generalization – to formulate conclusions and recommendations on teachers' readiness to introduce the competence-oriented approach; diagnostic (questionnaire, conversation) – to study information about the state of readiness of pedagogical staff to use the competence-oriented educational process. Results: the main aspects of the implementation of the competence-oriented educational process are revealed, which should be laid down in branch programs, subjects, educational and methodical literature. The methodology of pedagogical influence on the level of content of the competence of educational process is substantiated. Strengths and weaknesses of implementation of the competence-oriented educational process are identified. Conclusions: the conducted SWOT-analysis of the competence-oriented educational process has allowed to identify urgent needs for the improvement of quality of educational environment, perfection of approaches to its development and introduction of new methods into the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 05033
Raziyat Sulaybanovna Rabadanova ◽  
Galina Nikolaevna Yulina ◽  
Alexey Nikolaevich Kuraev

The development of trends in modern society (with its rapid development of cloud, communication technologies, technological innovations in education, scientific and technological progress) requires education to increase the dynamism and efficiency in training highly qualified specialists. The issue of providing quality educational services in order to meet the requirements and needs of the constantly changing demand for specialists, the labor market becomes urgent. The article identifies the factors influencing the quality of educational services at the modern university, describes the importance and functions of institutions of different levels in ensuring the quality of higher education, the purpose of higher education by students and audience, the level of their satisfaction with educational quality and educational process in higher education institution was found out. The analysis of assessment of educational services received by students and university audience is presented. Particular attention is paid to European institutions of assessment and quality assurance in higher education.

Gergana Dyankova ◽  
Maya Mladenova ◽  

The modern world, characterized by dynamic changes, rapid development of ICT and globalization processes sets new challenges to present-day education. This research aims at investigating the influence of applying verbal-performance activities in foreign language education. A pedagogical experiment was conducted in authentic environment with the participation of 99 pupils aged 10 to 11 who formed an experimental and a control group. The study combined qualitative and quantitative approach. It measured pupils’ entry and exit levels of practical English knowledge and communicative skills and also traced the effect of the experimental education on the pupils from the experimental group. The interpretative analyses of the results revealed that applying verbal-performance activities in foreign language education led to higher achievements in terms of knowledge and communicative competence for the pupils from the experimental group compared to the progress of the children from the control group. A measurement of the attitude of the pupils from the experimental group towards applying verbal-performance activities in the educational process proved the potential of the method to increase children’s motivation for learning. The findings of this research confirm the need of further studies on the influence of applying verbal-performance activities in a broader context of school education.

2008 ◽  
Vol 139 (2_suppl) ◽  
pp. P118-P118
Israel Brama ◽  
Lei Zhuang

Objectives Evaluate the clinical effectiveness of a new mucoadhesive tablet for treating xerostomia. Xerostomia is not a disease but can be a symptom of certain diseases. It can produce serious negative effects on the patient's quality of life, affecting dietary habits, nutritional status, speech, taste, tolerance to dental prosthesis, and increases susceptibility to dental caries. Methods OraMoist, a new mucoadhesive tablet, was developed for patients with reduced salivary secretion. As active ingredients, this mucoadhesive tablet comprises of a combination of the natural lubricant tricaprin, xylitol, oral enzymes, buffering compounds, and saliva secretion inducers. 22 xerostomic patients took part in a randomized crossover clinical study using Biotene® mouthwash as a control. Each patient used a single tablet or mouthwash as often as needed during the 6 hours of monitoring. After a washout period of 1 week, each patient received the other treatment. Clinical assessment of xerostomia included evaluation of the saliva flow rate and the Total Xerostomic Score (TXS). Subjective assessment of each treatment was received by using a questionnaire. Results Patients treated with OraMoist showed an increase of saliva production of over 50% (p<0.05) compared to 10% among the control group. Both groups reported a statistically significant reduction in xerostomic sensation, but the moisturizing effect of OraMoist lasted longer than that of the mouthwash. Conclusions In conclusion, mucoadhesive tablet was superior or equal to Biotene® in improving xerostomia symptoms and in patients’ overall satisfaction.

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