Promotif dan Preventif Bagi Klien Diabetes di Puskesmas Cipto Mulyo Malang terhadap Resiko Kecelakaan Dalam Berkendaraan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Zaqqi Ubaidillah

DM clients will continue to carry out daily activities like normal people in general, including driving activities. The most trips made by DM patients are to work, fill spare time, recreation and health services. However, there are dangers that can cause accidental diabetic clients, including blood glucose disorders, decreased visual acuity and neuropathy. The risk of accidents for diabetic clients is high. The purpose of this service is that this activity is expected to be able to increase understanding for diabetic clients and prevent the risk of accidents for DM clients. The sampling technique in this service uses purposive sampling. Diabetic clients who participate in this service generally experience problems in driving. The perceived disturbances include frequent fatigue, visual disturbances, decreased response, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. It is necessary to have periodic checks in collaboration with the puskesmas regarding this matter. Thus, diabetic clients who are still actively driving are prevented from having accidents.

The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of Balinese culture and the Tri HIta Karana (THK) concept at Harris Hotel Seminyak, one of the hotels in Bali. This study used a qualitative method. Informants were determined using the Purposive Sampling technique. The informant in this study was Harris Hotel Seminyak management. The types of data in this study are primary and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews, observations and study documents. The implementation of Balinese culture in Harris Hotel Seminyak can be seen from the Balinese traditional clothes worn by Harris staffs conductiong Balinese traditional fashion competition, Balinese decoration making competition, making penjor, displaying paintings of the hindu religious activities and Balinese people’s daily activities, as well as serving Balinese traditional dishes. The implementation of the THK concept can also be seen from the Parhyangan concept, which is giving the freedom of worship, providing some worship places, arranging offerings or canang sari in padmasana and in each section of the department, installing pelangkiran in every room, doing religious activities or odalan in Padmasana and do tirtayatra or spiritual trip to several temples in Bali and Java. The implementation of the THK concept is seen from the concept of pawongan, namely holding Sima Krama Dharma Santhi / hospitality and A day to share activities. The implementation of the THK concept can be seen from the concept of palemahan that commemorates Tumpek Uduh (a special day for plants and trees), Tumpek Kandang (a special day of animals) and Mecaru (Bhuta Yadnya) with various levels, and cleaning the beach and the area of Seminyak village. Keywords: Balinese Culture, THK, Harris Hotel Seminyak

Y. Widyastuti Y. Widyastuti

ABSTRACT Disminorea as one of the symptoms that interfere with daily activities disminorea patient. But is often regarded as a minor without knowing disminorea can be caused by a gynecologic disorder that can affect infertility, pain,even death.The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about disminorea young women with the motivation to check into the health service at the Academy of Midwifery Budi Mulia Palembang in 2011.The research method used in this study is to survey the analytic approach to the Cross Sectional, the data obtained by using questionnaires that were distributed. The samples taken with a purposive sampling technique that is most students are experiencing at the Academy of Midwifery disminorea Budi Mulia Palembang by the number of samples of 82 people. The results of analysis of the 82 respondents found the level of knowledge of good responders were 42 respondents (51,2). The level of knowledge of respondents about 40 respondents (48,8%). Good level of motivation of respondents were 44 responden  (53,7%) of respondents lacking motivation levels by 38 responden (46,3%). From the analysis of data showed no significant relationship between knowledge about disminorea teenage daughter with the motivation to check out. From the results of research to improve learning about in order to reduce the impact disminorea disminorea involved..       ABSTRAK Disminorea sebagai salah satu gejala yang mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari penderitanya.Tetapi disminorea seringkali dianggap sebagai hal yang ringan tanpa mengetahui disminorea bisa disebabkan oleh kelainan ginekologik yang dapat mempengaruhi infertilitas, kesakitan, bahkan kematian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan remaja putri tentang disminorea dengan motivasi untuk periksa ke pelayanan kesehatan di Akademi Kebidanan Budi Mulia Palembang Tahun 2011. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan secara Cross Sectional, data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang dibagikan. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu sebagian mahasiswi yang mengalami disminorea di Akademi Kebidanan Budi Mulia Palembang dengan jumlah sampel 82 orang. Hasil analisa dari 82 orang responden didapatkan tingkat pengetahuan responden baik sebanyak 42 responden (51,2%). Tingkat pengetahuan responden kurang sebanyak 40 responden (48,8%). Tingkat motivasi responden baik sebanyak 44 responden (53,7%) tingkat motivasi responden kurang sebanyak 38 responden (46,3%). Dari hasil analisa data menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan remaja putri tentang disminorea dengan motivasi untuk periksa. Dari hasil penelitian untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran mengenai disminorea agar mengurangi dampak yang dilibatkan disminorea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-81
Habib Rachman Aji ◽  
Ahmad Zaky

Abstract. Visual impairment is a problem experienced by many children in developing countries. Uncorrected refraction disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, and visual disturbances that have been experienced since childhood are some of the things that cause a person experiencing visual disturbances. This study aims to find out the description and explanation of the implementation of low vision rehabilitation carried out by the Low Vision Layak Foundation Jakarta. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. While data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. For the selection of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique, the sample is taken intentionally. The results of this study indicate that the attitude shown by the officer has made the client feel confident and the services provided are right on target. In terms of facilities and infrastructure have met the standards of the institution but there is one room that is considered too small and requires another room for counseling. It would be nice to have a review conducted by the Layak Foundation related to these obstacles. And until now there are some children who are rarely evaluated. In the future, client evaluations should be carried out routinely. Abstrak. Gangguan penglihatan merupakan permasalahan yang banyak dialami oleh anak-anak di negara berkembang. Kelainan refraksi tidak terkoreksi, katarak, glaucoma, dan gangguan penglihatan yang dialami sejak masa kanak-kanak merupakan beberapa hal yang menyebabkan seseorang mengalami gangguan penglihatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan penjelasan mengenai pelaksanaan rehabilitasi low vision yang dijalankan oleh Low Vision Yayasan Layak Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sementara teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Untuk pemilihan informan pada penelitian ini menggunakan tekhnik purposive sampling, yaitu sampel yang dimbil dengan sengaja. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh petugas telah membuat klien merasa yakin dan layanan yang diberikan sudah tepat pada sasaran. Dari segi sarana dan prasarana telah memenuhi standar lembaga akan tetapi ada ada satu ruangan yang dianggap terlalu kecil serta membutuhkan satu ruangan lain untuk konseling. Alangkah baiknya ada peninjauan kembali yang dilakukan oleh pihak Yayasan Layak terkait kendala tersebut. Dan sampai saat ini ada beberapa anak yang jarang di evaluasi. Untuk kedepannya mungkin evaluasi klien harus rutin untuk dilakukan. 

Simanjuntak Mayro ◽  
Eko Nugroho ◽  
Oswald L Simatupang

Abstrak Kepuasan pasien adalah suatu tingkat perasaan pasien yang timbul akibat dari kinerja layanan kesehatan yang diperoleh setelah pasien membandingkan dengan apa yang diharapkannya, sehingga kepuasan pasien bergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diterimanya. Untuk menilai kualitas pelayanan terdapat 5 dimensi yang dapat diukur, yaitu keandalan (reliability), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jaminan (assurance), empati (empathy), dan keberwujudan (tangible). Makin baik kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan, maka akan semakin tinggi tingkat kepuasan pasien. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan di laboratorium patologi anatomi RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda. Penelitian deskriptif dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling pada pasien yang datang ke Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie, Samarinda, yang memenuhi kriteria. Data yang peroleh berasal dari data primer dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dikerjakan secara terbimbing. Terdapat kesenjangan (gap) harapan sebesar -0,6 untuk dimensi keandalan, -0,2 untuk dimensi daya tanggap, -0,2 untuk dimensi jaminan, -0,1 dimensi empati, dan -0,9 untuk dimensi keberwujudan. Tingkat kepuasan pasien adalah 96% responden puas dan 4% responden tidak puas. Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, pelayanan kesehatan, keandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan Abstract Patient satisfaction is a level of patient's feelings rising from the performance of health services that are obtained after the patient compares it with what he expected, so that patient satisfaction depends on the quality of service received. To assess service quality there are 5 dimensions that can be measured, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. The better quality of service provided, the higher the level of patient satisfaction. To determine the level of patient satisfaction with services in the anatomical pathology laboratory of the Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, Samarinda. Descriptive study was conducted by purposive sampling technique carried out on 50 patients who came to the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, in Samarinda that met the criteria. The data obtained comes from primary data using a questionnaire that is done in a guided manner. There was an expectation gap of -0.6 for reliability dimensions, -0.2 for responsiveness dimensions, -0,2 for assurance dimensions, -0.1 empathy dimensions and -0,9 for tangible dimensions. The level of patient satisfaction was 96% of respondents were satisfied and 4% of respondents were dissatisfied. Keywords: patient satisfaction, health services, reliability, responsiveness, assurance

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (02) ◽  
pp. 301-307

Purpose: To determine the efficacy of all time wear of full cycloplegic correction in the management of refractiveaccommodative esotropia. Design: Descriptive study using non-probability purposive sampling technique. Setting: Ophthalmology OPDand Department of Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Period: Oct 2009 to Sep 2010. Material and Methods: All children with accommodativeesotropia associated with hyperopia were included in the study. The features studied were ocular alignment, association of anisometropiawith strabismus and amblyopia, improvement in deviation of squint after amblyopia therapy and full cycloplegic hyperopic correctionand regain of binocular single vision and requirement for surgery in patients with accommodative esotropia with hyperopia. Results:Forty four children with refractive accommodative esotropia were identified. Cycloplegic refraction was done for all patients and fullcycloplegic correction was given. At presentation 36.4% of children were amblyopic in either eye and most of them had anisometropichypermetropia. The esotropia was present in more hypermetropic eye. 63.6% of the patients became straight with glasses only andanother 25% became straight after amblyopia therapy. Fusion with gross stereopsis was demonstrated in 75% of patients. Cycloplegicrefraction remained stable throughout the follow up period. None of these patients was able to discontinue glasses and maintainalignment. Surgery was required in only 11.4% of total patients. Conclusions: Most children with refractive accommodative esotropiahave an excellent outcome in term of visual acuity, ocular alignment and binocular single vision with the glasses. Full cycloplegiccorrection and amblyopia therapy resulted in marked reduction in the deviation of squint and improvement in visual acuity of theamblyopic eye as compared with the prevalence at presentation. The degree of hyperopia remains unchanged with poor prospect fordiscontinuing glasses wear.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fitri Wahyuni

The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 2018 reaches 30.8%. According to data from the Padang City Health Office in 2017, toddlers with the most stunting conditions in Padang City were in Pauh District as many as 96 toddlers. This is influenced by many factors that can have a bad impact on the child's future. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the incidence of stunting in infants aged 6-24 months. This research is a quantitative study using a cross sectional design with 66 respondents aged 6 - 24 months in Limau Manis Selatan Village, Pauh District. The research will be conducted from May to July 2019. Sampling with purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the factor most related to the incidence of stunting was poor hygiene with a percentage of 48.5% (p value = 0.037). The conclusion of this study all factors have a relationship with the incidence of stunting in infants. Suggestions for health services are expected to be able to provide counseling to mothers and bring toddlers to health services when toddlers are sick so that they can be addressed appropriately.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1221-1227
Indra Karana Napitupulu

Di Puskesmas UPT Pasir Kaliki Bandung angka persentasi pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan oleh masyarakat cukup rendah 45.28%. Hal ini secara teori dipengaruhi oleh jarak tempuh dan penilaian kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jarak tempuh dan penilaian kesehatan dengan pengambilan keputusan keluarga dalam pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan di Kelurahan Pasir Kaliki. Jenis penelitian berupa deskriptif korelasi menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh penduduk di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Pasir Kaliki Bandung dengan jumlah sampel 95 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden yang memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan sebanyak 84.2%. Sebanyak  54.7% responden menyatakan jarak tempuh sulit dan 72.6% responden memiliki pendapat positif tentang persepsi sakit. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor jarak tempuh dan penilaian kesehatan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan. Sehingga  tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor jarak tempuh dan penilaian kesehatan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan.Kata kunci :  Pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan, jarak tempuh, penilaian kesehatan   ABSTRACT In Puskesmas UPT Pasir Kaliki Bandung, the percentage of health service utilization by the community is quite low at 45.28%. This is theoretically influenced by mileage and health assessment. This study aims to determine the relationship between distance and health assessment with family decision making in utilization of health services in Kelurahan Pasir Kaliki. The research type is descriptive correlation using cross sectional approach. Population of research that is all of population in work area UPT Puskesmas Pasir Kaliki Bandung with sample amount 95 responden, sampling technique that is purposive sampling. The data were collected by interview using questionnaire, the data were analyzed using chi square test. The results showed that respondents who use health services as much as 84.2%. As much 54.7% of respondents stated the mileage is difficult and 72.6% of respondents have a positive opinion about the perception of illness. The results of statistical tests show that there is no significant relationship between the mileage and health assessment with the utilization of health services. In conclusion, there is no significant relationship between mileage and health assessment with health service utilization.Keywords: Utilization of health services, mileage, health assessment

Heru Sulistijono ◽  
Bambang Heriyanto

Attention to vision disorders, technological progress is one of the things that might cause visual disturbances. The facts that occur a lot in the field, there are so many children who are familiar with gadgets or PC. The general purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the get us to factors of reading, seeing TV, gaget, PC that affect the decrease of visual acuity in school-aged children. The subject were 30 students in the grade 4-6 of elementary school Kemayoran 1 Surabaya, selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected through by questionnaire. The conclusion is that the get us to factor affects the decreased sharpness of the respondent’s vision. Keywords: get us to factor; decreased sharpness of vision; school-aged children

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-193
Hidayah Quraisy ◽  
Jamaluddin Arifin

Majelis Ta'lim is a non-formal Islamic educational institution that can give a considerable contribution in the formation of morals and personal Muslims in accordance with the guidance of Rasulullah SAW. This study aims to determine the factors causing no successor Assembly Ta'lim Asyifah In Pattalassang District Takalar regency, to know the process of the successor of Majelis Ta'lim Asyifah In Pattallassang District Takalar District. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research method by way of determining the sample through Purposive Sampling technique by selecting some informants who have criteria that have been determined by the researcher who knows about the Assembly Ta'lim Assyifah. This research is supported by data collection is done by observation, interview, documentation of the photo. The results showed that in general the factors causing the absence of the successor of Majelis Ta'lim Asyifah were the lack of socialization about the activities of Majelis Ta'lim, the absence of other people's interest in joining Majelis Ta'lim Asyifah, the absence of spare time to follow the activities of Majelis Ta'lim Asyiah. The process of the creation of the successor of Majelis Ta'lim Asyifah is to increase the socialization of the existence of Majelis Ta'lim's activities.Keywords: Majelis Ta'lim, Socialization, Society

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-124
Sunarti Sunarti ◽  
Imam Sunarno ◽  
Alvino Alvino

Healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle with attention to factors - certain factors that affect health, such as diet and exercise. The purpose of this research is to identify how the efforts of patients hypertension to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Methods this research uses descriptive design. The population in this research were all patients with hypertension in Poly UPTD Kesehatan Kecamatan Sukorejo Blitar total of 220 people, the number of samples in this study were 33 respondents and using purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done by giving questionnaires. Time of data collection was conducted on 20 June 2013 to 02 July 2013. The results showed that for 57.6% (19 respondents) had a good effort, 39.4% (13 respondents) had enough attempts, and 3% (1 respondent) had less effort. Recommendations from this study are expected to continue to provide health services well and provide health education to the public about healthy lifestyle that should be done for patients with hypertension

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