
This study aims to determine the improvement of the principal's performance in preparing school work programs at SMP Negeri 6 Sabang through managerial supervision. This research technique is School Action Research (PTS) which consists of 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 4 (four) stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study were the principal and the school development team of SMP Negeri 6 Sabang. As for the research results obtained, through the application of managerial supervision has been able to improve the performance of school principals in preparing school work programs. This is known from the final score obtained from the school work program planning instrument. At the end of the pre-cycle the score obtained was 42.5 under category and D predicate. For this reason, coaching and mentoring was carried out so that in cycle I and cycle II the principal and the school development team understood each component of the school work program planning instrument. In the first cycle the final score was 62.5 sufficient category and predicate C. There was an increase in the value of 20 from the pre-cycle to the first cycle. At the end of the second cycle the score was 80 good categories and B predicate. An increase in the value of 18.5 from the first cycle to cycle II. So it can be concluded that the principal and the school development team who are the subjects in this study have performed well in compiling school work programs with good results. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kinerja kepala sekolah dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah di SMP Negeri 6 Sabang melalui supervisi manajerial. Teknik penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri 4 (empat) tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah SMP Negeri 6 Sabang. Adapun dari hasil penelitian diperoleh, melalui penerapan supervisi manajerial telah dapat meningkatkan kinerja kepala sekolah dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah. Hal ini diketahui dari nilai akhir yang didapat dari instrumen perencanaan program kerja kerja sekolah. Pada akhir pra siklus nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 42,5 katagori kurang dan predikat D. Untuk itu dilakukan pembinaan dan pembimbingan sehingga pada siklus I dan siklus II kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah memahami setiap komponen pada instrumen perencanaan program kerja sekolah. Pada siklus I nilai akhir adalah 62,5 katagori cukup dan predikat C. Terjadi peningkatan nilai sebesar 20 dari pra siklus ke siklus I. Pada akhir siklus II diperoleh nilai adalah 80 katagori baik dan predikat B. Peningkatan nilai sebesar 18,5 dari siklus I ke siklus II. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini telah memiliki kinerja dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah dengan hasil baik.

Aswin Hermanus Mondolang

A very urgent problem in Manado's RAPI High School is the management of school principals specifically covering: setting vision and mission, goals, work programs, and implementing school programs, carrying out supervision and monitoring, and evaluating work programs. The management of learning by teachers includes: the preparation of learning plans, the implementation and assessment of learning, and carrying out classroom action research. Through community service activities with the provision of technical management guidance to school principals and management of learning to teachers, it is expected to increase the ability of school principals and teachers. The Principal is able to compile the vision and mission of the school, compile or formulate school goals, compile school work programs and develop work programs for school principals. The teachers have also demonstrated the ability to carry out learning evaluations and are able to prepare CAR proposals. Through this activity it can be concluded that the activity participants can improve their management abilities, and the ability to manage learning in RAPI Manado High Schools.AbstrakPermasalahan yang sangat urgen pada SMA Rapi Manado adalah manajemen kepala sekolah secara spesifik meliputi: penetapan visi dan misi, tujuan, program kerja, dan pelaksanaan program sekolah, melaksanakan supervisi dan monitoring, dan mengevaluasi program kerja. Pengelolaan pembelajaran oleh guru meliputi: penyusunan perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan dan penilaian pembelajaran, serta melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian dengan metode pemberian bimbingan teknis manajemen kepada kepala sekolah maupun pengelolaan pembelajaran kepada para guru maka diharapkan peningkatan kemampuan Kepala Sekolah dan Guru. Kepala Sekolah mampu menyusun visi dan misi sekolah, menyusun /merumuskan tujuan sekolah, menyusun program kerja sekolah dan menyusun program kerja kepala sekolah. Para guru juga telah memperlihatkan kemampuan dalam melaksanakan evaluasi pembelajaran serta mampu menyusun proposal PTK. Melalui Kegiatan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa para peserta kegiatan (Kepala Sekolah dan guru-guru SMA Rapi Manado) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan manajemennya, dan kemampuan mengelola pembelajaran di SMA Rapi Manado.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Ahmadi Ahmadi ◽  
Sukardi Sukardi

 ABSTRAK. Kesehatan lingkungan merupakan faktor penting dalam kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan, oleh karena itu diadakan KKN Infrastruktur dengan tema “Peningkatan dan Pengolahan Sanitasi Lingkungan Berbasis Infrastruktur Permukiman yang bernilai ekonomis” di Desa Sekotong Tengah. Bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan wawasan mahasiswa sebagai bekal hidup di masyarakat setelah lulus studi.  Metode pelaksanaan yang diterapkan pada KKN Infrastruktur di Desa Sekotong Tengah adalah Metode PAR (Participatory Action Research). PAR sendiri adalah suatu cara membangun jembatan untuk menghubungkan orang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah suatu proses pencarian pengembangan pengetahuan praktis dalam memahami kondisi sosial, politik, lingkungan, atau ekonomi. Dimulai dengan metode persiapan, observasi, pelatihan dan pembinaan. Metode evaluasi pelaksanaan program kegiatan KKN ditinjau dari keberlangsungan program kerja dan keefektifan keberlangsungan program pada sasaran dari setiap program kerja. Untuk itu diadakannya  2 program kerja utama dan 2 program kerja tambahan. Dengan bertumpu pada sosialisasi dan pelatihan terhadap sanitasi lingkungan, menjadi barang yang bernilai ekonomis._____________________Kata Kunci :    Kesehatan lingkungan, Pengolahan Sanitasi Lingkungan, Infrastruktur Pemukiman, Bernilai Ekonomis.  ABSTRACT. Environmental health is an important factor in social community life, therefore an Infrastructure Community Service Program was held with the theme "Improvement and Management of Environmental Sanitation Based on Settlement Infrastructure with economic value" in Desa Sekotong Tengah. Aims to improve the ability and insight of students as a provision to live in the community after graduating from study. The implementation method applied to the Infrastructure KKN in Desa Sekotong Tengah is the PAR (Participatory Action Research) Method. PAR itself is a way to build bridges to connect people. This type of research is a process of finding practical knowledge development in understanding social, political, environmental, or economic conditions. Starting with the methods of preparation, observation, training and coaching. The method of evaluating the implementation of the KKN program activities in terms of the sustainability of the work program and the effectiveness of the program's sustainability on the targets of each work program. For this reason, 2 main work programs and 2 additional work programs are held. By relying on socialization and training on environmental sanitation, it becomes an economic value item._____________________Keywords: Environmental health, Environmental Sanitation Processing, Settlement Infrastructure, Economic Value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nada Anis Ristyani ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati

The purpose of this study is to improve students' interest in English vocabulary through picture media in TK Nur Assalam. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The participants of this research were 6 students. The results obtained from efforts to the improving students interest in English vocabulary using the picture media involving active learners in the learning process. The role of picture media in learning activities is very important for children, especially in the next education level. Teaching and learning activities in early childhood will quickly develop if parents and teachers intensive to develop it. There are several attempts to create a sense of pleasure in early childhood by using picture media in the learning process. From the result of research indicate that when pre-action take result (15%). In cycle I, it increased to (55%) sufficient criteria. In cycle II, it increased again to (85%) good criteria. So, the increase that occurred from the pre-action to the cycle I that is (40%). The increase from cycle I to cycle II that is (30%). And increase from pre-action to cycle II that is (70%). From the research results obtained, then to the improving students interest in English vocabulary can be improved by using picture media in the learning process.Keywords : Students’ Interest, Vocabulary and Picture Media

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 109
Desy Ika Ratna Furi ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto

Literacy culture needs to be instilled early on, because it can foster students' interest in reading. Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School is one of the schools implementing a literacy culture program. This study aims to explain the planning, implementation, evaluation of literacy culture programs at SD Muhammadiyah Serut, as well as describing the independence of students in literacy culture at SD Muhammadiyah Serut. This type of research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were school principals, class III teachers and class IV teachers, librarians, class III and IV students taken randomly. The objects in this study are all matters relating to the independence of students in literacy culture in SD Muhammadiyah Serut. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models, while to test the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results showed: that literacy program planning is related to the vision, mission and goals of the library, while the literacy culture has been running smoothly. Literacy cultural activities include reading iqra, reading Juz 'Amma, reading activities 15 minutes before the lesson begins, short story activities and bulletin classes. The next stage is the evaluation at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School conducted once a semester, to find out the extent of the literacy culture program. In the independence of students in the culture of literacy at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School as students do not read when the teacher does not ask. Then students are not confident when reading the results of their work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Rusli Rusli

This research is motivated by the limited learning activities that must be done remotely and online, there are still many teachers who have not been able to make ICT-based learning media, especially power points, and power point making training can be done offline and online so that in-house training is believed to be helpful. teachers in improving skills in making power points. This research is a classroom action research conducted at SDN 021 Pendekar Bahan from August to September 2020. The instruments used were the observation and interview sheets. The results of the study showed an increase in the skills of teachers in making power points with an average cycle I of 60.85 which is a sufficient criterion, in cycle II it reached 75.42 with good criteria. The conclusion based on the research results is that through in-house training can improve the skills of teachers in making power point learning media.

2018 ◽  
Achmad Krisbiyanto

The school principal sued the school is able to make changes not only in teaching methods and curriculum, but also management and organization. The school principal is required to create a conducive environment and planned changes in schools as outlined in the School Development Plan (RPS), implementing, controlling, monitoring, and evaluate them effectively and efficiently. The principal duties and position is not light, because the position and role of school principals will greatly affect (determine) the progress of the school. Therefore, a school principal should be able to perform activities related to managerial ability to effectively utilize personnel. The school principal is obliged to move the personnel to willingly and earnestly perform their duties through administrative include planning, directing, coordination and supervision. Seeing the principal’s duties and functions of such complexity, then the role of principals that can be categorized into different types of roles depending on the angle of view that ultimately can create a climate, a good school.

Dedi Epriadi

This research was conducted due to several problems, including: weak annual work program planning, weak program control, this research was conducted on 60 people involved in the Technical Implementation Unit in Rantau Pandan using the survey method with a descriptive qualitative approach with the aim of knowing how far. where is the implementation of the Technical Service Unit of the Rantau Pandan District Education Office. The results obtained: the duties and functions have not been carried out optimally, in providing direction it is quite good, there is still a lack of supervision carried out and from the results above there are several conditions that cause this to occur including the skill factor and the employee discipline factor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Louis Mokolensang ◽  
Charles Henry S Tangkau ◽  
Wilson Bogar

This study aims to describe the analysis, and interpret the leadership style of the Sukur Village Chief Airmadidi District, North Minahasa Regency. The method of approach uses qualitative or postpositivistic, because it is considered appropriate according to the problem at hand. The results of the research obtained by the Lurah in communicating are still not open, many decisions are not conveyed to his employees transparently and the Lurah's weak ability to communicate both with employees and the community. Good communication will have an impact on the preparation of work program planning which is a further action after determining the vision organization; Experience in the world of government is still minimal with a background of junior high school teachers and educational qualifications not in the field of government and the village head does not understand the vision and mission of the village organization; The Lurah does not really understand the main tasks and does not yet have a work program planning and Lurah's inhospitability in decision making is dominated by the character of his past and his reluctance to practice according to existing rules. The ability of the lurah in understanding the existing resistance either personally to the rules or resistance to problems related to decision making has not yet implemented the existing rules and is more dominated by what is not desired by the rules, understanding the rules there but to practice those which are still not maximal, especially in in his decision-making which is dominated by his feelings and delegation of tasks that do not understand Job description according to the duties that are owned, so that the problem solving in this study The need for rolling positions based on expertise and competence; Commitment to the involvement and participation of the Lurah needs to be increased; Positioning a Lurah must Understand the Auth and rules; Assignment of tasks based on task fields and competencies; Background The Lurah must meet educational qualifications, skills and loyalty

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