2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-17

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world since 2019 has resulted in the world of education in Indonesia, which was initially required to conduct online or online learning at home. Until now, the number of Covid cases in Indonesia has decreased. Finally, the education office has implemented a hybrid learning system or offline and online learning. . Solutions for hybrid learning through several applications such as Whatsapp groups, Zoom, Google classroom, Google meet, Quipper and so on. With this application, teachers are required to be creative in delivering hybrid learning, therefore in addition to using this application, researchers use flipbooks to support hybrid learning. The method in this study using ADDIE namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The purpose of this study is to provide meaningful and fun learning and not boring without giving assignments that are too heavy so that it makes students uncomfortable because there are many assignments and too much material is delivered in a monotonous way. The results from the validation of the expert team were obtained at 86.5%, which means that the e-book is very suitable to be used and received a positive response with a percentage value of 89.5% resulting in a positive response. The conclusion that can be narrowed is that e-learning online learning using Flipbook with trigonometry material for class XI Science is declared effective because students can understand trigonometry material even though the learning is done in a hybrid way. ABSTRAKPandemi covid-19 yang melanda dunia sejak tahun 2019 mengakibatkan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia yang awalnya diharuskan melakukan pembelajaran secara daring atau dalam jaringan yang dilakukan dirumah hingga saat ini kasus covid di Indonesia semakin menaurun akhirnya dinas pendidikan memberlakukan sistem pembelajaran secara hybrid atau pembelajaran luring dan daring. Solusi untuk pembelajaran hybrid melalui beberapa aplikasi seperti Whatsapp grup, Zoom, Google classroom, Google meet, Quipper dan lain sebagainya. Dengan aplikasi tersebut guru dituntut kreatif dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran secara hybrid, oleh karena itu selain menggunakan aplikasi tersebut peneliti menggunakan flipbook untuk penunjang pembelajaran hybrid. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan ADDIE yaitu Analisis, Design, Development, Implementasi dan Evaluasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan pembelajaran bermakna serta menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan tanpa memberikan tugas yang terlalu berat sehingga membuat peserta didik tidak nyaman karena banyak tugas dan terlalu banyak materi yang disampaikan dengan cara monoton. Hasil dari validasi tim ahli didapat sebesar 86,5% dengan artian e-book sangat layak digunakan dan mendapat respon positif dengan nilai presentase 89,5% menghasilkan respon positif. Kesimpulan yang dapat dikerucutkan adalah pembelajaran daring secara e-learning menggunakan Flipbook dengan materi trigonometri kelas XI IPA dinyatakan efektif karena peserta didik dapat paham materi trigonometri meskipun pembelajaran dilakukan secara hybrid

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Riza Noviana Khoirunnisa ◽  
Damajanti Kusuma Dewi ◽  
Desi Nurwidawati

Conventional learning method is viewed to be less effective because it poses the problems of space and time. Information Technology offers a method for more effective online learning called e-learning. This research aims to develop e-learning for the module of Child Development at Department of Psychology Universitas Negeri Surabaya. This study was a developmental research project that used the method of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This model was chosen because the stages of its development are deemed appropriate especially for the refinement and implementation of e-materials in online system which facilitates the interactions among students and between the students and lecturers. The subjects of this study were 34 undergraduate psychology students who participated in the module of Child Development. This study was conducted during four meetings. The results of this study were e-material products which were uploaded in online learning system. The e-materials have been validated by experts. A questionnaire to record students’ responses on the e-materials was used. The analysis on the data resulted from students’ responses shows that there is no significant effect of the  e-learning application in the module of Child Development on the students’ learning achievement. Keywords: Online learning, child development module, ADDIEAbstrak: Metode pembelajaran konvensional dirasakan menjadi kurang efektif karena terbentur masalah ruang dan waktu. Teknologi Informasi menawarkan metode pembelajaran yang dinamakan metode e-learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran e-learning pada mahasiswa yang memprogrram mata kuliah Perkembangan Anak di Jurusan Psikologi. Metode penelitian menggunakan Model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Model ini dipilih karena tahapan-tahapan pengembangannya dipandang sesuai terutama untuk penyempurnaan dan implementasi bahan ajar e-materi dalam sistem online dan fasilitas interaksi mahasiswa dengan dosen dan antar mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang memprogram mata kuliah Perkembangan Anak sejumlah 34 mahasiswa. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama empat kali pertemuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah produk e-material yang telah divalidasi oleh ahli. Kuesioner disebarkan untuk diisi oleh mahasiswa dengan tujuan untuk mengukur respon mereka atas penggunaan e-learning dan e-material. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh signifikan dari penerapan pembelajaran e-learning terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa.

Afip Miftahul Basar

  أبستراك ڤيمبيلاجاران ڤ أ إي دي سيكولاه ڤادا ماسا ڤانديمي چوفيد-١٩ ممڤوۑاهي باۑاك ڤيرماسالاهان ياڠ ديهاداڤي. ڤادا سأت دونييا ڤنديديكان ديهاداڤكان ديڠان ڤانديمي, هال إيني ميماكسا ڤيمبيلاجاران هاروس ديلاكوكان سيچارا داريڠ (دالام جاريڠان). أدا هال ياڠ هاروس ديڤيرهاتيكان دالام ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني أنتارا لإين سومبر دايا ڬورو ڤ أ إي هاروس ديتيڠكاتكان كواليتاسۑا, بإيك داري سيڬي كونتين مأوڤون ميتودولوڬي جوڬا دالم هال ڤيمانفأتان تيكنولوڬي إينفورماسي. سيلإين إيتو, ڤيسيرتا ديديك جوڬا كوراڠ أكتيف دالام ميڠيكوتي ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني, بإيك إيتو ديسيبابكان جاريڠان إينتيرنيت ياڠ كوراڠ ستابيل مأوڤون داري سيڬي ڤيۑيديأن كوووتا إينتيرنيت ياڠ تيرباتاس. توجووان ڤنوليسان أرتيكل إيني أونتوك ممڤلاجاري دان ميماهامي ڤيڠڬونأن ميدييا داريڠ دالام كڬيياتان ڤيمبيلاجاران ڤ أ إي دي ماسا ڤانديمي يكني ڤيمبيلاجاران بيرباسيس أي-ليأرنيڠ أڬار ڤيسيرتا ديديك بيسا ميڠيكوتي ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني ديڠان أكتيف دان ميناريك. ڤينيليتييان إيني ميڠڬوناكان ڤينديكاتان كوواليتاتيف دان أوبسيرفاتيف. هاصيل كاجييان إيني ميمبوكتيكان بهوا ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ (دالام جاريڠان) ديڠان ميڠڬوناكان ڤيمبيلاجاران بيرباسيس أي-ليأرنيڠ دي ماسا ڤانديمي چوفيد-١٩ إيني مينيمبولكان بيرباڬاي تاڠڬاڤان دان ڤيروباهان ڤادا سيستيم بيلاجار ياڠ داڤات ميمڤيڠاروهي ڤروسيس ڤيمبيلاجاران سيرتا تيڠكات ڤيركيمباڠان ڤيسيرتا ديديك دالام ميريسڤون ماتيري ياڠ ديسامڤيكان.   Abstrak Pembelajaran PAI di sekolah pada masa pandemi Covid-19 mempunyai banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi. Pada saat dunia pendidikan dihadapkan dengan pandemi, hal ini memaksa pembelajaran harus dilakukan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Ada hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran daring ini antara lain sumber daya guru PAI harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya, baik dari segi konten maupun metodologi juga dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Selain itu, peserta didik juga kurang aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring ini, baik itu disebabkan jaringan internet yang kurang stabil maupun dari segi penyediaan kuota internet yang terbatas. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mempelajari dan memahami penggunaan media daring dalam kegiatan pembelajaran PAI di masa pandemi yakni pembelajaran berbasis E-Learning agar peserta didik bisa mengikuti pembelajaran daring ini dengan aktif dan menarik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan observatif. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis E-Learning di masa pandemi covid-19 ini menimbulkan berbagai tanggapan dan perubahan pada sistem belajar yang dapat mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran serta tingkat perkembangan peserta didik dalam merespon materi yang disampaikan.   Abstract PAI learning in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic had many problems to face. At a time when the world of education is faced with a pandemic, this forces learning to be done online (online). There are things that must be considered in this online learning, among others, the quality of PAI teacher resources must be improved, both in terms of content and methodology as well as in the use of information technology. In addition, students are also less active in participating in online learning, either due to an unstable internet network or in terms of providing a limited internet quota. The purpose of writing this article is to study and understand the use of online media in PAI learning activities during a pandemic, namely E-Learning-based learning so that students can participate in online learning actively and attractively. This study used a qualitative and observative approach. The results of this study prove that online learning (online) using E-Learning-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has caused various responses and changes to the learning system that can affect the learning process and the level of development of students in responding to the material presented.  

Hanaa Abdulraheem Yamani

The current paper aims to introduce a proposed framework for gamification in the e-learning system at Saudi Arabia universities, by reviewing and analyzing the concept of gamification and its components, and types of players, as well as conditions for designing successful gamification, and the technical capabilities of Saudi Arabia universities, and also by reviewing and analyzing many designing models for gamification and e-learning systems that were introduced by the other researchers. Then incorporate all of these previous considerations into the general stages of instructional design, which is represented in analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The paper also deals with a review of the difference between gamification, games, and game-based learning, in addition to the benefits for students from employing gamification in the e-learning system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
D Hariyanto ◽  
Zamtinah ◽  
T Triasih ◽  
M S Wati ◽  
G K Kassymova

Abstract This study aimed at determining the design stage of the augmented reality-based learning media for sensors and transducers course. This study employed the Research and Development method with the ADDIE model with the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This article focuses on the design stage during the process of media development. The developed learning media can be used among vocational students by visualizing the sensor and transducer components like in the real laboratory setting. The design of the developed learning media contained application storyboards and animation storyboards for practicing the six sensors. This augmented reality learning media is designed to support online learning and students’ autonomous learning in the practical course of sensors and transducers.

Yuliana Prativi ◽  
Muhammad Zaenuri

Online learning is a learning via internet without meeting face-to-face between teachers and students. This online learning system is relatively new, therefore teachers and students should adapt quickly. This study aims to determine the online Arabic learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Surakarta. Researcher used a qualitative approach and observation, interview, and documentation as data collection techniques. The results described that e-learning madrasah was used as the main media for online Arabic learning at MTsN 1 Surakarta during the covid-19 pandemic, then assisted by Whatsapp and Youtube channel. The subject matter was presented in video, powerpoint, and pdf. The learning stages were divided into three: preparation, implementation (pre-activities, whilst-activities and post-activities), and evaluation stage. This online learning helps teachers to coordinate with and supervise students easily, on the other hand, it is difficult for them to monitor the students’ understanding and bad internet network make some students could not follow the learning process in time. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3a) ◽  

Corona virus or covid 19 is a dangerous virus that attacks the human respiratory system. Corona virus able to change the order of almost all of life’s joints in the world of education. In order to break the chain of the covid 19, goverments introduce a pattern of long range learning by means online learning. Application of this learning model certainly brings its own impact to students. The puspose of this study is to know the impact students are experiencing class 5 country primary school Pandawei during the online learning system. The method used was qualitative research methods with data collection techniques thrugh interviews and observations. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive. The main find of this research is increased students study habits using this online learning methods because the students are becoming accustomed  with technology so they’re easier discovering additional information about the lesson materials received search school.

I Made Dwi Indrasanjaya . ◽  
I Made Agus Wirawan, S.Kom, M.Cs . ◽  
I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T., M.Kom .

DIL (Dynamic Intellectual Learning) merupakan sebuah prototype pembelajaran online sebagai sebuah perubahan E-learning menuju adaptive learning. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari analisis masalah yaitu penyebaran survey. Hasil survey berupa angket yang peneliti sebarkan ke mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa setuju dengan pembelajaran menggunakan media dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional. Kemudian tahapan penelitian dilanjutkan dengan mendesain sistem, mengembangkan coding sistem, mengimplementasi sistem, dan mengevaluasi sistem dengan uji blackbox, uji whitebox, uji ahli media, dan uji respon pengguna. Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android adalah solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan “Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android”. Pengembangan aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android menggunakan siklus hidup pengembangan perangkat lunak ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations). Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah Java, dengan software pengembangan Eclipse. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu perancangan dan implementasi “Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android” dan uji blackbox, uji whitebox, uji ahli media, uji respon pengguna yaitu dari mahasiswa telah berhasil dilakukan. Seluruh kebutuhan fungsional telah berhasil diimplementasikan sesuai dengan rancangan.Kata Kunci : DIL, Android, E-Learning, Eclipse, Respon DIL (Dynamic Intellectual Learning) is a prototype of online learning as a change E-learning to adaptive learning. Stages of research starting from the analysis of the problem, namely the spread of the survey. The results of a questionnaire survey that researchers disclose to students of Informatic Technic of Education showed that most students agree with the learning using media than conventional learning. Later stages of the research continued with designing a system, developing a coding system, implement the system, and evaluate the system with blackbox testing, whitebox testing, media expert test, and user response test. Development of Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application is the solution to these problems. The purpose of this research is to design and implement "Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application". Development of Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based application use the software development life cycle ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations). The programming language used is Java, with Eclipse as software development. The results of this analysis is design and implementation of “Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application" and blackbox testing, whitebox testing, media expert test, and user response test. of the user, is students have been successfully performed. The entire functional requirements have been successfully implemented in accordance with the design.keyword : DIL, Android, E-Learning, Eclipse, Response

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Willy Setiawan ◽  
Dede Yusuf

COVID-19 is a virus originating from Wuhan, China that spread rapidly throughout the world. Indonesia began to be infected since the beginning of March 2020. The impact of the spread of COVID-19 caused losses to many countries, especially in the economic field. In the field of education, learning activities carried out in class are replaced online as a result of the spread of COVID-19 starting from elementary school to tertiary level. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that describe online learning activities at STMIK Komputama Majenang during the COVID-19 pandemic that was held at home online. The object consists of 5 students of STMIK Komputama Majenang. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire containing questions related to online learning at STMIK Komputama Majenang during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of research, online learning activities at STMIK Komputama Majenang have been effective and run well. Some applications used in online learning are Web E-learning, WhatsApp, Telegram, Edmodo, YouTube, Zoom, and Google Classroom. Constraints experienced during online learning are problems with a bad internet connection, limited quota, difficulty in learning, and the presence of other people's distractions when learning takes place.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (SpecialIssue) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Menza Hendri ◽  
Dian Pertiwi Rasmi ◽  
Winda Ananda

Since the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the world of education has been affected by the application of a learning system that is carried out in a blended learning manner. Therefore, this study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of a STEM-based web module using scaffolding to assist the learning process during the covid 19 pandemic. The development of a STEM-based web module using scaffolding is carried out using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Data were obtained through interviews with physics teachers. Based on the results of interviews with teachers at one of the senior high schools in Batanghari district, it is known that in offline learning, printed books from the school library are still used. Therefore, we need an electronic module that can be accessed anytime and anywhere to facilitate the learning process. So that researchers will develop a STEM-based web module using scaffolding on straight motion physics material for class X high school. The product produced is in the form of a web containing material for straight motion physics class X SMA/MA based on STEM using scaffolding

Shantha Fernando

Around the world, e-learning is becoming popular, especially among higher education institutes (universities). Many highly ranked universities have either already deployed an e-learning system and are fully operational, or they are in a process of deployment where e-learning-based and non e-learning-based educational environments co-exist. It is also possible to find a few virtual universities. The amount of money and effort that has to be spent on e-learning is high. In addition to the initial e-learning system installation costs, there are ongoing maintenance, management and content development costs. Due to the rapid growth in the field of e-learning and the role it plays in today’s education systems, those working in the field have begun to introduce standards for different aspects of e-learning. The Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) which is described as “a collaboration among leading universities and specification and standards organizations to support innovative learning technology in higher education” is an example (OKI, 2003).

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