2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-319
Ahmad Fikri Sabiq

This study aims to formulate the concept of cooperation between Madrasah Diniyah which has religious character education but is less attractive to the public with formal education that is of interest to the community but lacks character education. This research is a literature study with the primary source being Presidential Decree Number 87 of 2017. While the secondary sources are various local regulations issued by the Regent or Mayor regarding Madrasah Diniyah. The forms of cooperation opportunities that exist between Madin and formal education can include several aspects. First, the curriculum aspect, where the two institutions can complement and complement each other. Second, the legality of the program where formal institutions can oblige students to study at Madin. Third, the social aspect in which these institutions can work together with community leaders so that they can support each other so that these formal and non-formal institutions can provide wider benefits. This cooperation can be maximized if it gets support from local officials, the Ministry of Religion, and the Education Office.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Rustinsyah Rustinsyah

The existence of a cement company in a rural area may influence the local people, including women who are not employed by the company. This study aims at presenting the case of women empowerment in a Ring-1 area of a cement company in Indonesia. The research used qualitative approach. The results show that the company’s existence with its CSR programs have helped empowering rural women in social, educational, religious, organizational, and economic aspects. The social aspect is shown in the health programs. The educational aspect can be seen in the provision of scholarships for formal education and non-formal training. The religious aspect is actualized in the form of incentives for religion teachers and religious festivals. The organizational aspect is shown in the involvement of women in PKM management. Finally, the economic aspect includes: a) the construction of village road infrastructure as compensation of taxes derived from the company; b) the inclusion of workers from outside the village encourages the emergence of food stalls, grocery stalls, gasoline kiosks, and boarding houses; and c) the development of traditional markets. This study confirms that the company’s existence has encouraged rural women to improve their livelihoods and help alleviate their families from poverty.

Diana Sari

The rise of Sufism shows a new existence in Indonesia. Sufism is not only understood as Sufi teachings and traditional institutions (tarekat). A new passion in Sufism in Indonesia has been seen in cities and among the middle classes. Howell’s research shows the rise of Sufism promoted in two ways (1) ‘Ulamas who come from traditional Islamic education and taught their followers in formal education classes and (2) Television preachers who create their programs and regulate and dramatize it in for the television viewers. New nuances by grounding Sufistic values are also carried out by the KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar who connects his spiritual experience with the world of Sufism, including preaching messages that refer to the teachings of Sufism. This research is a qualitative-field research. The primary source in this study is the da’wah message of KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar. Secondary sources refer to religious studies written in Abdullah Gymnastiar’s social media, book literature, journals/articles, or previous studies. This study uses descriptive analysis to read the da’wah message KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar in his lectures and studies. If placed in the development of the history of Sufism, seen from the character of its religious assembly, Aa Gym is included in the category of contemporary Sufism. However, when viewed from the contents of the principal teachings of moral values, related to the material of da’wah, the message expresed by Aa Gym is the teachings of moral science (ilmu Akhlaq). Broadly speaking, the message of da’wah is not classified as Sufism but religious spirituality which is moral because it contains moral teachings as a reform of morality that synergizes the values of physical and spiritual potential.[The rise of Sufism shows a new existence in Indonesia. Sufism is not only understood as Sufi teachings and traditional institutions (tarekat). A new passion in Sufism in Indonesia has been seen in cities and among the middle classes. Howell’s research shows the rise of Sufism promoted in two ways (1) ‘Ulamas who come from traditional Islamic education and taught their followers in formal education classes and (2) Television preachers who create their programs and regulate and dramatize it in for the television viewers. New nuances by grounding Sufistic values are also carried out by the KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar who connects his spiritual experience with the world of Sufism, including preaching messages that refer to the teachings of Sufism. This research is a qualitative-field research. The primary source in this study is the da’wah message of KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar. Secondary sources refer to religious studies written in Abdullah Gymnastiar’s social media, book literature, journals/articles, or previous studies. This study uses descriptive analysis to read the da’wah message KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar in his lectures and studies. If placed in the development of the history of Sufism, seen from the character of its religious assembly, Aa Gym is included in the category of contemporary Sufism. However, when viewed from the contents of the principal teachings of moral values, related to the material of da’wah, the message expresed by Aa Gym is the teachings of moral science (ilmu Akhlaq). Broadly speaking, the message of da’wah is not classified as Sufism but religious spirituality which is moral because it contains moral teachings as a reform of morality that synergizes the values of physical and spiritual potential.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Fatimah Zuhra ◽  
Usfur Ridha

This study examines the importance of character education in students of Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those who are currently undergoing the online learning process. The character of education is really needed not only in school or college but also at home and in the social environment itself. Furthermore, students in colleges are no longer monitored by their parents during the learning process so that character or manners while studying are no longer something that must be observed and considered important in distance learning. This study is a literature study sourced from library materials using a qualitative approach. Thus, the research activity is the exploration of a number of data both primary and secondary with some concrete steps such as reading and studying primary data in the form of research books, theses or dissertations related to character education and its relationship with Pandemic Covid-19. Character education for students is needed because so far students are only preoccupied with lecture materials in the classroom, but pay less attention to the meaning and value behind the process itself. The situation becomes more difficult when classroom learning turns into distance learning and students cannot be fully monitored by lecturers and less participation from parents who pay less attention to character education at home.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-251
Nurul Fadhilah

Abstract - Besides having an impact on health, Covid-19 also has an impact on the Indonesian economy. This happened because restrictions on human movement directly resulted in the impact of the economic crisis. Islamic economic theory can be used as a strategy in recovering the economic crisis. This study aims to formulate Islamic economic theories and models in overcoming economic crises.. This research method is desctiptive with  literature study analysis. The results of this study are that the islamic distribution system has the principle of equitable distribution of wealth. The islamic distribution system is divided into two, namely a commercial distribution system and a distribution system that is based on social aspect. Commercial distribution can be in the form of a cooperation contract with a non-usury contract, while the distribution in the social aspect is in the form of zakat, infaq, shadaqah, waqf, and inheritance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Bali Widodo ◽  
Egi Nurholis

Tujuan tulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial. Dalam perjalanan panjang sejarah bangsa Indonesia, diuraikan secara jelas bahwa negara Indonesia dibangun atas adanya perbedaan suku bangsa, budaya, adat istiadat dan agama. Keberagaman ini rentan untuk terjadinya bencana sosial. Ketegangan sosial dan konflik horisontal serta teror masih acapkali terjadi. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sebagai pendidikan nilai dan karakter Pancasila menyiapkan generasi muda menjadi warga negara Pancasilais yang cinta tanah air, mempunyai sikap untuk membela negara dan siap berkorban demi keutuhan bangsa dan negara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif terhadap realitas yang ada dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kebenaran ilmiah yang alamiah dengan melakukan penafsiran terhadap fenomena sosial dalam bentuk studi literatur. Dari hasil kajian literatur didapat bahwa revitalisasi epistemologis Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dapat menguatkan karakter bangsa untuk meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial.This paper is intended to find out how is the role of Civic Education in minimizing the social disasters. In the history of Indonesia’s struggle, it is clearly explained that the state of Indonesia is built on the differences in ethnicity, culture, customs and religion. This diversity is vulnerable to social disasters. Terror, social tensions and horizontal conflicts among groups or communities still occur frequently. Civic Education as character education based on Pancasila values prepares young generation to become Pancasilais citizens who love the motherland, have attitudes to defend the country and are ready to sacrifice for the integrity of the nation and state of Indonesia. The research method used is a type of qualitative research that is descriptive towards the existing reality with the purpose of obtaining natural scientific truths by interpreting social phenomenon in the form of literature review. From the results of the literature study it was found that the epistemological revitalization of Civic Education can strengthen the nation's character in order to minimize the social disasters.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 211-248
Oliver Kofi TASIN

Medicine (n-nyork) has been one of meaning laden words faced by scholars. This subject has attracted much attention from scholars, but the social aspect of health tied to people’s medical culture has been neglected. The paper examines the reasons and the context within which the medical culture of the Konkomba ensured social equilibrium and well-being. It further examines key medicines and healers that constituted the corpus of the Konkomba health system. Information was sourced from oral interviews, archival and secondary sources. The work focuses on the historiography of indigenous medicine in Ghana, in particular, and Africa in general. In conclusion, it analyses the impact of the Western understanding of medicine indicating that n-nyork (medicine) and ngbanpuan (health) were more holistic within the Konkomba conceptualisation. In that sense, the adoption and non-adaptation of the western view of health has led to more undesirable health situation in the twentieth century. That notwithstanding, the medical culture of the Konkomba still constitute an integral aspect of their medication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-247
Ahmad Ihwani ◽  
Muhammad Noupal ◽  
Ari Sandi

This study aims to analyze the concept of character education according to Ibn Miskawaih in a philosophical perspective with a focus on studies from the side of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The research method used is the library research method. Sources of literature in this study consist of primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source of literature is the book of tahzib al-Akhlak, and the secondary source is references related to character education such as other books from Ibn Miskawaih's essays, journals, or proceedings. Data analysis begins with unit processing, categorization, and ends with data interpretation. The results showed that ontologically, character education is an effort to curb the three forces that exist in the human soul, so that all body activities become good and spontaneous without the need for prior consideration. Epistemologically, the character education method includes willpower, self-introspection, thariqun thabi'iyyah and opposition methods. Axiologically, character education boils down to the middle path (al-wasath), with main virtues such as al-hikmah (wisdom), al-'iffah (maintaining self-purity), as-Saja'ah (courage) and al-'adalah ( justice).

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-170
Kurnia Sari

This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of the community to appreciate literary works that contain many social values. This study aims to describe the social aspects contained in the collection of Ulin children's stories at Monumén by Hodijah Tetti. The method used in this study is a descriptive analysis method, using steps to collect data from a collection of children Ulin in Monumén, analyze the data collected, and describe the data. The main data source of this research is the book collection of Ulin's short stories in Monumén by Tetti Hodijah. The data obtained is in the form of notes on the results of a literature study. The results of this study found 3 social aspects, namely social aspects of religion, socio-economic aspects, and social aspects of education. From the social aspect of religion, 3 elements related to religion were found, namely believing in Allah SWT, carrying out the commands of Allah SWT, and being sincere and thankful to Allah SWT. From the socio-economic aspect, it was found 3 levels of economy, namely the upper class economy, and middle class economy. From the socio-educational aspect, six elements of education were found, namely manners, mutual respect, love for the country, far from being jealous and envious, and learning to obey the rules that apply in society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Yadi Setiadi ◽  
Arif Wibowo

<span>This research describes the condition of social functioning of drug abuser victim client after undergoing social rehabilitation period in PSPP Husnul Khatimah and get job. This research uses qualitative method with data collection technique in the form of unstructured interview, observation and literature study. The result is that the social functioning of drug abuse victims after obtaining social rehabilitation can be observed from the changes that occur to the victim through his ability to carry out his role, meet his needs, and solve his own problems. Good social functioning was successfully shown from all respondents in five aspects of life such as personal aspect, social aspect, vocational aspect, physical aspect and spiritual aspect. Where one aspect has relevance to other aspects. Recommendations from this study consist of recommendations for respondents who have worked this should always improve the efforts that are beneficial in improving social functioning. Supervision and attention is an important component that helps respondents in aftercare life in shelter dormitories. For the institution of PSPP Husnul Khatimah, it is better to improve the quality of aftercare service for the respondents who have finished the rehabilitation and have got the job so as to strengthen the social functioning of the respondents. For further research can be done by focusing on aspects of the right type of work for respondents after undergoing rehabilitation so that the suitability of interests, talents and needs of respondents with the availability of labor market.</span>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-278
Sihar Pandapotan

Indonesia focuses high attention on the educational aspect. This can be seen from the education system that is always being updated to keep up with the times. However, several social realities in Indonesia today show that on the other hand the moral crisis is also increasing. This certainly becomes a lameness in the world of education, especially in character education which is predicted as an idea that is able to create Indonesian national character. The journey of character education should be expected to be able to minimize the moral crisis but is still ignored. Character education is considered to be only the task of the school world, when in fact the social environment also plays a very important role in helping carry out character education in society. This is the dynamic in character education today. Whereas character education has actually been carried out by our forefathers and has been passed down through generations through the proverbial life, norms and customs which in cultural studies are known as Folklore. A cultural heritage in the form of oral, written, and movement is able to provide moral cultivation and character education. The research method in this paper is a form of literature study method. Examining and analyzing the dynamics of character education from the results of previous writings that focus on the study of cultural and educational psychology.

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