scholarly journals Analisis Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pemasangan Ubin Keramik Pada Proyek Makassar New Port

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-140
Acen Patanduk ◽  
Josefine Ernestine Latupeirissa ◽  
Herby Calvin Pascal Tiyouw

The aim of this study is to investigate the productivity capacity of the ceramic tile installation workforce at the Makassar New Port project, based on field data and the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). This research was conducted for ± 10 days in the Makassar New Port project. The objects to be studied as a source of data in this research are workmen who work on ceramic tile installation, regarding the factors that affect the performance of human resources in the field, especially on their work skills, speed, and accuracy. The observations were made per square meter of ceramic tile installation for each work item on 1 working day, while data recording was carried out per day for 6 working days. The research method used in this research is the work study method, which is a research conducted by collecting data directly from observations in the field. This research was conducted by collecting primary data which is directly examined in the field related to the research carried out as secondary data, which is called the work study method because the observational data is taken while conducting the field work. The result of this research is that the production capacity in the ceramic tile installation of the Makassar New Port project is bigger than the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), this shows that the hired workmen in the work of the retaining stone installation work is very productive.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (23) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Mohammad Ishtiaque ◽  
Abu Hurera

AbstractMadarsa education is very common among the Muslims in India. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim children acquire their primary, and perhaps the only, formal education in these madarsas with a cursory knowledge of modern education. As a result they are lagging behind in science education and their representation and participation in the scientific activity of the country is woefully low. As such they are unable to earn sufficiently to lead a comfortable life and provide proper leadership to their community to face the challenges of the modern world. The purpose of the present study is to analyse whether madarsa education becomes a barrier in promoting modern and higher education and secondly how far these institutions helped improve socio-economic conditions of madarsa trained persons in the District of Mewat (Haryana). In the absence of secondary data, the present study is based on the primary data collected through both extensive and intensive field work. A total of 2,350 households were surveyed and information regarding demographic, socio-economic and environmental conditions of these households was collected. Such a varied nature of data was assigned weightage according to their importance and finally the composite score was calculated to find out the levels of the socio-economic conditions of madarsa trained persons.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-353
Gulshan Ara Latifa ◽  
Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder ◽  
Md Humayun Kabir ◽  
Arnab Chakma

Chengi a major river of Khagrachari district is getting polluted day by day due to unplanned river management. Both primary and secondary data have been used to conduct this work. Primary data have been collected through extensive field work, questionnaire and sample collection. Water samples have been collected from three sampling station, namely Ganjapara, Chengi Bridge and Rubber factory sites. Water temperature is higher at different sampling stations in the study site than Bangladesh standards (25°C) due to the direct hit of the sun. The maximum DO value is 5.8 mg/l at the sampling station one and the minimum is 5.3 mg/l at station three. So, it concluded that the DO value of the Chengi river is comparatively lower than the Bangladesh Standards. The water Temperature and pH is higher than the Bangladesh standards and the value of other parameters are very lower than the Bangladesh standards. In fish diversity, 10 families belonging to 6 orders were recorded and identified by the fin formula. The order Cypriniformes occupied 40%, the order Perciformes which occupies 25% and the order Beloniformes, Siluriformes, Cyprinodontiformes occupied 10% and Mollusks and other invertebrates occupied 25%, respectively in all cases. This work provides a complete picture of the water quality and also the fish diversity of the Chengi River. It will be helpful for water resource management and planning. Bangladesh J. Zool. 47(2): 343-353, 2019

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Sari Tri Suprapto ◽  
Dona Budi Kharisma

Abstract<br />This article aims to determine the factors that hinder the effectiveness of the application of the Indonesian <br />National Standard (SNI) on children’s toys. The research methodology used is empirical research, which<br />is researching secondary data at first, then continuing research on primary data in the field or the<br />community. Legal research materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, the technique<br />used in gathering legal materials is depth interviews and document studies or library materials. The<br />results showed that there were factors that hindered the effectiveness of the implementation of the <br />Indonesian National Standard (SNI), which was due to the community being indifferent or not paying <br />attention to the importance of standardization in children’s toys besidesthe lack of merchant knowledge<br />to the importance of SNI in children’s toys.In the application of SNI, there are inhibiting factors, namely<br />the Law factor indicated by the absence of regional regulations governing mandatory SNI on children’s<br />toys, law enforcement factors namely the lack of work ethic in law enforcement, facility and infrastructure<br />factorsare indicated by communication tools that do not yet support the role of law enforcers to maximize<br />their performance, community factors many people who do not know the importance of SNI in children’s<br />toys due to the lack of socialization they get, cultural factors are shown by the legal culture or immature<br />legal habits of society so that the effectiveness of the mandatory forefront of SNI is not running optimally.<br />Keywords: SNI; Children Toys; Effectiveness.<br />Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi penghambat efektivitas penerapan <br />Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) pada mainan anak. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah<br />penelitian empiris, yaitu meneliti data sekunder pada awalnya, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan penelitian<br />terhadap data primer di lapangan atau terhadap masyarakat. Bahan penelitian hukum yang digunakan<br />adalah bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan bahan hukum<br />adalah depth interview dan studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat<br />faktor yang menghambat efektivitas penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yaitu dikarenakan<br />masyarakat acuh atau tidak memperhatikan betul pentingnya standardisasi pada mainan anak selain<br />itu  kurangnya pengetahuan pedagang terkait pentingnya SNI pada mainan anak. Dalam penerapan<br />SNI terdapat faktor-faktor yang menghambat yaitu faktor Undang-Undang ditunjukkan dengan belum<br />adanya peraturan daerah yang mengatur tentang wajib SNI pada mainan anak, faktor penegak hukum<br />yaitu masih kurangnya etos kerja pada penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan prasarana ditunjukkan<br />dengan alat komunikasi yang belum menunjang peranan penegak hukum untuk memaksimalkan<br />kinerjanya, faktor masyarakat yaitu banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui pentingnya SNI pada<br />mainan anak dikarenakan kurangnya sosialisasi yang mereka dapatkan, faktor kebudayaan ditunjukkan<br />dengan budaya hukum atau kebiasaan hukum masyarakat yang belum matang sehingga efektivitas <br />penerapan wajib SNI tidak berjalan dengan maksimal. <br />Kata Kunci: SNI; Mainan Anak; Efektivitas.

Berlian Napitupulu ◽  
Benedikta Anna Haulian Siboro

Kabupaten Toba Samosir (Tobasa) merupakan salah satu penghasil jagung terbesar di Sumatera Utara. Peningkatan produksi jagung sangat signifikan dari tahun 2016 ke 2017 yaitu sebesar 52,60%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi rantai pasok jagung dengan mempertimbangkan potensi sumber daya pertanian jagung, pelaku dan aktor pendukung serta pendapatan petani. Data primer pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi langsung dan wawancara dengan pihak pemangku kepentingan seperti: aktor langsung (Petani, Pengumpul, Pengecer, Pekerja dan Konsumen) dan pendukung (Dinas pertanian, Dinas Perindakop, Dinas Ketapang dan Kelompok Tani). Data sekunder diperoleh melalui BPS, Dinas Pertanian dan studi literatur yang berkaitan dengan rantai nilai, rantai pasok dan analisis pemangku kepentingan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan luas produktif pertanian jagung di Kabupaten Tobasa 5.651 ha, kapasitas produksi 33.524 ton dan jumlah produktivitas 59,32 kw/ha dengan rantai pemasaran jagung di dalam dan luar kabupaten seperti pabrik pakan ternak di Siantar dan Medan. Berbeda dengan kondisi di Kabupaten Dairi dengan luas produktif pertanian 34.114 ha, kapasitas produksi 214.505 ton dan jumlah produktivitas 62,88 kw/ha. Pemetaan rantai nilai didapat bahwa Dinas Pertanian memiliki pengaruh dan kepentingan yang tinggi dalam rantai nilai dengan pendapatan yang diterima petani di Kabupaten Tobasa adalah Rp. 6.401.033per hektar per musim tanam, dengan R/C 1,634. Strategi mendiversifikasi produk turunan jagung dapat meningkatkan nilai jagung dalam rantai nilai. Selain itu dengan menjalin kemitraan antara petani dengan pengumpul maupun pelaku industri dapat menghindari panen raya mupun kelangkaan jagung.   Toba Samosir Regency (Tobasa) is one of the largest corn producers in North Sumatra. The increasement of corn production is very significant from 2016 to 2017 at 52.60%. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the corn supply chain by considering the potential of corn farming resources, supporting actors and actors as well as farmers' income. Primary data in this study were obtained through direct observation and interviews with stakeholders such as: direct actors (Farmers, Collectors, Retailers, Workers and Consumers) and supporters (Department of Agriculture, Department of Industry Trade and Cooperatives, Department of Ketapang Officer and Farmers Group). Secondary data was obtained through BPS, Department of Agriculture and literature studies related to the value chain, supply chain and stakeholder analysis. Data were analyzed using the SWOT method. The results showed that the productive area of corn farming in Tobasa District was 5,651 ha, production capacity was 33,524 tons and total productivity was 59.32 kw/ha with the marketing chain of corn of in and outside the district such as animal feed factories in Siantar and Medan. It is contrast conditions in Dairi Regency with an area of productive agriculture was 34,114 ha, production capacity was 214,505 tons and total productivity was 62.88 kw/ha. Mapping the value chain found that the Department of Agriculture has a high influence and interest in the value chain with the income received by farmers in Tobasa Regency is Rp. 6,401,033per hectares per planting season, with R / C 1,634. The diversify strategy of corn derivative products can increase the value of corn in the value chain. In addition, by establishing partnerships between farmers and collectors and industry players can avoid both the harvest and the scarcity of corn.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 23
Rrezarta Gashi

Considering the impact of strategic management, today all companies of all sectors must have a strategic plan compiled in details. In the frame of this plan, there must be included also human resources, investments in marketing, investments in technology, and noticeably the last one is recently going through great modifications. Based on statistic data Kosovo during recent years have made advanced steps toward the development of all sectors, specifically in textile sector. Therefore, this paperwork aims to step up the priorities and challenges that have the textile sector in the country of Kosovo, a country that is in transition phase.The focus of this study will be textile companies, including manufacturing companies. For the conclusion of this research will be used primary and secondary data. Primary data will be the data received directly from field work, through questionnaire that will be used especially for this research, whereas secondary data will be received by the use of foreign and local literature, also from researched made previously, that have to do with textile sector in all countries of the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 25
Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga

Preferential agreements are intended to increase trade between countries involved. However, in reality, although the overarching purpose of these agreements in terms of market opening is often achieved, increases in trade is seldom realized. For countries like Zambia where data on trade via the preferential route are rarely captured, it is pertinent to analyze, from a firm&rsquo;s perspective, the utilization of the existing agreements. This study set out to analyze the extent of Zambia&rsquo;s utilization of trade preferences using both secondary and primary data sources. The secondary data establishes that despite these agreements having granted almost all Zambian exports duty-free and quota-free access, the country&rsquo;s utilization rates have been low. This result is affirmed by the exporters and further validated by the key informants as both surveys establish that Zambian firms have not utilized the trade preferences effectively. They have attributed the low utilization of these preferences to internal and external challenges. The internal challenges include: lack of production capacity, poor infrastructure, poor knowledge of markets, and high transport costs. Externally, the challenges include: difficulties in meeting sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, costly rules of origin, technical barriers to trade and cumbersome paperwork requirements. The country therefore, needs to address these challenges if it is to utilize these agreements effectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 127
Nidya Tria Yolanda ◽  
Agustono Agustono

Seaweed is one of the sea commodities have high economic value, because of extensive utilization, in daily activity as well as in the industrial world, so it has a vast domestic market and abroad. Seaweed contains hidrocoloid compounds such as carrageenan, agar and alginate. It has the main product from Rhodophycae, such as Gracilaria,Gellidium. The purpose of Research is to determine the characteristics of chemical physics powdered agar fromGracilariasp. PT. Biocolloid Java, Surabaya. Activity Research will be implemented at PT. Java Biocolloid, Kembangan Sub-District, District Krembangan, Surabaya. This activity will be held on February 1 to February 26, 2016. The research methods used in Field Work Practice is descriptive method with data collection included primary data and secondary data. Data were collected by observation, interview, active participation, and literature. The of chemical physics powder to be conducted by the quality control, research and development PT. Java Biocolloid Surabaya include granulometri, turbidity, pH, gel strength, viscosity and water content. The value of granulometri powder that is 100% pass meshsize 60. The powder that has a turbidity value of 11.0 to 29.9 NTU, pH 6.4 to 6.8, the gel strength 800-1000 g / cm, viscosity 17-19 cP and moisture content 8- 11%. The quality of chemical physics powdered agar produced by PT. Java Biocolloid already meets the quality standards to be a good powder in accordance with the quality standards powdered agar by the consumer both nationally and internationally.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hamdan Suriyok

The purpose of this study was to identify internal and external factors of SMEs of Junggo Village Goat, to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by Junggo Goat Village SMEs, to formulate a business development strategy that should be done of  SMEs of Goat Village Junggo . This research uses participatory action research (PAR) approach to data collection and processing. The data obtained in the form of primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of SWOT matrix analysis, there are several alternative strategies such as increasing the number of permanent customers, increasing sales capacity, increasing production capacity, promoting, performing financial and administration recording system, conducting market research and development, providing quality goats, increasing synergism and partnership, provide supplementary food and preventive medicine and conduct comparative studies.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Ferry Setiawan Setiawan ◽  
Soegiyanto Soegiyanto

The purpose of this study was to: 1) To Know the Auction for Goods burdened Confiscation Based Finance Minister Regulation No. 27 / PMK.06 / 2016 in the city of Semarang. 2) To know the Power of Law Treatise Deed Auctions for Goods burdened Confiscation Based Finance Minister Regulation No. 27 / PMK.06 / 2016 in the city of Semarang. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by normative juridical method.Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) How the Auction of Goods Seized Burdened By Finance Minister Regulation Number 27 / PMK.6 / 2016 in Semarang. In the official auction assisted by guides who guilty of employees DJKN, the auction progresses No offers the winning auction is bidders who bid the highest. Each implementation of the auction will be charged Customs Auction accordance with government regulations governing the types and rates of non-tax state revenue. Payment of the auction price and Customs Auction shall be made in cash or check or checking account, no later than five (5) working days. In the case of submission of official documents of the auction must submit the original document of title or goods are auctioned off to the buyer or winning bidder no later than 1 (one) working day. Buyers must show proof of payment of the form and submit proof of deposit Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building If items such as land and buildings. 2) How the Legal Power of The Minutes of the Auction the Seized Goods Burdened By Finance Minister Regulation Number 27 / PMK.6 / 2016 in Semarang. Deed Auctions treatise consists of body deed, deed and leg mid deed which contains about the day, date, type of goods, address of the seller, as well as goods sold. Minutes of Deed Auctions is an authentic deed made by officials of the auction and use the laws and legislation so this auction treatise deed has permanent legal force if there are problems in the future.Key Words: The Power of Law; the Deed of Auction; Goods Burdened Confiscation.

Sawarni Hasibuan ◽  
Hermawan Thaheer

In the palm oil processing, one of the most important stages is boiling the fresh fruit bunches or sterilization, because it greatly determines the yield and quality of the CPO produced. The purpose of this study was to analyze the selection of sterilizer technology by considering the sustainability factor. A case study was conducted at PTPN V which is planning to expand its production capacity. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires, interviews and field observations. Respondents of this study were stakeholders of the palm oil mill and PTPN V. This research combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative analysis was conducted to describe the sterilization technology for processing fresh oil palm fruit bunches into CPO. Financial viability is evaluated based on the best sterilization technology recommendations. The results of the analysis recommend horizontal sterilized-indexer technology as a priority, followed by vertical sterilization technology and continuous sterilization technology. By paying attention to the sustainability criteria, the PKS design is integrated with PKO. This integration has implications for energy efficiency, kernel transportation, other utility facilities, and even a number of work units and personnel. The investment for the construction of PKS with a capacity of 45 tons/hour using horizontal-indexer sterilization technology requires a fund of IDR 170.8 billion were declared feasible with an IRR of 26.64%, a positive NPV, a B/C ratio of 2.23, and a PBP of 6 years and 5 months. The results of the sensitivity analysis to the assumption of an increase in production costs of 6 percent have not changed the recommendation, as well as a decrease in factory processing capacity by 6 percent.

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