Education by professions: to the theoretical substantiation of the modern strategy of professional education

А.Г. Кислов ◽  
И.В. Шапко

Статья посвящена специфике профессионального воспитания учащихся, которая во многом обусловлена содержанием обучения, а также положением, которое занимает та или иная профессия в окружающей реальности. Осмысление вызовов времени порождает необхо- димость разработки специальной научной теории мира профессий как особого сегмента человеческой деятельности. Цель работы — наметить важнейшие контуры этой теории как методологической основы решения современных задач профессионального воспитания, для обоснования стратегии которого предлагается философская теория генезиса, функционирования и развития мира профессий, значимые составляющие которой оформились в наследии выдающегося отечественного мыслителя М. К. Петрова. В статье эксплицированы ключевые для построения данной теории идеи, изложенные с учетом неопределенности современных реалий как фактора развития мира профессий и выбора ориентиров в сфере профессионального воспитания. Эффективный ответ на вызов времени невозможен без использования в воспитательном процессе потенциала «общей» культуры человечества, актуализация которого в теории и практике профессионального воспитания была и остается надежным гарантом высокой результативности в условиях возрастающей неопределенности во всех сферах общественной и приватной жизни The article is devoted to the specifics of professional education of students, which is largely due to the content of training, as well as the position that a particular profession occupies in the surrounding reality. Understanding the challenges of the time creates the need to develop a special scientific theory of the world of professions as a special segment of human activity. The purpose of the work is to outline the most important contours of this theory as a methodological basis for solving modern problems of professional education, for the justification of the strategy of which the philosophical theory of the genesis, functioning and development of the world of professions is proposed, the significant components of which are formed in the legacy of the outstanding Russian thinker M. K. Petrov. The article explicates the key ideas for the construction of this theory, set out taking into account the uncertainty of modern realities as a factor in the development of the world of professions and the choice of guidelines in the field of professional education. An effective response to the challenge of the time is impossible without using the potential of the “common” culture of humanity in the educational process, the actualization of which in the theory and practice of professional education has been and remains a reliable guarantee of high performance in the conditions of increasing uncertainty in all spheres of public and private life.

Armando Martínez Ríos

ABSTRACTMexico lacks a scientific culture. Investigations and reports show that only has a record of 38 thousand scientific and 0.5% global of registered patents in the world. Communications and electronics engineering (ICE) is one of the three formations in the school of mechanical engineering and electrical (ESIME) unit Zacatenco from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) Mexico. Among the objectives of this mentioned formation on its web site, is the form professionals with scientific and technological foundations; However, the curriculum includes only two subjects with these characteristics. Less than 1% of the graduates also choose to devote himself to scientific work. This paper shows the results obtained by means of a survey on the perception that students have about scientists in order to propose actions that foster a greater interest in them by the science and technology into their professional formation.RESUMENMéxico carece de una cultura científica ya que algunas encuestas muestran que solo se tiene un registro de 38 mil científicos y el 0.5% del total mundial de patentes registradas. Ingeniería en Comunicaciones y Electrónica (ICE) es una de las tres carreras de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (ESIME) unidad Zacatenco del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) México. Entre los objetivos de esta carrera mencionado en su sitio web, es el de formar profesionistas con fundamentos científicos y tecnológicos; sin embargo, el currículo, contempla solo dos asignaturas con estas características. Asimismo, menos del 1% de los egresados elige dedicarse a una labor científica. Este trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos por medio de una encuesta sobre la percepción que los estudiantes tienen sobre los científicos con el fin de proponer acciones que fomenten un mayor interés en ellos por la ciencia y la tecnología dentro de su formación.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Wariyanti Wariyanti

<p>College is one of the means to build community. Universities can also be regarded as the agent of change in society and even the world. Humans were expected today are capable of developing their potential throughout. Overview whole human beings has been defined in the law No. 20 of 2003 on the System Pendidian National Article 3 which states that the National Education aims at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. Based on these conditions, a University is a public institution undertaking the community to help to create students who have the expected quality. With the demands of current conditions it is necessary seoramg leaders and members who have high performance in managing and running the educational process. While universities are expected are universities which have members who are always learning to achieve a change for the better in serving the community.</p>

V.A. Adolf ◽  
O.N. Bukhov ◽  

Statement of the problem. The purpose of professional education is to provide managers with professional qualities which form the competence of an individual. In this context, much attention is paid to the formation of reflexive skills of future managers that contribute to understanding, awareness, analysis, and evaluation of large amount of information. The lack of universal understanding in Pedagogy of the features of the process of forming reflexive skills among future managers proves the relevance of this study. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the process of formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the system of secondary vocational education and to analyze the results of experimental work on the implementation of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational process. Review of the scientific literature on the problem. The analysis and synthesis of professional and educational standards, normative legal documents of secondary vocational education is carried out. The analysis of scientific works of philosophers who have studied human reflection and thinking is carried out. The works on psychology devoted to the problem of understanding the essence of the process of reflection and the formation of reflexive competence of the individual’s personality in modern society are considered. In the field of pedagogical science and practice, the analysis of scientific works devoted to the competence approach and the study of the essence of the process of forming reflexive skills is carried out. The elements of the methodology of pedagogy and the theory of pedagogical research are systematized, in particular, the concept of humanization of the educational process, the methodology of personality-oriented learning, the competence approach, the theory of reflexive activity, on the basis of which systematization of an educational process is carried out within the framework of modern tendencies and trends. Methodology (materials and methods). Based on the research of scientific works of Russian and foreign authors devoted to the development of pedagogical theory and practice in the field of vocational education and arrangement of an educational process in vocational education institutions. The analysis and synthesis of practical methods and techniques that contribute to systematization of the process of formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the Secondary Professional Education (SPE) system is carried out. The analysis of scientific literature, a survey among teachers and heads of institutions in the SPE system, allowed us to identify and justify the features of the formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system and to develop organizational conditions for the process of developing these skills. The article shows the content, features, and results of the implementation of these conditions. Research results. The article deals with current methods and techniques that provide effective professional training of management students in the system of secondary vocational education, who are able to detect and formulate professional tasks and find ways to solve them. On the basis of the philosophical understanding of reflection, the content of reflexive skills aimed at discovering meanings in their own activities and in the “teacher – student” interaction is determined. The conditions for the formation of reflexive skills in the pedagogical process are revealed: creation and implementation of the typology of reflexive tasks; creation of a dialogic context in educational activities based on construction of the process of solving educational tasks; ensuring personal acceptance of the subject of a reflexive task; filling an educational process with a reflexive component; creation and implementation of the mechanism for development of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system. The results of the formation of reflexive skills in the system of secondary vocational education are presented. Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system were developed providing a qualitative increase in the level of formation of reflexive skills among students. Consequently, the reconstruction of the educational process in the SPE system, based on the implementation of the presented organizational and pedagogical conditions, significantly optimizes the process of forming the reflexive skills among future managers.

Jarrod M. Rifkind ◽  
Seymour E. Goodman

Information technology has drastically changed the ways in which individuals are accounted for and monitored in societies. Over the past two decades, the United States and other countries worldwide have seen a tremendous increase in the number of individuals with access to the Internet. Data collected by the World Bank shows that 17.5 of every 100 people in the world had access to the Internet in 2006, and this number increased to 23.2 in 2008, 29.5 in 2010, and 32.8 in 2011 (World Bank 2012). According to the latest Cisco traffic report, Internet traffic exceeded 30 exabytes (1018 bytes) per month in 2011 and is expected to reach a zettabyte (1021 bytes) per month by 2015 (Cisco Systems 2011). Activities on the Web are no longer limited to seemingly noncontroversial practices like e-mail. The sheer growth of the Internet as a medium for communication and information sharing as well as the development of large, high-performance data centers have made it easier and less expensive for companies and governments to aggregate large amounts of data generated by individuals. Today, many people’s personal lives can be pieced together relatively easily according to their search histories and the information that they provide on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, technological breakthroughs associated with computing raise important questions regarding information security and the role of privacy in society. As individuals begin using the Internet for e-commerce, e-government, and a variety of other services, data about their activities has been collected and stored by entities in both the public and private sectors. For the private sector, consumer activities on the Internet provide lucrative information about user spending habits that can then be used to generate targeted advertisements. Companies have developed business models that rely on the sale of such information to third-party entities, whether they are other companies or the federal government. As for the public sector, data collection occurs through any exchange a government may have with its citizens.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-267
М. Serik ◽  
G. Zh. Yerlanova ◽  

At present, along with the dynamic development of computer technology in the world, the most effective ways of solving problems of practical importance are being considered. High performance computing takes the lead in this. Therefore, the development of modern society is closely related to the training of experienced, modern specialists in the field of information technology. This, in turn, depends on the inclusion of new courses in the curriculum and full coverage of these issues in the content of the taught courses. This article analyzes the courses on high performance computing, taught at experimental bases and abroad, on the basis of this, the topics of the special course and the content recommended for implementation in the educational process are determined. During the training, the competencies of students in high performance computing were identified.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-67
Mkrtichian O.A.

In the context of globalization trends of innovative development of the preschool education system, the problems of the content of professional training of specialists of preschool educational institutions, in particular in foreign countries of the world, become especially relevant. Training a competitive in the labor market, highly qualified, professionally competent, creative specialist who is fluent in the acquired skills and abilities, strives for professional growth, social and professional mobility, is the important aspect of education system.The article reflects the current trends in education in the world, cultural centuries-old relations between these countries, the specifics of their cultural and national traditions and manifests itself in the value-based principles on which this training is based, in its structure, content and organization; the general and special in training of experts of preschool education abroad in modern conditions is revealed. Thus, preschools in Denmark are known for the high quality of pedagogical work, whose activities are aimed at developing educational potential and the formation of psychological, pedagogical and social skills of children, stimulating their imagination, creativity and speech skills, involvement in cultural values and nature; the training of future educators in France takes place both in the institutions of higher education and in the system of secondary special education and involves a change in the structure and content of education.In Germany, specialist training takes place in secondary special institutions, in particular, social and pedagogical colleges. In the modern training of educators there is a strengthening of the methodological and didactic side, but in many respects it focuses on the didactics and methods of teaching primary school. The responsibility for the professional education of educators of the Belarusian preschool institutions is assigned to pedagogical colleges and institutions of higher education. The level of teacher training determines his social status and includes: training of general educators; specialists in new specialties in colleges; educators for preschool educational institutions of new types; social, correctional teachers, teachers-rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and heads of a separate profile; teachers-managers. The conditions of training of educators of preschool institutions China and Turkey are also characterized.Key words: future educators, professional training, institution of higher education, foreign experience, pedagogical process, applicants for education. У контексті глобалізаційних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку системи дошкільної освіти особливої актуальності набувають проблеми змісту професійної підготовки фахівців дошкільних навчальних закладів, зокрема в зарубіжних країнах світу. Підготовка конкурентоздатного на ринку праці, висококваліфікованого, професійно компетентного, креативного спеціаліста, який вільно володіє набутими вміннями і навичками, прагне до професійного зростання, соціальної і фахової мобільності, – важливий аспект системи освіти.У статті відображаються сучасні тенденції розвитку освіти у світі, культурні багатовікові відносини між цими країнами, специфіка їх культурних національних традицій проявляється в ціннісно-цільових засадах, на яких будується ця підготовка, в її структурі, змісті та організації; виявлено загальне й осо-бливе в підготовці фахівців дошкільної освіти за кордоном в сучасних умовах. Так, дошкільні установи в Данії відомі високою якістю педагогічної роботи, діяльність яких спрямована на розвиток навчаль-ного потенціалу та формування психологічних, педагогічних і соціальних навичок дітей, стимуляцію їх фантазії, творчості та мовленнєвих навичок, на залучення до культурних цінностей і природи; під-готовка майбутніх вихователів Франції відбувається як у ЗВО, так і в системі середньої спеціальної освіти й передбачає зміну структури та змісту освіти.У Німеччині підготовка фахівця відбувається в середньо-спеціальних установах, зокрема соціаль-но-педагогічних технікумах. У сучасній підготовці вихователів є посилення методико-дидактичної сторони, але ж багато в чому вона орієнтується на дидактику та методику навчання початкової шко-ли. Відповідальність за професійну освіту вихователів ЗДО Білорусі покладено на педагогічні коледжі й ЗВО. Рівень підготовки фахівців визначає його соціальний статус і передбачає: підготовку виховате-лів загального профілю; фахівців за новими спеціальностями в коледжах; вихователів для дошкільних освітніх установ нових типів; соціальних, корекційних педагогів, педагогів-реабілітологів, психологів і керівників окремого профілю; педагогів-управлінців. Також схарактеризовано умови підготовки вихо-вателів ЗДО Китаю та Туреччини.Ключові слова: майбутні вихователі, професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, зарубіжний досвід, педагогічний процес, здобувачі освіти.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1378
Elena Petrovna ZVYAGINTSEVA ◽  
Irina Vladimirovna ZENKINA ◽  
Elena Borisovna MANAKHOVA ◽  
Elena Nikolaevna BORISOVA ◽  
Olga Valeryevna LYSIKOVA

The article is devoted to improving the technology of personnel training in the service sector. It is established that the cooperation of public associations and enterprises of various ownership forms with state and non-state educational institutions, as a principle of the system’s formation, has allowed for the introduction of a multi-level approach to the training of the service sector specialists with the simultaneous inclusion of additional education systems. Thus, the system of service education, combined with additional education, creates a fundamental position of education for service professionals. The authors have found that the features of the educational process in the service activities are regulatory support for the content of tourism education, a holistic approach to the content of education and training, consideration of the organic unity of general and professional education, strong links between theory and practice, and the partnership between the spheres of education and labour.

2020 ◽  
pp. 49-51
V.G. Nesterenko ◽  

Presented is research study on projection and planning of a blended learning model in a field of formal university professional education. The article covers some problems, connected with modern learning methods and tendencies of their development. Blended learning is one of advanced tools of effective educational process, studied by teachers all over the world. The first important item in studying of blended learning is characteristics of its tendencies and theoretical bases to define ways and methods of its implementation. The article gives examples of basic theory searching, and ways and necessary conditions for blended learning environment arranging. According to many scientists, blended learning environment has all opportunities to use principles of constructivism theory, but adding of social contest in education allows ideas of social constructivism to be adopted in blended learning, as its aim is to acquire knowledge through the prism of cooperation and teamwork.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 427-432
I. Mambetova

Nowadays, multimedia has a great importance - the use of multimedia teaching in the field of education helps to improve the efficiency of teaching English and stimulates learning activities. The applications of multimedia technologies have been accelerated in economics, science, technology, education, healthcare, culture, media, entertainment, music and other fields. Multimedia technologies have already become one of the dominant technologies in the information society, and the combination of multimedia technologies and networked communication technologies has led to the emergence of video, and so on. The use of these technologies has changed the way of life and habits of people and continues to have an impact on the public and private life of a person, especially has a huge impact on the educational system of the state. The teaching staff is interested not so much in high attendance of classes, but in the transfer of relevant knowledge to students, stimulating their scientific and educational activities, and, as a consequence, increasing the efficiency of the educational process for everyone, so that the content of information is transmitted quickly, and at the same time scientific reasonably.

E. Prystupa ◽  
M. Danylevych ◽  
O. Romanchuk

The article is devoted to the issues of professional training of physical education teachers in Austria since 1946 (the end of Second World War) till 1970 (changes of laws and regulations). The is to study the Austrian experience of training physical education aim of the paper teachers at different historical stages. To achieve the goal, a set of general scientific and pedagogical research methods have been used: bibliographic search, historical-genetic, interpretive-analytical ones, systematization, generalization, analysis, synthesis. The results of scientific research showed that during the first postwar decades in Austria there was a denazification of curricula for physical education / sports teachers, the gradual destruction of ideological strata, reducing the politicization of educational processes, reorientation to progressive ideas and traditions of pre-Nazi professional education. This stage of development of teachers professional education is characterized by numerous attempts to improve the curriculum by balancing theory and practice, normative and variable components, different cycles of training. There is a qualitative update of the theory and practice of school physical education, modernization of the educational process in the institutes of physical education at the Universities of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Salzburg in accordance with current trends in science, technology, education and other spheres of public life.

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