2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37
Muhammad Iz Zuddin Adha ◽  
Rizki Hanriko ◽  
Dian Isti Angraini

ABSTRAK  Pendahuluan: Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) sering terjadi pada usia lanjut. Sekitar 50% laki-laki yang memiliki usia diatas 50 tahun diketahui memiliki bukti patologi BPH. Usia dan hipertensi diketahui menjadi faktor dalam proses terjadinya BPH. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan usia dan hipertensi dengan kejadian BPH di Bangsal Bedah RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek tahun 2017. Metode:  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode case control study. Jenis data yang dipakai adalah data sekunder dari rekam medis. Sampel diambil dari pasien bangsal bedah RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek tahun 2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah consecutive. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan chi-square, dan analisis multivariat dengan metode regresi logistik ganda. Hasil: Rerata usia subjek penelitian adalah 66,00 ± 10,17 tahun untuk kelompok kasus. dan 53,36 ± 16,19 tahun untuk kelompok kontrol. Pada kelompok kasus, persentase hipertensi sebesar 36,7% sedangkan yang tidak hipertensi sebesar 63,3%. Pada kelompok kontrol persentase hipertensi sebesar 10% sedangkan yang tidak hipertensi sebesar 90%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa usia ≥50 tahun (OR = 11,947; nilai p=0,009) dan hipertensi (OR = 7,898; nilai p=0,017) merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya BPH. Pembahasan:  Pada usia tua, terjadi ketidakseimbangan hormon testosteron dan estrogen sehingga mempengaruhi pembesaran kelenjar prostat. Peningkatan ekspresi VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) pada kondisi hipertensi akan menginduksi angiogenesis dan mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan gejala klinis BPH. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan usia dan hipertensi dengan kejadian BPH di Bangsal Bedah RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek tahun 2017. Kata Kunci: BPH, hipertensi, usia  ABSTRACT  Background: Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) often occurs in old age. About 50% of men over 50 years are known to have BPH pathology evidence. Age and hypertension are known to be factors in the process of BPH. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of age and hypertension with the occurrence of BPH in the Surgical Ward of RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2017. Methods: This study uses a case control study method. The type of data used is secondary data from medical records. Samples were taken from surgical ward patients of Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2017. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling. Data analysis was performed with univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi-square, and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression methods. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 66.00 ± 10.17 years for the case group. and 53.36 ± 16.19 years for the control group. In the case group the percentage of hypertension was 36.7% while non-hypertension was 63.3%. In the control group the percentage of hypertension was 10% while non-hypertension was 90%. The results showed that age ≥50 years (OR = 11,947; p value = 0.009) and hypertension (OR = 7.898; p value = 0.017) were risk factors for BPH. Discussion: In old age, there is an imbalance of the hormones testosterone and estrogen which affects the enlargement of the prostate gland. Increased VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) expression in hypertensive conditions will induce angiogenesis and result in an increase in clinical symptoms of BPH. Conclusion: There is a relationship between age and hypertension with the occurrence of BPH in the Surgical Ward Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2017. Keywords : BPH, hypertension, age

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-74
Wiwin Winarsih ◽  
Wiwik Kusumawati ◽  
Anjarwati Anjarwati

The incidences of pneumonia in infants Become the second highest cause mortality before reaching the age of 5 years and a health problem in Indonesia. The family of smoking and smoke from burning mosquito coils are the triggers for air pollution, which can lead to pneumonia in infants. The study aims to analyze the relationship between family smoking habits and the use of mosquito coils with the incidence of pneumonia in under-fives. The method of research applied analytic observational research using a case-control study approach. The number of samples in this study was 87 under-fives in the case group and 87 under-fives in the control group. Sampling was conducted by non-probability sampling. A questionnaire was used as a data collecting instrument. Data analysis used chi-square and multiple logistic regression. The results of this study Showed that there was a relationship between family smoking habits and the use of mosquito coils with the incidence of pneumonia in infants. In addition, there were other variables that had a relationship with the incidence of pneumonia in under-fives namely smoking location (OR = 3,046; 95% CI: 1429-6492, p = 0.003), the number of cigarettes (OR = 7.105 ; 95% CI: 3079-16394, p = 0.000), and length of time with smokers (p = 0.000). On the other hand, the variables of father smoker status and the frequency of using mosquito coils were not related to the incidence of pneumonia in under-fives (p value 0.05). It is concluded that family smoking habits, use of mosquito coils, the location of smoking, and number of cigarettes, and  length of time together with smokers were risk factors associated with the incidence of pneumonia in toddlers

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Siti Lestari ◽  
Dyah Dwi Astuti ◽  
Fachriza Malika Ramadhani

Asfiksia perinatal merujuk pada kekurangan oksigen selama persalinan, sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan kematian dan kecacatan. WHO memperkirakan  4 juta anak terlahir dengan asfiksia setiap tahun, dimana 1 juta di antaranya meninggal dan 1 juta anak bertahan hidup dengan gejala sisa neurologis yang parah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko fetal dan tali pusat pada asfiksia neonatal.Penelitian dilakukan di lakukan di RS Dr Moewardi Surakarta dengan pendekatan  quantitative retrospective case control study. Data diambil dari rekam medis antara  tahun 2013-2018. Penelitan ini melibatkan  264 neonatal yang terdiri dari 88 kelompok kasus dan 176  kelompok control. Kelompok kasus adalah bayi dengan diagnosa  asfiksia yang  dilakukan analisis terhadap faktor risiko fetal, sedangkan bayi yang tidak mengalami asfiksia dijadikan  kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis statistik uji Chi-Square dan Fisher Exact ditemukan bahwa  kelahiran prematur (OR 2,07 CI 95% P 0,02), persalinan dengan tindakan (OR 3,61 CI 95% P 0,00), berat bayi (OR 2,85 CI 95% P 0,00), posisi janin (OR 2,37 CI 95% P 0,05), tali pusat ( QR 3,071 CI 95%  P 0,01)  berisiko terhadap insiden asfiksia perinatal. Air ketuban yang bercampur meconium (OR 1,51 CI 95% P 0,16) tidak memiliki risiko  dengan Asfiksia perinatal. Kesimpulan: Risiko terhadap insiden asfiksia perinatal  meliputi kelahiran prematur, persalinan dengan tindakan, berat bayi, posisi janin,  dan tali pusat.Perinatal asphyxia refers to a lack of oxygen during labor, which has the potential to cause death and disability. WHO estimates  4 million children born with asphyxia each year, in  which 1 million dies and 1 million survive with severe neurological sequelae. This study aims to analyze fetal and umbilical risk factors in neonatal asphyxia.This research is a quantitative retrospective case-control study, which was conducted at The Dr. Moewardi  hospital,  Surakarta. Data was taken from  medical records from 2013-2018. The case group was patients diagnosed  asphyxia, while those who did not experience asphyxia were treated as a control group.  A total of 264  samples, consisting of 88 case group respondents and 176 control group respondents. Statistical analysis Chi- Square and Fisher Exact found that preterm birth (OR 2.07 CI 95% P 0.02), labor with instrument or complication (OR 3.61 CI 95% P 0.00), infant weight (OR 2.85 CI 95% P 0, 00), fetal position (OR 2.37 CI 95% P 0.05), umbilical cord (QR 3.071 CI 95% P 0.01) are at risk for the incidence of perinatal Asphyxia. The amniotic fluid mixed with meconium (OR 1.51 CI 95% P 0.16) has no risk with perinatal asphyxia.The risk factors of incidences of perinatal asphyxia were  preterm birth, labor with instrument or complication, baby weight, fetal position and umbilical cord. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Rahmad Suryawan Ura ◽  
Yuly Peristiowati

Typhoid fever is a disease that is prone to occur in Indonesia, because of the characteristics of the climate that is very prone to diseases related to the seasons. The purpose of this study is to analyze factors related to the incidence of typhoid fever in the Working Area of the Jayawijaya District Health Office. The research design used is quantitative analytics method using quantitative data. The type of approach used is case control. The population is 74 patients with typhoid fever. The large sample taken as many as 37 respondents, with a large comparison of samples between the number of respondents in the case group is 37 respondents, and 37 respondents as a control group, so the total number of samples is 74 respondents. Sampling techniques used in this study is a simple random sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is no relationship between age and the incidence of typhoid fever in the Working Area of the Jayawijaya District Health Office. Chi-square test result obtained p-Value Sig (0.445) > α (0.05). While it is known that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge, the level of education, hygiene of individual respondents with the incidence of typhoid fever in the Work Area of the Health Office of Jayawijaya Regency. Chi-square test results obtained p- value (0.000) < α (0.05) and environmental sanitation with the incidence of Typhoid Fever in the Work Area of the Jayawijaya District Health Office. Chi-square test result obtained p-value (0.001) < α (0.05). Based on the results of the study is expected to increase kinship with patients as well as by providing health services visits to the patient's home.

2021 ◽  
Hung Yi Yang ◽  
Ruei-Yu Su ◽  
Chi-Hsiang Chung ◽  
Kuo-Yang Huang ◽  
Wu-Chien Chien ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Trichomonas vaginalis infection is one of the most widespread sexually transmitted infections in the world. There are approximately 276 million cases worldwide. Most men remain undiagnosed and untreated because they are asymptomatic. The chronic inflammation induced by persistent infection may increase the risk of developing genitourinary cancers. In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between trichomoniasis and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer (PCa), and bladder cancer (BC) in Taiwan.Material and method: We designed a case-control study by using the database of the National Health Insurance program in Taiwan. We used the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision classifications to classify all the medical conditions in the case and control groups. All odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression to adjust for all comorbidities and variables.Result: From 2000 to 2015, we enrolled a total of 62,544 individuals as the case group and 187,632 as the control group. Trichomoniasis exposure had a significant association with BPH and PCa (adjusted OR: BPH = 2.685, 95% CI = 1.233–4.286, P = 0.013; PCa = 5.801, 95% CI = 1.296–26.035, P = 0.016). The relative risk was much higher if patients had both trichomoniasis and depression (adjusted OR = 7.682, 95% CI = 5.730–9.451, P < 0.001).Conclusion: Men with trichomoniasis had a significantly higher risk of developing BPH and PCa than those without. Healthcare professionals should not only pay more attention to disease treatment, but also to public health education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-251
Elsa Rizki Lilian ◽  
Andi Siswandi ◽  
Anggunan Anggunan

ABSTRACT: THE CORRELATIONS OF AGE AND HYPERTENSION WITH THE OCCURRENCE OF BPH IN THE SURGICAL WARD AT RSUD DR.H.ABDUL MOELOEK IN 2020Introduction: Lower Urinary Tractus Symptoms (LUTS) is a problem that is experienced by men around the world and one that often occurs is Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a histological disorder characterized by the proliferation of prostate cells. It is estimated that 50% of men show BPH histopathology at the age of 60 years old and an increase of 90% at the age of 80 years old. Hypertension is also known to have a role in increasing prostate volume, in a cohort study it was found that hypertension resulted in an increased risk of 1.5 times to cause LUTS/BPH.Objective: To determine the relationship between age and hypertension on the incidence of BPH in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2020.Methods: This study is quantitative research, an observative analytic study design with a cross-sectional approach was carried out at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek which was taken on October 16, 2020. The population was all patients in the Surgical Ward with total sampling. Data collection was obtained from secondary data from medical records. Data analysis was performed Univariate analysis (frequency distribution) and bivariate analysis with chi-square.Results: Respondents with BPH aged >50 years old were 32 respondents (97%) and respondents with BPH and hypertension were 20 respondents (60.6%). The results of the bivariate analysis using chi-square showed a significant relationship between BPH and age p value=0.000 (P<0.05) and the relationship between BPH and hypertension with p value=0.000 (p<0.05).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between BPH with age and hypertension with the occurrence of BPH in the Surgical polyclinic at RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek in 2020. Keywords: BPH, Age, Hypertension  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN USIA DAN HIPERTENSI TERHADAP KEJADIAN BPH DI RSUD Dr.H.ABDUL MOELOEK Pendahuluan: Lower Urinary Tractus Symptoms (LUTS) adalah masalah yang banyak dialami oleh laki-laki di seluruh dunia dan salah satu yang sering terjadi adalah Benigna Prostat Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH adalah kelainan histologis yang khas di tandai dengan proliferasi sel-sel prostat. Diperkirakan 50% laki-laki menunjukan histopatologi BPH pada umur 60 tahun dan meningkat 90% pada umur 80 tahun  Hipertensi juga diketahui memiliki peranan dalam peningkatan volume prostat yakni pada suatu penelitian cohort diketahui adanya hipertensi mengakibatkan peningkatan resiko sebanyak 1,5 kali untuk menimbulkan gejala LUTS/BPH.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan usia dan hipertensi terhadap kejadian BPH di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Tahun 2020Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian analitik observatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional telah dilakukan di RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung yang berlangsung pada 16 Oktober 2020. Populasi adalah seluruh pasien di Poli Bedah dengan pengambilan sampel secara total sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari rekam medis. Analisis data secara univariat (distribusi frekuensi) dan uji bivariat mengunakan chi squareHasil: Responden dengan BPH yang berusia >50 tahun sebanyak 32 responden (97%) dan responden dengan BPH dengan hipertensi sebanyak 20 responden (60,6%). Hasil Uji bivariat menggunakan chi square menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara BPH dengan usia diperoleh nilai p=0,000 (P<0,05) dan hubungan BPH dengan hipertensi nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara BPH dengan usia dan terdapat hubungan sgnifikan antara BPH dengan hipertensi di poli klinik bedah RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek tahun 2020.Kata kunci: BPH, Usia, Hipertensi

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Mahsa Esfehani ◽  
Bahareh Mohammad Zahraiee ◽  
Sepideh Arab ◽  
Fatemeh Hajmanoochehri ◽  
Mohammadtaghi Vatandoust

Objectives: This study was aimed to assess salivary sodium and potassium concentrations in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Methods: In this case-control study, saliva samples (5 cc) were collected from 13 patients with fixed orthodontic appliances before, and 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after the beginning of the orthodontic treatment using the spitting method. Saliva samples were also collected from 10 healthy individuals as controls. The saliva samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes and the salivary sodium and potassium concentrations were measured by spectrophotometry. Data were analyzed using independent and paired t-tests. P-value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The salivary sodium and potassium concentrations were almost the same in both groups at baseline (P > 0.05). A significant reduction in sodium and an increase in potassium levels were noted in the case group at 1 week compared with baseline (P < 0.001). At 1 week, the potassium concentration was significantly higher and the sodium concentration was significantly lower in the case group (P < 0.01). The salivary sodium significantly increased while the salivary potassium significantly decreased at 1 month compared with 1 week (P < 0.001). The differences with the control group were also significant (P < 0.05). No significant differences were noted between the two groups at 3 months (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Time has a significant effect on the release profile of sodium and potassium ions from orthodontic appliances. The salivary sodium and potassium concentrations returned to their normal pretreatment values within 3 months after the start of fixed orthodontic treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-216
Siska Indriyani ◽  
Alini Alini

Children under the age of five or under five are a group that is prone to nutrition, because they are prone to malnutrition due to lack of food needed. Malnutrition in children will cause decreased immunity, which means that the ability to defend themselves against bacterial infection decreases. Children who have less nutritional status have the potential to suffer from pyoderma. Lack of the amount of food consumed both in quality and quantity can reduce the nutritional status of children. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of pyoderma in toddlers (1-5 years) in Kuok Village, the working area of Puskesmas Kuok in 2020. This study used an analytical research design with a case control design. The sample in this study were 62 children (1-5 years). 31 samples for the case group and 31 samples for the control group. data collection through questionnaires. Data processing used univariate and bivariate analysis with the Chi-Square test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of pyoderma in toddlers (1-5 years) with p value = 0.001. By holding this research, the researchers expected parents of toddlers to pay more attention to the nutritional status of their children in order to avoid infectious diseases such as pyoderma.

Objective: Metastatic spread of tumor cells to distant organs is the leading cause of mortality from cancer. Although metastatic tumor spread can occur via a different mechanism. lymphangiogenic factors recognized were vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)–C and –D, which bind to a tyrosine kinase receptor, VEGF receptor (R)–3. Binding affinities to VEGFR-2 receptor increase on the lymphatic and blood endothelium therefore enables both growth factors to also exert lymphangiogenic and angiogenic effects and increased incidence of lymph node metastasis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the VEGF-C protein expression in cervical cancer cells and lymph vessels and found the relationship of this marker with lymphangiogensis of Iraqi cervical cancer samples. Method: In this study, expression of VEGF-C was noticed in 55 cervical samples by Immuno- histochemistry. 35 cases diagnosed as invasive cervical cancer in addition to 20 normal samples consider as control. Immunohistochemistry was performed and the cytoplasm level of VEGF-C was scored by the percentage of positive cells and intensity. Results: The present data evaluated the prognostic significance of VEGF-C to cervical cancer, cytoplasm staining was seen in 29 cases (82.9 %) in cervical cancer tissues. Only 4 out of 35 cases (11.4 %) displayed cytoplasmic and nuclear tissue. There is significant difference of VEGF-C staining in lymphatic vessels and cancer cells (χ2= 5.04, p = 0.023*) regarding to positive expression (20/ 57.1%), (25/ 71.4 %) respectively and negative VEGF-C staining 15 (42.9%), 10 (28.6 %) respectively. High positive percentage of VEGF-C expression in cytoplasm of malignant cases in score 2& 3 (25.7%, 45.7 %, P-value= 0.0392 *, 0.029* respectively) as compared to normal cases (15%, 30% respectively). Demographic criteria of patients revealed association with VEGF-C expression patterns. Differentiation Well + moderately and histologic type Squamous carcinoma showed significantly associated with VEGF-C (P=0.0071** & 0.0071** respectively). Positive VEGF-C staining in cancer cells had more lymphatic vessel (17/68 %) as compared to negative cases (3/30 %) with Chi-Square 8.263, p value= 0.0061**. Also, positive VEGF-C staining had more lymph node associated (9/36%) compared to negative cases (1/10 %) with Chi-Square 13.503, p value= 0.0001**. Conclusion: In conclusion, high expression of vascular endothelial growth factor was noticed in cervical cancer cells and lymph vascular invasion indicating the important role of this marker as prognostic factor for Iraqi cervical cancer. Additionally, these results suggested that VEGF-C promoted cervical cancer metastasis using immunohistochemistry technique. Our findings offer new vision into the role of VEGF-C in cervical cancer development and give potential target for study the lymphangiogensis of tumor in Iraqi women.

Adnan Adil Hismiogullari ◽  
Gurhan Guney ◽  
Mine Islimye Taşkın ◽  
Berna Güngörmus

Objectives: ADAMTS (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin repeats) proteinases, which are released outside the cell (soluble) have very critical roles in damage and repair of extracellular matrix (ECM) processes. Our aim was to analyse the ADAMTS-1 and ADAMTS-9 which were the member of the ADAMTS gene family of metalloproteinases that might had been involved in the cytokines-mediated etiopathogenesis of endometriosis. Methods: A case-control study was performed in an university hospital. Thirty-four patient with endometriosis which was defined via laparoscopy and thirty-three healthy female volunteers were recruited in the present study. Serum ADAMTS-1 and ADAMTS-9 and IL-beta (IL-1 β) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels were determined by a human enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) in all subjects. Results: The demographic characteristics of the patients were significantly higher than healthy control group. The IL-1 β and VEGF levels were significantly higher; ADAMTS-1 and ADAMTS-9 levels were significantly lower in the endometriosis patients compared to the controls. We also found a negative correlation between ADAMTS-1, ADAMTS-9, and IL-1 β, VEGF. Conclusion: The results of the study might suggest that ADAMS-1 and ADAMTS-9 have a role in the pathogenesis of the endometriosis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Oessi Salsabila ◽  
Muhammad Ali Shodikin ◽  
Dwita Aryadina Rachmawati

Dengue Shock Syndrome is a medical emergency situation caused by shocking DHF. Some factors that can influence the DSS. The purpose of this research know some risk factors that might cause DSS. Those are age, nutritional status, gender, and amount of platelet and hematocrit. This research was retrospective case control doing in dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember. The sample were divided into 2 groups. Those were DSS (case group) and non-DSS group (control group). Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test using SPSS 21 version. These were 136 patients which were divided into 94 patients of control group and 42 patients of case group. In this research, there were p-value for ages, nutritional status, gender, amount of platelet and hematocrit on each 0,450; 0,490; 0,198; 0,001; 0,007 respectively. In this search, it could be concluded that age, nutritional status, and gender were not significantly related to DSS case although amount of platelet and hematocrit were significantly related to DSS case.Keywords:dengue shock syndrome, age, nutritional status, gender, hematocrit, platelet.

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