scholarly journals Analisis Physical Fitness Terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Linda Susila

Tujuan Penelitian. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh komponen fisik (fhysical fitness) yang meliputi kecepatan, daya ledak tungkai dan keseimbangan terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan teknik regresi memberikan gambaran umum tentang kelincahan, daya ledak tungkai dan keseimbangan dengan kemampuan lompat jauh. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan berjumlah 40 orang. Dengan teknih random sampling, dengan data diolah menggunakan teknik korelasi melalui bantuan program SPSS. Hasil Penelitian. Dari analisis data yang diperoleh hasilnya:  (1). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan kecepatan Terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh, dengan nilai  r hitung (r0) =  0,687 (P < 0,05) dengan nilai kontribusi 47,2%  (2). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan daya ledak tungkai terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh. dengan nilai  r hitung (r0) =  0,504 (P < 0,05) dengan nilai kontribusi 25,4%   (3). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan keseimbangan Kemampuan Lompat Jauh, dengan nilai  r hitung (r0) =  0,415 (P < 0,05) dengan nilai kontribusi 17,2%  (4). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara bersama-sama ditinjau dari kecepatan, daya ledak tungkai, keseimbangan terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh, dengan nilai nilai  r hitung (r0) =  0,725 (P < 0,05) dengan nilai kontribusi 52,6%. Kesimpulan. Dari hasil pengolahan data, menunjukkan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dari  analisis data yaitu kecepatan, daya ledak tungkai dan keseimbangan terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Intan Galih Cornia ◽  
Merryana Adriani

Background: Taekwondo is a physical activity or body movement that is conducted repeatedly with muscles as the most active organ. The problems that occurs to the athletes is the poor-organized consumption pattern, thus they lack of nutritional intake. The good nutritional intake is obtained from the sufficient nutritional intake so that the physical fitness becomes better. Meanwhile, young adults require sufficient nutritional intake so that their physical fitness can be better.Objective: This research aimed to analyze the relationship between the nutritional intake and nutrition status with the physical fitness of the university students joining the student activity unit of taekwondo in Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.Methods: This research was the analytical research with the cross-sectional design. The sample of the research was as many as 52 people who were acquired by utilizing the simple random sampling. The data collection included nutritional status by measuring the weight and height to figure out the Body Mass Index (BMI) and 2x24 hours food recall to understand the food intake.Results: The result demonstrated that there was a relationship between the nutritional status (p=0.014) and the intake of energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat (p=0.05) had no relationship with the physical fitness.Conclusions: It could that the nutritional status was related to the physical fitness. The respondents who had normal nutrition status obtained the good physical fitness. There should be the addition of information regarding the nutrients to obtain the good nutritional status.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Taekwondo merupakan aktivitas fisik atau gerakan anggota tubuh yang dilakukan secara berulang dan organ yang paling aktif yaitu otot. Permasalah yang sering terjadi pada olahragawan yaitu suka konsumsi makanan yang tidak teratur sehingga asupan gizinya kurang tercukupi. Asupan gizi yang baik diperoleh dari asupan gizi yang cukup sehingga kebugaran jasmaninya baik.Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara asupan zat gizi makro dan status gizi dengan kebugaran jasmani mahasiswa UKM taekwondo.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 52 orang, diambil secara acak sederhana menggunakan simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data meliputi status gizi dengan cara penimbangan berat dan pengukuran tinggi badan untuk mengetahui Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), food recall 2x24 untuk mengetahui asupan makannya dan tes balke untuk kebugaran jasmani. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan kolerasi pearson.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara status gizi (p=0,014) dengan kebugaran jasmani sedangkan asupan energi, protein, karbohidrat dan lemak (P=0,05) tidak terdapat hubungan dengan kebugaran jasmani.Kesimpulan: Status gizi berhubungan dengan kebugaran jasmani. Responden yang memiliki status gizi normal cenderung memiliki kebugaran jasmani yang baik. Perlu dilakukan penambahan informasi terkait zat gizi agar tercipta status gizi yang baik.

Makbullah ◽  
Made Muliarta ◽  
Gde Ngurah Indraguna Pinatih ◽  
Luh Made Indah Sri Handari Adiputra ◽  
Ida Bagus Ngurah ◽  

This research based on practice at junior high school, while physical education lesson we found that the physical fitness of the student are weak. Physical fitness is ability of someone to doing physical activity or make some move in periodic time without have a terrible tired and still have rest of power to dounexpected work.The aims of this research is to knowing the fitness of students who has following the physical education and extracurricular sport more better then the usual student. This research is observational analytic with cross sectional method. Location of this research in 02 masbagik junior high school and using 66 sample divided into 2 groups by random sampling, 33 are usual student, and 33 student that have an extracurricular lesson. Based on analyze of SPSS confirmed that the physical fitness of student that have an extracurricular was better than usual student by 1000 M distance of running test. The usual student got 7,2667±2,12584 minute with median 6,4300 (p = 0,001) while the extra student got 5,4297±1,19317 minute median 5,2300. Based on this research we can confirmed that the level of physical fitness of the student who have the extra lesson was better than the usual student who haven’t the extra lesson.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Meiriani Armen

The research aims to explain differences in physical fitness level of student SD Negeri 13 Muara Siberut with siswa SD Negeri 06 Rogdog subdistrict South Siberut. This type of research is computational. The population in this study is a classroom V SD Negeri 13 Muara Siberut dengan SD Negeri 06 Rogdog subdistrict South Siberut. Techniques used in the sampling is random sampling technique, which is sampling conditional. Thus the number of samples in this study is much 25 people female student. Techniques of data retrieval is done by testing TKJI (Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia) or the level of physical fitness Indonesia. Data were analyzed using mean difference test or t-test. The data analysis technique used is the difference (t-test). By using t-test, apparently there are thitung (2,26) while talpha (1,88) with level 0,05 mean thitung (2,66) > talpha (1,88) so that  Ho rejected  dan Ha be accepted, so in conclusion there are different level of physical fitness of student SD Negeri 13 Muara Siberut dengan SD Negeri 06 Rogdog subdistrict  South Siberut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hanif Badri

Based on the observations that conducted by the researcher in the field earlier showed that the active daily motion activities of students Senior High School state 10 Padang was very less and was expected to effect the achievement of their health and physical fitness negatively. The purpose of this study was to assess the sports activities of the students of senior High School state 10 Padang. The research used quantitative approach and designed descriptively. Numbers of the population were 854 students which were consist of boy and girl Student Senior High School State 10 Padang. The Sample was taken by Stratified Random Sampling Technique which totally are 129 students. Data was collected by questionnaire, observation and interviews, and analyzed with descriptive techniques. The results of the analysis of student sports activities of the Senior High School State 10 Padang showed that (1) most of students were very participate in sport activities in physical Education learning, (2) most of the students were participate in extracurricular learning, (3)most of the student were participate in exercise activities outside the school structurally, (4) most of the students were participate moderately in sports activities outside the school are unstructured, (5) most of the students had very high active in to sport activities and most of them felt the benefits of Exercise activities. Keywords : Students 'Sport Activities

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Nizamuddin Nur Ramadaniawan ◽  
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto ◽  
Siswandari Siswandari

The objective of this study is to investigate anthropometric factors and physical fitness as determinants of futsal dribbling and passing skills of students aged 12-15 years. The population of this study was all extracurricular futsal players in Surakarta with a sample of 50 students obtained by simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were tests and measurements. The data were analyzed with testing factor confirmatory analysis with the help of SPPS and Amos 21 program. The results of hypothesis testing proved that the overall anthropometric factors and physical fitness had a relationship to the skills of futsal dribbling and passing. The factors include: (1) Foot length with a regression coefficient value of 0.689, (2) Coordination with a regression coefficient value of 0.453, (3) Speed with a regression coefficient value of 0.237, (4) Endurance with a regression coefficient value of 0.229, (5) Flexibility with a regression coefficient value of 0.220, (6) Balance with a regression coefficient value of 0.237, and (7) Limb length with a regression coefficient value of -726. It can be concluded that the dominant factor to determine futsal dribbling and passing skills for 12-15 years old students is foot length.

2018 ◽  
Anggun Permata Sari ◽  
Umar ◽  

Problems in students SMP N Bukik Barisan shows the learning result of the students towards Physical Sports And Health Education is still below average. The learning result of students at SMP N Bukik Barisan affected by many factors, which are influenced by the study motivation and parens attention, and also the physical fitness. The purpose of this research is to find out the direct and indirect effect between variation of learning motivation, parental care, and the physical fitness towards the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education. The research method is quantitative approach path analysis. The population are all the students at SMP N 1 Bukik Barisan and all the students at SMP N 3 Bukik Barisan of the year 2015/2016 which are in total of 129 students. The sampling method is done by using Proportional Stratified Random Sampling, with 91 students as the sample. The data collected by using the questionnaire for study motivation and parents attention, physical fitness test for physical fitness and the test result of the semester II for the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education. The results of data analysis shows that : (1) The study motivation directly effect towards the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education about 15%. (2) The parents attention didnt directly effect to the learning result of Physical Sport And Health Education. (3) The physical fitness directly effect towards the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education about 62,1%. (4) The study motivation and physical fitness indirectly effect towards the result of Physical Sports And Health Education about 19,2%. (5) Parents attention and physical fitness didnt indirectly effect toward the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education. (6) Parents attention and study motivation indirectly influenced towards the learning result of Physical Sports And Health Education about 16,9%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Teguh Santoso

The study motivated the tendency of students to drop out of classes where they often had to leave as Indonesia awaits transmission of the Covid19 virus. This study was to determine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical fitness of  SMA Negeri 1 Guntur students. Researchers used a quantitative approach. All participants in this study were students of SMA Negeri 1 Guntur. The sampling technique in this study used three grades of random sampling technique including Grade X, XI, and XII from SMA Negeri 1 Guntur. To examine the results, the researchers used two Likert questionnaires as data collection tools: the fitness questionnaire and the athletic questionnaire during the pandemic. The analysis of the data used is Karl Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Method, which seeks to test the correlation between athletic training and fitness during a pandemic. The results showed the linearity test results obtained by Sig. If the linearity deviation > 0.05 or 0.632 > 0.05, there is a relationship between athletic variables and fitness during the pandemic. For correlation tests, see Sig. (2 tails) <0.05 or Sig value. (2 tails) is 0.000 & lt; 0.05, indicating that there is a correlation between physical education variables and students' physical fitness during the pandemic. SMAN 1 Guntur, Demak Regency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Elok Dwi Anggitasari ◽  
Fillah Fithra Dieny ◽  
Aryu Candra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan somatotype dengan kesegaran jasmnai atlet sepak bola. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 42 subjek dipilih secara random sampling. Data somatotype didapatkan dari pengukuran antropometri terdiri dari berat badan, tinggi badan, trisep, suprailiaca, subscapular, calf skinfold, humerus width, fumerus width, dan flixed arm girth yang dihitung dengan metode antropometri Heath-Carter untuk menghasilkan skor somatotype yaitu endomorph, mesomorph, dan ectomorph. Data kesegaran jasmani diperoleh dengan tes ACSPFT (Asian Committee on the Standarization of Physical Fitness Test) terdiri dari tes kecepatan, daya ledak otot, ketangkasan, kelenturan, dan kekuatan. Data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan metode food recall 3x24 jam. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square dan kolmogorov-smirnov. Dari semua subjek diperoleh 19% memiliki tipe tubuh endomorph, 26.2% mesomorph, dan 54.8% ectomorph. Secara keseluruhan subjek memiliki kesegaran jasmani 73.8% baik, 21.4% sedang, dan 4.8 % kurang. Ada hubungan somatotype dengan kecepatan (p=0,034), daya ledak otot (p=0.0001), ketangkasan (p=0.0001), kelenturan (p=0.041), kekuatan (p=0.003) dan kesegaran jasmani (p=0.045). Tipe ectomorph dan dan mesomorph memiliki komponen kesegaran jasmani lebih baik dibandingkan tipe endomorph. Asupan energi (p=0.035) dan somatotype (p=0.045) merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kesegaran jasmani  Correlation of Somatotype with Physical Fitness of Football AthletesAbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the correlation of somatotype with physical fitness in football athletes. A cross sectional study with 42 subjects was selected by random sampling. Somatotype assessed with anthropometric measurements consists of weight, height, tricep, suprailiaca, subscapular, skinfold calf, humerus width, fumerus width, flixed arm girth. The somatotype components were calculating Heath-Carter anthropometric method to obtained somatotype score endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Physical fitness were obtained by the ACSPFT (Asian Committee on the Standarization of Physical Fitness Test) consists of speed, muscular explosive power, agility, flexibility, and strength. Data of nutrient intake were obtained by food recall method 3x24 hours. Data analyzed by chi-square and kolmogorov-smirnov test. Subjects were 19% endomorph, 26.2% mesomorph, and 54.8% ectomorph. Overall subjects had a good physical fitness 73.8%, 21.4% moderate, and 4.8% less. There were various somatotype correlation with speed (p=0.034), muscle explosive power (p=0.0001), agility (p=0.0001), flexibility (p=0.041), strength (p=0.003) and physical fitness (p=0.045). The ectomorph and mesomorph types had better physical fitness components than the endomorph type. Energy intake (p=0.035) and somatotype (p=0.045) were the most influential variables on physical fitness.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Irfan Irfan

Abstract: The objective of this Research are to discover the correlation of motor ability, potential academic, physical fitness and learning motivation of learning achievement. This research was conducted by path analysis design. 100 students of FIK UNM Makassar were selected of 200 students by using simpel random sampling. Research findings reveal that ten of research hypotheses were supported, i.e. (H.1) there was an effect of motor ability on learning motivation students; (H.2) there was an effect of potential academic on learning motivation students; (H.3) there was an effect of physical fitness on learning motivation students; (H.4) there was an effect of motor ability on learning achievement students; (H.5) there was an effect of potential academic on learning achievement students; (H.6) there was an effect of physical fitness on learning achievement students; (H.7) there was an effect of learning motivation on learning achievement students; (H.8) there was an effect of motor ability on learning achievement by learning motivation students; (H.9) there was an effect of potential academic on learning achievement by learning motivaton students; (H.10) there was an effect of physical fitness on learning achievement by learning motivation student. Unsupported hypotheses were; (H.5) there was not an effect of potential academic on learning achievement students, (H.9) there was not an effect of potential academic on learning achievement by learning motivation students. The conclusion of this Research is that the learning motivation and learning achievement can increased by improving of motor ability, potential academic and physical fitness Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan korelasi kemampuan motorik, potensi akademik, kebugaran fisik dan motivasi prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan analisis jalur desain. 100 siswa dari FIK UNM Makassar dipilih dari 200 siswa dengan menggunakan simpel random sampling. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sepuluh hipotesis penelitian yang didukung, yaitu (H.1) ada pengaruh kemampuan motorik pada motivasi belajar siswa; (H.2) ada pengaruh dari potensi akademik terhadap motivasi belajar siswa; (H.3) ada pengaruh dari kebugaran fisik pada motivasi belajar siswa; (H.4) ada pengaruh kemampuan motorik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (H.5) ada pengaruh dari potensi akademik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (H.6) ada pengaruh dari kebugaran fisik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (H.7) ada pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (H.8) ada pengaruh kemampuan motorik terhadap prestasi belajar dengan motivasi belajar siswa; (H.9) ada pengaruh dari potensi akademik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dengan motivasi belajar; (H.10) ada pengaruh efek kebugaran fisik terhadap prestasi belajar dengan motivasi belajar siswa. Hipotesis yang tidak didukung adalah; (H.5) tidak ada pengaruh dari potensi akademik terhadap hasil belajar siswa, (H.9) tidak ada pengaruh potensi akademik terhadap prestasi belajar dengan motivasi belajar siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar dapat meningkat dengan meningkatkan kemampuan motorik, potensi akademik dan kebugaran fisik.

Geo Adam ◽  
Citra Resita

The problem in this study is the low level of physical fitness of class X students of SMK Negeri 1 Cikampek. This research aims to know the influence of rhythm gymnastics activity against physical fitness level. This research uses experimental methods with quantitative approach. The population in this research totalled 622 students. Sample research amounted to 29 students with engineering cluster random sampling. The collection of data on research uses of physical fitness test Indonesia. The data were analyzed using t-test with the results of the calculation of t-count of 7.07 compared to t-table 2.16. The results showed that there is the influence of rhythm gymnastics activity against physical fitness level.

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