scholarly journals Peran Dan Fungsi Sosial Masjid Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Keagamaan Masyarakat Desa Palalangan

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-141

The mosque is a vital tool for Muslims in carrying out daily, weekly, and annual ritual worship. The mosque is a symbol of Islamic civilization. In essence, mosques can function as social facilities to mobilize, empower, and improve the quality of society. The sacredness of the mosque as the center of a place of worship in an area becomes a magnet in itself and can be used as capital in improving the quality of mosque congregations through activities with transcendental spiritual nuances. This study discusses the role and social function of the mosque as part of the religious system and social institutions. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. The results of the study indicate that the mosque can carry out its social roles and functions well as a center for community religious activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Partono Partono

<p class="05Abstrak">Abstract</p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">The purpose of this study is to find out about the efforts or strategies for implementing teacher professionalism during the pandemic because learning activities are no longer carried out face-to-face but are completely digital / online. This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach that tries to explore the meaning of teacher professionalism as a step to develop the quality of educational institutions while still adjusting educational goals. The results of this study indicate that the majority of MI Hikmatun Najah teachers can implement their professionalism through online learning properly and right. They still carry out their duties and obligations in a professional manner even though the learning process is online / online. This research also shows that teachers can put their professionalism in accordance with the place and conditions.</p><p class="061AbstrakIndonesia">Abstrak</p><p class="05Abstrak">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang upaya-upaya atau strategi implementasi profesionalisme guru pada masa pandemi dikarenakan kegiatan pembelajaran tidak lagi dilakukan dengan tatap muka melainkan dengan serba digital/online. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang mencoba mengeksplorasi makna profesionalisme guru sebagai langkah mengembangkan mutu lembaga pendidikan dengan tetap menyesuaikan tujuan pendidikan.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas guru MI Hikmatun Najah dapat mengimplementasikan sikap profesionalisme mereka melalui pembelajaran online dengan baik dan tepat. Mereka tetap melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban mereka secara profesional walaupun proses pembelajaran melalui online/daring. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa para guru dapat menempatkan sikap profesionalisme mereka sesuai dengan tempat dan kondisi.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Mohamad Yasin Yusuf

<p class="IIABSBARU">Muslims around the world mostly was under the domination of the West in the mastery of science and technology. Establishing educational institutions that are based on science and technology is one of the ways to solve the problem.This study had the purpose to examine the epistemology of science in the teaching system in SMA Trensains boarding school Tebuireng Jombang. Applying the method of field research through qualitative approach and philosophical analyses, this study revealed that SMA Trensains Tebuireng Jombang applied "Islamic Science" in which science is constructed based on the revelation of God. It is meant that in Islamic epistemology, revelation and the Sunnah are the sources which are inspiring for building sciences. It is hoped that the building the Islamic epistemology of science will bear pious Muslim generation in religious field and proficient in science and technology, and it will impact to the glory of Islamic civilization in the future.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p>Pada umumnya, umat Islam di dunia ini berada di bawah dominasi Barat dalam penguasaan ilmu dan teknologi. Pendirian lembaga pendidikan yang didasarkan pada ilmu dan teknologi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti epistemologi ilmu dalam sistem pengajaran di SMA Trensains di pondok Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan dan dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif serta analisis filosofis, kajian ini menemukan bahwa SMA Trensains Tebuireng Jombang menerapkan Sains Islam, di mana ilmu dibangun berdasar wahyu Tuhan. Maksudnya adalah bahwa dalam epistemologi Islam wahyu dan sunnah adalah sumber yang memberikan inspirasi bagi pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan. Diharapkan pembangunan epistemologi Islam untuk ilmu penge­tahuan akan melahirkan generasi Muslim yang shalih dalam bidang agama dan ahli dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan dampak bagi kejayaan peradaban Islam di masa yang akan datang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nazari Mahda ◽  
Fuad Ramly ◽  
Raina Wildan

The article is based on a research report (field research) which aims to examine the understanding, efforts and influence of wirid yasin practice on women's spiritual awareness in Sawang District, South Aceh Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach, data collected through documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and supported by interpretation and triangulation of data. This study concludes that women in Sawang Subdistrict recognize wirid yasin as a tradition to improve the quality of their faith, religious knowledge, brotherhood and blessings. The revitalization of wirid yasin is carried out not only by establishing educational programs and teaching religious knowledge, but also by improving the quality of wirid yasin practice. This practice has succeeded in increasing spiritual awareness among women, in terms of increasing their piety, obedience to worship, muraqabah and gratitude to Allah in living their daily lives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Annissa Valentina ◽  
Kusuma Wardany ◽  
Sulis Anjarwati

This research aim to know empowerment community of fisherman in Margasari village, Labuhan Maringgai, Lampung Timur. It affected the improvement life quality of the community of fisherman, through participation that means they realized development activity did not only about Government either community participation for quality improvement. This research is field research. Method research that is used in this research is the qualitative approach. Analysis of data used was qualitative with the conclusion of data used inductive. This research indicates that the empowerment level in this village is very low because fisherman did not include in empowerment activity. Most of the fishermen need to be empowered but need a strategy that involved not only one step of implementation but also planning, implementation, until evaluation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 278
Nurbayani Nurbayani

The method of developing self-image in the context of psychological education is character building based on the concept of Islamic education based on unity and discipline. Integrated Dayah Integrated Law in an effort to develop its image emphasizes the integration of values, namely knowledge transformation, skills development, and value planting. The research instrument used was an open interview aimed at obtaining multiple perspectives on motivation to participate in religious activities. This is based on efforts to improve the quality of religious teachers as a top priority. The results showed that the imagery of the Integrated Dayah Ustad can be realized in the life of the dayah because it is influenced by the internal and external factors of the family, namely the influence outside the home or social institutions that support the community. However, the existence of dayah leaders who remain in their hearts, namely educating and passing on their knowledge and modeling them to other religious teachers, will show that the image of the Integrated Dayah ustaz still exists in contemporary society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Effendi Yusuf

Penelitian ini mengkaji kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMA N 4 Magelang dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spiritual SMA N 4 Magelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan penelitian di lapangan (field research). Teknik pengumpulan data, berupa observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, yakni ROHIS sebagai lembaga yang ada di sekolahan yang memiliki kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan. Kegiatan tersebut berimplikasi pada pengembangan pengetahuan dan wawasan agama Islam peserta didik yang kurang tergarap pada kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran Pendidikan agama Islam di kelas. ROHIS juga membantu siswa dalam menggali potensi diri, kreativitas, pengalaman keagamaan dan menguatkan keimanan.[The paper examines extracurricular at SMA N 4 Magelang in developing emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The study uses a qualitative approach in the field (field research). Data collection techniques, in the form of observation, documentation, and interviews. The conclusion talks ROHIS as an institution in schools that have religious activities. These activities have implications for the development of knowledge and insight into spiritual faith students who have not been explored in religious worship with learning activities in the classroom. ROHIS also helps students to explore their potential, creativity, religious experiences and strengthen their faith.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-50
Dewi Hariyani ◽  
Ainur Rafik

Membentuk kepribadian anak memiliki moral yang baik sangat penting. Apalagi di zaman sekarang semuanya serba canggih dan dengan mudahnya mempengaruhi anak-anak meninggalkan kewajiban untuk belajar dan kegiatan selayaknya seorang muslim. Menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut MA Darul Hikam Kertonegoro Jenggawah Jember menerapkan pembiasaan kegiatan keagamaan dalam membentuk karakter religius. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pembiasaan kegiatan keagamaan dalam membentuk karakter religius. Penelian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis field research. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles, Huberman dan Saldana. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) pembiasaan sholat dhuha dalam membentuk karakter religius yaitu membiasakan siswa tepat waktu, berjama’ah, dan khusyuk dalam beribadah; 2) pembiasaan kegiatan pembacaan asmaul husna dalam membentuk karakter religius membiasakan siswa untuk berdzikir serta membiasakan siswa untuk disiplin dan tanggung jawab dalam menghafal nama-nama Allah; 3) pembiasaan kegiatan khotmil Qur’an dalam membentuk karakter religius yaitu saling bekerjasama dalam mengkhatamkan Al-Qur’an serta membiasakan siswa untuk selalu membaca Al-Qur’an; 4) pembiasaan kegiatan pembelajaran terjemah Al-Qur’an dalam membentuk karakter religius yaitu membiasakan siswa untuk lebih cermat, seksama serta sungguh-sungguh dalam menerjemah Al-Qur’an sehingga mampu memahami kitab Allah dan mampu memperbaiki tingkah lakunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: pembiasaan kegiatan keagamaan, karakter religius Forming a child's personality to have good morals is very important. Moreover, in this day and age everything is very sophisticated and it easily influences children to leave the obligation to study and do activities like a Muslim. Overcoming these problems MA darul hikam Kertonegoro Jenggawah Jember implements the habituation of religious activities in shaping religious character. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of research file. data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using interactive models of miles, huberman, and saldana. The validity of the data used source and technique triangulation. The results of this study are 1) the habituation of Duha prayer in forming religious characters, namely accustoming students to being on time, in congregation and being devoted to worship, 2) habituation of reading Asmaul Husna in forming religious characters accustom students to dzikir and accustom students to discipline and responsibility in memorizing the names of Allah, 3) habituation of Qur'anic khotmil activities in shaping religious character, namely working together in understanding the Koran and accustoming students to always reading the Qur’an, 4) habituation of learning activities to translate the Qur’an in forming religious characters, namely accustom students to be more careful and earnest in translating the Qur'an so that they are able to understand the book of Allah and be able to improve their behavior in everyday life. Keywords: habituation of religious activities, religious character

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-44
Lina Agustina

This article aims to examine the contribution of Islamic University Malang (Unisma) as a private Islamic tertiary institution in developing Islamic civilization in Indonesia. To be more focused, the author limits the discussion to improving the quality of lectures and the concept of Islamization of science in building Islamic civilization in Indonesia. This article uses a qualitative approach and explores Malang Islamic University as an object of study. The results of the study show that improving the quality of lectures at Unisma as a private Islamic tertiary institution can be done in various ways. The strategies used in the lecture process are based on andragogical values that are relevant to the needs of students. The principles of lectures prioritize the potential of students and are directed towards the development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of students in a balanced manner. Unisma, as a private Islamic tertiary institution, demonstrates its capabilities in developing Indonesian Islamic civilization. This can be seen from the increasing number of institutional cooperation with various institutions both from within and outside the country. Unisma is also the only campus in East Java that carries the values of multicultural education. This is evidenced by the implementation of a multicultural PAI doctoral program and many Unisma students who come from various ethnic groups, religions and classes. Moreover, campus policies also lead to the empowerment of graduates. Unisma graduates are truly empowered optimally in accordance with their respective field. Thus, the spirit of intellect and religiosity can penetrate in various lines of Islamic civilization.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Mohamad Yasin Yusuf

<p class="IIABSBARU">Muslims around the world mostly was under the domination of the West in the mastery of science and technology. Establishing educational institutions that are based on science and technology is one of the ways to solve the problem.This study had the purpose to examine the epistemology of science in the teaching system in SMA Trensains boarding school Tebuireng Jombang. Applying the method of field research through qualitative approach and philosophical analyses, this study revealed that SMA Trensains Tebuireng Jombang applied "Islamic Science" in which science is constructed based on the revelation of God. It is meant that in Islamic epistemology, revelation and the Sunnah are the sources which are inspiring for building sciences. It is hoped that the building the Islamic epistemology of science will bear pious Muslim generation in religious field and proficient in science and technology, and it will impact to the glory of Islamic civilization in the future.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p>Pada umumnya, umat Islam di dunia ini berada di bawah dominasi Barat dalam penguasaan ilmu dan teknologi. Pendirian lembaga pendidikan yang didasarkan pada ilmu dan teknologi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti epistemologi ilmu dalam sistem pengajaran di SMA Trensains di pondok Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan dan dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif serta analisis filosofis, kajian ini menemukan bahwa SMA Trensains Tebuireng Jombang menerapkan Sains Islam, di mana ilmu dibangun berdasar wahyu Tuhan. Maksudnya adalah bahwa dalam epistemologi Islam wahyu dan sunnah adalah sumber yang memberikan inspirasi bagi pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan. Diharapkan pembangunan epistemologi Islam untuk ilmu penge­tahuan akan melahirkan generasi Muslim yang shalih dalam bidang agama dan ahli dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan dampak bagi kejayaan peradaban Islam di masa yang akan datang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-124
Istkomah Istkomah ◽  
Dzulfikar Akbar Romadlon ◽  
Budi Hariyanto

The focus of Muhammadiyah, as stated in its AD/ART, is the da'wa of Islam "amar ma'ruf nahi munkar." Developing the quality of the mosques is essential in developing da'wah activities because the mosque is the center of Muslim religious activities. This article will discuss the da'wah strategy of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo by developing the Muhammadiyah Mosque through FKMMS. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection methods through observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion is that in determining its da'wah strategy, FKMMS analyzes the state of SWOT so that the policy is capable of optimizing strengths and opportunities, as well as minimizing weaknesses and threats. Strategies undertaken by FKMMS include: fostering and strengthening Muhammadiyah ideology, fostering mosque management for takmir, collecting mosque data, encouraging the use of information technology in mosques for da'wah activities, encouraging the use of Muhammadiyah preachers (KMM), creating exciting mosque youth activities, and forming preaching networks through FKMMS per-regional. Each strategy implemented will be evaluated for its achievements, while the strategies that have not been applied will be discussed further about its implementation.   Fokus dari Muhammadiyah, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam AD/ART-nya, adalah dakwah Islam amar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Mengembangkan kualitas masjid merupakan hal yang terpenting dalam meningkatkan kegiatan dakwah, karena masjid adalah pusat kegiatan dari umat Islam. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang strategi dakwah Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo dengan membina dan mengembangkan Masjid Muhammadiyah melalui “Forum Komunikasi Masjid Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo” (FKMMS). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, interview (wawancara), dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, bahwa dalam menentukan strategi dakwahnya, FKMMS menganalisa keadaan SWOT agar strategi yang dijalankan benar-benar mampu mengoptimalkan kekuatan dan kesempatan, serta meminimalisir kelemahan dan ancaman. Strategi yang dijalankan oleh FKMMS, diantaranya: melakukan pembinaan ideologi Muhammadiyah dan pembinaan manajemen masjid untuk takmir masjid, melakukan pendataan masjid, mendorong penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam dakwah di masjid-masjid, mendorong penggunaan mubaligh Muhammadiyah, menciptakan kegiatan remaja masjid yang mengasyikkan, dan membentuk jaringan dakwah melalui FKMMS per-regional. Setiap strategi yang dijalankan akan dievaluasi ketercapaiannya, sedangkan strategi yang belum dilaksanakan akan dibahas lebih detail lagi tentang implementasinya

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