2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Murjani Murjani

This research is a literature review, in which the results of the study found that; First, the concept of terbiyah, tazkiyah and ta'dib is a complete unit within the framework of building Islamic education. Tarbiyah contains the content of conscious efforts to maintain, develop all human potential in accordance with their nature and comprehensive protection of their human rights. Meanwhile, tazkiyah cleanses the soul of despicable qualities and fills it with commendable qualities. Ta'dib is a process of developing personality and moral (affective) and ethical attitudes in life. Second, Tarbiyah, tazkiyah and ta'dib essentially both refer to the maintenance, protection and development of the overall potential of human beings towards human perfection itself (insan al-kamil). Therefore, in its application these three things must be able to work together to achieve the goals of Islamic education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Suminto Suminto

The psychological principle of education can be understood as truth which is the basis or basis for thinking, both at the planning, implementation and evaluation stages of knowledge based on theories from psychology. Therefore, it becomes essential in understanding education, that education also has principles as a place and foothold that is upright, upright in material, upright in interaction, upright in innovation, or honest in its ideals. The type of research used is library research. The content analysis is used as an analysis method in this study. The results of this study can be concluded that: (1) The concept of psychological principles in Islamic education according to Hasan Langgulung is by emphasizing the theory of the learning process and the idea of human creation according to the Islamic view, which includes the nature of creation, essential human potential, cognitive and psychological growth and development and human spirit, so that it can be understood that human beings are creatures consisting of elements of Islamic and spiritual. (2) The implication of the concept of psychological principles in Islamic education is to view learning as a process in preparing the young generation so that they can act as the next generation, transferring knowledge and Islamic values ​​so that they are aligned with the purpose of the human being created, as well as in their daily behaviour. Therefore, in the process of education must pay attention to the development of the soul, as well as the growth of the body of students by referring to the basis, objectives, curriculum, material, and evaluation that carry human functions as abid and khalifatullah which are decorated with righteous deeds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-157
Nur Khoironi ◽  
Abdul Muhid ◽  

This scientific work is the result of a literature review about efforts to popularized pluralism awareness through the approach of Islamic education. As we know, that pluralism is a reality that really occurs in our daily lives, both in religion, culture, education, race and ethnic. The existence of diversity is nothing that become a part of sunnatullāh. That is, diversity is the part of God‟s will as the creator of human beings and all life in the universe. Of course, with the aim of making the positive side of the difference taken as a guide for cooperation, selfintrospection, and help. Because, if God wants a uniformity then surely Allah will make a single human, one tribe, one nation, one religion, but in fact it is not. In the holy Qur‟ān, God explicitly states that deliberately makes us diverse so that we able to know each other. In Indonesian context, awareness of diversity needs to be and must continue to be maintained for the integrity of the nation and state, as the Prophet Muhammad kept the integrity of Medina city above the differences in religion, ethnic, race and tribe.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Ahmad Syaripudin ◽  
Abas Asyafah ◽  
Udin Supriadi

Essentially, education is the process of optimally guiding and developing human potentials, both the soul and mind or heart. Alquran provides comprehensive and integrative guidance for human beings in terms of their education, where there is no dichotomy, but rather unity and totality. The proof of this perfection of Alquran is reflected in the education concept from history of Nabi Khidir as with Nabi Musa as. In this research, the researcher attempts to explore and understand the education concept from history of Nabi Khidir as with Nabi Musa as in Alquran by referencing Tafsir Mu’tabaroħ. It adopted qualitative approach, employing the procedural methods of tahlīlī  and muqāran, with literature review as data collection technique. The data were analyzed textually, employing dilālaħ and munāsabaḥ. The implications of this history of Nabi Khidir as with Nabi Musa as concept on Islamic education concep apply to: educators, students, goals, roles, principles, methods, materials, and media of education.Pendidikan merupakan proses pembinaan dan pengembangan potensi manusia secara optimal, baik menyangkut jiwa, akal dan hatinya. Alquran memberikan bimbingan secara komprehensif dan integratif terhadap manusia dalam kaitannya terhadap pendidikan, di mana tidak ada dikotomi, melainkan kesatuan dan keseluruhan dalam pendidikan. Bukti dari kesempurnaan Alquran tersebut tergambar pada konsep pendidikan pada kisah Nabi Khidir as dengan Nabi Musa as. Di dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berupaya menggali dan memahami konsep pendidikan pada kisah Nabi Khidir as dengan Nabi Musa as dalam Alquran dengan merujuk kepada Kitab Tafsir  Mu’tabaroħ. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan secara prosedural metode yang digunakan adalah metode tahlīlī dan muqāran, dengan teknik studi pustaka dalam pengumpulkan data. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis teks dengan menggunakan dilālaħ dan munāsabaḥ. Adapun implikasi konsep pendidikan pada kisah Nabi Khidir as dengan Nabi Musa as dalam Alquran terhadap konsep pendidikan Islam meliputi; pendidik, peserta didik, tujuan, metode, materi dan media pendidikan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 71-80
Alamsyah Alamsyah

ABSTRAKSikap Al Qur’an terhadap Pluralitas agama begitu jelas dan merupakan sunnatullah. Pluralisme agama merupakan kenyataan historis yang tidak dapat disangkal oleh siapapun. Pluralitas agama dalam Islam itu diterima sebagai kenyataan sejarah yang sesungguhnya diwarnai oleh adanya pluralitas kehidupan manusia itu sendiri, baik pluralitas dalam berpikir, berperasaan, bertempat tinggal maupun dalam bertindak. Oleh karena itu konsep pluralisme  agama menurut Al-Quran apakah dapat di implementasikan dalam pendidikan Islam.  Penelitian ini dikaji dalam bentuk kajian Pustaka (Librari riserch) dengan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Tafsir tematik. Di dalam Al-Quran bayak ayat yang membenarkan tentang pluralitas Agama namun Pluralisme Agama tidak dibenarkan karena pemahaman Pluralisme Agama menurut orang Orientalis adalah semua agama itu sama, namun konsep Al-Qur’an Pluralitas adalah membenarkan adanya agama yang lain tetapi konsep kebenaran menurut Al-Qur’an Agama yang paling benar adalah Islam. Namun implementasi pendidikan Islam  menurut Al-Qur’an, islam mengajarkan konsep Ukhuwah Islamiyah, dimana didalamnnya ada Ukhuwah Al- U’budiyah dan Ukhuwah Al-Insaniyah yaitu persaudaraan sesama Makhluk dan persaudaraan sesama manusia. Kata Kunci: Pluralisme, Al-quran dan Implementasi Pendidikan Islam ABSTRACT The attitude of the Qur'an to the Plurality of religion is so clear and is the sunnatullah. Religious pluralism is a historical reality that no one can deny. The plurality of religions in Islam is accepted as a historical reality which is actually colored by the plurality of human life itself, whether plurality in thinking, feeling, living or acting. Therefore, the concept of religious pluralism according to the Quran can be implemented in Islamic education. This research is studied in the form of literature review (Librarian research) with qualitative method with thematic Tafsir approach. In the Qur'aan there is a verse that justifies the plurality of Religion but Religious Pluralism is not justified because the understanding of Religious Pluralism according to the Orientalists is all the same religion, but the concept of Al-Qur'an Plurality is to justify the existence of another religion but the concept of truth according to Al- Qur'an The most true religion is Islam. But the implementation of Islamic education according to Al-Qur'an, Islam teaches the concept of Ukhuwah Islamiyah, where therein Ukhuwah Al-U'budiyah and Ukhuwah Al-Insaniyah are the brotherhood of fellow Beings and brotherhood of fellow human beings. Keywords: Pluralism, Al-Quran and Implementation of Islamic Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Fathum Ibrahim

Abstrak : Konsep Pendidikan Islam A.Malik Fadjar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsep Pendidikan Islam A. Malik Fadjar. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Islam menurut A.Malik Fadjar adalah jenis pendidikan yang menempatkan Islam sebagai sumber nilai dan sebagai bidang studi yang ditawarkan melalui program studi yang diselenggarakan. Hal ini terkait dengan tujuan dari pendidikan Islam yaitu untuk menciptakan insan kamil atau muslim paripurna. Pendidikan Islam berorientasi pada pemberdayaan, karena merupakan keharusan untuk mengembangkan potensi manusia yang berusaha bertindak dan berbuat demi mempertahankan hak-haknya yang terus diperoleh secara adil sesuai fitrah manusianya. Nilai esensial dari hal tersebut berkorelasi dengan sistem dan hukum kehidupan yang berlangsung yang telah menciptakan kekuatan-kekuatan yang dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan sikap umat. Konsep pendidikan Islam dalam pandangan Malik Fadjar adalah pendidikan integralistik, humanistik, pragmatik, dan berakar budaya yang kuat. Abstract: This study aims to analyze the concept of Islamic Education A. Malik Fadjar. Through library research using descriptive qualitative research, this study concludes that Islamic education, according to A. Malik Fadjar, is a type of education that places Islam as a source of value and a field of study offered through study programs organized. This is related to the purpose of Islamic education, namely to create perfect human beings or Muslims. Islamic education is oriented towards empowerment because it is a must to develop human potential, which tries to act and act to defend their rights which continue to be obtained relatively according to human nature. The essential value is correlated with the ongoing system and laws of life that have created forces that can influence and determine people's attitudes. The concept of Islamic education in Malik Fadjar's view is integralists, humanistic, pragmatic, and culturally rooted education. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Orientasi, Insan Kamil

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 888-895
Andressa Alberti ◽  
Bruna Becker da Silva ◽  
Renan Souza ◽  
Eliton Marcio Zanoni ◽  
Adriano Alberti

Resumo: A sociedade em meio aos seus vários aspectos norteadores da formação do ser humano, busca responder por meio de vários estudos como melhorar o desenvolvimento do meio social e da vivencia entre os seres humanos. A pobreza não é falta de cultura ou falta de educação, muito menos a falta de bens materiais como muitas pessoas pensam, pois a compreensão dela é muito mais complexa do que isso e é de suma importância a compreensão sobre isso. O presente artigo presente artigo, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, pontua sobre pobreza, educação e os direitos humanos dentro da sociedade. Palavras Chave: Ser Humano, Sociedade, compreensão. Abstract: Society, in the midst of its various aspects that guide the formation of human beings, seeks to respond through various studies on how to improve the development of the social environment and experiences among human beings. Poverty is not lack of culture or lack of education, much less the lack of material goods as many people think, because understanding it is much more complex than that and understanding about it is of paramount importance. The present article in this article, through a literature review, points out about poverty, education and human rights within society. Keywords: Human Being, Society, Understanding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
Lalu Hendri Nuriskandar

Women are human beings created who are born with human rights. This right is inherent without distinction between men and women. One of the inherent rights is to love and marry. However, it will be a problem if these rights are limited by tradition and parents. That is what happened in Bonjeruk Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Women who want to get married must be in accordance with the wishes of their parents, namely at least have a knighthood. Even if their daughters love people who do not have a royal title, they will never be allowed to marry. As a result, many girls are adults but not yet married. Thus, this article aims to find out how Human Rights Law views this matter. By using a descriptive qualitative approach, the writer will try to answer and solve these problems. To support this, the authors use literature review as material to collect data. If it is linked to human rights law, it is a violation of the rights to have children, have a spouse and freedom to choose a life partner. In addition, what is the main barrier is culture, meaning that it is the culture that prevails in the village, and must be obeyed. However, for women it is torture.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Imam Ghozali

Education is an effort to optimize human potential in its entirety, potential, humanity and natural potential (environment) that as an effort to ask Islamic students to the realization of righteous human beings. Baitul Ulum Mojoduwur Jombang Islamic Boarding School guides students to carry out activities to maintain the cleanliness of the Islamic boarding school environment (natural potential) as a form of implementation of an ecological based Islamic education model. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the forms of activities to maintain the cleanliness of the environment of Islamic boarding schools in the ecology-based Islamic education model and the ecological concept in the fiqh perspective and the problematic implementation of ecology-based Islamic education in Baitul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. Descriptive analysis types qualitative research, with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are the description, reduction and interpretation. The results of the discussion that the concept of ecological-based Islamic education in its application can be reflected in two models. First, the classical model, which is applicative, still uses the Islamic distinctive cultures, such as Roanan (workmanship) once a week, and cleaning pickets clean the cottage environment. Second, the modern model, namely by utilizing natural technological advances such as findings in the field, is to replant the land around the hut and fertilizing it with natural fertilizers. The problem of the implementation of Ecological-based Islamic education in Baitul Ulum Mojoduwur Mojowarno Jombang Islamic Boarding School is the existence of historical factors, land factors, and the density of literary activities with the activities of reciting and attending school making the implementation of ecologically based Islamic education models only a small part in its application.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-323
Muhammad Rusdi Rasyid

This paper will examine the thoughts of Abdurrahman Mas'ud on Nondikotomik Educational Format (Humanism Religious as Paradigm of Islamic Education). Mas'ud argues, there is no separation between religious science and general science. Mas'udseems to want to compromise the general assumption between Western education which is more concerned with the knowledge aspect with Eastern education emphasizing more on the Religious aspect. The educational goal according to Abdurrahman Mas'ud is the connection between man and his God (Hablum Minallah) and between man and man (Hablum Minannas). Ultimately, education aims to enable students to become human beings, which is perfect in the eyes of human civilization and perfect in the standard of religion. Furthermore, Mas'ud is in line with the concept of religious humanism that is applied in Islamic education by emphasizing on the aspects of teachers, aspects of methods, aspects of pupils, material aspects, and evaluation aspects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-202
Siti Rohmah ◽  
M. Syukri Ismail ◽  
Moh. Anas Kholish ◽  
Mona Novita

Some circles suggest that the phenomenon of intolerance and religious conflict in Indonesia will be reduced by a religious education model dominated by a mono-religious approach. The approach that focuses on deepening the knowledge of all religions is considered to be the cause of the persistence of interfaith stigma and prejudice. However, there are objections from various circles to the concept and application of interreligious education which requires close dialogue and interaction, an appreciative attitude, and openness to adherents of other religions. This article argues that the development of a peaceful and diverse mono-religious education approach is possible. This study employs Mohammed Abu-Nimer's theory as an alternative model of Islamic peace education that is strategic, participatory and practical; it focuses on his experience in conflict areas and in the Islamic education environment, which is often stigmatized conservatively in the Middle East and Africa. This study confirms that monoreligious education provides room for peace education that builds pedagogy of tolerance, diversity and human rights.

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