online catalogs
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-133
Najlaa Syarif ◽  
Evi Nursanti Rukmana ◽  
Asep Saeful Rohman

Library services are an illustration of the fulfillment of library functions. One of the services that must be provided in the library is a catalog service. A service that makes it easier for users to find the collection they need in addition to asking a reference service. The catalog has three objects as mentioned by Cutter, namely the find function, the collect function, and the select function. In addition, the existence of a catalog can facilitate librarians in the collection development process. Therefore, a catalog should be in every library. The purpose of writing is to find out whether the use of catalogs in the intended library has been effective? Has the library implemented a catalog service? Is the SLiMS application in the Library effective to use? The author uses qualitative research methods so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the facts that appear and are seen when researchers observe the state of the object, namely the Sindanglaya Small Library. With the results of the study that the Sindanglaya Regional Small Library has not applied catalog services properly, only relying on the arrangement on the bookshelves so that researchers work with managers to use online catalogs by inputting data collections from the library using the SLiMS application. , , 

Olena Veremchuk ◽  
Liudmyla Trachuk

The purpose of the article is an analysis of evolutionary stages in the development of online-catalog and the requirements to these services in the context of customer orientation. The methodological basis of scientific intelligence is a customer-oriented approach that allows studying library products and services through the prism its accordance and level of satisfaction needs of customers (users) in the library; the principle of historicism, allowed to identify the origins of online cataloging, the stages of its development and quality of online-catalogs; source analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty is the technological evolution of online catalogs were studied the first time in the Ukrainian library and the modern requirements to these services in the context of customer orientation and web 2.0 technologies are defined. Conclusions – automation of library at the current stage should be concentrated on developing and deploying electronic catalogs which are suited to the expectation of the new generation as competent web users. Improving the search tools should not be directed at the library staff but used for breaking down the barriers that users have when trying to navigate in different library resources and websites therefore will be possible while the architecture of modern automated library information systems does not interfere with the cooperation of the user and catalog. The evolutionary solution to this problem can be a reconstruction of automated libraries and information systems in the way by changing their architecture to one the user is orientated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Kirti V. Das ◽  
Carla Jones-Harrell ◽  
Yingling Fan ◽  
Anu Ramaswami ◽  
Ben Orlove ◽  

Abstract Background Individual subjective well-being (SWB) is essential for creating and maintaining healthy, productive societies. The literature on SWB is vast and dispersed across multiple disciplines. However, few reviews have summarized the theoretical and empirical tenets of SWB literature across disciplinary boundaries. Methods We cataloged and consolidated SWB-related theories and empirical evidence from the fields of psychology and public health using a combination of online catalogs of scholarly articles and online search engines to retrieve relevant articles. For both theories and determinants/correlates of SWB, PubMed, PsychINFO, and Google Scholar were used to obtain relevant articles. Articles for the review were screened for relevance, varied perspectives, journal impact, geographic location of study, and topicality. A core theme of SWB empirical literature was the identification of SWB determinants/correlates, and over 100 research articles were reviewed and summarized for this review. Results We found that SWB theories can be classified into four groups: fulfillment and engagement theories, personal orientation theories, evaluative theories, and emotional theories. A critical analysis of the conflicts and overlaps between these theories reveals the lack of a coherent theoretical and methodological framework that would make empirical research systematically comparable. We found that determinants/correlates of SWB can be grouped into seven broad categories: basic demographics, socioeconomic status, health and functioning, personality, social support, religion and culture, and geography and infrastructure. However, these are rarely studied consistently or used to test theories. Conclusions The lack of a clear, unifying theoretical basis for categorizing and comparing empirical studies can potentially be overcome using an operationalizable criterion that focuses on the dimension of SWB studied, measure of SWB used, design of the study, study population, and types of determinants and correlates. From our review of the empirical literature on SWB, we found that the seven categories of determinants/correlates identified may potentially be used to improve the link between theory and empirical research, and that the overlap in the determinant/correlates as they relate to multiple theory categories may enable us to test theories in unison. However, doing so in the future would require a conscious effort by researchers in several areas, which are discussed.

Jung-Ran Park ◽  
Andrew Brenza ◽  
Lori Richards

The BIBFRAME model is designed with a high degree of flexibility in that it can accommodate any number of existing models as well as models yet to be developed within the Web environment. The model’s flexibility is intended to foster extensibility. This study discusses the relationship of BIBFRAME to the prevailing content standards and models employed by cultural heritage institutions across museums, archives, libraries, historical societies, and community centers or those in the process of being adopted by cultural heritage institutions. This is to determine the degree to which BIBFRAME, as it is currently understood, can be a viable and extensible framework for bibliographic description and exchange in the Web environment. We highlight the areas of compatibility as well as areas of incompatibility. BIBFRAME holds the promise of freeing library data from the silos of online catalogs permitting library data to interact with data both within and outside the library community. We discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed in order to optimize the potential capabilities that the BIBFRAME model holds.

First Monday ◽  
2020 ◽  
Dana Reijerkerk

At the center of the evolving debates of open access and intellectual property in memory institutions is a long history of excluding Indigenous Peoples from conversations concerning the access and use rights to their belongings. In recent decades many memory institutions challenged prevalent historical and current classifications of Indigenous Peoples in online catalog records. Most recently the Library of Congress (LC) adopted a new cataloging practice called Traditional Knowledge (TK) labeling as a way to return control over access and use of Indigenous materials to their rightful Indigenous owners. The advent of this emergent digital rights tool disrupts previously held assumptions about the purpose of rights statements in catalog records as well as challenges the existing balance between the rights of Indigenous communities and the interests of public access. The adoption of TK Labels in the LC’s “Ancestral Voices” digital collection brings serious practical implementation issues to light that deserve further consideration before memory institutions invest in this new digital access rights metadata standard. Although TK Labels are a technological opportunity that provide more space for community-based relationships within memory institutions, this paper suggests that the practical implementation of TK Labels in Ancestral Voices falls short of its promise to return authority to the Passamaquoddy people. Rather, TK Labels raise more logistical and technical questions about the effectiveness of the TK labeling framework and purpose of re-cataloging records describing Indigenous materials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-237
Cheng-Wei Chiang ◽  
Yi-Hui Liu ◽  
Chien-Po Wang

Purpose This paper aims to present an augmented reality (AR) application to aid the elderly in library reference search. The application supports the elderly in searching books and videos in a large library when librarians have insufficient time to meet their needs. The elderly searching in a large library could be difficult for them due to the vast area, complicated online library catalogs and their physical deterioration, such as failing eyesight, tendinitis and memory problems. Our system, SearchAR, fully supports the 3D images of object content based on books and videos in Ling Tung University (LTU) library catalogs. Using the latest AR technology, users can use mobile phone to scan the quick response (QR) code in front of the LTU library, and then the elderly can experience LTU library map labeled by different colors in real-time and understand the locations of the video areas and book shelves areas. Later, they can use SearchAR to scan the QR codes on bookshelves, books or videos to view the 3D graphics without reading complicated catalogs and content. The results show that among the images, the elderly recognition of the “3 D images” was the highest, and the experimental group using AR technology as a searching aid shows a higher searching effectiveness than the control group; 60 per cent of the elderly felt they saved more time for searching books and videos with the help of SearchAR, and it was easy to arouse their association; the elderly indicated that combined image of the library map and the labels with different colors are clear and simple; the content of books and videos are easy associated with the 3D images; the elderly mentioned that using SearchAR is a great experience without any reading complicated online catalogs. Finally, this study concludes that AR technology does enhance the elderly searching ability in LTU large library. Design/methodology/approach The SearchAR application was an integrating library catalog, which provides AR and 3D graphics. The elderly can also use SearchAR to see a library map and every library element via 3D graphics before they start searching in a wide area. Findings This makes it easier for elderly to navigate a library without using complicated online catalogs, and it reduces time spent on reading and searching. Originality/value AR has been used for a variety of guiding and educational purposes. However, AR has been rarely applied to supplement traditional library services for elderly.

Alexandra Huang ◽  
Dan Nathan-Roberts

One of the major tasks library patrons are faced with is searching for a good book to read, particularly when they have no specific book in mind. As such, people faced with this task search in places such as online catalogs, looking at existing book reviews and descriptions, and they also ask librarians and other readers’ advisors for assistance in finding book recommendations. This paper attempts to review the research on how people conduct searches for pleasure reading, as well as research for online catalog design in order to inform the search process, leading to recommendations for future work in catalog design and readers’ advisory driven by the application of human factors principles in the search process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 263
Nikmatul Husna ◽  
Malta Nelisa

AbstractIn this paper, we discuss the implementation of knowledge management in the Alifah Padang STIKes Library. The writing of this paper aims to describe: (1) the application of technology in the Alifah Padang STIKes Library; (2) cultural changes that occur in the Alifah Padang STIKes Library; (3) knowledge sharing activities in the Alifah Padang STIKes Library; (4) knowledge management socialization at Alifah Padang STIKes Library. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, which is collecting data by observing and interviewing 5 visitors and 1 librarian at the Alifah Padang STIKes Library. Based on the analysis of the data described earlier, it can be concluded the following matters. First, the application of information technology in the Alifah STIKes Library is applied to the field of information processing activities using the SIMPUS application and information retrieval fields by utilizing online catalogs. Second, the cultural changes that occurred in the STIKes Library were seen from the changes in the organizational structure of the Alifah STIKes Library, which was based on the level of human resources and expertise in managing the library. Second, the cultural changes that occurred in the STIKes Library were seen from the changes in the organizational structure of the Alifah STIKes Library, which was based on the level of human resources and expertise in managing the library. Third, the form of knowledge sharing activities in the Alifah STIKes Library was carried out by sharing knowledge between Alifah STIKes library officers on issues in library management, establishing cooperative relations with 9 university libraries in West Sumatra in the field of complementary library materials, and participating in training activities at Bina institutions. Jakarta Library. Fourth, Knowledge management socialization in the Alifah STIKes Library in terms of the socialization of the results of the meeting which was decided by the Chairperson of Alifah STIKes based on mutual agreement of the meeting members, by delivering the results of the meetings conducted hierarchically through superiors to subordinates in an oral and written form thoroughly.Keywords: knowledge management; implementation; library

2019 ◽  
Chad Topaz ◽  
Bernhard Klingenberg ◽  
Daniel Turek ◽  
Brianna Heggeseth ◽  
Pamela Harris ◽  

The U.S. art museum sector is grappling with diversity. While previous work has investigated the demographic diversity of museum staffs and visitors, the diversity of artists in their collections has remained unreported. We conduct the first large-scale study of artist diversity in museums. By scraping the public online catalogs of 18 major U.S. museums, deploying a sample of 10,000 artist records comprising over 9,000 unique artists to crowdsourcing, and analyzing 45,000 responses, we infer artist genders, ethnicities, geographic origins, and birth decades. Our results are threefold. First, we provide estimates of gender and ethnic diversity at each museum, and overall, we find that 85% of artists are white and 87% are men. Second, we identify museums that are outliers, having significantly higher or lower representation of certain demographic groups than the rest of the pool. Third, we find that the relationship between museum collection mission and artist diversity is weak, suggesting that a museum wishing to increase diversity might do so without changing its emphases on specific time periods and regions. Our methodology can be used to broadly and efficiently assess diversity in other fields.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Suellen Oliveira Milani ◽  
Brisa Pozzi de Sousa

RESUMO Partindo dos modelos conceituais Requisitos funcionais para dados de autoridade e Requisitos funcionais para dados de autoridade de assunto, a investigação busca perspectivas que propiciem aos catálogos de biblioteca dar visibilidade à representação temática dos pseudônimos de autoras que, principalmente entre o início do século XIX e meados do século XX, optaram por ou foram forçadas a assinar as suas obras com nomes masculinos ou ambíguos. Para tanto, a forma exploratória e qualitativa subsidiou a investigação, com destaque para o referencial da organização do conhecimento que discute questões socialmente impostas por um nome que é materializado em um registro catalográfico. Exemplos advindos dos catálogos de autoridade da Library of Congress e da Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil são discutidos, bem como o protagonismo social que esses registros podem assumir.Palavras-chave: Modelo conceitual; FRAD; FRSAD; Pseudônimos; Representação Temática; Protagonismo Social.ABSTRACT This paper aims to present perspectives regarding subject representation of pseudonyms of women authors, who especially between the early nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, chose or were forced to sign their works with male or ambiguous names. Considering that library catalogs must promote visibility to subject representation of women author’s pseudonyms, this exploratory and qualitative research highlights statements from the conceptual models Functional requirements for authority data, Functional requirements for subject authority data, and the knowledge organization literature to put forward a discussion regarding social issues conveyed by a name assigned to a bibliographic record. Applied examples from the Name Authority Headings of the Library of Congress and the Brazilian National Library are discussed, and the social protagonism which these records can embody is also highlighted.Keywords: Conceptual Model; FRAD; FRSAD; Pseudonyms; Subject Representation; Social Protagonism.

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