promotional materials
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1934-1952
Stefania Gandin

This study illustrates the preliminary results of a corpus-based analysis aimed at discovering the main linguistic features characterising the promotion of tourism for special-needs travellers. Even if accessible tourism represents an important sector in the market, not only for its social and moral importance but also for its strong economic potential, detailed research on the linguistic properties of tourism for disabled people is still rather limited and mainly tends to focus on the problems of physical access rather than considering the ways to improve its promotional strategies. Through a comparative corpus-based analysis, this paper will investigate the relevant linguistic features of a corpus of promotional materials advertising holidays and tourist services for the disabled, and relate them to the communicative strategies of two other corpora dedicated to the standard and translational language of tourism. The aim of this research is to show how mainstream tourism discourse still considers disability as a taboo topic, mostly ignoring or vaguely mentioning it in the general promotion of tourist destinations. The study will also attempt to suggest new linguistic and social attitudes aimed at stylistically improving and further including the accessible tourism sector within the overall tourism promotion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari ◽  
Frangky Slamet ◽  
Bagus Mulyawan

ABSTRACT Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan degan melibatkan mitra IKM Renafa Food yang berlokasi di Tanjung Gedong, Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat. Kegiatan berlangsung dari bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2021 yang diawali dengan identifikasi permasalahan, analisis kebutuhan, hingga program pendampingan. Hasil identifikasi permasalahan yang dilakukan oleh tim menunjukkan bahwa IKM Renafa Food membutuhkan bantuan untuk mendesain strategi pemasaran digital dalam memasarkan produknya. Dengan demikian, tujuan kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran digital bagi IKM Renafa Food, khususnya pemasaran di media sosial. Dalam kegiatan ini, tim PKM melakukan komunikasi intensif dengan pemilik IKM Renafa Food baik secara daring maupun luring. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa materi pemasaran digital yang dapat digunakan oleh IKM Renafa Food untuk melakukan promosi di media sosial. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan PKM dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa kendala yang berarti. Manfaat dari kegiatan PKM ini secara langsung dapat dirasakan oleh IKM Renafa Food untuk membantu melengkapi materi promosi di media sosial Instagram dalam bentuk poster digital.   Keywords: UMKM, strategi, pemasaran digital, pendampingan   ABSTRACT   This community engagement activity was carried out by involving the MSME's partner, Renafa Food, which located in Tanjung Gedong, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The activity takes place from July to October 2021, starting with problem identification, analysis of partner's needs, and mentoring programs. From the identification of the problems, team indicates that Renafa Food needs assistance in designing digital marketing strategies in marketing their products. Thus, the purpose of this community engagement activity is to develop a digital marketing strategy for Renafa Food, especially marketing on social media. In this activity, the community engagement team had intensive communication with the owners of Renafa Food both online and offline. The results of this activity are in the form of digital marketing materials that can be used by Renafa Food to promote their products on social media. Overall, these activities can run smoothly without any significant problems. The benefits of these activities give advantages directly to Renafa Food to equip promotional materials on Instagram in the form of digital posters.   Keywords: MSMEs, strategy, digital marketing, mentoring

Kyrychuk L.M. ◽  
Kovalchuk L.V.

The purpose of the study is to indicate the translation strategies and techniques that could be opted for while translating religion-related tourist promotional texts so that the target audience would get interested in the tourist objects.Methods. The analysis is based on the linguacultural approach which presupposes equal attention to linguistic presentation of the translation and its cross-cultural appropriateness. Specifically, we scrutinized the relevance of the equivalents on the textual level (lexical and grammatical correctness), the discourse level (conformity to the tourist discourse standards) and communicative level (maintenance of interactive relationship with the target audience). The method applied in the study is comparative analysis of the Ukrainian-English translation pairs.The results of the study testify to the strong tendency of translation adaptation which seems reasonable while the promotion of the destination is on the agenda. The data show that translation of religion-bound units in tourism promotional materials is predominantly based on the domestication approach, such as cultural adaptation of the religious terms through neutralization, generalization, reduction/compression, etc., and adaptation with explanation, particularly when dealing with specific theological concepts or historical church personalities. The foreignization approach which is implemented in literal translation of some religious terms without explanation is aimed at emphasizing the cultural singularity of the tourist object.Conclusions. Since the translation of religion-related tourist promotional texts is mostly expected to be tar-get-recipient-oriented and transparent, it is cultural adaptation that should be opted for as the dominant strategy whereas the local strategy of preservation (literal or loan translation of religious terms) should be employed in a very sensitive and sensible manner after considering the extra-linguistic and linguistic factors, otherwise the overuse of literal translation will impede effective cross-cultural communication.Key words: strategy, promotional text, source text, target recipient, religion. Мета роботи – визначити перекладацькі стратегії і техніки, якими доцільно послуговуватись під час перекладу туристичних промоційних текстів релігійного спрямування задля того, щоб викликати інтерес цільової аудиторії до туристичних об’єктів.Методи. Лінгвокультурний підхід, на якому ґрунтується аналіз, передбачає рівноцінне урахування як мовного оформлення перекладу, так і його міжкультурної відповідності. Зокрема, досліджено релевантність еквівалентів на текстовому рівні (лексико-граматична коректність), дискурсивному рівні (відповідність стандартам туристичного дискурсу) та комунікативному рівні (підтримка інтерактивного зв’язку з цільовою аудиторією). У роботі застосовано порівняльний аналіз українсько-англійських пар перекладу.Результати роботи засвідчують стійку тенденцію адаптації перекладу, що і є досить очікуваним у туристичному дискурсі. Отримані дані вказують, що переклад релігійно-специфічних одиниць у туристичних промоційних текстах загалом ґрунтується на одомашнювальному підході, зокрема культурній адаптації релігійних термінів шляхом нейтралізації, генералізації, редукції/компресії, тощо, а також адаптації з поясненням, якщо йдеться про специфічні теологічні поняття та історичні церковні особистості. Очужувальний підхід, який реалізується при буквальному перекладі окремих релігійних термінів без пояснення, спрямований на підкреслення культурної унікальності туристичного об’єкта.Висновки. Оскільки переклад туристичних промоційних текстів релігійного спрямування має бути насамперед орієнтованим на цільового реципієнта та зрозумілим, слід послуговуватись саме культурною адаптацією як домінуючою перекладацькою стратегією, в той час як локальну стратегію збереження форми оригіналу (буквальний переклад чи калькування релігійних термінів) варто застосовувати з особливою обережністю, беручи до уваги усі лінгвістичні та екстралінгвістичні фактори, інакше надмірне використання літературного перекладу перешкоджатиме ефективній міжкультурній комунікації.Ключові слова: стратегія, промоційний текст, вихідний текст, цільовий реципієнт, релігія.

2021 ◽  
Julia De Bres

<p>This thesis investigates the effectiveness of promoting positive attitudes and behaviours towards the Maori language among non-Maori New Zealanders as a contributing factor in Maori language regeneration. It begins by examining the theoretical rationale for focusing on the attitudes and behaviours of majority language speakers in minority language regeneration. Although the impact of majority language speakers on minority languages is clear, theoretical perspectives differ on whether majority language speakers should be a focus of language regeneration planning. Competing approaches are discussed,and a process model is introduced for 'planning for tolerability' - minority language planning targeting the attitudes and behaviours of majority language speakers. This model posits five essential components: recognising the problem; defining the target audience of majority language speakers; developing messages and desired behaviours; selecting policy techniques; and evaluating success. After reviewing existing research on the attitudes of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the Maori language and introducing the participants to the current research, the New Zealand government's approach to planning for the tolerability of the Maori language is examined. The Government has recognised the importance of non-Maori in Maori language regeneration since the beginning of the development of the Maori Language Strategy in the mid 1990s. The extent to which the Government considers non-Maori as an important audience for Maori language planning in practice, however, appears to fluctuate. Possible reasons for this are discussed. The main focus of Maori language policy towards non-Maori has been promotional campaigns. The discursive approach taken in a selection of these campaigns is analysed, showing that promotional materials aimed at non-Maori New Zealanders (including television ads, phrase booklets, and a website) transmit a wide range of messages about the Maori language, relating to both attitudes and 'desired behaviours'. Such messages are conveyed through a range of discursive techniques, using both a ' reason' and a 'tickle' approach. An analysis is also presented of data collected from eighty non-Maori New Zealanders at nine white-collar workplaces in Wellington, using questionnaires and interviews. The analysis centres on the attitudes of the participants towards the Maori language, their responses to current and recent promotional materials, and the role they see for themselves in supporting Maori language regeneration. Language policy approaches targeting majority language speakers in two international minority language situations, Wales and Catalonia, are then examined, and comparisons made to the New Zealand approach. The analysis concludes that the three approaches to planning for tolerability each exhibit some unique features, relating to all five components of planning for tolerability. Possible reasons for the distinct approaches are discussed. Finally, the results of the analysis of New Zealand government policy, the data collection process and the international comparisons are drawn together in order to consider the future of planning for tolerability in New Zealand.</p>

2021 ◽  
Julia De Bres

<p>This thesis investigates the effectiveness of promoting positive attitudes and behaviours towards the Maori language among non-Maori New Zealanders as a contributing factor in Maori language regeneration. It begins by examining the theoretical rationale for focusing on the attitudes and behaviours of majority language speakers in minority language regeneration. Although the impact of majority language speakers on minority languages is clear, theoretical perspectives differ on whether majority language speakers should be a focus of language regeneration planning. Competing approaches are discussed,and a process model is introduced for 'planning for tolerability' - minority language planning targeting the attitudes and behaviours of majority language speakers. This model posits five essential components: recognising the problem; defining the target audience of majority language speakers; developing messages and desired behaviours; selecting policy techniques; and evaluating success. After reviewing existing research on the attitudes of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the Maori language and introducing the participants to the current research, the New Zealand government's approach to planning for the tolerability of the Maori language is examined. The Government has recognised the importance of non-Maori in Maori language regeneration since the beginning of the development of the Maori Language Strategy in the mid 1990s. The extent to which the Government considers non-Maori as an important audience for Maori language planning in practice, however, appears to fluctuate. Possible reasons for this are discussed. The main focus of Maori language policy towards non-Maori has been promotional campaigns. The discursive approach taken in a selection of these campaigns is analysed, showing that promotional materials aimed at non-Maori New Zealanders (including television ads, phrase booklets, and a website) transmit a wide range of messages about the Maori language, relating to both attitudes and 'desired behaviours'. Such messages are conveyed through a range of discursive techniques, using both a ' reason' and a 'tickle' approach. An analysis is also presented of data collected from eighty non-Maori New Zealanders at nine white-collar workplaces in Wellington, using questionnaires and interviews. The analysis centres on the attitudes of the participants towards the Maori language, their responses to current and recent promotional materials, and the role they see for themselves in supporting Maori language regeneration. Language policy approaches targeting majority language speakers in two international minority language situations, Wales and Catalonia, are then examined, and comparisons made to the New Zealand approach. The analysis concludes that the three approaches to planning for tolerability each exhibit some unique features, relating to all five components of planning for tolerability. Possible reasons for the distinct approaches are discussed. Finally, the results of the analysis of New Zealand government policy, the data collection process and the international comparisons are drawn together in order to consider the future of planning for tolerability in New Zealand.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Smita Gupta ◽  
Namita Singh Malik

Purpose of the study: The paper attempts to find the answer to the question – Why do we lack in basic sanitation? What are the reasons for it? Paper introspects the challenges encountered in sanitation services for Ajmer district in Rajasthan. It identifies the key bottlenecks of the sanitation system to the ground realities of implementation for a non-metropolitan city. The article also outlines the way forward which is suggested to make the sanitation system in the city more available to all. Methodology: The paper is drawn on policy document analysis, urban sanitation policy and other Indian government promotional materials on urban sanitation, Indian municipalities, and a number of public-private partnerships. The paper reviews the extant literature on urban sanitation and thereafter examines challenges met in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. Main findings: It emphasizes the major challenges of access to sanitation, lack of private sector engagement, lack of regulation and standardization, treatment of wastewater and septage, low infrastructure, weak institutional framework etc. The Paper also proposes suggestions for meeting these challenges so that a proper system of sanitation may emerge. Applications of this study: This study will be useful for all those agencies who are involved with sanitation system governance. The paper contributes to the literature by addressing a neglected theme of investigating the challenges and their probable solution strategies about Ajmer district of Rajasthan. The study will provide background of various challenges faced in various cities in Indian perspectives and how they can be dealt by proposed suggestions. This study will be beneficial in the area of sanitation systems, urban governance, etc. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study is significant in highlighting the type of challenges and what could be possible solutions in Indian perspectives with special reference to Ajmer.

Heather Jaber ◽  
Marwan Kraidy ◽  
Omar Al-Ghazzi ◽  
Sulafa Zidani

This panel examines the role of affect in transnational digital media, offering fine-grained analyses of online communities and media artifacts which contend with and carve out contested futures. In doing so, it offers digital affect as an analytic for contending with interdependent realities. Through qualitative interviews, close readings, and textual analyses, these projects engage in a range of approaches to trace the digital affects which circulate transnationally. They examine the World Economic Forum as a transnational spectacle of justice, the promotional materials and the recoding work of extremist groups like the so-called “Islamic State,” online communities which suture continuities between Al-Andalus and an emerging Arab Muslim identity, and global meme-makers who engage in expression through playful but also puncturing forms of critique. Through these case studies, the panel examines the power of particular affects—like nostalgia, fear, shame, and zanaakha, a kitschy humor of the times—and the particular power of affects—to bind and polarize communities, to identify transnational structures of feeling, and to reshape the political present by feeling history differently. By turning to these spaces, these projects make the case for careful, contextualized approaches to affect and digital media in order to mine their political power.

2021 ◽  
Smita Gupta ◽  
Namita Singh Malik

Purpose of the study: The paper attempts to find the answer to the question – Why do we lack in basic sanitation? What are the reasons for it? Paper introspects the challenges encountered in sanitation services for Ajmer district in Rajasthan. It identifies the key bottlenecks of the sanitation system to the ground realities of implementation for a non-metropolitan city. The article also outlines the way forward which is suggested to make the sanitation system in the city more available to all. Methodology: The paper is drawn on policy document analysis, urban sanitation policy and other Indian government promotional materials on urban sanitation, Indian municipalities, and a number of public-private partnerships. The paper reviews the extant literature on urban sanitation and thereafter examines challenges met in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. Main findings: It emphasizes the major challenges of access to sanitation, lack of private sector engagement, lack of regulation and standardization, treatment of wastewater and septage, low infrastructure, weak institutional framework etc. The Paper also proposes suggestions for meeting these challenges so that a proper system of sanitation may emerge. Applications of this study: This study will be useful for all those agencies who are involved with sanitation system governance. The paper contributes to the literature by addressing a neglected theme of investigating the challenges and their probable solution strategies about Ajmer district of Rajasthan. The study will provide background of various challenges faced in various cities in Indian perspectives and how they can be dealt by proposed suggestions. This study will be beneficial in the area of sanitation systems, urban governance, etc. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study is significant in highlighting the type of challenges and what could be possible solutions in Indian perspectives with special reference to Ajmer.

Plaridel ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-54
Cherish Aileen Brillon

This paper looks at the actresses who portrayed Darna and how they are presented as spectacles in the entertainment articles that promote the film and television adaptations. This frame of inquiry comes from the notion that the visual aesthetics of Darna in komiks is largely informed by the superhero genre’s dependence on spectacle as shown in the superhero’s feats of greatness and in her actions and movements which are all larger than life and extraordinary. If this is the case for Darna in print, then how about the actresses tasked with performing her in the movies and television series? How are their bodies being turned into a spectacle in promotional materials in order to conform to the needs of the capital (entertainment industry)? In using the spectacle of the body as framework, the paper also draws on the star system and the role of producers of text in the creation of Darna as we know her today. The aim is to reveal how female bodies were made part of the construction of Darna’s image outside of its fictional universe which results in a discourse that highlights the body of the celebrities rather than Darna’s continuing relevance as a Filipino icon. This sets aside her representational power to embody the struggle and demand of Filipinos for justice and a better life as audience’s attention is diverted towards how these actresses prepared their bodies to perform Darna.

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