psychological defenses
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P.N. Ermakov ◽  
E.E. Belousova

During adolescence, at the stage of formation of personal structures, young people spend a significant part of their time on the Internet, especially in social networks. It is there that communication is realized, interest groups are formed, values are broadcast and undergo changes. Thus, the question of ways to protect against heterogeneous content on the web with the support of the individual on his own meanings becomes relevant. A study of psychological defense mechanisms was conducted in 85 boys and girls aged 18-24 years (30.6 % women, Me=22.5; 69.4 % men, Me=21.5) - users of social networks with different levels of meaningfulness of life. The Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte test questionnaire was used to diagnose the mechanisms of psychological defense, the test of life orientations by D.A. Leontiev was used as well. According to the results of the application of the Pearson χCriterion, it was found that with an increase in the level of meaningfulness of life, the arsenal of psychological defense mechanisms of the individual increases and their severity noticeably increases. Respondents with a high level of meaningfulness are dominated by Rationalization, Hypercompensation, Projection; with an average level of meaningfulness - Displacement, Regression, Compensation; with a low level of meaningfulness - Regression, Denial, Rationalization. Using the Spearman correlation analysis, it was revealed that with an increase in the meaningfulness of life, the actualization of psychological defenses "Substitution" (transfer of reaction from one object to another) and "Regression" (return to earlier behaviors) decreases, the overall intensity of defenses decreases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 194-216
Sofia S. Belousova

The specifics of professional burnout of teachers engaged, in addition to their direct pedagogical activities, in the administration of their educational organizations are studied. The relevance of the raised research problem is determined by the significant socio-economic and political changes taking place in the modern education system: its intensive modernization and the introduction of innovative technologies in education have an impact not only on the content side of the educational process but also on its organization. The implementation of these innovations falls on the shoulders of the administrative and managerial personnel of schools, demanding huge emotional, intellectual and mental costs from the latter. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of professional burnout and its symptoms in administrative and managerial personnel of educational organizations in relation to the severity of their psychological defenses and personality motivational profile. The sample was composed of 75 teachers (54 women, 21 men) in the position of school deputy director for studies and educational work. Their administrative work experience in an educational organization ranged from 1 to 23 years, the average age was 37.5 years. The study used a set of valid and reliable psychodiagnostic methods, including The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Questionnaire by Ch. Maslach and S.E. Jackson (adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova), The Life Style Index (LSI) by R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman and H.R. Conte (adapted by E.S. Romanov and L.R. Grebenshchikov) and Diagnosis of the Motivational Structure of Personality by V. Milman. The correlation analysis revealed that among teachers who additionally occupy in an educational institution, professional burnout is interconnected with the manifestation of psychological defenses of suppression, projection and intellectualization. Also, a relationship was established between professional burnout and a decrease in motivation for communication, general activity, creative activity and social usefulness of activities. The revealed specifics of professional activity and burnout of school deputy directors as well as the characteristics of their strategies for overcoming crisis situations in professional activity under conditions of changes and uncertainties open up opportunities for us to develop and implement programs on preventing professional burnout in this category of teachers and providing psychological support for their professional activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-209
Надежда Сергеевна Зубарева ◽  
Валерия Анатольевна Капустина

Изучена специфика жизнеспособности и психологических защитных механизмов у молодежи с разными уровнями интернет-зависимости. Представлены актуальные взгляды на содержание понятий «жизнеспособность», «психологические защитные механизмы», «интернет-зависимость», а также результаты пилотажного эмпирического исследования, проведенного на выборке, состоящей из 51 студента Новосибирского государственного технического университета в возрасте от 19 лет до 21 года. В исследовании использованы методики «Шкала интернет-зависимости С. Чена (CIAS)» (адаптирована В. Л. Малыгиным, К. А. Феклисовым), тест «Жизнеспособность взрослого человека» А. В. Махнача, «Опросник структуры психологических защит» М. Бонда (адаптирован Е. Е. Туник). Обнаружено, что психологические защиты в целом больше выражены в группе с интернет-зависимым поведением, а жизнеспособность – в группе с минимальным риском интернет-зависимого поведения. В группе с интернет-зависимым поведением чаще используют неадаптивные психологические защиты (пассивная агрессия, поведенческое отреагирование, ипохондрия, фантазия) и адаптивную защиту – прогнозирование. Сделан вывод о том, что жизнеспособной молодежи, с одной стороны, свойственны применение защитных механизмов, ухудшающих их взаимодействие с другими людьми, полярное мышление как по отношению к себе, так и по отношению к другим людям. С другой – стремление к людям, использование юмора и творчества в сложных ситуациях. The article is devoted to the study of specificity of a resilience and psychological defense mechanisms in young people with different levels of Internet addiction. It presents modern views on the content of such concepts as “resilience”, “psychological defense mechanisms”, “Internet addiction”. Also, it includes the results of pilot study, which was conducted on a sample of 51 NSTU students, aged 19 to 21 years. The Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), the test “Adult Resilience” by A. V. Makhnach, a questionnaire of the structure of psychological defenses M. Bond were used in the study. It was found that psychological defenses in general are more pronounced in the group with Internet-addictive behavior, and resilience is more expressed in the group with minimal risk of Internet-addictive behavior. Internet-addictive behavior, maladaptive psychological defenses such as passive aggression, behavioral response, hypochondria, fantasy, and adaptive defense – prediction are more often used. The results let authors conclude that resilient youth is characterized, on the one hand, by the use of defenses that worsen their interaction with other people, polar thinking both in relation to themselves and in relation to other people, on the other hand, and by the striving for people and the use of humor and creativity in difficult situations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-204
L. M. Popova ◽  
T. S. Pukhareva

The results of a theoretical and empirical study of psychological defenses and coping strategies of behaviour among employees of social service institutions are presented. The following methods were used in diagnostic procedures: “Life style Index” (R. Plutchik, G. Kellerman) and “Methods of coping behavior” (R. Lazarus and S. Folkman). As a result of the study, the respondents revealed the intensity of psychological defenses of the type “intellectualization”, “reactive education”, “denial” and coping strategies “problem solving planning”, “positive reassessment” and “search for social support”. The correlations of psychological defenses and coping strategies of respondents are interpreted. The specific differences of protective-coping behaviour among employees with different professional experience are shown: employees with up to ten years of experience are more inclined to compensated behaviour, and employees with ten years of experience or more – to self-control, a rational approach to solving difficulties, a responsible attitude to what is happening. The results of the study may be useful in the placement of personnel, in career counseling, in the framework of discourses on professional psychology. And further study of psychological defenses and coping strategies will help to understand the specifics of the professional identity of employees of a socionomic profile. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-23
F. A. Shcherbina ◽  
Yu. F. Shcherbina ◽  
Yu. N. Zakrevsky ◽  
A. A. Trotsenko ◽  
M. V. Shchelkov ◽  

The aim of the study was the need to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the technology of diagnostics and correction of maladjustment changes in the psychoemotional sphere of seafarers at the stages of a long voyage. Materials and methods. The material of the research is dynamic observation in the form of psychological testing, carried out during a long voyage of the crew (n = 48 people) of the BMRT fishing vessel (large freezer fishing trawler) with the home port of Murmansk. The age of the fishermen varied from 22–36 years and averaged 27.0±0.84 years, the duration of the cruise was 152 days to catch fish in the Southwest Atlantic. The subjects belonged to different professional groups, and had worked at sea from 3 to 11 years (M = 5.4±0.26). The research methods were valid methods applied in a complex: a modified eight-color test by M. Luscher, personality questionnaire “EPI” by G. Aysenk, psychodiagnostic test “General assessment of personality” by V.М. Melnikov and L.T. Yampolsky, the MMPI questionnaire «Personal scale of manifestations of anxiety, the questionnaire» Life style index «(«LSI») Kellerman-Plutchik-Conte for identifying types of psychological defenses, the test for the study of reactive and personal anxiety Spielberger-Khanin and the test card SAN (test questionnaire Mini-cartoon). Results and discussion. the study showed that continuous (more than 3 months) fishing in the sea leads to changes in the psycho-emotional sphere of fishermen, manifested in the appearance of signs of psychological maladjustment. The majority of those examined as the leader have a trophotropic (non-optimal) type of mental adaptation to conditions of long-term work at sea, characterized by a decrease in the psychophysical reserves of the body, increased anxiety with the choice of a strategy of passive adaptation to extreme environmental conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 212-220
А.А. Зуйкова

Вся сложность невротического конфликта, заключается в том, что он лежит не на поверхности, и является бессознательной частью психики. Противоречащие друг другу тенденции, действующие, в ней представляют глубоко вытесненные влечения. Невротический конфликт берет свои истоки в раннем детстве, когда ребенок начинает искать способы безопасного существования. Формируется базовая тревога, определяющая чувство беспомощности перед потенциально экстремальными ситуациями для психики. Ребенок бессознательно начинает формировать приспособительные стратегии и невротические наклонности. Детский опыт является сенситивной почвой для формирования у ребенка устойчивого паттерна поведения. Психика не переработанную травмирующую ситуацию переводит в бессознательное, активизируя невротические психологические защиты, которые нивелируют травматичный опыт. Исходя из того что невроз понимается как результат конфликта между бессознательным и сознанием, основная задача психотерапии в рамках психоанализа состоит в том, чтобы сделать бессознательное сознательным, осознать бессознательное. Фрейд сравнивает ситуацию необходимости осознания собственного бессознательного и сам процесс психоанализа с такой ситуацией: нерадивый студент во время лекции всячески мешает преподавателю, гримасничает, бросает неуместные реплики, отвлекает всех от дела. Преподаватель выгоняет студента за дверь, но тот, постоянно заглядывая в аудиторию, привлекает внимание к себе всеми возможными способами и мешает продуктивной работе. Так же и мы выталкиваем свое бессознательное «за дверь», а оно продолжает оттуда всячески напоминать нам о себе, беспокоить и мешать нормальной деятельности. The whole complexity of the neurotic conflict lies in the fact that it does not lie on the surface, and is an unconscious part of the psyche. The conflicting tendencies that operate in it represent deeply repressed drives. Neurotic conflict has its origins in early childhood, when the child begins to look for ways to live safely. Basic anxiety is formed, which determines the feeling of helplessness in the face of potentially extreme situations for the psyche. The child unconsciously begins to form adaptive strategies and neurotic tendencies. Children's experience is a sensitive ground for the formation of a stable pattern of behavior in a child. The psyche translates the non-processed traumatic situation into the unconscious, activating neurotic psychological defenses that level out the traumatic experience. Based on the fact that neurosis is understood as the result of a conflict between the unconscious and consciousness, the main task of psychotherapy within the framework of psychoanalysis is to make the unconscious conscious, to become aware of the unconscious. Freud compares the situation of the need for awareness of one's own unconscious and the process of psychoanalysis itself with such a situation: a negligent student during a lecture in every possible way interferes with the teacher, grimaces, throws inappropriate remarks, distracts everyone from the case. The teacher throws the student out of the door, but he constantly looks into the audience, attracts attention to himself in all possible ways and interferes with productive work. In the same way, we push our unconscious "out the door", and it continues to remind us of itself in every possible way, to disturb and interfere with normal activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-16
Anastasia Pavlova ◽  
Ekaterina Redina

The aim of the work was: To determine the methods of protection and behavior of the subject in stressful situations, for their effective overcoming. The following techniques were used in the work: 1) Methodology for diagnosing psychological typologies. 2) Research of individual coping strategies. E. Heim. 3) Methodology "Coping - behavior in stressful situations". Results: According to the results of the first method, the defense mechanism - denial, prevails, and according to the third method, coping oriented towards avoidance prevails. Also, for all methods, the results about a low level of prevalence of emotions coincided. The subject does not resort to emotional defenses and behavior on rare occasions. He tries to rationally think about the situation and find a way out of it. Conclusions: The subject is expected to have a stronger understanding of his psychological defenses and self-control. Recommendations for skillfully managing your own emotions and behavior both in stressful situations and in more emotionally calm situations. You need to treat yourself, your body and soul with great respect and unconditional respect. And most importantly, love yourself. It is important to master the basics of self-regulation with the help of voluntary control of well-being and controlled harmonization of mood. Continue in the direction of comprehending the miracle of transformative creativity of conscious development. The choice in the systematic replenishment of energy always has a person who knows himself, his needs and ways to satisfy them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-141
Edward S. Ragsdale

Summary The task of this article is to review the principle of relational determination, as described by Solomon Asch (1952) which expands over Karl Duncker’s (1939) critique of ethical relativism. Relational determination has much to offer to the therapeutic community first with regard to interpersonal relations and social relations. My main goal is to extend this relational analysis to intrapsychic life, which may expose new potentialities for internal conflict resolution and personal integration, predicated on the cultivation of relational understanding (i.e., recognition of relational determination in organization of conscious experience). But this approach is best illustrated in its application to value differences and conflict across societies, which are typically viewed from the absolutist or relativist perspective. The principle of relationality casts doubt on elementaristic assumptions common to both (e.g., meaning constancy). Such assumptions lead to some ill-considered conclusions: of irreconcilable moral differences dividing both individuals and groups, deprived of any basis in understanding. Those views fail to consider the contexts underlying the meanings and valuations we impute. When these are taken into account, Duncker’s hypothesis of an invariant relation between meaning and value finds support. Value differences (or changes) need not represent fundamental differences in morality, but instead (factual) differences in understanding of the situation. If so, then value differences may indeed be both understandable and reconcilable. Relational determination reveals this same potentiality with regard to intrapsychic conflict, where the same presumption of irreconcilable differences must be overcome. Work by Erich Neumann provides a valuable depth psychological perspective on this inner conflict, which accords surprisingly well with the relationality principle in particular and field theory in general. From that vantage point, psychological defenses may be recognized as structural properties of yet unreconciled psychical fields. Gestalt theory’s relational view, which aligns well with Neumann’s account of a “new ethic” helps to reveal the processes by which these defensive postures might abate, as value realms that earlier dwelt in hostile opposition develop more of a conscious and respectful relation with each other, as the individual inches toward greater wholeness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 188-199
A. Gavrichkova ◽  
N. Kravtsova ◽  
A. Gerets ◽  
G. Terekhova ◽  
Yu. Mikhailova ◽  

The article presents the results of the clinical and psychological study of the styles of psychosomatic behavior and psychological defenses. Patients with confirmed diagnosis of syphilis (30 people) took part in the research. The following methods were used: questionnaire “Lifestyle index” by R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman and H. R. Conte; questionnaire of psychosomatic behavior styles by V. М. Byzova, A. E. Loviagina, E. I. Perikova; “Individually typological questionnaire” by L. N. Sobchik; the projective technique “Drawing of a Man”. The patients of the selected group demonstrate the predominance of cognitive and behavioral styles of psychosomatic behavior and such psychological defenses as projection, denial, rationalization. Types of connections that were determined between styles of psychosomatic behavior and psychological defenses: the direct connection of the cognitive (r=0.317, P<0.05) and behavioral (r=0.657, P<0.01) styles of psychosomatic response with rationalization; moderate positive connection between the behavioral style of psychosomatic behavior and repression (r=0.380, P<0.05) as well as regression (r=0.398, P<0.05); reverse connection (r= −0.327, P<0.05) between the emotional style of psychosomatic behavior and displacement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 147-161
P.A. Pobokin ◽  
J.Y. Ivchenkova ◽  
V.U. Kapustina

This paper describes the correction of psychological defenses and anxiety of students through virtual training programs to optimize the educational process. The materials of an empirical study obtained on a sample of students of Smolensk universities are presented. The study involved respondents (N=63) aged 18 to 25 years (M=19.4, SD=0.25), of which 84% were male, 16% were female. The study was conducted in several stages. For the correction of mental characteristics were used, the test "Anxiety Research" was used (questionnaire of Ch.D. Spielberger-Yu.L. Khanina), the "Lifestyle Index" methodology, a virtual reality program to overcome nyctophobia. The reliability of the results obtained on changes in anxiety indicators and mechanisms of psychological protection of students was checked using the Fisher statistical criterion (F). The obtained results make it possible to say that the most sensitive to the effects of VR in the framework of the conversation were protective mechanisms: repression, regression, substitution, denial, which change the assessment of what is happening and the adequacy of behavioral and emotional reactions. Indicators for the "rationalization" mechanism in the control group and in the experimental group also underwent changes, but without significant results.

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