Turast : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

2685-3329, 2354-6735

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Sefriyono Sefriyono

Of the 114 surahs in the Qur'an, there are 24 surahs with 164 verses that talk about jihad in various variations of words. Of the 164 verses, there are 22 verses that have the potential for acts of violence if understood literally and coupled with the dominance of qital words in these verses. The qital verses are said to have been revealed more in the Medina period, when compared to the Mecca period, which talked a lot about self-control. The dynamics of the Muslims at that time also contributed to the change in the terminology of jihad. Jihad is not only defined by war or acts of violence. The invitation of parents to polytheism, for example, as contained in chapter 29 paragraph 8 and letter 31 paragraph 15 does not have to be fought with violence. This verse even continues to recommend to continue to do good to the parents in question. In other Surahs such as Sura 45 verse 15 there is also a recommendation with wealth, not carrying weapons. This has given rise to various forms of meaning about jihad, such as greater jihad (al-jihad al-akbar)—the struggle against self and lesser jihad (al-jihad al-asghar)—fighting those who are hostile to the way of Allah. On the one hand, jihad can also be interpreted in an esoteric way—mujahadah, namely a genuine effort to draw closer to Allah, on the other hand, it can also be interpreted exoteric—the holy war.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Adlan Sanur Tarihoran ◽  
Muhamad Rezi

One of the great traditions in Islamic education institutions in Indonesia is teaching by transmitting Islamic values as found in classical books written centuries ago. The majority in Indonesia, the classic book is better known as the Kitab Kuning. Teaching with the Kitab Kuning is usually done in Islamic Boarding Schools. Examining Kitab Kuning requires qualified Arabic language skills at least passively. Unfortunately, not all Islamic boarding schools that have a variety of superior programs in certain fields, are weak in the field of studying Kitab Kuning. One of them is the Islamic Boarding School Mu'allimin Muhammadiyyah Sawah Dangka which has the flagship Tahfizh Alquran program but is weak in the study of Kitab Kuning. One of the main factors is the lack of adequate quality of human resources. For this reason, this community service activity aims to provide training while introducing new, lightweight methods in learning Arabic, namely the Bihaqatil Jumal method. This method emphasizes learning Arabic using the right brain. After a series of community service activities, teachers and Islamic boarding schools felt helped and gained new experiences in learning Arabic methods to study Kitab Kuning. In addition, both the assisted object and the resource person requested that this kind of community service be continued.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Irma Susanti

The womens Fighting Community is a non-governmental organization assisted by the WCC Nurani Perempuan which is anganged in assisting cases of violonce against children (KTA), cases of domestic violonce (KDRT), and sexual violence (KS). This study aims to describe the role pf the Womens Fighting community cases of violence against children in Kurao Pagang Village, Nanggalo District, Padang City. This study uses Theory of Structural Functionalism. This research is a descriptive qualitative type. The informants of this research were the women fighters community board, the head of the Kurao Pagang Village RT, and the reporters of violence cases. The selection of informants used purposive sampling technique with 8 informants. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data collection methods used were in-depth interviews and document studies. The techniques used in data analysis are data collection, data processing, and descriptive analysis of the data in order to obtain in-depth information about what constitutes research. The result of this study indicate that the types of cases assisted by the Womens Fighters community and the role of the Womens Fighters community in assisting cases of violence against 2018-2019 are 1.) Cases of physical violence. 2.) Cases of physical and sexual violence assisted by the Womens Fighters community. The role of the women combatants in assisting cases of violence againts hildren, namely as a companion to cases of violence, counseling victims, collaborating with other instituons, and providing reinvorcement to victims and victims families.  Komunitas Perjuangan Perempuan merupakan lembaga swadaya masyarakat binaan WCC Wanita Nurani yang bergerak dalam pendampingan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak (KTA), kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT), dan kekerasan seksual (KS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran komunitas Perempuan Pejuang kasus kekerasan terhadap anak di Desa Kurao Pagang Kecamatan Nanggalo Kota Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Fungsionalisme Struktural. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini adalah pengurus komunitas pejuang perempuan, ketua RT Desa Kurao Pagang, dan pelapor kasus kekerasan. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah informan 8 orang. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Teknik-teknik yang digunakan dalam analisis data adalah pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, dan analisis deskriptif data untuk memperoleh informasi yang mendalam tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis kasus binaan komunitas Pejuang Wanita dan peran komunitas Pejuang Wanita dalam pendampingan kasus kekerasan terhadap 2018-2019 adalah 1.) Kasus kekerasan fisik. 2.) Kasus kekerasan fisik dan seksual binaan komunitas Pejuang Perempuan. Peran perempuan kombatan dalam pendampingan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yaitu sebagai pendamping kasus kekerasan, pendampingan korban, menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga lain, dan memberikan penguatan kembali kepada korban dan keluarga korban.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Dian Adi Perdana

Zakat is to purify the rights that a person has and separate the rights of others contained therein, so that it can provide benefits to others. The Indonesian government has regulated the management of zakat in UU no. 38 of 1999 about Zakat Management, regulations are made to facilitate the community in the process of collecting, managing and distributing zakat. This research discusses the management of zakat fitrah in Motolohu Village, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan Regency during the pandemic. The condition of the community is disturbed in paying zakat fitrah during the pandemic, especially in the economic sector. Researchers examined the management of zakat fitrah carried out by the government and zakat officials in Motolohu Village during the pandemic, the collection process, distribution and distribution of zakat fitrah during the pandemic, as well as the benefits of zakat fitrah for the community. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with various questions to the informants to get answers to social problems about community empowerment through zakat fitrah management in Motolohu Village during the pandemic. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation to several sources. The data that has been obtained are then analyzed in order to obtain the results presented in the form of conclusions. The results of research on the collection, management and distribution in Motolohu Village were carried out with different techniques. Collection of zakat, zakat administrators visit the houses of people who want to pay zakat. Zakat payments are divided into 3 levels, the process of collecting zakat is carried out optimally by paying attention to people's income. The public is advised to donate Rp. 5,000 / person. Distribution of zakat fitrah, officers distribute zakat fitrah equipped with health protective equipment. The benefits of zakat fitrah that are obtained by muzakki in Motolohu Village are the implementation of amaliyah which can still be applied by giving to those who have the right, especially in a pandemic situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Asep Saepullah

Setidaknya ada dua fungsi agama dalam kehidupan manusia, yakni sebagai norma dan sebagai ilmu. Tidak terkecuali Islam, yang memiliki tiga macam aspek syari’at, yakni iman, Islam, dan Ihsan. Iman dan Islam mudah untuk dijelaskan dan dipahami oleh sebagian besar umat Islam diseluruh dunia, karena berbicara mengenai tauhid serta ilmu-ilmu praktis. Seperti ilmu fiqh dan lainnya. Namun, dalam aspek ihsan yang berkaitan dengan tasawuf, masih sedikit umat Islam yang sadar akan pentingnya aspek ini. Tanpa aspek ini sulit kiranya umat Islam dapat memahami ajaran-ajaran Islam secara kaffah, karena dapat dikatakan bahwa aspek ini merupakan pusat dari agama Islam selain tauhid ataupun syari’ah. Persoalan lainnya muncul, ketika corak pemikiran abad ke-19 sampai 20 yang dikenal dengan aliran positivismenya, cenderung menolak ilmu-ilmu agama yang bersifat tidak bermakna. Dari corak pemikiran tersebut, lahirlah masyarakat modern. Tanpa melalui tauhid, syariah, dan ihsan sebagai intisari ajaran Islam, maka akan sulit bagi masyarakat modern untuk melakukan kebaikan, mencegah dari keburukan, dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah swt. Olehsebab itu, penulis berupaya menjelaskan bagaimana relevansi antara tasawuf sebagai intisari ajaran Islam dengan kehidupan masyarakat modern melalui pendekatan deskriptif-filosofis. Melalui pendekatan ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa tasawuf sebagai intisari ajaran Islam mampu memberikan dampak secara tidak langsung terhadap masyarakat modern.Kata Kunci: Taswuf, Intisari, Ajaran, Islam, dan Relevansi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Nofri Andy N ◽  
Mufti Ulil Amri

This article discusses the views of Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan regarding tarekat moderation. This paper departs from the development of the tarekat and the attitude of exclusivity in charity, which is often a moderation process in the tarekat. According to Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan, knowledge and charity are two important aspects in studying the tarekat as well as monitoring the development of the tarekat. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The conclusions of this study include: (1) the importance of a complete and comprehensive understanding in studying the tarekat (2) a rational and open attitude can eliminate boredom in thinking for students (3) the need to pay attention to public acceptance of the tarekat to avoidArtikel ini membahas tentang pandangan Syekh H. Ali Imran Hasan mengenai moderasi tarekat. Tulisan ini berangkat dari perkembangan tarekat serta sikap eksklusivitas dalam beramal seringkali menghambat proses moderasi dalam tarekat. Menurut Syekh H. Ali Imran Hasan ilmu dan amal merupakan dua aspek penting dalam mendalami kajian tarekat sekaligus sebagai monitor dalam perkembangan tarekat tersebut. Medote yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini antara lain: (1) Pentingnya pemahaman yang utuh dan komprehensif dalam mempelajari tarekat (2) Sikap rasional dan terbuka dapat menghilangkan kejumudan dalam berfikir bagi murid (3) Perlunya memperhatikan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap tarekat untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Clemen Jaya Simbolon ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto

This study aims to deepen the value and benefits of character education for young people, especially among adolescents who are generally seventeen years old. And its relevance in the lives of teenagers today. The character education of young people is a major issue in Indonesia today. This arises through a phenomenon that often occurs among adolescents and is quite disturbing to society. Some of the phenomena that arise are children becoming unable to accept other people's opinions openly and kindly, lack of listening to parental advice, becoming thugs and drug addicts. This is triggered by the lack of character education that should be built from an early age. If a child grows up in a harmonious, harmonious and peaceful condition and situation, of course the child will have a good character, be able to listen to parental advice, and will have dreams in the future. This situation will be compared upside down when the child gets the opposite or less good educational process. The method I use in this research is to conduct a critical analysis by examining character development in adolescence. As material in this reflection, I use some theories sourced from several books as references to help explain the meaning and importance of character education for young people. Through this study I came to the conclusion that character education plays a very important role in understanding and finding solutions for the good and bad tendencies of young people, especially adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Zainal Azwar ◽  
Elfia Elfia

This study purpose to expose the perception of Pantai Cermin public towards the phenomenon of pregnant marriage due to adultery. This is caused by the increasing cases of pregnant marriages in Nagari Ranah Pantai Cermin from 2014 until 2017. The research questions are: What are the factors causing the increase of pregnant marriages due to adultery in Nagari Ranah Pantai Cermin, what are the public's opinions about pregnant marriages due to adultery, and what are the efforts done by the community to prevent pregnant marriages due to adultery. This research is a field research with a socio legal research approach. The collected datas were analyzed using qualitative methods. The research finds are: First, the factors that caused pregnant marriage in Nagari Ranah Pantai Cermin were the lack of parental supervision, promiscuity, weak sanctions, and misuse of technology. Second, The Public of Nagari Ranah Pantai Cermin assumpt that pregnant marriage is a very shameful act and in principle is not accepted by the public. However, the Society must accept it by perforce because they do not have the legitimate to punish the perpetrators. Eventually, the case of pregnant marriage became familiar to the public. Third, the efforts were done by the community to prevent pregnant marriages are increasing parental attention, obeying with regulations made by the local Society, carrying out sanctions that have been agreed upon by the religious leaders and ninik mamak, holding juvenile bonds, and sharing knowledge about the consequences of adultery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-66
Bustamar . ◽  
Dahyul Daipon

Sexual violence against children is one of the most damaging problems for the future of humans and this nation. Indonesia was once an emergency of sexual violence against children, because the data from year to year always increases significantly, including in the City of Bukittinggi. For this reason, it is necessary to prevent this case. One of the roles for this prevention is the mosque as a religious institution. Mosques must be institutions that are concerned with this prevention, because mosques carry out religious and learning activities that educate their people. Such a role can be used as a medium for prevention of this case. Mosques can play a role as a place for handling, prevention and at the same time forming a character to prevent such cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Nilma Yola

This paper aims to discuss the history of the life of Muslim Minorities in the Tibetan region, where minority Muslims usually live in the midst of other communities whose majority are always oppressed. However, what is unique is that in Tibet they live peacefully and there are no major disputes between the native Buddhists and the Muslim minority immigrants, and they even unite to fight against the Chinese invaders. The method used in this study is a historical research method with data collection techniques through literature study. The formulation of the problem in this research is why the Muslim minority and the Buddhist majority can live peacefully and side by side in the Tibetan region. The results of this study are 1). The basic needs of many Tibetans come from the Middle East, the majority of whom are Muslims, therefore, in order to maintain good relations, they certainly do not want to cause new problems if the security of their Muslim brothers in Tibet is not guaranteed. 2) Muslims, on average, are community groups who were originally neighbors, and will continue to have good relations even though they have different beliefs. 3). Tibet is led by the Dalai Lama, who has always taught to respect each other, regardless of their religion 4). Both are victims of Chinese colonialism, so they feel the same fate and struggle.

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