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Published By STAI Bumi Silampari Lubuklinggau

2656-3126, 2087-7854

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-168
Suwita Dela ◽  
Masudi Masudi ◽  
Eka Yanuarti

Researcher Conducted research on Diniyah madrasah education which consisted of two classes for volume one and two consisting of 65 students and for volume three and four consisting of 32 students. In this study, the objectives are first to determine the effectiveness in the learning process of lilbanin morals, second to determine the effectiveness in shaping the morals of students in learning lil banin morals. descriptive qualitative research type. The conclusion is that the effectiveness of lil banin moral learning is quite good and has been very effective even though learning the lil banin book is a yellow book learning, so that the delivery of material is easy to understand by using attractive and appropriate methods such as exemplary methods, refraction, sorogan, wetonan, bandungan and memorization so that achieved in the formation of santri morals.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-193
M. Ihsan Dacholfany ◽  
Nining Surya Ningsih ◽  
Sudirman Aminin

Motivated by the problems of the quality of learning. To improve the quality of teaching carried out by teachers, through educational supervision. The research was conducted in SMA and SMK in Abung Semuli Subdistrict, Lampung which aims to describe the Principal's knowledge regarding the role of supervisor and to know the Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving the Quality of Teacher Learning. Research using a qualitative research approach with phenomenological theory. Conclusions: Principals of SMA and SMK in Abung Semuli District, Lampung have good knowledge of academic supervision as evidenced by the supervision of these schools. Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving the Quality of Learning Indonesian language teachers using individual techniques in the form of class visits begins with making a supervision program containing planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-151
Pasiska Pasiska ◽  
Zainal Azman

In this paper, we will review the phenomena that are present in this nation: this phenomenon is none other than the existence of a movement that is able to hegemony the community for love for the homeland carried out by former HTI residents, the method used in the research is descriptive qualitative research about what happens in everyday life, either in social media and phenomena that exist in society. As for the form of Reidology with the character education approach, the character education in question combines the concept of Islamic education in Islamic schools and education in state defense whose output gives birth to the nation's children, especially former HTI residents to return to love the Republic of Indonesia. Why is this important to do, so that there are no longer Indonesian citizens who are in crisis of nationalism and play an active role in filling this independence from a development perspective in their own way.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-207
Ahmad Taufik ◽  
Fitriyani Fitriyani

The learning process is a process control that contains a series of teacher and student implementations on the basis of reciprocal relationships that take place in educational situations to achieve certain goals. This reciprocal interaction between teachers and students is the main condition for the learning process to take place. In reality we see in schools, teachers are often too active in the learning process, while students are made passive, so that the interaction between teachers and students in the learning process is ineffective. If the learning process is dominated by teachers, the effectiveness of learning will not be achieved. To create effective learning conditions, teachers are required to be able to manage the learning process that provides stimulation to students so that they are willing and able to learn.However, learning online is not as easy as we imagine. Many students and teachers encounter obstacles due to stuttering with this online learning. Teachers who could not teach directly encountered obstacles even though the activities were carried out by means of video calls. Many school materials given to students are difficult to understand because of the many distractions when carrying out activities. The problem is generally because the subject matter is the lesson that must be exemplified face-to-face, if this is constrained because it is not direct, it is like a child is wrong and is disturbed by signals, the material also cannot be conveyed properly.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Muhamad Akip

This study aims to describe and analyze the morals of teachers towards students in the educational process in the millennial era, the perspective of the ghazali imam in the book Ihya 'Ulumuddin, teachers are a noble profession so that people who become teachers are emulated by each student and teachers must have ethics towards their students (1) Shows the nature of affection for students. and treat him like his own son. (2) The teacher must carry out what has been conveyed to the student. (3) Teachers are not allowed to ask for favors or compensation from students (4) Giving knowledge systematically (5) Teachers are not allowed to rebuke their students (6) A teacher is responsible for one of the subjects. (7) The teacher must explain the lesson according to the understanding of the student. (8) Students who are slow in understanding lessons, should be given clear lessons or (remedial) so that patiently they will receive blessings and ta'zim their teachers. The concept of education put forward by Imam Ghozali is still very relevant to the laws that apply in this millennial era and serves as a bridge between the concept of Imam Ghozali and the Law which in the application process is not in accordance with the concept or law because of the moral position above science and knowledge. the average knowledgeable person can be seen from the morals of both fellow humans and other God's creations.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-135
Muhamad Faizul Amirudin ◽  
Yesi Arikarani

The problems that arise in this era are the first concerns about the replacement of educators with robotics or Artificial Intelligence (AI) when entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Second, the development of various kinds of sophisticated technology has led to changes in attitudes and behavior between educators and students in the field of education, such as changes in communication ethics between the two, weakening respect and appreciation for educators. Third, educators are required to be adaptive to the development of modern technology and utilize it in practice in the world of education. This research is a literature review (library reaserch). The relationship between educators and students in the millennial era in Islamic education cannot be completely replaced by machines or robotics, because in the concept of Islamic education there is a planting of attitudes towards students which in this case requires the direct role of an educator.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-233
Nevi Laila Khasanah ◽  
Taufik Mukmin

The purpose of this study was to determine whether Mudharabah, Musyarakah, and Murabahah financing affected the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia for the 2015-2019 period. This type of research is quantitative research. Quantitative research is to explain the position of the variables studied as well as the relationship between one variable with another variable. The research method used in this study uses descriptive quantitative research methods using multiple linear regression test. The quantitative method in this study was to examine the influence of Mudharabah, Musyarakah, and Murabahah financing on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in 2015-2019. Based on the analysis and discussion of data described in the previous chapter on the effect of mudharabah, musyarakah, and murabahah financing on profitability (ROA) of Islamic banks, it can be concluded that the variables of mudharabah financing, musyarakah financing and murobahah financing significantly influence profitability (ROA). This is evidenced by the results of the t test where the significance value of the variable mudharabah financing (0.023), musyarakah financing (0.037) and murobahah financing (0.008) are more than 0.05. The profit sharing system will facilitate customers and the financing system is quite consumptive so that it can contribute to profit levels, which causes profitability to rise.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-94
Okta Wahidsa Putri ◽  
Wiwin Arbaini ◽  
Asri Karolina

Siswa di SMPN 3 Terbuka Rejang Lebong  mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeda-beda seperti anak putus sekolah anak yang dikeluarkan dari sekolah dan masuk ke SMP Terbuka. penelitian kualitatif, Jenis penelitain ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif, temuan penelitian pertama, guru PAI menggunakan strategi Ekspositori aktivitas menulis, guru PAI SMPN Terbuka 3 Rejang Lebong menggunakan strategi Inquiry dalam meingkatkan aktivitas menulis siswa dan aktivitas berbicara. Kedua, penerapan Reinforcement yaitu Punishment Selain adanya strategi dalam pembelajaran, penerapan punishment dalam pembelajaran PAI dapat menjadikan  belajar mengajar lebih kondusif. Penerapann reward dalam proses pembelajaran menjadikan siswa semakin giat belajar.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-118
Tomi Agustian ◽  
Lentiara Putri

This study aims to describe and analyze the opinions of al Gazâlî and Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah regarding the right to enjoy sexual relations for husbands and wives during interrupt intercourse, a literature study research method. conclusions al-Gazalî is a memorandum of understanding of the Shyay'iyyah scholars, allowing the alliance to interrupt absolutely, almost the same as al-Gazalî, Ibn al -Qayyim also allows the practice of interrupt intercourse but with the condition of permission from the wife first. Mafhum mukhalafah if the wife does not allow it, then interrupt intercourse should not be done. The evidence used by Ibn al-Qayyim for the ability of intercession is the same as that of al-Gazâlî, the hadith from Jâbir regarding the ability of this practice as an attempt to prevent pregnancy at that time. Ibn al-Qayyim's view is more concerned with women's rights than that of al-Gazalî because the wife's permission is used as a condition for the ability to have intercourse with interruptions.

EL-Ghiroh ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-6

Seems that the position of intellectual community gets its own attention to the public because by knowing it is expected to be able to convey an objective and neutral view in providing views on a social problem. Therefore intellectuals are characterized by their ability to respond critically to social problems through discussion or writing in the public sphere. In a wider social context, important roles as well as having the main potential in correcting social problems include religious leaders, pioneers, and intellectuals, where they have a great responsibility for a harmonious society both in religion and more in the state.

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