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Published By Index Copernicus International

2449-9021, 2080-2021

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-34
Barbara Broers ◽  
Joanna Wawrzyniak ◽  
Wiktoria Kubiec

Only a small number of studies draw attention to the relationship between body image after pregnancy and during lactation with the decision to undertake and continue breastfeeding. Body image is a complex mental construct, which consists of: cognitive, emotional and behavioural components, and which is subject to change during the life of the woman. Pregnancy, childbirth and lactation affect the physicality of women, which is also reflected in the way of defining their body image. Dissatisfaction with own body can affect the decision to breastfeed or cause discomfort during breastfeeding. At the same time, undertaking breastfeeding can, through the hormones secreted at the time, positively influence the assessment of the woman’s body before and during pregnancy. The discovery of this relationship, and in the future indicating the precise correlation phenomena, could have a practical use in working with patients whether to breastfeed. By noticing and identifying an early onset of irregularities in the forming body image of a pregnant women, healthcare professionals can support those in need to build a real body image and positive attitude towards occurring changes and thus increase their comfort. Recognising and understanding the obstacles women experience on the road to breastfeeding, educators and professionals can create programs which consider a more complex, psycho-physical dimension of breastfeeding.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Karol Pilis ◽  
Damian Miarczyński ◽  
Anna Pilis ◽  
Krzysztof Stec ◽  
Sławomir Letkiewicz ◽  

Introduction: Soccer players are injury prone, and increasing competition - especially at the highest level - leads to increasing training loads, and these may contribute to more injuries to players. Hence, the aim is to increase preventive measures and treatment in this field. Aim: The paper examines soccer players’ susceptibility to injuries occurring at different levels of the sport’s development, and describes the accompanying conditions. Materials and Methods: The study involved 215 players of different levels, of which 105 came from the II and III league clubs (group I) and 110 from IV league clubs (group II ). The conducted research was based on a diagnostic survey using an anonymous questionnaire containing 15 questions developed by the authors. Results: Similar traumas (injuries) were observed among respondents of both groups. Group I had suffered injuries in the case of 92 (87.62%) respondents, while Group II contained 87 (79.09%) subjects who had suffered injuries. Group I trained harder than Group II , but the nature of the injuries was similar for all the players. The surveyed Group I had 100% access to physio-therapeutic help; in Group II this was the case for only 48 (43.64%) subjects. Group I also applied preventive anti-injury measures to a greater extent than Group II , in the form of pre-training warm-ups and post-training stretching and loosening. Conclusions: Among the more advanced soccer players there was a trend toward more traumas with similar kinds of sustained injuries, despite the greater availability of physiotherapy care and their use of more antiinjury prevention techniques than in the group representing the lower levels of sport advancement in soccer. This adverse effect is associated with the more intense training and training loads of the more advanced players

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-9
Ewelina Krzyszkowska ◽  
Bartosz Wanot

Introduction: Every member of the society should possess first aid skills and knowledge thereof. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine public awareness of first aid, sudden cardiac arrest and the Automated External Defibrillator. Material and Methods: The study was conducted using an anonymous and voluntary on-line survey. The study population comprised of 250 subjects. The results were analysed using the t-Student test, F Test and Chi2 test. Results: The analysis of the study results showed that 164 respondents, who gave 9 to 11 correct answers, had a good level of knowledge. 80 respondents had the average level of knowledge, as shown by 6 to 8 correct answers. 6 respondents had insufficient level of knowledge, as they gave less than 6 correct answers to questions included in the survey. Conclusions: The principles and techniques on first aid are known to the public, as indicated by the fact that more than half of the respondents have a good level of knowledge.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-25
Sylwia Nowakowska ◽  
Łukasz Wolniewicz

Introduction: The burnout syndrome is characteristic for people who face constant human interaction in their work. Health care professionals are listed in this category. Aim: The aim of this paper was to determine the scope of the burnout syndrome and to assess the degree of burnout among health care professionals. Material and Methods: The study was conducted among a population of 110 nurses and paramedics working in the Opole Province. The research tool used was an own questionnaire, the MBI Ch. Maslach burnout questionnaire and the PSS – 10 scale (Perceived Stress Scale). Results: The results show that passivity and uncertainty in dealing with people (33%) and low mental resilience (29%) are the main personality traits that influence the occurrence of burnout. Conclusions: Professional burnout occurs in all three dimensions of the syndrome, with varying degrees of severity, among health care professionals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Karolina Wyszyńska ◽  
Sylwia Stiler ◽  
Szymon Wyszyński

Article 68 of the Constitution establishes a universal right to health care. However, when considering the legal regulation of the profession of a physiotherapist, the security provided by the constitution is not guaranteed. There is no single, strict act, which would regulate the rights and obligations of patients and physiotherapists. What constituted working as a professional physiotherapist raised many doubts. The Physiotherapists Act of September 25th 2015 has long been awaited by physiotherapists. Its entry into force has a lot of positive aspects. Adopted with the consensus of the professional environment, it provides an opportunity to guarantee the patients’ safety better than ever, and also to develop treatment and cooperation with the countries of Western Europe. The previous lack of legal regulations for the profession of a physiotherapist still carries negative consequences for both the patients and physiotherapists, as it creates a gap that can be exploited by non-physiotherapists who offer their services. The aim of the study was to present the current legal status of the physiotherapist’s profession and to compare it after the Physiotherapists Act entered into force.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-43
Dominika Śmieja

Polish Red Cross is a humanitarian organization providing aid in the events of natural disasters, mass accidents, and search-and-rescue operations. It educates the citizens by providing first aid training. The Polish Red Cross Recue Group System consists of three types of groups: the Rescue Group, the Medical Rescue Group and the Specialist Rescue Group. They are always ready to provide assistance, especially in times of catastrophes and natural disasters. Moreover, they provide medical support at mass events, such as concerts, live shows, etc.. The aim of this paper was to show in detail how these Rescue Groups function when providing medical support and to describe their legal status. In addition, I have described the organization and functioning of the Polish Red Cross Rescue Team in Bedzin, based on the documentation covering their activity in 2014. The documentation shows that the Rescue Team is a fully functioning, effective and efficient group, always at-the-ready. The number of rescue actions the group participated in shows that its members are fully qualified and experienced, thus the society can rely on them whenever necessary.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Karolina Pograniczna ◽  
Bożena Mroczek

Background: The process of medicalization as a form of biopower is present in many aspects of human life, including vaccination. Aim of the study: The study aims to determine social attitudes towards medicalization in the context of vaccination, and to assess the relationship between children’s vaccinations and the knowledge and education of their parents. Material and methods: This survey-based study involved 180 subjects – 141 women and 39 men. The median of age was 28 years. 32.2% of the participants (58) had a medical education and 67.8% (122) non-medical education. 52.78% of people included in the study (95) had at least one child and 47.22% (85) were childless. The study was conducted using the authors’ questionnaire fallowed by the test of knowledge. Results: Respondents with a high level of knowledge are afraid of vaccination policy and believe that the fact that the state decides on these issues is a violation of human rights. The majority of them do not vaccinate their children. People with medical education vaccinate their children more often than those with non-medical education. Conclusions: In the context of vaccination, it is clear that the level of the knowledge and the number of vaccinated children are unsatisfactory. Repeated myths about harmfulness of vaccinations and fear of adverse postvaccination reactions are the reasons, why parents refuse to vaccinate their children. The control of biopolitics over vaccinations is a part of medicalization, which is strongly experienced by individuals with a high level of knowledge. Reliable information provided by a physician could increase the number of parents, who decide to vaccinate their children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Sylwia Kosek ◽  
Anna Klimczyk

Brain death causes irreparable loss of function of the brain as whole and is tantamount to the individual death. According to the governing laws in Poland, a committee composed of three consultants, including a specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care and a specialist in neurosurgery or neurology, states the individual death. Stating brain death has occurred discharges doctors from their obligation to continue therapy. In the event the organs can be harvested for transplant, after ruling out the objection of the deceased and medical counter indications, medical staff continues to care for the donor during the period of preliminary observation, diagnostics and establishing brain death, and later for the deceased, until the organs are harvested. It includes all activities, from monitoring to therapy, diagnostic and nursing activities. Nurses play an important role in the team providing care to a donor. The nurse should have extensive knowledge about brain death, its course and results, as they play an important role in proper diagnostic procedure and providing proper care until the organs are harvested. Strict nursing supervision of the donor allows the staff to detect deviations in the functioning of the organism early. The aim of this paper was to present the procedures concerning declaring brain death and portraying the role of a nurse in caring for a potential organ donor at an intensive care unit. Conclusions. Proper procedure is paramount in harvesting good quality organs for transplantation and assuring their proper functioning later. It is worthwhile to note the role of the nurse in contacts with the family, as cooperation with the donor’s family is an important aspect of the process, especially the ability to conduct difficult conversations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43 ◽  
Jerzy Piotrowicz ◽  
Aneta Soll ◽  
Urszula Kielar ◽  
Antoni Zwiefka ◽  
Agnieszka Guligowska ◽  

Zachowania dobrostanu i samodzielności przez osoby starsze wynika z wdrażania zasad „dobrego starzenia się” opartego na aktywności i uczestnictwie w życiu zawodowym i społecznym oraz promocji zdrowego stylu życia. Coraz większe znaczenie przypisuje się rozpowszechnieniu zespołu słabości wśród pacjentów w wieku podeszłym. Pacjenci ci charakteryzują się zwiększoną wrażliwością na bodźce, upośledzoną zdolnością do radzenia sobie z wewnętrznymi i środowiskowymi czynnikami stresogennymi, a także posiadają ograniczoną zdolność do utrzymania stanu fizjologicznej i psychospołecznej homeostazy W takich przypadkach konieczne jest wsparcie pacjentów opieką zintegrowaną polegającą na wsparciu środowiska oraz najnowszej technologii. Zapewnienie mieszkańcom województwa dolnośląskiego wysokiej jakości życia, dopasowanie usług społecznych do potrzeb mieszkańców oraz sama integracja społeczna są zgodne ze Strategia Integracji Społecznej na Dolnym Śląsku. Dlatego też, na Dolnym Śląsku wsparcie takich pacjentów technologią, zostało zapoczątkowane pilotażem projektu CareWell i WRP®. Zastosowanie nowych technologii wymaga kampanii społecznej, informacji w mediach i wzbudzenia społecznego zaciekawienia, wręcz mody na ich stosowanie. Pozwoli to na doskonalenie nowych usług, obniżenie kosztów i poprawę bezpieczeństwa ludzi. W miejsce kosztownej opieki specjalistycznej pacjenci w wieku podeszłym uzyskują opiekę indywidualizowaną, lokowaną w środowisku, mniej kosztowną lecz bardziej intensywną. Projekt FOCUS zajmuje się zmniejszeniem obciążenia zespołem słabości w populacji osób w wieku podeszłym w Europie z uwzględnieniem wzmocnienia wsparcia środowiskowego. Celem projektu SUNFRAIL jest poprawa identyfikacji, zapobiegania i zarządzanie zespołem słabości oraz opieką nad wielochorobowością wśród osób po 65 roku życia mieszkających w społeczności lokalnej przez regionalne ośrodki i instytucje krajów UE.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Jerzy W. Rozenblit

Niniejszy artykuł opisuje możliwości i strategie tworzenia programów badawczych z zewnętrznym finansowaniem na amerykańskich uczelniach w dziedzinach ścisłych (nauki przyrodnicze, technologia, inżynieria oraz matematyka). Artykuł jest napisany z perspektywy wieloletniego pracownika naukowego, który prowadzi badania i przeszedł przez wszystkie szczeble kariery naukowej (asystent, profesor nadzwyczajny i profesor zwyczajny) oraz przez kilka lat stał na czele dużego wydziału na University of Arizona. Propozycja umowy zatrudnienia dla młodszego członka kadry naukowej powinna zawierać odpowiedni pakiet początkowy, który umożliwia rozpoczęcie programu badawczego przez otwarcie laboratorium i zatrudnienie laborantów spośród studentów. Spektrum źródeł finansowania badań w zakresie nauk ścisłych jest opisane wraz z krótką wzmianką o obecnym klimacie finansowym i mechanizmach finansowania w USA. Ponieważ młodszy członek kadry naukowej zmierzy się niejednokrotnie z odmową przyznania środków, będzie potrzebować zachęty oraz pragmatycznych porad, które pomogą skupić wysiłki, wytrwać i nadal startować w konkursach dotacyjnych, co ostatecznie zaowocuje uzyskaniem finansowania. Niniejszy artykuł zwiera również sugestie, jak planować granty i składać wnioski. Na zakończenie autor wnosi o to, żeby kadra naukowa zachowała wysokie standardy akademickiej uczciwości, etyki i jakości oraz nie ulegała pokusie pozyskiwania środków finansowych jedynie w celu generowania wyższych wskaźników swojej produktywności.

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