Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Peternakan (Journal of Research and Innovation of Animals)
Latest Publications





Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lampung


Obet Yanto ◽  
Muhammad Dima Iqbal Hamdani ◽  
Dian Kurniawati ◽  
Sulastri Sulastri

This study aimed to determine the Correlation and the regression equation between body measurements and body weight of Brahman Cross (BX) Cow in KPT Maju Sejahtera Trimulyo village, Tanjung Bintang District, Lampung Selatan Regency. This research was conducted in July 2020. The data obtained were analyzed using simple and multiple regression analysis using the help of the Excel program. The material used in this study were 32 Brahman Cross (BX) Cow aged 2-3 years. The results of this study indicated that the average of Body Weight (BW), Chest Circumference (CC), Body Length (BL), and Shoulder height (SH) were 472.66 � 53.59 kg, 179.95 � 7, 95 cm, 132.49 � 6.39 cm, 127.95 � 3.08 cm, respectively. The correlation value between CC, BL, SH with BB were 0.764, 0.448, and 0.551, respectively. These results indicated that CC, BL, SH, have a positive relationship with BW. The regression equation resulting from the relationship between body weight and body size CC, BL, SH to BW with the value of determination (R2) and significance (P?0.05) was 0.607 (60.7%) with the regression equation BW = -674.003 + 4.314 CC + 1.247 BL + 1.602 SH. Keywords: Brahman Cross, Body Measurement, Correlation and Regression

I Gede Pande Wisnu Gunanda ◽  
Dian Septinova ◽  
RR Riyanti ◽  
Veronica Wanniatie

This study aimed to determine the effect of soaking time by using fermented coconut water on physical properties (pH, water holding capacity (WHC) and cooking losses) of thigh broiler meat, and to know the best marinating time for preserving thigh broiler meat. This research was conducted in May 4th--13th, 2020, at Production of Livestock Laboratory, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The research material used were 18 pieces of broiler thigh meat. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), with 3 treatments and 6 replications. The applied treatments were broiler thigh meat which was stored in the refrigerator temperature for 7 days (P0), broiler thigh meat marinated with fermented coconut water for 40 minutes, kept in refrigerator temperature for 7 days (P1), and the broiler thigh meat marinated with fermented coconut water for 80 minutes, kept in a refrigerator temperature for 7 days (P2). The variables observed were pH value, water holding capacity (WHC), and cooking losses. The data obtained were then analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level. Results that had a significant effect were further tested using the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that marinating time had a significant effect (P<0,05) on pH and water holding capacity of broiler meat, but no significant effect (P>0,05) on cooking losses of broiler meat. Keywords: Broiler meat, Fermented coconut water, Marination, Physical quality, Storage time

Azaria Dhea Gantina ◽  
Farida Fathul ◽  
Liman Liman ◽  
Muhtarudin Muhtarudin

This research aims was to determine the effect of bokashi dose on plant height, number of tillers, percentage of stems, fresh production, and dry matter production and also to determine the optimum dose of bokashi to obtain the best results on growth and production at the first harvest of dwarf elephant grass. This research was conducted in March 2020 - July 2020 in Sidodadi Asri village, Jati Agung district, South Lampung regency. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 levels of treatment, namely P0 (control); P1 (bokashi dosage 30 tons/ha); P2 (bokashi dosage 40 tons/ha); and P3 (bokashi dosage 50 tons/ha). Each experimental treatment unit has plot measuring 2x2 m2. Each trial unit was repeated 3 times, so there were 12 trial units. The data were analyzed by variations analyzed at 5% and or 1% level, after that it was followed by orthogonal polynomial test. The results showed that the dose of bokashi had a significant effect (P<0,05) on plant height, fresh production, and dry production, but had no significant effect (P>0,05) on number of tillers, and percentage of stems. The effect of bokashi fertilizer on plant height was obtained by using the optimum bokashi dose of 36.73 tons/ha and the equation was = 60,13 + 35,38x - 6.62x2 [0 ; 50 ton/Ha] (P<0,01). The optimum dose was not obtained for the number of tillers, percentage of stems, fresh production, and dry production. Keywords: Plant height, Number of tillers, Percentage of stems, Fresh production, Dry production

Akhmad Rangga ◽  
Khaira Nova ◽  
RR Riyanti

This study aimed to determine the physical quality of broiler meat including pH value, water holding capacity, and cooking losses in the modern market of Bandar Lampung City. This research was conducted on Januari-March 2020. The research material was breast fillet meat. Samples came from six modern markets in the city of Bandar Lampung (Mall Boemi Kedaton, Transmart, Central Plaza, Chandra Teluk, Chandra Karang, and Mall Kartini). The variables observed in this study were the degree of acidity (pH), water holding capacity (DIA), and cooking losses. The results of this study indicated that the degree of acidity (pH) in the modern market of Bandar Lampung City ranged from 6,109-6,386. The DIA value in the modern city market Bandar Lampung ranges from 61,157-68,021%, the value of cooking losses in the modern market of Bandar Lampung City ranges from 30,032-39,494%. The results of this study indicate that the pH, DIA, and cooking losses have met the standards for consumption in the six modern markets in the city of Bandar Lampung. Keywords: Broiler, Modern market, Degree of acidity (pH), Water holding capacity (DIA), Cooking losses.

Lukman Hakim ◽  
Khaira Nova ◽  
Purnama Edy Santosa ◽  
RR Riyanti

This study aimed to determine the effect of sex differences on the physiology of chickens including respiratory frequency, heart rate, shank temperature, and rectal temperature of KUB chickens. The research was conducted on 10--16 August 2017 at Cage Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. This study used 50 chickens (25 males and 25 females) aged 13 weeks with an average weight of 850 g. Data were collected after measuring the temperature and humidity at 08.00-17.00 for 3 consecutive days to determine the extreme temperature of the environment. The variables in this study were respiratory rate, heart rate, shank temperature, and rectal temperature of KUB chickens at extreme temperatures. The results were analyzed using the t-test at the 5% significance level. The t-test results showed that the sex of KUB chickens had no significant effect on respiratory frequency, heart rate, shank temperature, and rectal temperature. Key words : Chicken physiological, KUB chicken, Sex type

Andre Pangestu ◽  
Khaira Nova ◽  
Dian Septinova ◽  
RR Riyanti

This study aimed to determine the effect of immersion of hybrid duck eggs using guava leaf extract at different concentrations on embryo mortality, hatchability, and saleable duck. The research was conducted in March - April 2020. Guava leaf extract was made at the Animal Production and Reproduction Laboratory, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The dyeing and hatching treatments were carried out in Hajimena Village, Natar District, South Lampung. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments, namely without immersing guava leaf extract (P0), immersing with guava leaf extract concentrations of 10% (P1), 20% (P2), and 30% (P3). The results showed that the percentage of embryo mortality without dyeing and immersing guava leaf extract concentrations of 10, 20, and 30% were 40.00%, 24.00%, 16.00%, and 28.00%, respectively. Hatchability of hybrid duck eggs in the treatment without immersion and immersion in guava leaf extract concentrations of 10, 20, and 30% were 60.00, 76.00, 84.00, and 72%, respectively. Saleable duck duck eggs without immersion 93.34% and immersion in guava leaf extract with concentrations of 10, 20, and 30% respectively were 100.00%. It was concluded that immersion of hybrid duck eggs using guava leaf extract at concentrations of 10.00, 20.00, and 30.00% decreased the percentage of mortality, increased hatchability, and increased the salable duck. Keywords: Hybrid duck, Guava leaves extract, Embryonic mortality, Hatchability, Saleable duck

Egil Olsen ◽  
Arif Qisthon ◽  
Veronica Wanniatie ◽  
Ali Husni

This study aimed to determine the effect of storage time at 4? refrigerator temperature on degrees of acidity and reductase score in pasteurized Ettawa goat milk and to determine the optimum storage time for pasteurized goat milk. This research was conducted in March--April 2020, at the Livestock Production Laboratory, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The research material used was 6 liters of Ettawa Grade goat milk. This study used a completely randomized design, with 5 treatments and 4 replications, namely Pasteurized goat's milk stored for 0 days (P0), Pasteurized goat's milk was stored for 6 days (P1), Pasteurized goat's milk stored for 12 days (P2), Pasteurized goat's milk stored for 18 days (P3), and pasteurized goat milk stored for 24 days (P4). The variables observed were the degree of acidity, the amount of reductase, and the optimum storage time. The data obtained were then analyzed for variance / Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at the 5% significance level and continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The results showed that pasteurized Ettawa goat's milk with a storage time of 24 days at 4? refrigerator temperature had no significant effect on the degrees of acidity, but had a significant effect on the methylene blue reductase test. The conclusion of this research is that the storage time of Pasteurized goat's milk for 12 days at 4? temperature is the optimum storage time to maintain the quality of milk with degrees of acidity of 7.5�SH and a reductase score for 8 hours. Keywords: Reductase number, Titratable acidity, Pasteurization, Refrigerator, Goat milk

Syahroni Syahroni ◽  
Purnama Edy Santosa ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto ◽  
Madi Hartono

These study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Nigella sativa in increasing HDL levels and reducing LDL levels in male broilers. This research was conducted in December 2019 - January 2020 at the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Analysis of HDL and LDL levels was carried out in Pramitra Biolab Indonesia. The study used sixty blood samples of Cobb male broiler. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and each treatment was repeated three times, namely drinking water without a mixture of Nigella sativa (P0), drinking water with 36 mg/kg body weight=BW/day Nigella sativa (P1), drinking water with 72 mg/kg BW/day Nigella sativa (P2), drinking water with 144 mg/kg BW/day Nigella sativa (P3). Based on descriptive analysis that has been done Nigella sativa was effective in increasing HDL levels and reducing LDL levels in male broilers. Giving Nigella sativa with dose of 72 mg/kg BW/day resulted in the highest HDL levels of 88.6 mg/dl, whereas administration of Nigella sativa with dose of 144 mg/kg BW/day resulted in the lowest LDL level of 31.3 mg/dl. Keywords: HDL LDL, Male broiler chickens, Nigella sativa

Gilang Kurniawan ◽  
Farida Fathul ◽  
Muhtarudin Muhtarudin ◽  
Liman Liman

This research aimed to determine the effect of bokashi dose on crude protein and crude fiber content at the first cut of dwarf elephant grass (Pennisetum Purpureum cv. Mott). This research was conducted in March�Juli 2020 in Sidodadi Asri village, Jati Agung district, South Lampung regency. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) applying four treatments of bokashi dose, namely P0 (control), P1 (30 ton/Ha); P2 (40 ton/Ha); dan P3 (50 ton/Ha) with 3 replications each. The experimental unit of this study was plot of land with size of 200 cm x 200 cm. The obtained data were then analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% significant level and tested further with Orthogonal polynomial. The results showed that there was no significant effect (P>0.05) of different dose of bokashi on the crude protein and crude fiber content of dwarf elephant grass. Keywords: : Dwarf Elephant Grass, Dose, Bokashi,Crude Protein, Crude Fiber

Evelline Dhea Monica Wijaya ◽  
Sri Suharyati ◽  
Khaira Nova ◽  
Dian Septinova

This study aimed to determine the effect of the method of giving rations during the day and night on the physiological response (respiratory rate, rectal temperature, and heart rate) of medium type roosters in postal cages and to determine the effect of the best day and night ration methods on physiological response of medium type rooster in postal cage. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), consisting of three treatments with six replications, those were P1: 30% day and 70% night ration; P2: 50% day and 50% night ration; P3: 70% day and 30% night ration. The chicken used was male Lohman strain medium type of 144 chickens. The resulting data were analyzed with variance at 5% level. The results showed that the influence of day and night administration method was not different (P > 0.05) on the frequency of breath (51.73 to 55.27 Times/min), rectal temperature (41.13 to 41.16oC), and heart rate frequency (421.2 to 434.7 times/minute). Keywords: Day and night rationing, Medium type rooster, Physiological response, Postal cage

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