Current issues of linguistics and translation studies
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Published By Khmelnytskyi National University

2415-7929, 2415-7929

I. Ordynska ◽  

In the Northern Khmelnytskyi region, we recorded 1,258 names of settlements, including 872 main oikonyms and 386 their variants. Among the nominations of the settlements we single out both the actual oikonyms – names of cities, towns, villages and microoikonyms – names of settlements, manors, farms and other similar small denotations. In the oikonym system, we distinguish between modern nominations and former ones, the number of which, as we can see, is almost the same, due to which the coefficient of dynamics of oikonymicon is 2,003, which means that on average settlement has two proper names. This is one of the highest rate due to the long (sometimes up to a thousand years) period of denotation and the presence of many extralingual factors that influenced the nomination of settlements. Traditionally, in modern onomastics, researchers divide onyms, according to their structure, into simple (monobasic), complex (two- and multi-basic) and compound (phrases and sentences) constructions. The largest number of analyzed oikonyms are simple names, represented by nouns. Thus, the proper names of settlements and their parts are quantitatively the largest groups of names of geographical objects of the Northern Khmelnytsky region. Quantitative differences can be traced territorially, as in Izyaslav district we recorded 1,459 (34.22%) such nominations, Polonskyi – 631 (14.8%), Slavutskyi – 998 (23.4%), and Shepetivskyi – 1176 (27, 58%); a total of 4,264 onyms. The coefficient of dynamics of such names is the highest among the proper names of cities, towns and villages, and the lowest – among the nominations of corners and neighborhoods. A characteristic structural feature of proper names of settlements and their parts is the dominance of simple forms over compound and especially complex ones.


The study considers the issues of stylistic meaning of language units. Much attention is given to the analysis of leading Ukrainian and foreign researchers’ works. Due to the presence of certain contradictions and insufficient study of some aspects, the problem of stylistic meaning of language units remains relevant and needs further research. The author takes the view that the meaning of a word consists of lexical, grammatical and stylistic components. The article analyzes the terminology associated with the stylistic meaning of language units. It is emphasized that most words have only a denotative meaning, not all words have connotative meanings, but both of them belong to the semantic structure of the word. The author distinguishes three components of the stylistic meaning of language units. There are functional, normative, and expressive components. These components are described by the author in the article. Stylistic meaning is an integral part of the semantic meaning of a word; it reflects the speaker’s attitude to the object or phenomenon he is talking about. The article deals with the different degree of expressive coloring of language units, the peculiarities of the use of stylistically marked vocabulary in different styles of speech, provides examples of its application in modern German language. Particular attention is paid to demonstrating the need and importance of reproducing the stylistic coloring in translation. The author concludes that the components of the stylistic meaning of language units are not only interconnected but also interdependent. They are in close contact with each other. Changing one of the components entails changing the others.

N. Levitska ◽  

Linguists emphasize the importance of a structural-systematic approach to language learning, which helps to increase interest in solving the problem of language normativeness. The term “norm”, like many other terms in linguistics, is polysemous. At the same time, an important and still insufficiently disclosed aspect of the study of language norms is the definition of its essence in nationally heterogeneous languages, in particular in German standard language, which actualizes the study of autonomous norms of national variants of German, their identical and nationally specific features. Understanding the uniqueness of the codification of phonetic realities in the German language is relevant in the context of the traditions of Western European lexicography and the process of globalization and increasingly affects the linguistic spheres. The article is dedicated to the study of the notion of German orthoepic norm, the problem of its definition and mechanisms of its formation. The notion of the norm is rather ambiguous and its different aspects are usually highlighted by scientists when giving its definition. Generally they mark out two principal dimensions in the notion of the norm: the objective norm and the subjective norm. In conditions of community development, continuous linguistic and social changes, interdependent and interacting, the norm is a fundamental regulator of speech activity. It is clear that normative speech is the obligatory sign of well-educated, cultured person and the culture of sounding speech is an important aspect of national culture such as the culture of written word, communication or social life in general. The orthoepic German norm has been evolved in the process of Germanlanguage development. It is absolutely related to historical, social and culture processes. The norms are not invented by philologists, they reflect a certain stage of literary language development. In the article the role of the norm and its place in the language is defined and norm evolution in the process of language establishment and development is considered


The article analyses the verbalizers of the ‘woman’ concept used by I. Nechuy-Levytsky to create the image of Marusia Kaydashykha (novel “Kaydasheva simya”, 1878), and by the writer Liuko Dashvar to produce the image of Ivetta Verbytska (novel “Maty vse”, 2010). The aim of the proposed study is to clarify the means of linguistic representation of the ‘woman’ concept in the novels “Kaydasheva simya” (1878) and “Maty vse” (2010) and compare them considering the author subjectivism and time gap between the works. The structure of the ‘woman’ concept, proposed by O. Chybysheva (2005) and T. Sukalenko (2009), was the theoretical basis of the analysis. Three subconcepts such as ʽExternal characteristics’, ʽInternal characteristicsʼ and ʽSocial characteristicsʼ were highlighted in the research. Each of them contains the corresponding microconcepts. ʽExternal characteristicsʼ include ʽExteriorʼ, ʽClothesʼ, and ʽShoesʼ. ʽInternal characteristicsʼ embrace ʽMoral qualitiesʼ, ‘Emotional and psychological statesʼ and ‘Intellectual featuresʼ of a woman. ʽSocial characteristicsʼ cover such microconcepts as ʽMarital statusʼ, ʽActivitiesʼ, ʽAttitude to a husbandʼ, ʽAttitude to childrenʼ, ʽAttitude to familyʼ, and ‘Attitude to other peopleʼ. The means of linguistic representation of all subconcepts and microconcepts in the artistic discourse of the analysed works were revealed. It is concluded that for almost a century and a half the conceptual features of Ukrainian women with a strong character have changed somewhat, which has also affected the linguistic verbalizers. This is especially true of a woman’s internal and social characteristics. Attractive in appearance, a loving and devoted mother, a guardian of the family, she became educated, well-bred, active, purposeful in achieving her goal. However, as a century ago, she, even married, is usually deprived of a strong male shoulder, which forces her to remain a strong, steadfast personality.


The paper deals with the issue of linguistic analysis of English language texts on the basis of textuality standards which allow to carry out a complete analysis of the text and judge about its communicative value. The appropriateness of linguistic analysis of texts with the consideration of seven standards of textuality have been substantiated. These standards are: coherence (introduction of a new item in the text and subsequent referral to it by means of another item), cohesion (the ways in which components of the sentences in a text are mutually connected grammatically and lexically), intentionality and acceptability (a speaker/author’s intention to produce a sound piece of information and the recipient’s desire to accept the text as a communicative piece of information), informativity (ways and means by which parts of the text acquire communicative value), contextuality (focusing on the context and the role it plays in any form of communication) and intertextuality (understanding and perception of one text on the basis of the structure of another text similar to it). Special attention has been paid to cohesion as semantic relation between elements of the text. Categories of cohesion such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion have been analyzed. It has been defined that the linguistic analysis carried out with consideration of seven standards of textuality requires knowledge of different branches of linguistics – syntax, morphology, phonology, grammar, semantics, lexicology, stylistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics. Definite examples of every standard application have been presented. It has been substantiated that the appropriateness of a text is the agreement between its setting and the ways in which the standards of textuality are applied. The standards of textuality entail factors of cognition, planning and social environment merely to distinguish what constitutes a text.

A. Yanchyshyn ◽  

Tovaronym is mainly an artificial onym related to material sphere of human activity, which characterizes proper name of a product, i.e. object designed for trade or exchange. When analyzing proper names of industrial products that function in modern Ukrainian, we registered 825 names based on appellative. They include: names of apparatuses related to sound and image transmission (594; 72%); proper names of household appliances that are used to facilitate household chores (131; 15,88%); names of means of transportation (100; 12,12%). A significant amount of proper names of industrial products is interrelated with approximation to the appellative, which can be explained by the name’s functioning peculiarity, namely such onym does not need an additional explanation; it is generally known, easy to remember, which is considered to be a positive feature in terms of advertisement. We assume that appellative-based machinonyms motivate such groups of lexeme: anthropocentric names (225; 27,27 %), zoo-lexemes (183; 22,18 %), floro-lexemes (142; 17,21 %), names of natural phenomena and processes (88, 10,66 %), art notions (45; 5,45 %), astronautic lexemes (31; 3,76 %), space notions (27; 3,27 %), everyday-character notions (24; 2,91 %), technical notions (23; 2,79 %), temporal lexemes (15; 1,82 %), mathematical notions (11; 1,33 %), sports terminology (11; 1,33 %). Appellative-based tovaronyms are mostly motivated by lexemes that have positive semantics, render pleasant associations for consumers, and have symbolic meaning for ethnos, indicate on the place of production of a certain denotative. Regarding separate pejorative names, they are mostly widespread in slang forms, their sounding or spelling being the reason of their appearance.


The article examines the work of Oksana Kerch – a representative of the literary process of the interwar period in Halychyna. Her work is considered in relation to the general artistic trends of the day, in particular in terms of stylistic features of the writer’s prose. For a long time, her work, removed from the cultural process, was on the margins of literary criticism. Although Oksana Kerch’s prose is unknown to the general public, her artistic heritage is original and distinctive. At one time, the writer’s works were published on the pages of well-known periodicals, such as “Women’s Fate”, “Nova hata”, “Ukrainian News”, and were published in separate prints. The return of the artistic figure of Oksana Kerch to the all-Ukrainian literary process necessitated a comprehensive study of her creative heritage. In particular, it is important to consider the genre and style specifics of the writer’s novels. The novel “The Groom” is bright and original in the writer’s artistic work. In this novel the author recreates the dramatic events of the interwar decades in Halychyna. A notable feature of the work is autobiography – the writer herself witnessed those turbulent events of the struggle of Ukrainian patriotic youth for their national identity. The novel consists of twenty-one stories. The four main characters take turns telling about the life of military and interwar Lviv and its inhabitants. On the printed pages, the author created a unique figurative world that reflected the conflicts of the era. In the novel, Oksana Kerch recreates the environment in which the ideas of the national liberation movement are born, and through the perception of her own national identity, she models neo-romantic ideals on her way to serve the native people. The neo-romantic concept is vividly embodied in the pages of the work. Here the author continues the tradition that has developed in Ukrainian neo-romanticism – the dominance of the theme of Ukraine, the struggle for its independence.

I. KOVAL ◽  

The aim of the research was to study phraseological transformation in the context of mass media discourse. It is found that the study of phraseology is comprehensive, which allows to study it in different aspects, taking into account the system-linguistic, linguistic and cultural, linguistic and cognitive and functional areas. Today the research of phraseological transformations which are considered as relevant changes in lexical structure, syntactic structure, semantics of a constant expression acquires special urgency. It is necessary to distinguish between simple and analytical forms of transformation, where the first is to change / delete only the word / words in the structure of phraseology, which causes partial changes in the semantics of the language unit, and the second is to change not only the structure but also the semantics of permanent expression.syntactic, lexical, morphological changes. The study is based on two German women’s magazines BRIGITTE, GLAMOUR, which in the German media space are particularly popular by relevant topics: fashion, career, beauty, trends and lifestyle, relationships and partnerships. It is established that the texts of astrological predictions belong to the address and reference subcontinent, the main purpose of which is to interest the reader, the promotion of key ideas of the publication, the formation of worldview. On the example of German astrological predictions, the most productive types of phraseological transformation are analyzed and its main functions are established, namely: emotionality, expressiveness, expressiveness, accuracy, etc. It is found that the most part of transformations take place both in the structure and in the semantics of a stable expression.


Compound words are characterized by semantic and structural motivation due to the components that make up these words. The relationship between the components of compound words is quite complex, as they can change their meaning when creating a compound word. Moreover, there is a process of modification between the components of a compound word, and they themselves are subject to certain grammatical rules. Depending on the combination of components, there are two types of relationships: subordinate and coordinate. In subordinate components, one component semantically affects (modifies) another. Coordinative compound words are formed copulatively (by combining), without the semantic influence of one component on another. Coordinative compound words are primarily formed in colloquial layer of lexes. They are characterized by simple morphological form and semantic accuracy. However, coordinative-type compound words are not frequently used. Components of coordinative compound words evenly share features of a basic component. They may represent a combination of synonyms and antonyms (sour-sweet), parallel notions of synonymic doublets (coach-trainer). Moreover, coordinative compounds of American sports media discourse may be represented by compound words specific only to the aforementioned sphere. These lexical units may be formed with the help of pronouns, numeral, and proper names. A great deal of coordinative-type compound words use numeral to represent quantitative aspects of sports. They are always occasional and are not fixed in dictionaries as quantitative aspects they render may range within physical capacity of athletes and sports. Compound nouns that use proper names as their components always render a type of a match or characteristics of a certain sports event, in which people, whose names are indicated by the components, take part. An algorithm to distinguish coordinative compounds from other types of compound lexical units has been elaborated.


In the article the surnames of the village Bozhykivtsi are analyzes. At the same time, it is indicated that today significant successes have been in general achieved in the study of anthroponymic heritage of Ukraine, in particular, the surnames of Hutsul region (B. B. Blyzniuk), Boykivshchyna (G. E. Buchko), Lubenshchyna (L. O. Kravchenko), Opillya (H. D. Panchuk), Upper Transnistria (I. D. Farion), etc. The purpose of our research is to analyze the anthroponyms of the village of Bozhykivtsi and to carry out their lexical-semantic and word-forming characteristics on three time periods (1855, 1946 – 1949 and 1986 – 1990), to show the changes in the composition on the basis of a comparative analysis of the surnames. The funds of archives were the sources of the study of surnames, as a result of which a card index was compiled. The material for the study was 649 surnames. The word-forming-structural analysis of surnames of the village of Bozhykivtsi allowed to distinguish morphological and lexical-semantic formations. Anthropo unitst of the village Bozhikivtsi that has been formed by the lexico-semantic way are motivated by: 1) onymic vocabulary: a) surname, corresponding to the personal name; b) surnames corresponding to toponyms; 2) appellate vocabulary: a) surnames related to nouns: non-derivatives and derivatives; b) surnames related to composites; c) surnames related to adjectives. The morphological way of creating anthroponyms is represented only by suffixation. Surnames are formed with the help of patronymics (-евич / -ович, -ич), polyfunctional (-енк-о, -ук / -’ук, -чук, -ик, -ськ-ий / -цьк-ий, -ак / -’ак, -чак, -к-о, -ець, -ан/-’ан, -унь, -л-о, -ій, -ок, -ач), possessive (-ов / -ев / -єв / -ів , -ин / -ін) formants. Thus, it has been established that 44% of the surnames of the first period are preserved in the third time period, so 56% of anthroponyms are new, which is primarily due to the migration of the inhabitants. It was found that at all stages, more names motivated by appeals, less – proper names. Anthroponyms with uncertaine semantics consist 2-3%. Lexical-semantic formations dominated in the first time period, and the morphological one in the second and third periods. The most productive forms wereук/-’ук/-чук, -ськ/-цьк.

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