scholarly journals How does the Government Manage Waste? Analysis of Waste Management in Bantul Regency, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 943 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
Denny Ardiansyah Pribadi ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo ◽  
Aqil Teguh Fathani ◽  
Lubna Salsabila ◽  
Novia Amirah Azmi

Abstract A This study aims to determine the extent of waste management in Bantul Regency with the concept of policy implementation by Edward III, which consists of policy communication, policy coherence, and policy implementation consistency. The government and society are currently trying to manage 3R-based waste (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Researchers used a qualitative descriptive method using secondary data consisting of literature, online media and the internet, and documents from the Bantul district government. The results of the study stated that: Bantul Regency Government is still not optimal in terms of waste management; this can be seen from the level of attention to waste management and management, which is still minimal, thus giving the result that the government has not succeeded in handling waste quickly, precisely and correctly. However, if seen from the amount of waste mass, there was a reduction from 202,910 tons (2019) to 192,021 tons (2020); this is because COVID-19 has stopped mobility and activities so that the amount of waste is not as much as in 2019. However, it should still be noted that waste management must be improved so that waste in the future does not become a new problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-212
Helen Dian Fridayani ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

This study aims to analyze the new normal policy implementation during Covid-19 to deliverance the economy of Indonesia. New normal is one of the options to become a milestone in Indonesia's economic revival. The government has decided to run a new normal policy to encourage economic recovery. Although, the Covid-19 pandemic has not shown any signs of ending. Previously the handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia by seeking social distancing to large-scale social restrictions. However, this policy seems to make the economy in Indonesia stuck, so the government's step is to implement new normal. The method used in this study is qualitative-descriptive, with secondary data obtained from various sources such as government websites, journals, books, and online media. As a result, this new normal policy is aimed at all business sectors. To support this policy, the government has made working guidelines in new normal situations. If economic activity returns, the most noticeable impact will be reduced unemployment and the availability of various jobs. Therefore, people's purchasing power is expected to recover as before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged. New normal activity amid the Covid-19 pandemic is like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, there is the potential to boost the economy; however, there is a risk of increasing the coronavirus's positive cases. This study found that health protocols can be easily formulated, but implementation may not be comfortable in the field. For this reason, various multidisciplinary studies need to be considered by the government in implementing the new normal policy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 508
Anis Ribcalia Septiana ◽  
Maria Margareta Reginaldis ◽  
Rustam Tohopi

The implementation of communication strengthening policies in the Fishermen Insurance of Government Assistance program in Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency. The methods used in this study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. The informants in this study consisted of the Fisheries Secretary, Head of Small Fishermen Empowerment, Partnership Section, Science and Technology and Small Business Information in the Fisheries Sector, Small Fishermen Training and Assistance Section, Tanggetada District Extension Officer, Fishermen. Types and sources of data used in the study use primary and secondary data. The results of communication research in the socialization of the implementation of the Fishermen Insurance Government Assistance program (BPAN) have not been going well because information about BPAN has not been distributed to all fishermen in Tanggetada District. Communication is critical to the success of achieving the goals of implementation. For effective implementation, those who must be responsible for the implementation of a policy must know what to do. The government to implement policies must be conveyed clearly, accurately, and consistently to capable people. So the implementation of the Fishermen Insurance Government Assistance program (BPAN) carries out socialization actions to fishermen and prepares coordination for fishermen insurance recipients.

Anak Agung Gede Oka Wisnumurti ◽  
Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih

Street vendors are informal types of work (small businesses) that arise primarily in urban areas, carried out by low-income people (daily salaries), have limited capital, and consist of only one worker (self employed). The presence of street vendors in various major cities in Indonesia, including in Denpasar City, has become a dilemma that creates pro-contra, and has the potential to clash between citizens and officials of government. This is because street vendors sell their wares in public places that are considered strategic, thus disrupting public order, and other public peace. On the other hand, according to one of the SDG’s programs, the government has an obligation to realize decent work for everyone. In the effort of structuring street vendors, as well as helping small traders of economic actors in the informal sector, the government of Denpasar City issues Denpasar City Local Law No. 2 of the year 2015 about Street Vendors. Therefore, an analysis is needed to find out the implementation of Denpasar City Local Law No. 2 of the year 2015, as well as to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of its implementation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, where the data obtained through the process of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Selection of informants through purposive sampling technique, and data analysis techniques using Merilee S. Grindle's theory of policy implementation and contingency theory by James Lester. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of Denpasar City Local Law No. 2 of the year 2015 for arranging street vendors is still faced with several obstacles such as: lack of location according to allotment, lack of adequate budget, evaluation that is rarely done, and sanctions that are not in accordance with what is written in the Regional Regulation and the lack of understanding of street vendors on the local law. An interesting finding is that it turns out that governemtn of villages and custom village have an important role in organizing street vendors in their areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Agus Sjafari ◽  
Kandung Sapto Nugroho ◽  
Arenawati Arenawati ◽  
Oki Otaviana ◽  
Guntur Fernanto

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah provinsi Banten, sehingga dapat mengetahui model pemberdayaan ekonomi paling efektif bagi masyarakat pesisir di Provinsi Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan lokasi penelitian di Desa Lontar Kecamatan Tirtayasa, Kabupaten Serang dan Desa Citeurep, Kecamatan Panimbang, Kabupaten Pandeglang. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Data primer penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Data sekunder diperoleh dari studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik nelayan antara desa Lontar dan Citeurep. Ada perbedaan jenis pemberdayaan di kedua desa. Ada perbedaan komoditas pada kedua kelompok nelayan. Di Desa Lontar, jenis komoditas yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi, perikanan tangkap, bandeng dan budidaya rumput laut dan usahatani rumput laut. Sedangkan di Desa Citeurep komoditi hanya menangkap ikan. Dalam perspektif kelompok, nelayan di Desa Lontar lebih terorganisir daripada nelayan di Desa Citeurep. Model pemberdayaan relatif yang dapat diterapkan pada dua kelompok nelayan tersebut adalah dengan Model Pendekatan Kelompok Berbasis Regional dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik masyarakat yang ada di daerahnya masing-masing. Pola pemberdayaan yang paling tepat adalah pola pemberdayaan yang melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang menggunakan skema kemitraan seperti: peran pemerintah daerah, perguruan tinggi, DPRD, dan swasta / perusahaan.   Kata kunci: pemberdayaan pesisir, kesejahteraan, kelompok nelayan   ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of economic empowerment activities of coastal communities that have been done by the government of Banten province, thus to find out the most effective model of economic empowerment for coastal communities in the province of Banten. Metode used in this study is qualitative descriptive, with research sites in the village of Lontar sub District Tirtayasa, Serang Region and Citeurep Village, Panimbang sub District, Pandeglang Region. Informant's determination is done by purposive sampling. Primary data of this research is getting from indepth interview and observation. Secondary data getting from by literature study and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the characteristics of fishermen between Lontar and Citeurep villages. There are differences in type of empowerment in both villages. There is a difference of commodities in both groups of fishermen. In Lontar Village, the types of commodities produced are more varied, capture fishery, milkfish and Sea Weed cultivation and seaweed farming. While in Citeurep Village the commodity is capture fish only. In group perspective, fishermen in Lontar Village are more organized than the fishermen in Citeurep Village. The relative empowerment model that can be applied to the two groups of fishermen is with the Regional-Based Group Approach Model taking into account the characteristics of the community that exist in their respective regions. The most appropriate  pattern of empowerment is the empowerment pattern that involves all stakeholders using partnership schemes such as: the role of local government, universities, DPRD, and private / corporate   Keywords: coastal empowerment, welfare, group of fishermen

Victoria E.N. Manoppo ◽  
Jeannette F. Pangemanan ◽  
Nurdin Jusuf

AbstractThe decline in fishermen's income was triggered by increased household needs while the income of fishermen's fate seemed to be unbearable. This is also experienced by Neyan in the Coastal Region of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. Their income continues to decline even more often they have no cost for their daily lives. They are in debt which is strangling their necks. They are increasingly desperate because there is no solution offered either from the government or from other relevant parties. Starting from the background, the problem is formulated as follows: 1. What causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. How do they increase their income. The research objectives are: 1. To describe and analyze what causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. To analyze how they increase their income. This research will be carried out in the Coastal Area of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency in 2017 since it was signed a work contract with LPPM. The method in this study is purposive sampling method. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative description.Keywords: coastal area, income of fishermen, Mandolang sub-district AbstrakTurunnya pendapatan nelayan itu dipicu kebutuhan rumah tangga yang meningkat sedangkan pendapatan nasib nelayan seolah tak lepas dirundung malang. Hal ini juga dialami oleh neyan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Pendapatan mereka semakin hari semakin menurun bahkan seringkali  mereka tidak mempunyai biaya untuk kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Mereka terlbat utang yang semakin mencekik leher.  Mereka semakin putus asa karena belum ada jalan keluar yang ditawarkan baik dari pemerintah ataupun dari pihak-pihak terkait lainnya.  Bertitik tolak dari latar belakang tersebut maka masalah dirumuskan sebagai berikut: 1. Apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah : 1. Untuk mengdeskripsikan dan menganalisis apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Untuk menganalisis bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa pada tahun 2017 sejak di tandatangani kontrak kerja dengan LPPM. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Sumber data adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yakni analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskripsi kuantitatif.Kata kunci: wilayah pesisir, pendapatan nelayan, kecamatan Mandolang

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-128
Sugeng Setyadi ◽  
Moh Sofyan Budiarto

  Ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu menjadi kekuatan nasional dan provinsi Banten dengan kontribusi terhadap PDB meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Diperlukan pemetaan terhadap potensi dan prioritas sektor industri kreatif di provinsi Banten untuk menentukan rencana aksi dan strategi pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi dan prioritas industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Provinsi Banten melalui indikator indikator yang bersifat kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan survei terhadap pelaku industri kreatif di provinsi Banten. Data primer diperoleh dengan metode wawancara, dan kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari data yang relevan dari sumber lain seperti BPS, Disperindag dan studi literature. Analisa data menggunakan Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) merupakan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang untuk memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang menyangkut kriteria yang bersifat komplek, menentukan prioritas pilihan-pilihan dengan banyak kriteria, dan menentukan model alternatif untuk menyelesaikan bermacam-macam masalah. Hasil perhitungan AHP dengan penyilangan Kriteria Prioroitas dengan Prioritas Subsektor Ekraf, didapatkan angka 0,496243386 pada posisi pertama untuk Kriya, 0,404603175 untuk subsektor Fesyen pada posisi kedua dan 0,099153439 untuk Subsektor Kuliner pada posisi ketiga. Ketiga Subsektor Ekoomi kreatif ini menjadi Sub sektor yang paling dominan dipilih oleh responden dan posisi peringkat diatas menjadi gambaran bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan stimulus lebih pada subsektor yang ada dan menjadi kekuatan utama sektor industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Banten.   The research objective is to mapping the potential and priority of small and medium the creative industry in Banten Province through indicators with qualitative approach.  Research used qualitative descriptive methods by conducting a survey of creative industry actors in Banten province. Primary data was obtained by interview method, and questionnaire while secondary data was obtained from relevant data from other sources such as BPS, Disperindag and literature study. Data analysis using the Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) is a decision-making approach designed to provide solutions to problems involving complex criteria, determine priorities with multiple criteria, and determine alternative models to solve various problems. AHP calculation results by crossing the Priority Criteria with the Subsector's Priority Ekraf, obtained the number 0, 496243386 in the first position for Kriya, 0.404603175 for the Fashion sub-sector in the second position and 0.099153439 for the Culinary Subsector in the third position. The three subsectors of this creative economy become the most dominant subsector chosen by the respondents and the ranking position above becomes a picture for the government to provide more stimulus to the existing sub-sector micro, small and medium creative Industry sector in Banten Province.  

Wahyu Fatimah Chaniago

This study aims to determine the work culture of the sub-district government in providing administrative services to the community in the Covid-19 era. The research method is a direct qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The study results show a fundamental service change in 2020, namely the pattern of routine and usual ways of working that are very different felt by the people who will provide services at the Teluk Ambon District Office. Changes in bureaucratic work procedures are caused by the public's complying with the health protocol and maintaining a sitting position, which is one meter while providing services at the Teluk Ambon sub-district office.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lelya Hilda

This research is based on the problems on low economy of the societies that make the children help their parents to have working to fulfill their needs. Meanwhile, children still need to play and to study, it is not their responsible to join to handle the needs of their economy. The purposes of this research are to know the condition of education of the children workers in TPA Batu Bola Padangsidimpuan. Beside, the researcher also wanted to know the factors caused them doing work in that place, and the parents and government effort to protect the children. The research is qualitative descriptive. The informant are children workers (pick workers/pemulung), their parents, as the primer source and other pick workers, and the district government (lurah) as the secondary source. The instruments used are questionnaires, interview, observation, adn documentation. Based on the research, it is found that the children are 12 persons from Junior High School (40%), 9 persons from Junior High School (30%), 2 persons from Senior High School (6.67%), and out of school 7 persons (23.33%). The main factors that make them work is because of the pressure of the economic needs. The reasons are asked by their parents (80%), their wants (13.33%), and asked by their friends (6.67%).  The parents effort by giving advises to their children, and the government didnot have hard regulation and solution in order to make them always in that condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 376-386
Adnan Abdul Safii ◽  
Amin Pujiati

This research aims to identify the level of community participation in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village, to know the inhibiting factors in the development of tourism villages, and to identify efforts to overcome obstacles to increase the participation of the Keseneng Village community. The design in this study is a case study research with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Trianggulation technique means using different data collection techniques to get data from the same source. The results showed that the level of community participation in the development of the Keseneng Tourism Village using the Arnstein ladder was in the stage of Placatation. Participation in the threatening stage means that the communication made by the community and the government has been done well. The community also has the opportunity to place its representatives in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village activities. The inhibiting factors in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village are lack of funding, quality of Human Resources, knowledge and insights of the community regarding tourism villages, and incomplete facilities and infrastructure. Efforts are being made to overcome obstacles by disseminating tourism, providing skills training, fostering tourism villages, participating in marketing and publishing Keseneng Tourism Village, as well as comparative studies to other tourist villages. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng, mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan desa wisata, serta mengetahui upaya dalam mengatasi hambatan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat Desa Keseneng. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng menggunakan tangga Arnstein berada pada tahap Penentraman (Placatation). Partisipasi tahap Penetraman berarti bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dan pemerintah telah dilakukan dengan baik. Masyarakat juga memiliki kesempatan untuk menempatkan perwakilannya dalam kegiatan pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng yaitu kurangnya pendanaan, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, pengetahuan dan wawasan masyarakat mengenai desa wisata, serta sarana dan prasarana belum lengkap. Upaya yang dilakukan  masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk mengatasi hambatan dengan melakukan sosialisasi kepariwisataan, memberikan pelatihan keterampilan, pembinaan desa wisata, ikut memasarkan dan mempublikasikan Desa Wisata Keseneng, serta studi banding ke desa wisata lain.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Dedeng Yusuf Maolani ◽  
Deding Ishak

Study Design This study is being used in a descriptive method derives Researchers want to describe give elaborate on how the implementation of waste management policy in East Timor Dili District Government of the State, with the face of data collection is done by interview give documentation. This is Reported in Research Vice Regent Regent give Dili, Head 5 (five), Head 4 (empathy) give the Community. Results showed realization give waste management program in Timor Leste Dili State in 2015 in 4 (empathy) District of running properly, Environmental cleanliness program's budget from the central government, namely the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Timor-Leste. Implementation of policy initiatives dominated give more initiative from the Central Government (Top Down). Dili District Government, giving it more community empowerment practicing general education as well as specialized as well as an evaluation of the implementation of the policy of the Government in the implementation of the waste management program. Then, in order to obtain the existence of political support from all elements of society and the social party political.

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