2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Mutia Indriyani ◽  
Moh. Safii ◽  
Yuni Pratiwi

This study aimed to describe the level of literacy information of State University of Malang students participants in PIMNAS 2018 and 2019 based on six standards of literacy information. This research used descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The results showed that the information literacy level of the State University of Malang students who participated in the PIMNAS 2018 and 2019 based on six sub-variables, there are average score of identifying information needs was 3.43; average score of information-searching behavior and information sources was 3.15; average score of information search techniques and strategies was 2.96; average score of information organization and evaluation was 3.19; average score of information use and related issues was 3.14; and average score of information sharing and knowledge creation was 3.76. The author argue that the State University of Malang Library should be involved in improving student literacy in the category of using techniques and information search strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 562
Yuni Rahmah ◽  
Elva Rahmah

AbstractIn this paper the language about Millennial Generation Information Search Behavior To Meet Information Needs. This study aims to describe the information seeking behavior of the millennial generation to meet the information needs of this study at the Padang State University. Data were collected through observation and distribution of questionnaires with students of the Indonesian and Regional Languages and Literature Department at Padang State University. Analyzing the data, concluded the following matters. (1). Starting - consists of activities that initiate information seeking activities. In general (100%) determine the topic especially before conducting an information search, in general (90%) conduct information search after discussion or consultation with lecturers, in general (95.23%) know the information needs when attending lectures, (88.4 %) know the information needs specifically, and in general (88%) do information when they are aware of and know the need for information. (2). Chaining - activities following a series of citations, citations or forms of reconciliation between documents with each other. In general (92.8 uses a bibliography to search information, generally (90.4%) use the author's name from the core reference to look for other references in conducting information searches, and in general (92.9%) use subjects from core reference to look for other references (3) Browsing - merawak, looking for, but rather directed, in areas that are considered to have the potential for the information needed.In general (73%) libraries can always meet information needs, in general In general (95.2%) look for information on the internet if the information you are looking for is not found in the printed source of information, (92.8%) generally directly looking for information on the internet if the information you need is not found in the printed source of information, at generally (45.22%) query identification (keywords). (4). Differentiating - sorting, using the features in the information source as a basic reference for checking quality or information content. in general (88%) the internet is the main source of information, in general (92.84%) The source of information printed is still very much needed in fulfilling information needs. (5). Monitoring - monitoring progress by focusing on selected sources. In general (88.09%) looked for the latest information through the internet by searching for the latest articles, in general (78.56%) needed to find the latest information to enrich the reference sources. (6). Extracting - systematically digging in one source to retrieve information that is considered important. In general (90.47 when you need information you often search the search engine (google, yahoo), in general (88.09 often uses a journal database to get information, in general (78.56%) after getting information on the internet , you directly copy the information, in general (76.19%) use the "Google" search engine because it is more relevant than other search engines.Keywords: behavior, millennial generation and information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

Anna Gahnberg ◽  
Sonja Fagerholm ◽  
Karolina Karjalainen

During 2018 the Anna Lindh Library at the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) offers all information literacy education online. The transformation to online teaching has a number of reasons and here are some: • The number of students is expected to grow with 30 % within the next two years. Classes will be larger and there is a scarcity of physical classrooms on the horizon. • Military contract education students have expressed wishes for more flexible learning.• The Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET) provides infrastructure and software services, hence    SEDU has adequate technological environment. As a first step in the transition to net based education, we have used the web conferencing software Adobe Connect to carry out the teaching. The teaching has been scheduled and synchronous. We have  designed it with search exercises, conducted individually or in groups to stimulate student-active learning. Synchronous design like this may also have social advantages, according to Biggs. (Biggs, 2011, p.  71).  In addition to Adobe Connect, the school's Learning Management System has been used as a synchronous communication platform with the students. According to Hrastinski technology, if properly used, it can increase learning opportunities. (Hrastinski, 2013, p.15). We also believe that online education can be a solution when the student groups grow. It enables  remote teaching and it is in close proximity to the platforms and databases used in today's information search.  One of the challenges of applying net based learning to information literacy instruction is that the students are not familiar to the technique yet. Another challenge is that librarians do not meet the same  students over a longer period of time, or not even when they need the instruction the most. Therefore the combination of scheduled synchronous instruction and asynchronous communication will possibly turn  out to be the most successful. ReferencesHrastinski, S. (2013). Nätbaserad utbildning: En introduktion (2. ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2011). Teaching for quality learning at university: What the student does (4. rev. ed.). Maidenhead: Open University Press.Delaney, Geraldine, & Bates, Jessica. (2018). How Can the University Library Better Meet the Information Needs of Research Students? Experiences from Ulster University. New Review of Academic  Librarianship, 24(1), 63-89.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Dila Nur Muthia Fitriani ◽  
Nunung Nurjanah ◽  
Issutarti Issutarti

This research is aimed to analyse the perception of the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering (HORECA) industry to the internship of Culinary Arts Education students at State University of Malang students in aspects of knowledge, skills and working attitude in the production and service field. The population of the object are 13 hotel, restaurant, and catering industries: 5 hotels, 4 restaurants and 4 catering in Malang and Batu city. The samples are 13 industries where the students are having their On-Job-Training (OJT) term; it is one respondent for each industry. The research is a descriptive research applied quantitative approach. The data collection are the questionnaires which are analysed by using descriptive statistics. The perception of Hotels, Restaurants and Catering industries to the student competencies are the aspects of knowledge, skills and working attitude in the production and service field which are identified as follow: 1) Almost all the related parties of the HOREKA industries (84 percent) stated that the students are capable in the state  of knowledge during the OJT term; 2) Almost all the related parties of the HOREKA industries (84 percent) stated that the students are capable in the state of skills during their OJT term; 3) Almost all the related parties of the HOREKA industries stated (92 percent) that the students are capable in the state of working attitude, during their OJT term; 4) Almost all related parties of the HOREKA industries (84 percent) stated the students are capable in every aspect (knowledge, skills and working attitude) during their OJT term.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi industri HOREKA terhadap kemampuan kompetensi kerja Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang pada aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap kerja di bidang produksi dan service. Populasinya adalah 13 industri HOREKA yang terdiri dari 6 hotel, 4 restoran dan 3 katering di Kota Malang dan Kota Batu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah industri HOREKA (Hotel, Restoran dan Katering) di Kota Malang dan Batu yang menjadi tempat praktik industri Mahasiswa Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang yang berjumlah 13 industri. Setiap industri diambil 1 responden yaitu pembimbing praktik industri, sehingga terdapat 13 orang responden. Penelitian termasuk penelitian deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pada tahap pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Persepsi industri HOREKA terhadap kompetensi kerja Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang pada aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap kerja di bidang produksi dan service diketahui sebagai berikut: 1) Hampir seluruhnya (84 persen) pihak industri HOREKA menyampaikan bahwa Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang mampu pada aspek pengetahuan selama melaksanakan praktik industri, 2) Hampir seluruhnya (84 persen) pihak industri HOREKA menyampaikan bahwa Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang mampu pada aspek keterampilan selama melaksanakan praktik industri, 3) Hampir seluruhnya (92 persen) pihak industri HOREKA menyampaikan bahwa Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang mampu pada aspek sikap kerja selama melaksanakan praktik industri, 4) Hampir seluruhnya (84 persen) pihak industri HOREKA menyampaikan bahwa Mahasiswa Praktik Industri Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang mampu pada keseluruhan aspek (aspek pengetahuan, aspek keterampilan dan aspek sikap kerja) selama melaksanakan praktik industri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Vagner José Magarão Araujo ◽  
Diogo Seixas Petersen ◽  
Sidinei Silva Anunciação

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo aprofundar os estudos concernentes às produções científicas da Universidade do Estado da Bahia entre os anos de 1994 e 2020 nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus, tendo como fundamentos uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas. Foram utilizadas técnicas da bibliometria, com métricas de produtividade e de impacto, como o quantitativo de produções por ano de publicação, relações de autoria, redes de cooperação, fontes de publicação, nacionalidades, áreas do conhecimento, citações e palavras-chave, que serviram para análises e diagnósticos que podem ser basilares na construção de planejamentos e tomada de decisão no que diz respeito a gestão dos programas de pós-graduação e estabelecimento de parcerias com outras instituições.ABSTRACTThe present work aims to deepen the studies concerning the scientific productions of the University of the State of Bahia between 1994 and 2020 in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. It is characterized as a descriptive research with qualitative and quantitative approaches, through bibliometric techniques, with productivity and impact metrics. Variables that resulted in the identification of diagnoses that can be fundamental in the construction of plans and decision-making regarding the management of graduate programs were analyzed. It concludes that the institution's scientific production at the bases has grown and strengthened in the last 4 years, with emphasis on areas such as Agronomy, Biological Sciences and Chemistry, requiring greater attention and investment in partnerships with other institutions, and in areas with potential and growing such as Health Science and Physics.

Libri ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-84 ◽  
Catherine L. Smith ◽  
Miriam L. Matteson

Abstract With the use of machine learning and other advances, modern information search systems make it easy for searchers to access information to meet their most frequent information needs. Building from Kuhlthau’s concepts of exploration and differentiating, this article argues that along with the benefits of greater accessibility, these advances impede the development of information literacy, conceptualized as processes for planning, accessing, judging and communicating information. It is argued that information literacy emerges during interaction with search systems and modern system designs hide or render unworkable the contextual information needed for the judgment processes of information literacy. In response to these concerns, the article contributes desiderata for new designs that facilitate the discovery, navigation and use of context information.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anton Risparyanto

Introduction. There are various types of information sources and guidelines on information literacy at libraries. It is necessary to understand the types of information sources and guidelines on information literacy needed by students, particularly for those who are in the stage of writing their final assignments. The aims of this paper is to provide  better understanding of the need of information sources for the final year students.Research Methods. This is qualitative descriptive research with 10 final year students in structured interviews as well as observations from the Indonesian Islamic University. Data analysis. Data from interviews and observations were analyzed using qualitative methods on the variables used as research subjects.Results and Discussions. The data showed that types of online and printed information sources include (a) textbooks; (b) journals; (c) proceedings and (d) final assignments (theses and dissertations). In terms of information literacy guidelines, they need some  guideline to (a) access to information sources; (b) analyse information sources; (c) evaluate  information sources and (d) use information sources.Conclusions and Recommendations. The library should provide several types of information sources and information literacy guidelines for students to prepare their final assignments. The paper also suggests that the Directorate of Indonesian Islamic University Library to consider better students’ information needs and continue with further similar research.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (34) ◽  
pp. 284
Comfort. O. Akomolafe ◽  
Esther Temiwunmi Aremu

This study examined the various alternative sources put in place in the public universities in Lagos State in financing the institutions. The study adopted descriptive research design. The population for the study was all the universities in Lagos State. The sample for this study comprised two public universities in Lagos state. A self-design questionnaire titled “Alternative sources of financing university inventory” (ASFUI) was used to gather information required from the budgetary section of the universities. The study revealed that the Federal University was able to employ more alternative sources of financing than the State University. However, none of the universities fully employed the available alternative sources. It also revealed that tuition was not an alternative source at undergraduate level in the Federal university. It was recommended that the universities should employ more alternative sources which are yet to be employed and the State University specifically should be involved in some income generated activities which are commercial in nature and not currently employed. Tuition should be introduced in the Federal Universities at undergraduate level with consideration to students from poor parents.

Mousaion ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
Rexwhite Tega Enakrire ◽  
Isaac Mpho Mothiba

Information literacy competencies indicate the ability of an individual to apply a certain search strategy of information discovery, to understand its design, to value judgement, and to use it in various contents and contexts. The influence of information literacy competencies plays an important role in enabling information users to meet their information needs and prepares them for lifelong learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of information literacy competencies of users in the Saulsville public library, South Africa. The rationale was a lack of awareness and the inability of the users to find their information needs based on the task and decision at hand. The descriptive survey design adopted for this study made use of a questionnaire to collect data from 1 120 registered members of the Saulsville library. Of the 1 120 registered users being the population for the study, the authors purposively used 10 per cent (112 members) of the population as sample size. The findings revealed that users of the Saulsville public library had limited awareness and competencies of information literacy. The users were exposed to some form of library orientation and the use of library resources during their visit to the library. The findings further indicated that the users’ information literacy competencies were affirmed through the quality of information obtained and the satisfaction of library services rendered by library staff. The study recommends the acquisition of new technologies that could enhance users’ interactive information literacy training in public libraries and formal education settings.  

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