scholarly journals Development of Religious and Moral Values Through Cublak-Cublak Suweng Traditional Games To Build Children's Character

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Retno Anggraini ◽  
Astri Wahyuni

One way to build character early is through games, including traditional games. Apart from building character, this game can also develop aspects of children's religious and moral values. The purpose of this research is to make children's character. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with an inductive approach, data collection techniques used are primary and secondary data through inductive methods. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it shows that traditional games performed for early childhood using cublak-cublak suweng games can help train and develop the development of religious and moral values ​​in children aged 4-6 years by training children to behave well, honest, polite behavior, tolerance, train cooperation, and train children's creativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Annisa Sherin Millenia ◽  
Maman Abdurrahman ◽  
Ilham Mujahid

Abstract. Research in this thesis is a type of descriptive research. The data used in this study is secondary data with primary legal material in the form of Al-Qur'anul Karim, Compilation of Islamic Law, Law No. 1 of 1974, Law No. 48 of 2009 on the Power of Justice. While the approach the author uses is juridical normative. The author uses data collection techniques or library research in accordance with PERMA No. 1 Year 2019 on The Administration of Cases and Hearings in the Court conducted electronically, however, the facts that occurred, the absence of the respondent at the court on the grounds that the existence of PSBB, although the call has been made officially and appropriately. In the examination of the Respondent from the attorney general the applicant submits an application to the panel of judges to continue the trial and examine the respondent via video call. The results of this study showed that the discretion of the Judge in deciding the divorce lawsuit through a video call in the Brass Religious Court, the judge prioritized the principle of justice and efficacy for the community, especially to the litigants. Abstrak. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dengan bahan hukum primer berupa Al-Qur’anul Karim, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974, Undang-Undang No. 48 Tahun 2009 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Sementara pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data atau library research Sesuai dengan PERMA No. 1 Tahun 2019 tentang Adminsitrasi Perkara dan Persidangan di Pengadilan dilakukan secara elektronik, Namun, Fakta yang terjadi, ketidakhadiran dari termohon di persidangan dengan alasan saat itu adanya PSBB, meskipun telah dilakukan panggilan secara resmi dan patut. Dalam pemeriksaan Termohon dari kuasa hukum pemohon mengajukan permohonan kepada majelis hakim untuk tetap melanjutkan persidangan dan memeriksa pihak termohon melalui video call. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa diskresi Hakim dalam memutus perkara gugatan cerai talak melalui video call di Pengadilan Agama Kuningan, hakim mengutamakan asas keadilan dan kemanfatan bagi masyarakat, khususnya kepada pihak yang berperkara.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 376-386
Adnan Abdul Safii ◽  
Amin Pujiati

This research aims to identify the level of community participation in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village, to know the inhibiting factors in the development of tourism villages, and to identify efforts to overcome obstacles to increase the participation of the Keseneng Village community. The design in this study is a case study research with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Trianggulation technique means using different data collection techniques to get data from the same source. The results showed that the level of community participation in the development of the Keseneng Tourism Village using the Arnstein ladder was in the stage of Placatation. Participation in the threatening stage means that the communication made by the community and the government has been done well. The community also has the opportunity to place its representatives in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village activities. The inhibiting factors in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village are lack of funding, quality of Human Resources, knowledge and insights of the community regarding tourism villages, and incomplete facilities and infrastructure. Efforts are being made to overcome obstacles by disseminating tourism, providing skills training, fostering tourism villages, participating in marketing and publishing Keseneng Tourism Village, as well as comparative studies to other tourist villages. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng, mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan desa wisata, serta mengetahui upaya dalam mengatasi hambatan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat Desa Keseneng. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng menggunakan tangga Arnstein berada pada tahap Penentraman (Placatation). Partisipasi tahap Penetraman berarti bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dan pemerintah telah dilakukan dengan baik. Masyarakat juga memiliki kesempatan untuk menempatkan perwakilannya dalam kegiatan pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng yaitu kurangnya pendanaan, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, pengetahuan dan wawasan masyarakat mengenai desa wisata, serta sarana dan prasarana belum lengkap. Upaya yang dilakukan  masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk mengatasi hambatan dengan melakukan sosialisasi kepariwisataan, memberikan pelatihan keterampilan, pembinaan desa wisata, ikut memasarkan dan mempublikasikan Desa Wisata Keseneng, serta studi banding ke desa wisata lain.  

Handry Sudiarta Athar

The aim of this study was to determine whether the interest rate variables, loan procedures, services, credit guarantees and facilities influence the customer's decision to pledge his goods at the Pegadaian Public Corporation in East Lombok. This research is a descriptive research with research location on the 23rd education road in Aikmel, East Lombok. The data collection method is a sample with a sample of 100 respondents, determined on the basis of unintended samples with the Slovenian formula. Techniques for data collection are observation and interview. Data collection tool is a questionnaire. The type of data used is quantitative data and qualitative data with data sources in the form of primary and secondary data. Based on the factor analysis, it has been found that out of the five factors investigated, four factors influence the customer's decision to pledge the goods, grouped into 3 core factors: the first factor has an own value of 1,703, a combination of variations in credit facilities and guarantees. The second factor has an eigenvalue of 1,022, in particular from the loan procedure variable. The third factor has an eigenvalue of 1.003, which is an interest rate variable. And the factor that has the greatest influence is the first factor because it has the highest self-esteem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-172
Meylina Tria Ambarwati ◽  
Yuniastuti Yuniastuti ◽  
Desinta Dwi Rapita

This study is based on the eroding sense of nationalism that is increasingly fading among the younger generation that makes the planting of nationalism values in the world of education is now beginning to be improved. This study aims to know the development of nationalism character, supporting factors, obstacles experienced, and how to overcome the obstacles experienced in the application of nationalism character building through habituation singing the pre-learning national anthem. This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The data sources used in this study are primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques in this study used non-participant observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this study was conducted by data collection. reduction of data, presentation of data, and withdrawal of conclusions. The implementation of singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya to foster the character of nationalism in students at SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh is in accordance with Permendikbud No.21 Year 2015 on the Rules of The First Day of School Admission. The supporting factor in the development of nationalism character through habituation to sing the pre-learning national anthem at SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh is the existence of adequate facilities. The obstacles owned by SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh in carrying out the policy of singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya to foster the character of nationalism in students are the lack of seriousness of students, speakers that do not function properly, and the lack of strict sanctions. The efforts that will be made in overcoming the obstacles of fostering the character of nationalism through habituation to sing the pre-learning national anthem at SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh are to reward, buy some new speakers, and give a reprimand to teachers who are less assertive. Kajian ini didasarkan atas terkikisnya rasa nasionalisme yang semakin lama semakin memudar dikalangan generasi muda yang membuat penanaman nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam dunia pendidikan sekarang ini mulai ditingkatkan. Pendidikan karakter nasionalisme menjadi langkah efektif untuk membangun rasa semangat nasionalisme para generasi muda. Kajian ini bertujuan mengetahui pembinaan karakter nasionalisme, faktor pendukung, kendala yang dialami, dan cara mengatasi kendala yang dialami dalam penerapan pembinaan karakter nasionalisme melalui pembiasaan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan pra pembelajaran. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data pada kajian ini menggunakan observasi non partisipan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam kajian ini dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data. reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pelaksanaan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya untuk menumbuhkan karakter nasionalisme dalam diri peserta didik di SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh sudah sesuai dengan Permendikbud No.21 Tahun 2015 tentang Aturan Hari Pertama Masuk Sekolah. Faktor pendukung dalam pembinaan karakter nasionalisme melalui pembiasaan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan pra pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh adalah dengan adanya fasilitas yang sudah memadai. Kendala yang dimiliki oleh SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh dalam melaksanakan kebijakan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya untuk menumbuhkan karakter nasionalisme dalam diri peserta didik adalah kurangnya kesungguhan siswa, speaker yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik, dan kurangnya sanksi tegas. Upaya yang akan dilakukan dalam mengatasi kendala pembinaan karakter nasionalisme melalui pembiasaan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan pra pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 2 Megaluh adalah memberikan reward, membeli beberapa speaker baru, dan memberikan teguran kepada guru yang kurang tegas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

Al-Qalam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 421
Khaerun Nisa'

This study aims to determine the process of implementation the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the Konjo community adult process, how is the existance of the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the modern area, and how is the islamic perspective on the procession of tradition. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Data sources are primary and secondary data. Researcher as a key instrument. Data collection methods are observation, deep interview and documentation. <em>Parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attrarasa’s </em>tradition is a traditional ceremony held by Konjo community in eastern Bulukumba, when  a child enters adulthood. The traditional still exists carried out by the community of Konjo until now, as a way to appreciate the ancestrals heritage. According to the islamic perpective on the procession of the traditional ceremonies, such as the presentation of offerings and flattening of teeth <em>(attarasa)</em> is considered contradictory to the existing rules in islam.<br /><p align="center"> </p>

2020 ◽  
endang naryono

This study aims to determine and analyze the analysis using SWOT analysis which includes Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats as one of the strategies to improve competitiveness in Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi. This research is a type of associative descriptive research using primary data that is collecting data for hypothesis testing and answering questions from research subjects by collecting through a list of questions with survey research instruments. This research uses triangulation method. The population in this study is Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews and observations. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative analysis research method.The results of the study show that currently Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi has not fully utilized the opportunities available. The strategy implemented by Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi has not yet fully used a good marketing strategy, for that Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi must implement a suitable strategy to use in optimizing its competitiveness by managing hotels by evaluating and implementing the strategies that must be achieved. By improving marketing strategies and increasing hotel facilities so as to provide satisfaction and desire for patients in Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-401
Umaria Husnu

In this study the researchers analyzed this title because of the low support from educators and parents in developing children's creativity, drawing is not the main priority in developing creativity, and the lack of children's ability to develop creativity drawing activities in early childhood. In analyzing the creativity of drawing in early childhood, it is hoped that educators and parents can find out more in understanding the importance of developing the creativity of drawing activities in early childhood. This research is a library research (library research) that uses primary data sources and secondary data, with data collection techniques: library, and accessing internet sites (Websites). The validity of the data uses method triangulation. Data analysis uses data reduction analysis techniques, data displays and drawing conclusions.The results showed that drawing activities in early childhood can develop children's creativity. The process of drawing activities of children is able to create or combine ideas and ideas in divergent and thinking by providing motivation, supporting facilities for creativity, and freedom for children to explore their thinking abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-77
Fitria Septianti ◽  
Nur Hafidz

The current era of education for children is experiencing a moral crisis in the aspects of religious and moral development. Religious and moral values ​​of children will be formed through interaction and environmental responses to an active five-sensory performance system. Cartoon films are a strategy for developing children's creativity. By presenting imaginative, interactive, and fun story events through the behavior and attitudes of the characters in cartoon films. The cartoon film Syamil and Dodo became a cartoon film by NCR Production which was made to educate children because it was rich in Islamic educational values ​​and religious and moral values ​​which were suitable to stimulate early childhood. The problem in this research is: "How is the strengthening of religious and moral values ​​in the cartoon film Syamil and Dodo?". The research analyzes the strengthening of religious and moral values ​​in the cartoon film Syamil and Dodo. This type of research is library or Library Research using the cartoon film Syamil and Dodo as the primary data source in this study. Meanwhile, secondary data were obtained from journals, books, and previous thesis. The data collection technique in this research is documentation by observing footage from the cartoon film Syamil and Dodo. Based on the research conducted by the author, the cartoon film Syamil and Dodo is a cartoon film suitable for watching early childhood, the film contains religious and moral educational values ​​for children aged 4-6 years. Strengthening the Syamil and Dodo cartoons can be a medium to reflect and actualize how to properly instill religious and moral values ​​for children in the scope of family and school education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-30
Niffa Asrilla Yulisar ◽  
Hibana Hibana ◽  
Siti Zubaedah

This research is motivated by the pros and cons of applying calistung learning in kindergarten. Calistung's activities caused much criticism from observers of early childhood. That the world of children is playing and having fun and the most important thing that must be developed in kindergarten is socializing and ethics. But there are opinions that assume that early childhood is a golden period where it is easy to absorb all kinds of information. This study includes a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. The subject of this research is the teacher kelas B TK Angkasa Tasikmalaya. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis using the Milles and Huberman model and data validity testing using source and technique triangulation. The results showed that the learning that was implemented in TK Angkasa had largely followed the idealism of calistung learning according to existing theories. Children's cognitive aspects generally develop well according to the stages of cognitive development at the age of 5-6 years. Calistung learning in TK Angkasa Tasikmalaya has positive and negative effects on children's cognitive.

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