scholarly journals The Empowerment and Product Development of "Terasi Rebon" Processed Seafood Craftsmen as a Leading Potential for Competitive Coastal Areas in Karang Agung, Tuban, East Java

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 333-340
Muslichah Erma W. ◽  
Mahmudah Enny Widyaningrum ◽  
Abdul Fattah ◽  

One of the most prominent products from processed seafood from the famous coastal area of ​​Tuban is Terasi. Terasi is a type of food flavouring in the form of pasta, distinctively smelling fermented shrimp, fish or a mixture of both with salt and other additives. In the implementation of the Regional Superior Product Development Program in partnership with UKM Putra Bahari located in Karang Agung village, Tuban, East Java. Where is the production of shrimp paste as a flavouring cuisine? The problem of partners in terms of the company's production aspects is the production process in which the process of drying raw materials utilizes the availability of sunlight. Where it has an impact on the quality and extent of drying as well as the problem of cleanliness of the process. Then in operational activities have not been done with good operational management, low innovation in production and product variants, so that it needs overall assistance in marketing, financial to tax and production management aspects

Tingting Cheng ◽  
Jun Chen ◽  
Ke Wu ◽  
Jianguo Liu ◽  
Siheng Lu ◽  

This article describes the hazards and causes of VOCs as well as the state of VOCs. It is the main culprit in the production of VOCs, which is the main culprit of the production of VOCs source materials in automobile, and analyzes the production of VOCs in the raw material production process from the source. Finally, proposed reduction measures from three aspects of the raw materials, production, management.

Nove Kartika Erliyanti ◽  
Andre Yusuf Trisna Putra ◽  
Ira Wikartika ◽  
Dika Prasetyo ◽  
Rangga Kurnia Putra ◽  

Permasalahan yang terjadi pada mitra (UD Sumber Rejeki) adalah minimnya pengetahuan tentang sanitasi makanan pada produksi kerupuk ikan. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari kondisi peralatan yang digunakan dalam produksi kerupuk ikan yang belum sepenuhnya dipisahkan antara peralatan proses produksi dan peralatan rumah tangga. Kurangnya pengetahuan mitra juga ditunjukkan pada saat proses produksi belum menggunakan baju produksi (apron), topi koki, dan dalam produksi kerupuk ikan belum memenuhi kaidah atau pedoman Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik (CPPOB). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan dan meningkatkan sanitasi makanan pada produksi kerupuk ikan sesuai dengan kaidah CPPOB. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah melakukan sosialisasi, pendampingan, dan edukasi tentang penerapan dan peningkatan sanitasi serta penggunaan peralatan yang sesuai dengan kaidah CPPOB. Metode lainnya adalah membantu pengadaan baju produksi (apron), topi koki, booklet yang berisikan sanitasi diri, bahan baku, peralatan, dan sanitasi ruangan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah mitra sangat antusias dalam menerima materi yang disampaikan dan berkomitmen untuk menerapkan dan meningkatkan sanitasi serta penggunaan peralatan sesuai dengan kaidah CPPOB, adanya baju produksi (apron), topi koki, masker, tempat sampah, dan booklet. Kata kunci: CPPOB, Manajemen produksi, Produksi kerupuk ikan, Sanitasi, UD sumber                        rejeki ABSTRACT The problem that occurs to partner (UD Sumber Rejeki) is the lack of knowledge about food sanitation in fish crackers production. This can be seen from the condition of the equipment used in the production of fish crackers that has not been completely separated between the production process equipment and household appliances. The lack of knowledge of partner is also shown when the production process does not use apron, chef’s hat, and fish crackers production does not meet the rules for CPPOB. This aims to implement and improve food sanitation in fish crackers production in accordance with CPPOB principles. The method used in this activity is to conduct socialization, mentoring, and counseling on the implementation and improvement of sanitation and the use of equipment in according with CPPOB principles. Another method is to help procure apron, chef’s hat, booklets containing personal sanitation, raw materials, equipment, and room sanitation. The results of this activity is that the partner is very enthusiastic in receiving the material presented and is committed to implementing and improving sanitation and the use of equipment in accordance with CPPOB principles, the existence of apron, chef’s hat, masks, trash bins, and booklets. Keywords: CPPOB, Fish Crackers Production, Production Management, Sanitation, UD sumber rejeki

An information system audit is a way to check and assess needs and assess the extent to which information systems can answer a need in the production process. Production is the core activity of a company. In the production system occurs an input of raw materials, raw materials processing, and output of the process of making these raw materials. In this research object selected is PT. Tunas Alfin Tbk. PT. Tunas Alfin Tbk is a manufacturer of printing and packing for food and no food products that stood since 1977. Dives more than 25 years old and supported by technology and capabilities with attention to and improve product quality, hygienist, and food safety the production process at PT. TUNAS ALFIN TBK utilizes information technology to run its business, and the company realizes that using IT in business operations will assist in their production management process to produce maximum output. Therefore, the need for Information System evaluation to be a benchmark. Whether the application of IT in production has been applied correctly or not. The information audit method to be used is COBIT 5 with the DSS domain (Deliver, Service, and Support). where the COBIT 5 model of management standards has received full recognition, developed by the Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI) and the Information System Audit Control Association (ISACA).

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 610
Ismet Sulila

AbstrakSektor ril telah terbukti mampu memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi di daerah. Kabupaten Gorontalo memiliki beberapa kelompok binaan usaha mikro kecil sulaman kain karawo, yang diantaranya berlokasi di desa wisata religius Bongo. Peran perguruan tinggi yang dilaksanakan melalui pengabdian masyarakat difokuskan pada upaya konkrit secara bertahap dan terukur dalam meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada kelompok sasaran pengrajin sulaman kain karawo untuk menciptakan keunggulan produk karawo yang memenuhi Standard Mutu Pasar Moderen di tingkat lokal, nasional dan internasional. Adapun tema kegiatan pengabdian adalah penguatan kapasitas tata kelola keuangan, bahan baku, proses dan produksi bagi kelompok masyarakat pengrajin karawo Desa Wisata Religius Bongo. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi kegiatan pada khalayak sasaran maka diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : 1) terdapat peningkatan pemahaman terhadap teori dan kemampuan dalam praktek tata kelola keuangan oleh kelompok sasaran. 2) meningkatnya kemampuan dalam pemenuhan bahan baku berdasarkan kebutuhan produksi. 3) terstandarisasinya proses produksi ragam produk karawo. 4) terpenuhinya kebutuhan ragam produk kain karawo sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Pada dasarnya secara keseluruhan rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat telah memberikan pengalaman empirik dan manfaat baik bagi kelompok masyarakat sebagai sasaran, tim dosen pelaksana, perguruan tinggi dan pemerintah setempat.Kata kunci: Penguatan Financial, Bahan Baku, Produksi, Proses AbstractThe real sector has evidently been able to provide an important contribution to regional economic development. Gorontalo regency has a number of small and micro enterprise groups of Karawo artisans participating in a development program; some of the groups are based in religious tourism village Bongo. This activity targets the group of Karawo artisans to promote quality Karawo products that meet the local, national, and international standard of modern market quality. The theme of the community service revolves around the capacity reinforcement of financial, raw materials, process, and production management for the Karawo artisan enterprises in religious tourism Bongovillage. The resultsreveal that: 1) there is an improvement in the insight regarding the theory and the ability in the practice of financial management of the target groups, 2) there is an improvement regarding the capability of thefulfilment of raw materials based on the production needs, 3) the productionof Karawo embroidery has been standardized, 4) the fulfilment of the needs of other varieties of Karawo embroidery based on the market needs. Generally, the overall activities of community services have provided the community with empirical experience and advantages for the target community, lecturer team, universities, as well as the local government.Keywords: Reinforcement of Finance, Raw Materials, Process, Production

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 1427-1431
Saso Dodevski

Operations management is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services. It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of raw materials, labor, and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and/or services).The relationship of operations management to senior management in commercial contexts can be compared to the relationship of line producers to highest-level of production process. Management, including operations management, is like engineering in that it blends art with applied science.Operation management (control) of the productive process consists of: operational planning, delivery control, process monitoring and operational registration. In operating system management objectives define the required results (Wz) the production process, given the operational system plans. As which he defines not only objective, but also the development of the manufacturing process to observe the given goals (structure, tasks, and sequence operating plan). Operational management is a multi- level control system,The process of producing new energetic drink L-Carnitine, “Gora” , drinking water in various volumes, juices various volumes and other products.

2012 ◽  
Vol 522 ◽  
pp. 810-813
Nai Fei Ren ◽  
Xiu Jie Wang ◽  
Yang Li

Pharmaceutical is related to people's health and life safety directly, we can track and control pharmaceutical safety and quality by constructing the traceable system of pharmaceuticals whole life cycle, including raw materials, production, transportation and storage. This paper develops a pharmaceutical production management system based on RFID technology, the system realizes the drug security by RFID, puts forward a pharmaceutical coding method according to EPCgloble, constructs a scheduling method and a monitoring of the pharmaceutical production process, and then it will be traceable for the information of pharmaceutical production process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Kund Ndori ◽  
Arika Palapa

Coastal villages have different characteristics from villages in rural areas. This difference is not only on the geographical-ecological aspect, but also on economic and socio-cultural characteristics. Geographically, coastal villages are on the border between land and sea. Geographical-ecological conditions of coastal villages affect economic activities in them. Economic activities in coastal villages are characterized by activities in the utilization of coastal environmental resources and services. Economic activities include fisheries, trade, maritime tourism, and transportation This study seeks to study the application of tough coastal development programs as an effort to build an oriented coastal region to facilitate the economic activities of villages in coastal areas that are expected to reduce the poverty rate of coastal communities in the middle of the city. This study uses a qualitative research design using descriptive methods that intend to explain how the phenomenon of resilient coastal village development and coastal area development as an effort to reduce the number of coastal communities in Central Java province by using purposive sampling sampling techniques and research samples taken in coastal communities The results of the north coast of Java  and cilacap districts were as follows: that the implementation of the strong Coastal Village Development Program in the coastal communities of Central Java showed that the three focuses of development activities had been carried out properly. The development activities are resource development, environmental / infrastructure development, and disaster preparedness development. While activities that are not carried out are human development and business development. The recommendations given in this study are that the implementation of the program must be supported by sufficient funds, need coordination and cooperation with other stakeholders, and the need for effective monitoring and evaluation Keywords: program implementation, coastal village, coastal area development, Poverty, Central Java

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 891
Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati

The main purpose of this community service activity is the development of the industrial center / ikat weaving endek and songket Klungkung can be effective if supported by mobilizing focused and integrated cross-sector and sub-sector activities in the fields of production, management, cooperation and licensing and implemented at the location of SME ikat endek weaving partners and songket, such as Gelgel Village and Sampalan Klod which are centers of endek and songket weaving industries in Klungkung Regency. This focused effort should be carried out multi-year in a sustainable manner, to support and deliver craftsmen partners in their capacity as local business actors capable of conducting and establishing industrial / craft activities with sustainable export market development programs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Harlina Harlina ◽  
Hadijah Hadijah ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Ernaningsih Ernaningsih

Tamangapa village, Ma’rang district is part of the community development program conducted by Universitas Muslim Indonesia in Pangkajene Kepulauan regency. The local shrimp farmers of Tamangapa village have been facing major issue due to expensive artificial feed and high mortality rate. In order to solve the needs of feed and high mortality rate for farmed fish or shrimp, the source of the natural ingredients using kopasanda leaves Chromolaena odorata L is required. The use of a natural ingredient is also used to prevent the vibriosis using simple technology such as the utilization of local raw materials which is affordable and locally available. The present community service aimed to provide the proper knowledge and skills to members of the fish/shrimp farmer’s group through counseling, training and mentoring. This community service program encouraged the local farmers to be able to utilize the local raw materials as a source of shrimp feed, use the feed pellet machine, and packaging leading to independent feed production. The participatory training method, lectures, forum group discussions, and practices of making shrimp feed and packaging were applied. The Implementation of the Community Partnership Program of Shrimp and Fish Cultivation Groups is independently able to produce organic fish or shrimp feed for farmer’s group leading to higher productivity of aquaculture.

Nurida Finahari

The art of chisel mask is developed in Tumpang Malang area as part of dance costume fairs, puppet show andcultural ritual, although in its development, this mask sculpture is also sold and become a tourism commodity. The potentialsales of mask sculptures is increasing, especially because of the demanders are foreign tourists, cultural enthusiasts andcomponent of tourism activities. That is, Topeng Malangan has the potential to be developed as an export commodity. Thesales system is still limited to cultural events or when there is a visit of education and tourism to the arts-padepokan. Thisprompted some people around the padepokan to start a home industry to meet the availability of the mask. In general, theproblems encountered by the craftsmen are (1) availability of raw materials, especially for suitable wood species, (2)production equipment, especially for pre-carving process and preservation of product, (3) there is no standard marketingscheme, (4) does not have a business management system, and (5) highly skilled craftsmen are still very limited. The solutionsoffered are divided into three stages: (1) technological strengthening, including strengthening production process technologyand increasing the number of craftsmen; (2) establishing business management; and (3) establishing trademarks, copyrightsand product marketing expansions

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