Nur Afta Lestari

Terjadi perubahan posisi perempuan yang semula hanya berada di sektor domestik, kini beralih ke sektor publik. Kondisi di perkotaan yang relatif lebih heterogen membuka peluang perempuan untuk bekerja di berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah sales promotion girls (SPG). Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengeksplorasi bagaimana profil SPG dan eksploitasi yang dialaminya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dalam pengambilan datanya. Penampilan cantik dan menarik menjadi modal utama dalam pekerjaan ini. Sales Promotion Girls pada industri rokok dan minuman  berumur sekitar 21-30 tahun dengan jam kerja sekitar 5-7 jam perhari. Alasan bekerja di bidang ini adalah bahwa bidang ini merupakan pekerjaan ringan dan tidak memerlukan pendidikan yang tinggi, walaupun di sisi lain mereka hanya mendapatkan upah yang rendah. Perempuan dalam pekerjaan ini seringkali mengalami eksploitasi fisik berupa pelecehan seksual dan eksploitasi ekonomi berupa waktu kerja yang sampai malam hari dan tidak terpenuhinya hak-hak pekerja perempuan seperti faktor keselamatan dan hak untuk cuti. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, maka perlindungan terhadap perempuan bekerja pada umumnya dan sales promotion girls pada khususnya menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan.A change in economic condition in Indonesia brings about a change of woman position, from formerly domestic sector to recently public sector. Urban areas that is relatively more heterogeneous than rural ones open opportunities for women to work in various fields, one of which is sales promotion girls (SPG). In this study, the author seeks to explore the SPG profile and the exploitation they experienced. The method used in this study are qualitative approach, with observation, interviews, and documentation. The research uncovered the following facts. Beautiful and attractive appearance becomes a priority in this work. Sales promotion girls on cigarettes and beverage industry are about 21-30 years old with working hours of about 5-7 hours per day. The reason for choosing this job is that it is an easy job and does not require higher education, although the wages is low. Women in these jobs often experience physical and sexual exploitation, also  economic exploitation of labor. They have to work until very late, andand they do not have the rights of women workers such as safety and the right to have time off. Considering these conditions, the protection of working women in general and sales promotion girls in particular become very important thing that must be considered.

K. Roja ◽  
G. D.V. Kusuma ◽  
B. Ravi Kumar

The condition of working women in India as well as in the entire world in general is considered to be very distressing. Working women in general are subject to discrimination at various levels. The problems and difficulties of working women are multi-dimensional, varying from woman to woman at personal level, and section to section at general level and hence need to be analyzed in depth. There are very serious problems of wages, employment, income and standard of living and sexual harassment among working women. They are not able to get any advantage of social security schemes. Due to their ignorance and illiteracy they are not benefited from present welfare schemes. There has indeed been a growing realization that the women workers form an integral part of the process of national development. This has made the government make continuous effort to give women workers a better deal in spheres of work and to recognize their contribution to the socio-economic development of the Country. However, what has been done remains a drop in the ocean and the women worker remain exploited and unprotected working hours, conditions of work, wages, types of job and other situation is still not favorable to women workers. Women workers have many problems and problems of working women are more serious and server. The present study is an attempt to portray the work related issues in selected hospitals (i.e. GEMS, KIMS, RIMS, GMR).

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 118
Irham Bashori Hasba ◽  
Dina Tsalist Wildana

This study addressed the issue of fulfillment of the rights of working women by Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan. The approach taken in this study using the empirical sociology of law analysis and data collection using qualitative techniques such as observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that women workers in the tobacco sector companies scattered in the district Mayang based analysis using the law number 13 of 2003 suggests that the absence of the right to women workers as set out in the legislation. But on the other, the company cannot be blamed entirely on the practice of considering the existence of an unwritten system where the job search process is set by the agent without providing and presenting a working agreement prior to workers. This happens because, according to the author because of the lack of knowledge that qualified for the women who work in the sector. <br />Penelitian ini membahas masalah pemenuhan hak perempuan yang bekerja menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini bersifat empiris dengan menggunakan analisa sosiologi hukum dan pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik kualitatif berupa observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pekerja perempuan di sektor perusahaan tembakau yang tersebar di Kecamatan Mayang berdasarkan analisa menggunakan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya pemenuhan hak atas pekerja perempuan sebagaimana tertuang dalam undangundang tersebut. Perempuan pekerja di sector ini tidak memperoleh jaminan kerja layaknya pekerja yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Namun disisi lainnya, perusahaan tidak dapat disalahkan sepenuhnya atas praktek tersebut mengingat adanya sebuah sistem tak tertulis dimana proses pencarian kerja diatur oleh agen yang tanpa memberikan dan menyuguhkan perjanjian kerja terlebih dahulu kepada pekerja. Hal tersebut terjadi karena menurut hemat penulis karena tidak adanya pengetahuan yang mumpuni bagi para perempuan yang bekerja di sektor tersebut.<br /><br /><br />

Nora Augustien ◽  
Pawana Nur Indah ◽  
Purnawati Arika ◽  
Irsyad Irsyad ◽  
Hadi Suhardjono

Indian mustard plants are the main vegetable crops consumed by urban communities. The need for this vegetable increases along with the increase in culinary tourism in each region and the government's appeal on sustainable food home. One effort made to meet the needs of vegetable mustard in urban areas can be cultivated using polybags. The main problem of vegetable cultivation on polybags is the availability of soil media. To overcome the limitations of soil media it is attempted to substitute it with organic litter enriched with MOL (local microorganisms). The purpose of research is to find the right combination of planting media for mustard plants. The results showed that the composition of K7 = soil: compost: litter of hay: litter of maize (2: 1: 1: 1) best on plant length, number of leaves, length of root leaves and number of roots while the wet weight of mustard plant (g) K7 = soil: compost: litter of maize: litter of corn (2: 1: 1: 1) and K8 = soil: compost: litter of maize: litter of maize: cocopeat (2: 1: 1: 1: 1) or soil: compost + urea. Increased weights of wet mustard by 63% compared to soil media and 20% compared to soil composition: compost + urea. Organic straw in the form of straw: litter of corn stalk: cocopeat enriched with MOL are able to become ready-made planting media on the cultivation of indian mustard plants in polybags.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ibnu Kanaha

The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of employees (ASN) in the South Morotai District office. The form of this research is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews with the subdistrict head, subdistrict head secretary, employees, and the community. This study concluded that employees at the South Morotai District Office were not disciplined in terms of time, both when they entered the office and after working hours. Employees are not able to make the best use of time to do productive work to improve performance. employees generally do not know and understand their respective fields of duty. The concept of the right man in the right place is not applied in the placement of employees. Performance evaluation of employees at the South Morotai District Office is difficult because of unclear job descriptions and division of tasks for the state apparatus. This causes the work performance is not measurable both in quality and quantity..

Vidhya Venugopal ◽  
Rekha Shanmugam ◽  
Priscilla Johnson ◽  
Rebekah Ann Isabel Lucas ◽  
Kristina Jakobsson

In the past few decades, increasingly blistering heat due to climate change has created more illnesses and claimed more lives worldwide, an issue mostly ignored because it's an invisible hazard and hard-to-document disaster. Victims are usually vulnerable populations, including workers exposed on a daily basis to heat, who not only suffer from heat illnesses but also from an exacerbation of existing health problems aggravated by heat and dehydration. Research has proved that heat is a higher risk for female workers, who are affected far more often than their male counterparts. India’s informal economy is dominated by the female workforce and many informal workplaces have minimal welfare facilities including toilets. One of the modifiable factors that influence workplace psychology is the lack of access to a private toilet. To avoid embarrassment or harassment, many women refrain from drinking water during the day in order to limit their trips to the toilet, a potentially deadly strategy during hot seasons which has adverse health consequences. A global trend especially in developing nations evidences a higher number of women entering the workforce. With this trend and rising temperatures, the issue is expected to escalate to significant proportions unless workplace interventions and policy level actions are taken at a national level to protect women workers.

Shruti Kalyanaraman

Informal economy includes varied set of economic activities, enterprises, jobs, and workers. The economy typically consists of enterprises and/or people that are not regulated or protected by the state. The concept originally applied to self-employment in small unregistered enterprises. It has been expanded to include wage employment in unprotected jobs. A home-based self-employed women worker can be involved as a fashion designer, a tiffin service provider, a home tutor, a person working with vendors, selling and reselling apparel, accessories to name a few. Informal self-employment is very large and heterogeneous as a category itself. There are different people working within in an informally self-employed category. The review tries to understand home based business women within the ambit of informal employment. The focus of research turns to technological advancement, social media and its impact on womens economic and business efforts. The review, using a feminist lens, understands academic researches on womens economic efforts. The reviews focus will largely be owners and own account (individually run enterprises) women workers of informal enterprises in urban areas which for ease of reference, I have termed as home-based self-employed urban woman.

Madeline Baer

Chapter 5 provides a case study of the human rights-based approach to water policy through an analysis of the Bolivian government’s attempts to implement the human right to water and sanitation. It explores these efforts at the local and national level, through changes to investments, institutions, and policies. The analysis reveals that while Bolivia meets the minimum standard for the human right to water and sanitation in some urban areas, access to quality water is low in poor and marginalized communities. While the Bolivian government expresses a strong political will for a human rights approach and is increasing state capacity to fulfill rights, the broader criteria for the right to water and sanitation, including citizen participation and democratic decision-making, remain largely unfulfilled. This case suggests political will and state capacity might be necessary but are not sufficient to fulfill the human right to water and sanitation broadly defined.

Jennifer A. Glancy

Any investigation of slavery in the Roman Empire must contend with the sexual exploitation of slaves endemic to the system. Given the diversity of ancient Christian attitudes toward sexuality, there is no reason to expect that a slaveholding ethos touched all Christian communities in a uniform fashion. At issue, however, is not whether the wider context of a slaveholding empire affected the formation of Christian attitudes toward sexuality. At issue is how. The purpose of this essay is to question whether early Christian silence on the issue should be construed as wholesale rejection of a system in which social status scripted social morality, or as complicity with that system. In the end, it is difficult to imagine how the churches could have challenged the right of a male slaveholder to exploit his domestic slaves sexually without challenging his right to claim ownership of other human beings.

Noise Mapping ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-161
Jerónimo Vida Manzano ◽  
José Antonio Almagro Pastor ◽  
Rafael García Quesada

Abstract The city of Granada is experimenting a big urban transformation, attending national and international commitments on clean air, energy efficiency and savings linked to greenhouse gases reduction strategies and sustainable development action plans. This situation constitutes a good scenario for new noise control approaches that take into account the sound variable and citizens empowering in urban design, such as the soundscape assessment of urban territory. In this way, soundscape tools have been used in Granada as a complementary method for environmental noise characterisation where traditional noise control techniques are difficult to be carried out or give limited results. After 2016 strategic noise map and in the preparation of the new noise action plan, the city came across a great acoustic challenge in a new area located outskirts characterised by growing urbanisation, still under development, the greatest legal protection because of sensitive teaching and hospital buildings and the greatest noise exposure from nearby ring-way supporting heavy traffic flow. As quiet urban areas are not characterised by the absence of noise but for the presence of the right noise, this research intended to provide the local administration with results and proposals to transform this conflict area in a pleasant or quiet urban place. Main results came from important and significative differences in morning and evening characterisation, as great differences appear in soundscape assessment over the day and along the soundwalk path, indicating the importance of time and local issues to adequately characterised citizens perception to be considered by administration in the development of strategies and effective noise control actions.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 2130
Ken’ichi Matsumoto ◽  
Yui Nakamine ◽  
Sunyong Eom ◽  
Hideki Kato

The transportation sector is a major contributor to carbon dioxide emissions, and the resulting climate change. The diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), is an important solution for these issues. This study aimed to evaluate the factors affecting the ownership ratio of HEVs, particularly passenger vehicles, and the regional differences in the purchase of HEVs in Japan. This study performed a fixed-effects regression analysis with panel data for 47 prefectures during the period 2005–2015 to evaluate the factors affecting the HEV ownership ratio and conducted three cluster analyses to investigate the regional differences in diffusion in terms of price categories, body types, and drive systems of HEVs. Some demographic and social factors were found to affect the ownership ratio in Japan, whereas economic factors, including prefecture-level subsidies for purchasing HEVs, were not. Regarding regional differences, prefectures in urban areas with higher income levels tend to purchase more expensive and large-sized HEVs. These results suggest that a strategy to sell the right vehicle to the right person and region is essential for further promoting HEVs in Japan.

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