scholarly journals Youth Socio-Economic Guidelines (Orientations) Through Subjective Assessments

2021 ◽  
pp. 136-154

State statistical indicators of the economic development do not include subjective factors aff ecting country’s population. So, rather optimistic assessments of Ukraine’s economic indicators contradict pessimistic moods and feelings of Ukrainian youth. Th e relevance of this study is due to the fact that the Low level satisfaction with the socio-economic situation in Ukraine and own opportunities and prospects of Ukrainian youth is the basis for the formation of behavioral guidelines, in particular, migratory moods. Th e purpose of this study is to analyze the attitude of young people to the economic environment in Ukraine, young people’s assessments of their own fi nancial situation, and the relationship of such subjective assessments to the migratory moods of young people. Th e study used general scientifi c methods and special sociological methods to process and analyze the results of the study “Youth of Ukraine 2018”. According to the survey “Youth of Ukraine 2018”, a signifi cant part of young people (88.9 %) thinks that economic situation became worse or didn’t change during last year. Youth assessments of their fi nancial situation are also pessimistic 83.3 % of young people in Ukraine assess their family’s fi nancial situation as average or below average. Th e novelty of this study is to analyze the relationship between youth subjective assessments of economic environment in Ukraine as an environment for the implementation of personal plans and intentions, youth assessments of their fi nancial situation and youth migratory attitudes. Migratory moods of young people are formed on the dissatisf action with their fi nancial situation and the economic situation in the country under the infl uence of various factors, among the main ones are the desire to improve their fi nancial situation through the desire to earn money or fi nd a job. Migratory moods of young people are manifested to varying degrees depending on their formation. Th e degree of formation of migration intentions signifi cantly depends on the real possibility of their implementation: the lower the level of material security, the more uncertain the migration guidelines. Th e young generation is a potential for the socio-economic revival of Ukraine, so its opinion, its assessments, its feelings are extremely important for the formation of adequate youth policy. Taking into account subjective factors which aff ect the behavioral orientations of young people is especially important in the formation of reasonable youth policy of Ukraine, and requires research, analysis and development of instruments based on such analysis.

Clemens Felix Setiyawan ◽  
Dyah Murwaningrum

Nowadays, music creation, collaboration, and publication are easier because of technology. Most young generations have sent music data, made, sold, bought music files on the internet. This changed music processes certainly resulted in different outcomes. Listening and creating music by new means, can change music itself. Technology has simplified tools, and the internet has simplified the distance. But new problems and questions have been found. How were the internet and technology influenced the quality of music, music creator, music appreciator and the form of music. The aims of this research to determine the relationship between music, technology, and the internet, through behavior of the young generation. This study was qualitative research that used observations and unstructured interviews. In subsequent observations, participant-observer was chosen as an advanced research method to better understand existing phenomena. The result of observations and interviews were interpreted, then presented descriptively. This research used theory by Don Ihde that technology has three characteristics (1) material (2) used (3)relationship of human and tools. The result of this research is internet influenced music quality and human appreciation. Technology changed the way humans create music.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 88
Galina Viktorovna Morozova ◽  
Artur Romanovich Gavrilov ◽  
Bulat Ildarovich Yakupov

If we sum up the tasks facing the Russian state in relation to the young generation, then all of them are associated with its harmonious inclusion in the social and political development of the country. At the normative level, the current need is declared for young people to form active citizenship and democratic political culture, which is possible only in a constant and equal dialogue between the authorities and young people. Ensuring the interaction of the younger generation with the political elite presupposes the existence of certain conditions - the creation and effective functioning of the information infrastructure of youth policy, as well as the conduct of an open active information policy. The article describes the results of a study of the political status of students of the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan, in particular, such parameters as youth interest in political information, trust in the sources of this information, and political participation. Together with the data of secondary studies, this made it possible to characterize the youth sector of political communication, identify the existing difficulties in the interaction of the government and youth, in particular, identify some difficulties in receiving and disseminating political information among the youth, which impede the development of a democratic political culture and the accumulation of social capital of the young generation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-336
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao ◽  
Kevin Wong ◽  
Po-san Wan ◽  
Victor Zheng

This article, which is based on a comparative telephone survey conducted in 2016, examines the relationship between social mobility experience and the life satisfaction of people aged 18 to 35 in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Using both objective and subjective measures of social mobility, we found that young people’s perceptions of their own social mobility and that of the entire youth population correlated positively with life satisfaction. However, the objective upward experiences of intragenerational and intergenerational mobility did not have a significant effect on life satisfaction. In addition, the objective upward experiences of individuals were found to be uncorrelated with the perceptions of their own social mobility and that of the entire youth population. These findings suggest that young people will not become more satisfied even if they themselves have actually experienced upward mobility, because their positive perception of social mobility depends on whether they can move upward to their desired status. It is the expected social mobility and the competence to achieve rather than the actual past mobility experience that could affect the life satisfaction of the young generation in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 69-79
A.Ó. Tupcynbaeva ◽  
A.J. Maldybek ◽  

The article describes the relationship between Kazakh Proverbs and sayings with the «Words of Edification» of Abay. The heritage of the great Abay is an inexhaustible Treasury, a spiritual source for many generations. It is difficult to assess the significance of his work in one word, but the legacy of Abay occupies a special place in the modern history, culture and literature of our people. Abay and its heritage are the most popular among the people. In his work, all problems were analyzed through the true mind and consciousness, and the main core turned into the good of life. Perceiving as a source of virtue faith, love, kindness, benevolence, he urged the people and young people to love life, respect each other and educate themselves. Abay's works cover all spheres of life of the people, linking their past, present, and future. Abay's «Words of Edification» have not lost their meaning even now, although several generations and epochs have changed, and if we consider that national characteristics and human values continue to grow and develop, we must recognize that Abay's «Words of Edification» will continue to be a valuable source of knowledge of the truth. Мaқaлaдa қaзaқ мaқaл-мәтeлдepi жәнe Aбaй «Қapa cөздepi» oй жeлiciндeгi өзapa бaйлaныc бaяндaлaды. Қaзaқ xaлқының мaңдaйынa бiткeн oйшыл дaнa Aбaйдың мұpacы – caн ұpпaққa pyxaни aзық бoлaтын capқылмac мoл қaзынa. Қазақ хaлқының бүгінгі тарихында, дәстүрі мен мәдениетінде Aбaйдың aлaтын opны айрықша, оны бір деммен, бір сөзбен жеткізу мүмкін емес. Aбaй мұpacы aдaм тipшiлiгiнiң caн-caлacын қaмтып, қaзaқ xaлқының өткeнi мeн бүгiнiн, бoлaшaғын ұштacтыpғaн өмipшeңдiгiмeн, мәңгiлiк өзeктiлiгiмeн қымбaт. Бapлық адамдық ілімді, өмір сүрудің мәнін, адамның адамдығының формуласын барлық шығарамаларына өзек еткен Aбaй мұрасы, тағлымы қазіргі таңда аса қажетті, көкейтесті мәселе болып отыр. Абай туындыларында түгел дерлік барлық мәселелер сау ақыл арқылы сарапталып, сұрыпталып, басты мазмұн өзегін өмip игiлiгiнe aйнaлдыpa бiлгeн. Ұлы жapaтылыcқa деген иман мен үмітті мaxaббaт пeн мeйipiмнiң, жaқcылықтың көзi peтiндe бaғaлay apқылы қaлың жұpтын өмipдi cүюгe, aдaмдapды aялayғa, жacтapды бiлiм aлyғa шaқыpғaн бoлaтын. Aбaйдың рухани мұрасы, қаншама заман ауысып, уақыт өзгерседе, ешуақытта құндылығы жойылмайды. Aбaй шығaрмaлaрының қaншa yaқыт өтce дe өз құндылығын жoғaлтпayының cыры адамшылық идеясында жатыр. Aл адамның aдaмшылығы кeз кeлгeн қoғaмның өзекті мәceлeci eкeнi анық.

Л.Б. Соловей ◽  
Л.Ю. Беленкова

На сегодняшний день важной задачей образования является воспитание психологически здорового поколения молодых людей с развитой психологической культурой. Цель статьи – выявление наличия взаимосвязи между психологическим здоровьем и психологической культурой студентов вуза. Авторами статьи сформулирована следующая гипотеза: между психологическим здоровьем и психологической культурой студентов вуза существуетвзаимосвязь. В статье проанализированы сущность понятий «психологическое здоровье», «психологическая культура» с позиций разных авторов, рассмотрены показатели психологического здоровья, критерии развития психологической культуры. Результаты исследования авторов показывают, что между психологическим здоровьем и психологической культурой студентов существует взаимосвязь. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать следующее заключение: развивая культуру студентов, общество получает психологически здоровых молодых людей, которые в свою очередь будут ориентированы на сохранение и дальнейшее развитие культуры общества. Today, an important task of education is the upbringing of a psychologically healthy generation of young people with a developed psychological culture. The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship between psychological health and psychological culture of university students. The authors of the article formulated the following hypothesis: there is a relationship between psychological health and psychological culture of university students. The article analyzes the essence of the concepts of "psychological health", "psychological culture" from the positions of different authors, considers indicators of psychological health, criteria for the development of psychological culture. The results of the authors' research show that there is a relationship between psychological health and psychological culture of students. The results obtained allow us to draw the following conclusion: by developing the culture of students, society receives psychologically healthy young people, who in turn will be focused on the preservation and further development of the culture of society.

Stefanus Sutanto ◽  
Dewi Ratnaningrum

In this modern age we often hear the term Millennial, Millennial is a young person today who was born between 1980-2000an. Especially in Indonesia even Millennials are very numerous, millennials are young people who certainly have many abilities and diverse creativity which of course can be developed in a positive way for the ability in each of them. Activities that can build their creativity are certainly very pleasant besides being able to fill their time with useful things besides that they can also increase their ability for the future so they can have an entrepreneurial spirit. This project aims to accommodate millennials who can develop their abilities and the creativity they have to develop in the future so that they can have an entrepreneurial spirit besides being able to fill time with useful and positive things and socializing to meet many people who have a passion and the same creativity so that it can add insight. This project is a place that accommodates teenagers and millennial young people to develop their talents and creativity in the activities they enjoy. as well as being a new non-formal teaching place for the Tangerang city, specifically Alam Sutera. The method used is descriptive where direct observation is carried out in the field and analysis of data - data to determine the space requirements to obtain the relationship of space and circulation in the site. From the results that have been found, a round / curved form of building mass is formed, with a façade that tends to be modern, depicting young people who are dynamic and not fixated in monotone activities. Activity groups are based on zoning and pay attention to the privacy of each activity and each activity can be obtained from the results of a survey with most young people and adolescents living in the Alam Sutera area. AbstrakPada zaman modern ini kita sering mendengar istilah Milenial, Milenial adalah anak muda pada sekarang ini yang lahir di antara tahun 1980-2000an. Terutama di Indonesia pun kaum Milenial sangatlah banyak, kaum milenial pun adalah kaum muda yang pastinya memiliki banyak kemampuan dan kreativitas yang beragam yang tentunya dapat di kembangkan dalam hal yang positif untuk kemampun dalam diri mereka masing-masing. Kegiatan yang dapat membangun kreativitas mereka tentunya sangat menyenangkan selain dapat mengisi waktu dengan hal yang berguna selain itu pun  juga bisa menambah kemampuan diri untuk masa depan agar bisa memiliki jiwa entrepreneur. Proyek ini memiliki tujuan untuk mewadahi para kaum milenial bisa mengembangkan kemampuan mereka serta kreativitas yang mereka miliki untuk di kembangkan untuk kedepannya agar bisa mempunyai jiwa entrepreneur selain itu juga dapat mengisi waktu dengan hal yang berguna dan positif serta bersosialiasi bertemu dengan orang banyak yang memiliki kegemaran dan kreativitas yang sama sehingga dapat  menambah wawasan. Proyek ini adalah tempat yang mewadahi para remaja dan anak muda milenial untuk mengembangkan bakat dan kreativitas mereka dalam kegiatan yang mereka gemari. sekaligus menjadi tempat pengajaran non formal baru bagi kota Tangerang khusus nya Alam Sutera. Metode yang digunakan adalah deksriptif di mana dilakukan pengamatan langsung di lapangan dan analisis data – data untuk menentukan kebutuhan ruang hingga didapatkan hubungan ruang serta sirkulasi di dalam tapak. Dari hasil yang sudah di dapati, terbentuklah bentuk massa bangunan yang bundar/melengkung, dengan façade yang cenderung modern, Menggambarkan anak muda yang dinamis dan tidak terpaku dalam kegiatan yang monotone saja. Kelompok kegiatan dibuat berdasarkan zoning dan memperhatikan privasi dari tiap kegiatan serta setiap kegiatan di dapat dari hasil survey dengan sebagian besar anak muda dan remaja yang tinggal di kawasan Alam Sutera.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 461-473
Maria Karaivanova

Aim. A quantitative study on generational differences showed a decrease in optimism among the young generation (Karaivanova, 2016). The present work aims to study in detail the relationship between individualistic values, self-esteem, and optimism among the Millennial generation. Optimism is a general expectation for positive results and positive events in life (Radoslavova & Velichkov, 2005). Method. A sample of 204 respondents from 20 to 35 years old voluntarily filled in a survey containing scales measuring individualistic values, self-esteem, and optimism. The relationship between these variables was tested using regression and mediation analyses. The results were processed using the statistical software SPSS, version, and the lavaan application in R Studio. Results. The theoretical model created and tested in this study proved to have good explanatory power for the dependent variable optimism explaining one-third of its variance and gives significant clarity on the relationship between individualistic values, self-esteem, and optimism for the young generation in Bulgaria. Conclusion. Individualistic values turned out to predict self-esteem. The more individualistic a person is, the higher they perceive their competences and social image. At the same time, being individualistic, i.e. being open for change and following one’s own interests does not make young people look more optimistically towards the future and believe in the solution of every problem they encounter. Individualistic values have a positive mediated effect on optimism with self-esteem as a mediator. Having strong self-confidence makes young people have positive expectations for the future.

2019 ◽  
pp. 131-136

The article deals with the education of young people, the conditions created for their improvement, the importance of the role of the family, parents and society in the education of the young generation. It reveals the important problems of bringing up children, the conditions for the formation of the personality, the role of the educational environment. It studies the system of education and training of the young generation, as well as parents, the activities of the institute of makhalla in the national educational system. It provides guidance, advice and recommendations on parenting issues. The article covers the essence of the concept of freedom of religion and belief, the law “On freedom of religion and religious organizations”, as well as the special role of young people in society, the relationship between religion and belief, and various religions. It reveals the need to increase the responsibility of parents for bringing up children, increasing the responsibility of makhalla committees in improving their knowledge, skills and abilities in matters of birth and upbringing of children, as well as cooperation “Family – makhalla is an educational institution”. The article reveals the relationship of parents and children on the basis of national and universal values. It shows the role of education and upbringing in increasing the socio-political activity of women, as well as the huge contribution of women of our country to the spiritual and moral development of society, the well-being of our children. The article reveals the essence and significance of reforms in public education, decrees, resolutions, as well as other problems in this system and specific plans and prospects for its development. It deals with the system of effective measures for spiritual education, emphasizes the importance of further strengthening the cooperation between higher education institutions and general education schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 37-51 ◽  
G. E. Zborovsky ◽  
P. A. Ambarova

The analysis of higher education (HE) inRussiafocuses on the complicated issues of the relationships between higher education institutions (HEIs) and provincial cities. The authors characterize different typologies of Russian HEIs and cities. It is suggested to distinguish between the HEIs related to the core of HE, semi-periphery, and to the periphery. The situation of peripheral HEIs that are located mainly in provincial cities seems to be the most complicated. Recently, about 300 HEIs and more than 800 branches of universities, a significant part of which belongs to the peripheral group, ceased to exist autonomously. Today the fate of some other provincial HEIs is yet to be defined. Meanwhile, the future of the young people is also tied to the HEIs’s destiny as well as the future of the cities’ population, where they are located. The analysis of the materials based on the authors’ empirical research conducted in the Ural Federal District (UFD) revealed that the elimination of autonomous universities, their transformation into branches and weakening in such a way of the HE in the medium, big and even large cities of the Russian province lead to stagnation and depression of these cities. One of the main factors of this situation is the mass educational migration of young people. The study discusses certain ideas for positive solution of these problems regarding the relationship of provincial Russian universities and cities, which could lead to their preservation and development.

Hypertension ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (Suppl_1) ◽  
Maria Evsevyeva ◽  
Michail Eremin ◽  
Maria Rostovtseva ◽  
Ilona Galkova ◽  
Victoria Kudrjavtseva ◽  

Background: The relationship of arterial stiffness, which is marker of vascular age, with the main risk factors (RF) was studied mainly in adults and elderly. Purpose - to evaluate associations of various body mass (BM) with vascular stiffness, blood pressure (BP) and some other RF in young people. Material and Methods: Within the framework of the National Preventive Project "University Territory of Health", 264 students (93 boys and 171 girls) aged 18-25 years were evaluated for BP and profile of metabolic RF - total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and glucose. Vascular stiffness was determined using cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI), which was measured using diagnostic complex VaSera-1500 (Fucuda Denshi, Japan). Students were divided into groups according to BM-index: 1group - insufficient BM; 2 group - normal BM and 3 group - overweight. Data processing was performed using software package "Statistica 10.0" (StatSoft Inc, USA). Results: It turned out CAVI values in three observation groups, formed by BM indicator, in boys averaged 6.8 ±0.2, 5.9 ± 0.1 and 5.4 ± 0.1, and in girls - 6,1 ± 0,11, 5,9 ± 0,05 and 5,7 ±0,13. In boys, differences between groups on this indicator reached significant level (p = 0,032). At same time, systolic and diastolic BP from first to third group rose in boys by 9 and 2, and in girls - by 11 and 4 mm Hg. TC, LDL and TG also increased from first to third group in boys by 0.5, 0.4 and 0.5, and in girls - by 0.6, 0.7 and 0.65 mmol/l. HDL decreased in these groups in boys by 0.07, and in girls - by 0.37 mmol/l. The glucose level from first to third group increased by 0.12 in boys and 0.14 mmol/l in girls. Conclusion: A decrease in the vascular stiffness index CAVI was found among young people as their BM increased. It is noteworthy that in young people with an increased BM, positive changes in vascular rigidity occur in the presence of negative changes in hemodynamic and metabolic parameters, which are more significantly represented among girls. Further in-depth research is needed to clarify the mechanisms that regulate the relationship between metabolic status of young people and peculiarities of their vascular remodeling.

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