Ekaterina I. Mashtakova ◽  

The article deals with the sociolect of the drifting subculture and its lexical features. Like any other, this sociolect not only generates unique lexical units to describe the realities of life of those belonging to the subculture but also contains numerous borrowings of lexemes and lexical constructions from other systems and subsystems of language, such as literary language, substandard language, related terminological and jargon systems. The author analyzed vocabulary collected with the use of the continuous sampling method when viewing numerous videos on the subject of drift. The analysis has shown that the sociolect contains borrowings from literary language, general jargon, sports jargon, motorsport jargon, jargon of car mechanics and substandard language. The presence of a large number of lexemes and lexical structures borrowed from the above-mentioned terminological and jargon systems is due to the mixed composition of carriers of the drifting sociolect. It includes not only pilots, judges and fans but also mechanics, commentators, track staff, as well as street racers. All the above experts and amateurs largely use motorsport, engineering, technical and special sports terms and jargon describing the realities of the subculture under study. As part of the sociolect, borrowings from Japanese and English languages have been found, which is due to the fact that the subculture originated in Japan and then developed in the west. The study has also identified an extensive onomastic system of the sociolect. This system includes both individual and group onyms. The relevance of this article is due to the lack of research on the sociolect and vocabulary of the drifting subculture despite the fact that the subculture itself is becoming increasingly popular.

Tsymbalista L.R.

Валентність предиката має вирішальний вплив на структуру речення. Хоча активний і пасивний варіанти речення опису-ють одну й ту ж ситуацію, предикат проходить крізь трансформацію, яка тісно пов’язана з явищем валентності. У цій статті проаналізовано валентність предиката та її вплив на цю трансформацію у німецькій та українській мовах на прикладах із сучасної літератури.Мета. Метою статті є порівняння трансформації «актив – пасив» у німецькій та українській мовах та опис ролі валентності у цьому процесі.Методи. Для проведення дослідження було зібрано методом суцільної вибірки приклади пасивних конструкцій із сучас-них художніх текстів німецькою та українською мовами, які опісля було оброблено та проаналізовано з використанням типо-логічного, зіставного, описового методів, а також методу моделювання.Валентність предиката проявляється у його здатності формувати зв’язки з іншими елементами в реченні та дає змогу передбачити додаткові позиції у синтаксичній структурі речення, які можуть бути заповнені обов’язковими чи факультатив-ними компонентами. Для предиката властиві два типи валентності, які залежать від позиції поширювачів у реченні. Якщо лівобічну позицію переважно пов’язують із суб’єктом, то правобічна зазвичай стосується актантів з об’єктним, адресатним, локативним чи інструментальним значеннями.Результати. Зважаючи на те, що одна й та ж функція пасивних конструкцій у німецькій та українській мовах реалізується різними формами, валентні зміни у кожній з конструкцій мають свої особливості. Спільною рисою цих перетворень виступає зменшення облігаторних актантів на одну одиницю, яка може бути заповнена факультативно у разі комунікативної потреби у інформації про виконавця дії.Висновки. Можна зробити висновок, що валентність предиката є багатогранним феноменом, що підлягає впливу не лише формально-граматичних, а й семантико-синтаксичних чинників, а також мовленнєвої ситуації загалом. Відповідно, змін у валентності предикатів протягом трансформації з активу у пасив не можна уникнути. The valence of the predicate has a decisive effect on the structure of the sentence. Although the active and passive variant of the sentence describes the same situation, the predicate goes through a transformation that also has to do with valence. This article analyzes the valency of the predicate and its influence on such transformation in German and Ukrainian based on the examples from modern literature.Purpose. The purpose of the article is to compare the active-passive transformation in German and Ukrainian and to describe the role of valence in this process.Methods. For the research, we collected the examples of passive constructions from modern fiction in German and Ukrainian using the continuous sampling method, which were then processed and analyzed using typological, comparative, descriptive methods as well as the modelling method.The valence of the predicate verb shows in its ability to connect with other sentence elements and enables the prediction of the additional positions in the syntactic structure of the sentence, which can be supplemented by mandatory or optional components. The predicate is characterized by two types of valence, which depend on the position of the fillers in the sentence: the left-hand position is mainly connected the subject of the utterance, and the right-hand position has to do with actants which define object, addressee, location or have instrumental meaning.Results. Due to the fact that the same function of passive constructions in German and Ukrainian is realized in different forms, the valence changes in each of the constructions have their own features. A common feature of these transformations is the reduction of obligatory actants by one unit, which can be filled in optionally in case of communicative need for information about the performer of the action.Conclusions. We reach the conclusion that the valence of the predicate is a multilevel phenomenon that is influenced not only by formal grammatical but also by semantic and syntactic factors as well as the language situation in general. Accordingly, changes in the valence of predicates during the active-passive transformation are inevitable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 21012
Irina Valujtseva ◽  
Olga Ivanova ◽  
Ilya Khukhuni ◽  
Anna Fedosova

The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the terminological nomination using the example of multiword terms of the English sublanguage of oil and gas processing. The oil and gas glossary Kashagan Development Project Glossary that comprises 1200 units has been used as the research material. Multiword terms have been selected with the application of the continuous sampling method. As a result of the employment of the method of linguistic statistics, it was discovered that, in the sub-language of oil and gas processing, the multiword terms constitute 73% of the entire termbase of the subject area. The structural analysis of terminological phrases demonstrated that the most common type of multiword terms is the two-word terms, comprising 45.2% of the total number of poly-lexemic constructions in the studied sample. This result is consistent with the data obtained by other authors, namely, the information concerning the fact that two-word combinations prevail in various term systems. As the number of components in a multiword term increases, the number of such word combinations in a scientific text decreases. The most common patterns of two-word terminological combinations are N + N and A + N. Three-word terms compose 40% of the total number of the studied terminological phrases. The following patterns of three-word terms are productive: N + N + N and A + N + N. Four-word terminological phrases constitute 12.3%. The most frequently used pattern of four-word combinations is N + N + N + N. Five-word terms comprise 2.4% of the total number of terms. The most common patterns of five-word terms are N + N + A + N + N and A + N + N + N.

Polina S. Syomina

This article focuses on the main topics presented in the Belgian paroemias. In the paper, the paroemia is understood as a generic concept in relation to proverbs, sayings and signs. The author’s file of the Belgian French paroemies, taken by a continuous sampling method from the dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Belgian francophony, is served as the material for the study. It is shown, how paroemias reflect the national character and features of the worldview of certain people. The relevance of the study is due to the necessity of the Belgians paroemiological world view description, because until now the thematic palette and description of the Belgian national character have been the subject of detailed study in neither Russian, nor Belgian linguistics.

2018 ◽  
pp. 67-74
Ekaterina Lesnevskaya

The article features the results of a contrastive analysis of the figurative characteristics of color terms as elements of the conceptual worldview of Spaniards and Ukrainians. In this regard we consider the following topics: concept COLOR as a cross-object of conceptology, linguistic culture and discourse; color terms as an element of the conceptual worldview of Spaniards and Ukrainians; ethno-specific contrasts of the figurative constituents of the color terms black, white, red, blue, yellow, green in Spanish and Ukrainian in fiction. This study explores the linguocultural concept of COLOR from the cognitive, ethno-cultural and discursive perspectives, and therefore the concept can be considered as the subject matter of such disciplines as anthropology, linguocultural science and discourse theory. The corpus of the study was formed using the continuous sampling method from multi-genre prose written by contemporary Spanish (Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Camilo José Cela, Gabriel García Márquez) and Ukrainian (Yurii Andrukhovych, Lyubko Deresh, Oksana Zabuzhko) writers. A common feature of the color term black in Spanish and Ukrainian fiction is its use in the description of human blood and its altered states. The color terms black and white characterizing such concepts as NIGHT, DEATH, EYES can be observed in the individual authors’ worldview of Spanish-speaking and Ukrainian writers despite the non-contiguous nature of the two languages and cultures. In the Spanish linguistic culture, the color term blue is used as an image of DEATH and LONELINESS, whereas in Ukrainian – as an image of RAGE, TENSION and ILLNESS.

Chumakova K.O.

The article deals with the methods of term formation in the fields of physical therapy and ergotherapy which are currently gaining popularity in Ukraine. The research covers the structural and semantic features of the mentioned terminological units.The objective of the research is to study the structural features of these terms in the English language. The mentioned objective, in turn, requires the fulfillment of the following tasks:– to analyze the morphological characteristics which are typical for the researched terminological units;– to identify the main ways of their formation;– to identify the structural models used for the formation of the researched multicomponent terms.The methods applied in this research included both linguistic ones, such as: the continuous sampling method, the method of morphemic analysis and word-building analysis, structural and etymological analysis, and general scientific ones, namely: quantification method, systematization and classification, generalization.The results of the research are defined as: a) the creation of physio- and ergotherapeutic terms glossary; b) the overview of the term formation methods; c) the identification of the most common patterns used to form multicomponent terminological units in the studied fields.Conclusions. Over the past decades, terminological units have become the subject of numerous linguistic studies worldwide. Despite the fact that terminological units belong to the lexical system of the language and, therefore, the methods of their formation are the same as those used for common lexemes formation, the ratio of certain nomination processes can differ. The research demonstrated that the ratio of monolexeme terminological units and polylexeme physio- and ergotherapeutic terms is 20% to 75% respectively. The majority of monolexeme terms are formed by means of affixation. The majority of multicomponent terminological units consist of two elements, and the most frequent pattern is N + N. Abbreviated terms (5% of the total number of the researched terminological units) are used parallelly with their full forms. Статтю присвячено дослідженню способів творення терміноодиниць галузей фізичної терапії та ерготерапії, що наразі набувають популярності в Україні. Дослідження фокусується на структурних і семантичних характеристиках зазначених терміноодиниць.Метою наукової розвідки є дослідження структурних особливостей зазначених термінів в англійській мові. Для її досяг-нення у дослідженні необхідно виконати такі завдання:– проаналізувати морфологічні характеристики, які є типовими для досліджуваних терміноодиниць;– визначити основні способи їх творення;– визначити структурні моделі, що використовуються для творення мультикомпонентних термінологічних одиниць досліджуваної галузі в англійській мові.Методи, використані в дослідженні, включали як суто лінгвістичні (наприклад, метод суцільного вибору, метод морфем-ного та словотворчого аналізу, методи структурно-семантичного й етимологічного аналізу), так і загальнонаукові (наприклад, метод кількісних підрахунків, систематизацію та класифікацію, узагальнення).Результатами цього дослідження є: а) складання глосарію фізіо- та ерготерапевтичних термінів; б) огляд основних мето-дів їх творення в англійській мові; в) визначення найчастіше використовуваних моделей.Висновки. Упродовж останніх десятиліть терміносистеми привертають дедалі більшу увагу лінгвістів. Незважаючи на той факт, що терміноодиниці належать до лексичної системи мови (а отже, для них характерні ті ж способи творення, що застосовуються для творення загальновживаних лексем), співвідношення різних процесів номінації може відрізнятися. Серед досліджених термінів галузі фізіотерапії та ерготерапії в англійській мові 20% представлені монолексемними терміноодини-цями, тоді як 75% є мультикомпонентними термінами. Більшість термінів-слів утворено за допомогою афіксації. Більшість полілексемних одиниць складається з двох елементів, а найбільш уживаною структурою таких термінів є N + N. Абревіатури (5% загальної кількості досліджених терміноодиниць) вживаються паралельно з повними їхніми формами.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 50-55
U. P. Prirodina

Anthroponyms often act as a frequency derivation component included in various toponyms in the Swedish language. The value of the derivational component may be different and structurally diffuse. The subject of the research is the semantic, derivational characteristics of toponyms with anthroponymic foundations. The material for the study was 105 language units from the Swedish and the Russian sources, selected by the continuous sampling method. The article specifies the main lexical meanings of anthroponyms as the producing bases, identifies the main types of derivational models; possible semantic links are determined. The article is intended for linguists, geographers, ethnographers and for all those who are interested in geographic names.

2020 ◽  
pp. 301-323
Natalya I. Kikilo ◽  

In the Macedonian literary language the analytic da-construction used in an independent clause has a wide range of possible modal meanings, the most common of which are imperative and optative. The present article offers a detailed analysis of the semantics and functions of the Macedonian optative da-construction based on fiction and journalistic texts. The first part of the article deals with the specificities of the optative as a category which primarily considers the subject of a wish. In accordance with the semantic characteristics of this category, optative constructions are used in those discourse text types where the speakers are explicitly designated (the most natural context for the optative is the dialogue). The analysis of the Macedonian material includes instances of atypical usage of the optative da-construction, in which the wish of the subject is not apparent and thereby produces new emotional tonalities perceptible to the reader of a fiction/journalistic text. The study describes Macedonian constructions involving two different verb forms: 1) present tense form (da + praes) and 2) imperfective form (da + impf). These constructions formally designate the hypothetical and counterfactual status of the optative situation, respectively. Thus, the examples in the analysis are ordered according to two types of constructions, which reflect the speaker’s view on the probability of the realisation of his/her wish. Unrealistic wishes can be communicated through the present da-construction, while the imperfective construction denotes situations in which the wish can be realised in the future. The second part of the article is devoted to performative optative da-constructions, which express formulas of speech etiquette, wishes and curses. The analysis demonstrates that these constructions lose their magical functions, when used outside of the ritual context, and begin to function as interjections.

Olga Sheverinova

The article is aimed at revealing the specificity of socio-pragmatic informative value of literary anthroponyms used by H. Böll in his literary works. The study of the onyms mentioned in such an aspect demonstrates the lack of comprehensive research. As a result, the findings covered this aspect are dispersal in scientific and practical work. However, literary onyms are considered to be semantic and text-forming units of a literary text and they are used to identify and differentiate the persons on their social, cultural, and psychological background, as well as to create the characters with national peculiarities. The object of the study includes the contextual units representing the «family names» anthroponymic category. The data collected are based on the following literary works by H. Böll: «Where Were You, Adam?» («Wo warst du, Adam?»), «Billiards at Half-Past Nine» («Billard um halb zehn»), «House without Guardians» («Haus ohne Hüter»), «The Clown» («Ansichten eines Clowns»). The continuous sampling method, qualitative-quantitative and descriptive ones, component and contextual analysis have been used as study methodology. The article contains certain essential results of the dissertation that have not been published yet. It is established that family names used by H. Böll are a means of revealing the following socio-pragmatic information: 1) the character’s nationality (a correlation between literary family names and the real national anthroponymic system is revealed); 2) a geographical location (family names with a typical sound and alphabetic composition that helps to define the place where the events occur); 3) social status (family names with the «von» component indicate both the character’s social status and their relationship with other members of the community); 4) a direct / indirect character’s description (family names with pure inner forms of the words and an updated internal form and appellatively based family names).

Е.М. Григорьева

Постановка задачи. Статья посвящена детальному анализу фразеологизмов английского языка различных тематических групп и особенностям их регистрации в англо-английских и англо-русском словарях и справочных пособиях. Рассматривается ряд характеристик, которые отличают фразеологические единицы от свободных словосочетаний. Кроме того, исследуется вопрос включения пословиц в состав фразеологического фонда того или иного языка. Впоследствии отобранные методом сплошной выборки фразеологические единицы классифицируются по различным основаниям, а также проводится детальный анализ особенностей их отражения в представленных изданиях. Результаты. Осуществляется классификация фразеологизмов по следующим категориям: функция в коммуникации, определяемая их структурно-семантическими особенностями, а также тематическое деление. Отдельно рассматриваются фразеологизмы-эвфемизмы, относящиеся к нескольким тематическим группам, среди которых смерть, ругательства и беременность. Выделяются и описываются характерные особенности организации микроструктуры (словарной статьи) каждого отдельно взятого издания. Выводы. На основании проведенного анализа регистрации английских фразеологизмов сделаны выводы о том, что данная лексика получает подробное и точное отражение в справочниках. Проведенный анализ теоретической литературы показал правомерность включения пословиц во фразеологический фонд, поскольку они принадлежат к культурному наследию того или иного народа и воспроизводятся в речи в исходной форме. Тип и адресат справочника определяют особенности организации словарной статьи, а также компоненты, которые входят в нее (дефиниция, переводной эквивалент, иллюстративный пример, грамматическая, стилистическая, региональная и этимологическая пометы, графическая иллюстрация). Statement of the problem. The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the phraseological units of the English language of various thematic groups and the features of their registration in the English-English and English-Russian dictionaries and reference books. Features that distinguish phraseological units from free phrases are studied. More than that, the question of belonging proverbs to phraseological stock is studied. Then phraseological units selected by the continuous sampling method are classified according to different grounds, and a detailed analysis of the features of their reflection in the analyzed sources is carried out. Results. Phraseological units are classified into some categories according to the following criteria: function in communication, determined by their structural and semantic features and thematic division. Phraseological units-euphemisms related to several thematic groups, including death, curse words and pregnancy are studied. The characteristic features of microstructure organization of each individual source are described. Conclusion. The analysis of English phraseological units registration showed that this lexis is reflected in dictionaries in a proper way. Theoretical literature analysis shows justification of proverbs inclusion into phraseological stock as they are a part of national cultural heritage and are reproduced in speech in the basic form. Further, the author comes to a conclusion that dictionary type and addressee of the reference book determine features of microstructure organization and their components (definition, translation equivalent, illustrative example, grammar, stylistic, regional and etymological labels, graphic illustration).

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 480
Frank G. Bosman

The story collection known in the West as The Arabian Nights or One Thousand and One Nights, is famous, among other things, for its erotic playfulness. This eroticism was (and is) one of the key reasons for its continuous popularity after Antoine Galland’s French translation in 1704. The Arabian Nights includes, besides traditional, heterosexual acts, play, and desires, examples of homoerotic playfulness—even though we must tread lightly when using such Western concepts with an oriental text body such as this one. The homoerotic playfulness of The Arabian Nights is the subject of this article. By making use of a text-immanent analysis of two of the Nights’ stories—of Qamar and Budûr and of Alî Shâr and Zumurrud—the author of this article focuses on the reversal of common gender roles, acts of cross-dressing, and, of course, homoerotic play. He will argue that these stories provide a narrative safe environment in which the reader is encouraged to “experiment” with non-normative sexual and gender orientations, leaving the dominant status quo effectively and ultimately unchallenged, thus preventing the (self-proclaimed) defenders of that status quo from feeling threatened enough to actively counter-act the experiment.

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