scholarly journals Pengaruh Familiar Auditory Sensory Training Pada Tingkat Kesadaran Pasien Stroke Di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Cirilia Aripratiwi ◽  
Jon Hafan Sutawardana ◽  
Mulia Hakam

ABSTRAKStroke dapat menyebabkan penurunan kesadaran. Pada kasus stroke dengan penurunan kesadaran dapat mengakibatkan pasien mengalami kematian, defisit neurologi, semakin lamanya waktu perawatan, dan akan meningkatkan biyaya perawatan. Kasus stroke dengan penurunan kesadaran banyak dijumpai di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. Namun upaya perawat dalam meningkatkan kesadaran pasien berfokus pada terapi farmakologi sehingga memerlukan terapi non farmakologi seperti terapi Familiar Auditory Sensory Training (FAST) untuk membantu proses pemulihan kesadaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh FAST pada tingkat kesadaran pasien stroke. Penelitian didesain dengan quasi experimental menggunakan rancangan Non equivalent control group melibatkan 29 pasien stroke yang mengalami penurunan kesadaran. 29 pasien dibagi menjadi 15 kelompok intervensi yang diberi terapi FAST selama tiga hari. FAST diberikan 3 kali sehari. 14 pasien berikutnya dalam kelompok kontrol hanya dilakukan pemeriksaan GCS. Tingkat kesadaran pasien diukur menggunakan instrumen Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) yang terdiri dari 3 komponen yakni respon mata, verbal, dan motorik. Data dianalisis dalam SPSS menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil analisis uji baik pada kelompok intervensi maupun kontrol diperoleh nilai p 0,010 (nilai p α). Hasil uji yang signifikan membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh FAST dalam meningkatkan kesadaran pasien stroke. FAST dapat dijadikan terapi nonfarmakologi untuk membantu proses pemulihan kesadaran pada pasien stroke.ABSTRACTStroke can cause a decrease in consciousness. In the case of stroke with decreased consciousness can result in the patient experiencing death, neurological deficits, the longer treatment time, and will increase the cost of treatment. Cases of stroke with decreased consciousness are often found in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. However, nurses' efforts in increasing patient awareness focus on pharmacological therapy so that it requires non-pharmacological therapy such as Familiar Auditory Sensory Training (FAST) therapy to help the process of recovering consciousness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of FAST on the level of awareness of stroke patients. This study involved 29 stroke patients who experienced a decrease in consciousness. 29 patients were divided into 15 intervention groups who were given FAST therapy for three days. FAST is given 3 times a day. The next 14 patients in the control group only performed GCS examination. The level of patient awareness was measured using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) instrument consisting of 3 components namely eye, verbal, and motor response. Data were analyzed in SPSS using the Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon test. The results of the test analysis in the intervention and control groups obtained p-value 0.010 (p-value α). Significant test results prove that there is an influence of FAST in increasing stroke patient awareness. This study shows that nurses should be able to increase the application of nonpharmacological therapies such as FAST to help the process of recovering consciousness in stroke patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Andreas Rantepadang ◽  
Angelia Tendean

ABSTRAK Stroke merupakan suatu kondisi kematian jaringan otak yang disebabkan karena gangguan peredaran darah di otak yang mengakibatkan kelemahan serta penurunan kemampuan aktiviitas harian penderita stroke. Music movement therapy (MMT) merupakan tindakan komplementer untuk meningkatkan aktivitas pasien stroke. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh music movement therapy terhadap kemampuan aktivitas harian pasien stroke. Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan quasi experiment pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group. Penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling, 48 responden diberikan standar penanganan rumah sakit dan MMT 5 kali seminggu (masing-masing 30 menit terapi) selama dua minggu, sedangkan 16 responden hanya diberikan standar rumah sakit tanpa MMT. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan aktivitas harian pasien sebelum intervensi 26.87 sangat tergantung dan setelah intervensi meningkat menjadi 67.52 cukup tergantung sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tetap pada sangat tergantung. Uji Wilcoxon dan Mann-whitney menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan MMT terhadap kemampuan aktivitas harian pasien stroke dengan p-value 0.000. Rekomendasi: MMT dapat digunakan sebagai terapi komplementer untuk meningkatkan kemampuan aktivitas harian pasien stroke. Kata kunci: Terapi, kemampuan, aktivitas, stroke   ABSTRACT Stroke is a condition of death of brain structure caused by circulatory disorders in the brain which results in weakness and decrease daily activity ability of stroke patients. Music movement therapy (MMT) is a complementary action to increase the activity of stroke patients. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of music movement therapy (MMT) on the ability of daily activities of stroke patients. Method: Quasi experiment pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group method.  Determination of the sample using consecutive sampling technique, 48 respondents were given standard hospital handling and MMT 5 times a week (30 minutes each therapy) for two weeks, while the 16 respondents was only given hospital standard treatment without MMT. Results: The results showed average that the patient's daily activity ability before intervention was 26.87 very dependent and increased after intervention to 67.52 moderately dependence, while the control group remained in very dependent. The Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney showed the effect of MMT on the daily activity ability of stroke patients (p-value 0.000). Recommendation: This study recommends the use of MMT as a basis for consideration for alternative therapies in improving the ability of daily activities of stroke patients. Keywords: Therapy, ability, activity, stroke  

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Eka Rhestifujiayani ◽  
Emil Huriani ◽  
Muharriza Muharriza

Background: Hemiparesis is a common problem that can caused disability. ROM Exercise is an exercise that to performed evaluate and to improv the function of the musculoskeletal system and is one of therapies in stroke patients that aim to increase cerebral blood flow, minimize disability caused by stroke, so can refine sensory motoric function.Purpose: The objective of this study was to examine the effect ROM exercises of the extremity muscle strength in patients with stroke Methods: This study was a quasi experimental with non equivalent control group design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The number of sample was 20 respondents. The statistical test used are Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test. Result: Wilcoxon test in control group showed p-value in upper extremities was p=0,157 and in lower extremities was p=0,083, it mean that there was no increase in muscle strength in the control group and in experiment group showed p-value in upper extremities was p=0,004 and in lower extremities was p=0,005, it mean that there is increase in muscle strength in the experiment group. The result of Mann-Whitney test showed p-value in upper extremities was p=0,002 and in lower extremities was p=0,006, it means that there were differences in the increase in muscle strength between control group and experiment group. Conclusion: ROM exercises affect the increase in muscle strength in stroke patients with hemiparesis. The ROM exercises can be used as a nursing intervention in the provision of nursing care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Ary Setio Hartanto ◽  
Andi Basuki ◽  
Cep Juli

Stroke is the most common cause of death in Indonesia. Stroke is divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke has a higher risk of death than ischemic stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke can disrupt patient’s consciousness. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a scale that is widely used to assess level of consciousness. Accurate predictors can help doctors determine prognosis and treatment for stroke patient. This study was conducted to determine the correlation of GCS scores at the time of hospital admission and mortality of hemorrhagic stroke patients at Hasan Sadikin Hospital. This study is a retrospective cohort analytic study involving 134 subjects. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s and Fisher's analysis test with significance of p <0.05. From the results of the study, the p value was 0.00, subjects with GCS score somnolence (12-14) had six times higher risk in mortality (P = 0.02, RR = 6.38) and subjects with GCS score sopor and coma (3 - 11) had twenty four times higher risk in mortality (P = 0.00, RR = 23.85). We concluded that decreased score of SKG at the time of hospital admission was associated with increased risk of death in hemorrhagic stroke patients at Hasan Sadikin Hospital.   Keywords: Glasgow Coma Scale, hemorrhagic stroke, mortality

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Ade Lestiani Limaretha ◽  
Mugi Hartoyo ◽  
Syamsul Arif

Background: Stroke is a brain tissues damage caused by blood supply disruption to the brain. Effects that often occurs in stroke patients is weakness in one side of the body, such as the upper extremity. Exercises to stimulate muscle hands strength can be a combination softball handling exercise and ROM. Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of a combination softball handling exercise and ROM on muscle strength in non haemoragic stroke patients at Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang Hospital.Methods: Type of research is Quasi Experiment with a non-rondomised control group pre-post test design. There were 32 respondents including in this research using purposive sampling to select the sample. The research data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Test to determine the effect on the intervention group and control group, then tested using the Mann Whitney test to determine the effectiveness difference between a intervention group and control group.Results: the Wilcoxon Test showed that there was an effect of a combination softball handlingand ROM on muscle strength in non haemoragic stroke patients (p value 0.000), and there was an effect on the control group without intervention (p value 0.003). While the Mann Whitney test showed that the combination group was more effective in increasing the muscle strength p value = 0.001 (0.05).Conclusion: There is the effect of a combination of softball handling exercise and ROM on the strength of the extremity muscles over non haemoragic stroke pastients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-235
Afnijar Wahyu ◽  
Liza Wati ◽  
Murad Fajri

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of AIUEO therapy on the speech ability of stroke patients who have motor aphasia in Raja Ahmad Thabib Hospital Tanjungpinang. The research design used was quasi experiment with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design approach to 9 respondents who were divided into 9 treatment groups and 9 control groups. The results showed that there were significant differences in the functional ability of communication between the control and treatment groups with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.007 at a = 0.05) using the Wilcoxon Test statistical test. Conclusion, the influence of AIUEO therapy on the speech ability of stroke patients with motor aphasia in the treatment and control groups at Ahmad Thabib Hospital Tanjungpinang.   Keywords: Speech Ability, Motor Aphasia Stroke, AIUEO Therapy

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Sri Setyowati ◽  
Anik Rakhmawati ◽  
Sumarsih Sumarsih ◽  
Maria Indri Wigatiningsih

Pain is one of the main complaints of patients with Cervical cancer patients caused due to tumor growth, infiltrats, the effects of repeated diagnostics and treatment procedures. The types of treatment which are often given to the patients are pharmacological therapies or drugs, which can provide many side effects when used in the long term. This study aimed to know the effects of slow stroke back massage technique combined with  lavender aromaterapy oil to reduce pain in patients with Cervical cancer in Dr. Kariadi Hospital. This study was a quantitative quasi experiment with randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The sampling was purposive sampling. The study involved 15 participants in the intervention group and 15 participants in the control group. The data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis using wilcoxon test. The results showed that there were reduction of pain in the intervention groups with p = 0.000. This study revealed that slow stroke back massage technique combined with  lavender aromaterapy oil techniques as a non-pharmacological therapy provided an effect on the decrease of pain in cervical cancer patients. Based on the study, it is suggested that nurses apply slow stroke back massage technique combined with lavender aromaterapy oil techniques as a non-pharmacological therapy to reduce pain in cervical cancer patients. Keywords: Pain, cervical cancer, slow stroke back massage, lavender aromaterapy oil   Nyeri adalah salah satu keluhan utama pada pasien kanker serviks disebabkan karena pertumbuhan tumor, infiltrat di tempat lain, efek dari prosedur diagnostik dan perawatan yang berulang. Penanganan nyeri yang sering kali diberikan adalah pemberian terapi farmakologi atau obat-obatan yang memberikan banyak efek samping apabila digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik slow stroke back massage dengan minyak aromaterapi lavender terhadap penurunan nyeri pada pasien kanker serviks di RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif quasy eksperimental dengan metode randomized  control group pre test posttest design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu 15 responden sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 15 responden sebagai kelompok kontrol. Analisa data dilakukan secara bivariat dan univariat dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan penurunan nyeri pada kelompok intervensi yang diberikan terapi slow stroke back massage dengan aromaterapi lavender dengan nilai p=0.000. Kesimpulan penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa teknik slow stroke back massage dengan minyak aromaterapi lavender sebagai terapi non farmakologis berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri pada pasien kanker serviks. Saran: perawat diharapkan mengaplikasikan teknik slow stroke back massage dengan minyak aromaterapi lavender sebagai terapi non farmakologis untuk menurunan nyeri pada pasien kanker serviks. Kata kunci: Nyeri, Kanker Serviks, slow stroke back massage, minyak aromaterapi lavender  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Een Juliasti ◽  
Mury Kuswari ◽  
Idrus Jus’at

Physical activity on students in Jakarta is the lowest if it is compared to various regions in Indonesia. The low physical activity has an impact on the declining of health and fitness so that it affects toward the risk of various non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the level of fitness on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta. The type of research uses design experimental quasi research with design of Pre test - post test group control design. This design involves two groups of subjects, one is given an experimental group and one group is not enforced (control group). The population of this study are children aged 10-12 years old with 60 respondents (30 students of gymnastic group and 30 control group students) with gymnastics 3x/week for 12 times. Data analysis use t-dependent test, wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed. The result of the research shows that there is the influence of rhythmic gymnastics of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the significant fitness level (p value = 0.0001). Based on the results of this study, gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song increases the level of fitness compared with control group on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 49
Siti Harwanti ◽  
Nur Ulfah ◽  
Budi Aji

Batik maked process especially �mbironi�, is done in sit position. If this position maintained for a long period, that could be cause muscle strain which may lead into musculoskeletal disorders. The research was aim to know the effect of Workplace Stretching Exercise (WSE) to reduced MSDs in hand-made batik workers. The research was quasy experimental by non-equivalent control group design. Subjects were 37 female handmade batik workers used purposive sampling. Data analysis used Friedman test and Wilcoxon test, then for two independent sample used Independent t Test and Mann Whitney test with significancy level at 5% or a = 0,05. Analysis result show that there is no difference in MSDs on experiment and control group after pre-test which had p-value = 0,371 (>0,05). The result of middle-test and post-test p value = 0,000 (<0,05) that there is significant mean difference of MSDs between experiment and control group. Based on the middle-test and post-test analysis result, it could be conclude that there is an effect of WSE to reduce MSDs of handmade batik workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Werna Nontji ◽  
Dwi Kartika Sari ◽  
Sitti Maria Ulfa ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Inez Vravty Lestari ◽  

Background: Educating mothers during their postpartum period could potentially help them to overcome some important phases after giving birth. The process of education is evaluated based on the mothers’ knowledge about their independent self-care. Independency is an activity that is started individually and is done based on self-capability. The independency in the postpartum care is not only important to decrease the mother’s mortality and morbidity rate, but it is also crucial to strengthen and improve the post-partum mother’s healthy behavior during the perineal care. Providing education using Android-based application called BUBI Care could be potential to facilitate a more dynamic transfer of knowledge to the postpartum mothers.Aims: To analyze the knowledge, skills, and independence of primipara postpartum mothers in independent perineal care before and after accessing BUBI Care app. Research Method: employing quasi experimental research with pre-test and post-test design with control group design. The sample for this research were 19 pregnant mothers TM III (pregnancy age of ? 38 weeks) on each group. The treatment group was educated using BUBI Care Android app that was conducted at one of Public Health Center. The control group was educated without BUBI Care that was conducted at a Midwife Practice Clinic. The research was conducted on September to October 2020. Study Result: According to the Wilcoxon test, there was a difference in the pre-test knowledge of the treatment and control groups with the similar median of 53 and p-value of 0.666, the treatment group showed their scores improved to 80 on the post-test while the control group stayed at 53 with the p-value of 0.000. It means that BUBI Care app education influences the post-test. On the other hand, the perineal care skill saw a difference between the intervention and control groups. The intervention group had a mean of 70.05 and 56.68 for the control group with the p-value of 0.002 which means that there was an influence from the BUBI Care app education. Additionally, Mann Whitney test showed that the intervention group had a mean score of 78.95, but the control group only had 49.26, the total difference between the two are 29.69 with the p-value of 0.000. It can be concluded that there is a significance in difference in the independency rate from the provision of BUBI Care Android app education.Conclusion:  there is a significance effect on the intervention group in terms of Android based usage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Kasron Kasron

Oedema kaki merupakan salah satu gejala pada pasien CHF. Oedema kaki dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup, ketidaknyamanan, perubahan postur tubuh, menurunkan mobilitas dan meningkatkan resiko jatuh, gangguan sensasi di kaki dan menyebabkan perlukaan di kulit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat kaki terhadap penurunan oedema kaki pada pasien CHF. Metode penelitian menggunakan quasi-experiment dengan pendekatan pre-post test without control group. Responden penelitian adalah pasien CHF yang mengalami oedema kaki, pemilihan responden menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan metode accidental sampling. Responden diukur lingkar oedema pada lingkar angkle, instep dan MP-Joint menggunakan metline pada sebelum intervensi, hari pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Analisis statistik menggunakan wilcoxon test. Sejumlah 13 responden memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Pada kaki kanan lingkar angkle pre: 27,7±1,8, post 1: 27,6±1,8, post 2 27,5±1,7, post 3: 27,2±1,7, lingkar instep pre: 27,6±1,7, post 1: 27,6±1,8, post 2: 27,2±1,7, post 3: 26,9±1,7, lingkar MP-joint pre: 27,0±1,6, post 1: 27,0±1,6, post 1: 27,0±1,6, post 2: 26,7±1,7, post 3: 26,3±1,7. Kaki kiri lingkar angkle pre: 27,6±1,8, post 1: 27,6±1,8, post 2: 27,3±1,8, post 3: 27,0±1,8, lingkar instep pre: 27,6±1,7, post 1: 27,5±1,7, post 2: 27,2±1,7, post 3: 26,8±1,7, lingkar MP-joint pre: 27,0±1,6, post 1: 26,9±1,8, post 2: 26,5±1,8, post 3: 26,2±1,8. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna lingkar oedema pada kaki kanan setelah hari kedua dan ketiga dengan p-value <0,001. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan lingkar oedema angkle, instep, dan MP-joint pada hari kedua dan ketiga setelah pemijatan kaki pada pasien CHF yang mengalami oedema kaki. Perlu penelitian lanjutan untuk penatalaksanaan oedema kaki pada pasien CHF yang mengalami oedema kaki.

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